Pack Dynamics - Tumblr Posts
American Mate (7) - Is This a Joke

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 7 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 7391
Work count for Story: 31,321
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Anxiety, arguments, comfort, Alpha Space, close proximity, and scenting.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit

Total silence.
No one was breathing. Hell, your heart even stopped. Did he seriously just tell you to become a playmate? How can he think that is even a possibility? It is not like one can just become a playmate.
Unknown to you, the pack's eyes shoot to Namjoon, just as shocked as you because he never shared this proposition with them before making it. That is not an option that they thought of. The scents in the room turned this way and that with confusion, shock, and concern.
Why would he suggest that they limit their actions to only what a playmate can do? You are their mate. You are not a toy to play with. How does this promise anything besides you having to stay near them and service them as a companion?
The whole idea of a playmate was to take care of them, be their friend, help them relieve stress, or become a rut fuck buddy. Playmates were never meant to be a long-term commitment. While they wouldn't mind you doing any of that as their mate, the title of Playmate would make you think of everyone as only a job, right?
Giggling rings in the room, and the sound causes everyone to snap their eyes at you as their thoughts come to a halt. Under normal circumstances, such an angelic sound would have them cooing. This time, it has their ears standing straight, their hackles raised, and their Alphas pacing in their minds.
Your giggling bubbled to outright laughter as you looked at Namjoon with a slightly crazed look on your face causing his smile to change into confusion as his confidence in his choice melted away.
"You're joking, right? Hahahaha. Pft... haha… playmate… me!" You looked around the room to see you were the only one laughing, which only caused you to laugh even more. Your scent was spiking in so many ways that the boys were getting dizzy from it.
"You have GOT to be kidding me. This is … am I a joke to you?" You stand abruptly and stomp closer to Namjoon and Seokjin, making the boys startle with your movement
“Do I look like a Playmate?” you ask while gesturing to your whole body and spinning around to accentuate your point.
"I have been doing nothing but abiding by Yoongi’s and the pack’s wishes since I got hurt,” with a deep breath, you close your eyes and stand as tall as your scent shuts off like it was never there to begin with.
“And now you are toying with me." Shaking your head, you mumble, “Just like everyone else.”
"Miss Y/n," Namjoon starts trying to explain himself, but all you can think of is excuses and lies which you have heard before that he might come up with if you let him keep going.
"No," snapping your eyes open and pinning them on the Prime Alpha.
"No excuses,” you step back.
“No lies,” another step.
“No more playing fun and games.” You turn to Jungkook with wide, panicked eyes, and you demand, “I need the address of this Airbnb so that I can call Derek or Evie to come and get me.”
“I want nothing to do with this sick joke,” voice cracking at your declaration. You must get out of here before you start crying, which is your next step.
You really want to cry out of frustration because you thought they would be different. You may not consider yourself Army, but Lily was, and with how highly he talked about the kindness of BTS, you thought they would be different.
Then again, it's you, the plus-sized four-eyed nobody. Why would the hottest band in the world treat you as anything other than entertainment to just pass the time.
You see Jungkook, one of two who actually helped you calm down before, ignoring you and nervously picking at the rip in his jeans. Then you finally notice that everyone is actively avoiding looking at you and realize that no one is coming to your aid. You stand tall and steel yourself to find someone who will, like their manager.
“I am going home.” Heading towards the hall, you are stopped by your black tail leash and a hand on your good wrist. Taking a forceful breath, "Mr. Min."
You turn to face him, only to be met with powerful golden-yellow eyes that stop you in your tracks. You have seen them before, but they have never been this close. The molten gold bleeding into a darker brass surrounding the oblong jet-black pupil.
He steps forward to where you stand, making you practically nose-to-nose with the Alpha jaguar. His eyes searching yours.
His scent crashes over the room like a storming ocean wave. Yoongi may not be the Prime Alpha, but he is strong enough to be one if he wants to be. It is this strength and dominance that cause the members of the pack to hold on to each other, waiting for his next move.
He slowly reaches up and wipes away a tear you didn’t notice was falling. Bringing the tear to his lips, his tongue darts to taste it, and his face scrunches with deep concern.
"Y/n scent gone. Tastes hurt. Pain," he says as his hand returns to your face, cupping your cheek. The warmth only makes it that much harder for you to keep your tears at bay.
Yoongi moves to leave the living room with you in tow. He takes hold of your good hand and says, "Come. Keep Safe. Promise. "
You don’t answer, glancing down at the hybrids within your view. After a few more seconds, he looks past you with narrowed eyes at his Prime Alpha.
“Leave alone." Making the decision for you, Yoongi, gently but without room for struggle, walks you out of the living room.
Stopping in the hall, he looks at the door in front of him and then at the staircase down the hall. He turns to you. "Room?" He points to the closed door and then to the stairs. "Den?"
"Umm.." you look at the door, the stairs, and then back at the entryway to the living room. Looking at Yoongi, all you can think of is to get away from them all so you know your answer. "Den."

One moment is desperation. Next is shock, betrayal, anger, hurt, and now you shut your scent off. So many emotions in so little time, ending with you being pulled away by the protective jaguar from his packmates.
The next thing Namjoon knows, a pillow hits the side of his head from an unknown packmate. Turning to look for who it was, he gets hit by another. This one, however, ends up landing on Seokjin as well, causing the shock that had settled over the room to break.
"What the hell was that?!?!" Seokjin demands after hearing you go upstairs with Yoongi. Standing up, he walks over to the other side of the room.
"Prime Alpha, with all due respect… have you lost your mind?" questions Taehyung, leaning back on the couch with arms crossed as he does his best to hold his Alpha back from taking over and storming up the stairs after you.
"Guys, think about it! She can pay for her flat and keep her independence. Come on… just think, it would require her not to leave our side for the length of the contract," Namjoon defends himself.
"Yeah, the contract! That is all she will think it is—a contract. A job. We will only be a source of income for her, Hyung," Jungkook complains, his legs jumping with nerves. Throwing the pillows did his anger no good.
"Namjoon, you know the rules and regulations that fall on Playmates. You know that she won't qualify, and I am not just talking about the ridiculous physical standards that they have in place. She is supposed to take care of us and be there for us. There is cooking, cleaning, and stuff. How can she do that with a broken wrist, huh?" Hoseok chimes in. “How can you ask that of her?”
Standing from the chair, Namjoon circles around it. Gathering his thoughts, he rests his hands on the back of it, almost like it's a wall between him and his mates. "She will be able to care for us. Listen. Rules of a Playmate are pretty much what you said, Hobah.”
“Don’t you Hobah me right now, Namjoon! You are on thin ice. If you cost us our mate, you will not find yourself having a good time—at least not from me any time soon.”
“Sorry, Hoseok-hyung,” Namjoon says, his scent filling with a slight smokiness as he starts to understand just how much he may have messed up.
“But really, think about it. The contract requires her to be with us at the packhouse or when we go somewhere, correct?"
Seeing his packmates nod, he continues, "This, technically, does not mean she has to do anything other than physically be there. No typing, cleaning, cooking, or labor of any kind. She isn’t required to do it unless we ask for it."
"She will take care of us by letting us care for her. All of our Alphas will be happy to do so while she is healing. We all know that Yoongi-hyung will not be able to perform or do anything well if he is concerned that Y/n is not healing well.”
“She already is instinctually being a mate, by allowing our Alphas to act on their instincts. Having her as a playmate will also be the best way for her to care for herself without financial stress. She is independent, and this way, she can keep that while learning to depend on us as mates."
"During that time, we will care for her and follow our instincts. We must show how well we can provide for her by tending to her needs, protecting her, and loving her as only her mates can."
"You want us to court her while she is our Playmate?" Jimin asks, watching the Prime Alpha nod. He looks around at the others, who now have contemplating looks on their faces. “I don’t get how this will work.”
"Namjoon, I can see what you mean and this may work, but what if she doesn't let us?” Hoseok questions.
“I want to cuddle with her, feed her, and feel her, but she wouldn't even take a bottle of water. She tried to run to a solo seat in the van to keep her distance from us. What makes you think that she would feel comfortable accepting our courting gestures?" Hoseok continues challenging the Prime Alpha. "What happens when we interact with each other? How will she be comfortable joining in or being around that?"
"Do what you did with me," Jungkook says shyly. "Show her that we are in it for more than just her being our playmate. That the companionship declared by the contract is required is not what we are wanting because we are wanting something so much deeper and stronger.”
Looking around the room with his big doe eyes, he continues, “She doesn't seem to mind cuddling with me. Next time we cuddle, maybe someone else can join. Or Anyone can try to just cuddle with her, and then if we are cuddling with each other, we can invite her to join in."
"Jungkook is right. Baby steps are our best bet," Namjoon smiles knowing he has the youngest on his side now. “She may not even know what hybrid courting looks like.”
“Y/n has seen plenty of playmate and client interactions. Two of our mates already connect with her on an instinctual level. Since none of us use playmates for our ruts, that won’t be required for her as our playmate.”
“She doesn’t know that though, Hyung,” Jimin whines, “How do we let her know that part but also that she isn’t going to be a regular playmate for us, like the one who left us?”
Silence fills the room as everyone is deep in thought.
Hoseok jumps up, “What if we showed her the other contracts we had had? Show her that we are exclusive to packmates for our ruts. This way, she doesn’t think we just want her for sex but for friendship to start with?”
Smiling at his words, Namjoon adds, “Good. Now, we just need the rest of us to follow Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook. We need to find ways to deepen our connection with her. Show her how we interact as mates, then our desire for her and what we are meant to be for her.”
"Wh… What happens when the contract ends?" Taehyung worries.
After a beat of silence, Soekjin speaks up while looking down the hall, "When the contract ends, we hope she understands that she is our mate and we did our job to prove we are the mates she deserves."
“But first, we need her to understand that she is worthy of being a mate, to begin with,” Hoseok adds.

‘Become our playmate... become our playmate… Our Playmate.’ The words are replaying in your mind. His look of confidence is seared into your brain. Pressing your palms to your eyes as hard as possible, you try to think of what is going on in his head to propose that idea.
The door opens, and you drop your hands to see Yoongi standing a little to the side. “Den not…um… no time but ready,” he says, looking around the room and then back at you.
“I understand you haven't settled in yet. Alpha, may I come in?”
At his nod, you went into the room. It looks similar to the guest room, but it is a bit larger. There is a bed on each side of the room, with a lovely natural wood shelving unit splitting the room in half. There are plenty of windows to brighten the space on both sides.
On one side, luggage lies unopened on the bed. On the other side, luggage is opened on the ground, and some clothes are tossed around. Looking over your shoulder at the Alpha, you hug yourself and wait for him to tell you where to go.
Yoongi notices your hesitance and starts gently pushing at your upper back. He then guides you past the bed to the attached bathroom you didn’t notice.
Inside, the marble on the counters and walls is beautiful black, white, and gold. There is a double sink, a shower that looks like it has enough shower heads for an entire house and a large jacuzzi tub.
You get lost in wonder at the richness of the bathroom alone, and it also allows Yoongi to hug you from behind, catching you off guard.
“Y/n, sorry. Pack, sorry,” he says softly as he rests his head on your shoulder. “Take bath. Relax. Then talk. Towel and clothes on toilet. Outside. I will guard.”
With that, he leaves and shuts the bathroom door.
Well, that apparently was not a suggestion, but a bath does sound nice, and it would be the easiest way of keeping your brace dry. Moving to the tub, you turn on the faucet and take notice of the different bath salts, scrubs, and bombs.
After picking a violet and vanilla bath bomb, you slowly undress. Yeah, buttons are not your friend anymore. Slipping into the bath, you think about your day. So much has happened in the last 24 or so hours.
1 - BTS shows up two weeks early when the big shots are still gone.
2 - They hate all the playmates we offered for whatever reason.
3 - You (and they) sent mixed signals from the moment of arrival.
4 - Yoongi and you got into an accident.
5 - You broke your wrist, which will take forever to heal.
6 - They want you to be a playmate.
Now, you are kicking yourself for not attending some of the seminars on the second gender of hybrids. You essentially learned what you do because you grew up with Evie and her pack.
Your mom had moved you and your brother to California when you were still in elementary. Your brother, however, was in high school already and had a tendency to travel whenever he could. You might as well have been an only child.
When you were unloading (getting in the way of) the moving truck, the neighbors noticed your attempts to help and decided to have you come over to their house. Once the beta Tabby hybrid noticed you ‘helping,’ he introduced you to Evie, and that was it. The two of you were hardly ever separated to the point Evie’s family included you in some of their pack trips.
The only thing was that Evie’s pack didn’t have an Alpha, so you never got a chance to learn anything about them. With how strong Evie’s dad, Earl, was, the pack never sought out an Alpha. You didn’t have much exposure in Colorado, and as far as you knew, Alphas were not very common to run into. Plus, you were human, so why would it be something to worry about to begin with?
Well, apparently, you should have learned something when you took the job at PMS because now you were surrounded by Alphas with little… actually, let’s be honest, no knowledge aside from what you have learned since they walked through the office doors.

“Manager-nim, we need your help. Miss Y/n’s wrist is broken, and she cannot use it for upwards of eight weeks.”
Taking a sharp breath, Manager Sejin starts formulating options: “How did she take it?”
“Well, she took that rather well. She is rightfully concerned about how to function in her day-to-day life without her dominant hand. Also concerned with her… umm… her employment,” Namjoon beats around the bush, not wanting to get yelled at by his manager for his proposal like he was from his pack.
Silence is what comes from the other side of the call. “Manager-nim?”
Placing the container, he is holding down and braces himself against the counter. Manager Sejin has been with the pack since the beginning, and he knows when Namjoon isn’t saying what really needs to be said. “What did you do, now?”
“I offered her to stay at the packhouse as I should, being the Prime Alpha. Told her we would care for her til she healed and that she would not have to worry about paying for anything while she was here. She did bring up concerns about her flat and other bills,” he paused, taking a breath, “ so … itoldhertobecomeourplaymate.”
The next thing Namjoon hears is animalistic chattering intermixed with very human cursing. Yeah, that’s not a good sign. The manager is skilled at keeping his hybrid hamster behaviors at bay unless there are very strong emotions involved.
“Manager-nim, you see, it would keep her with us so that we can fulfill our responsibilities as Alphas. It would allow for her to still work, keep her flat, and not compromise her finances. Plus it will allow her to get to know us while convincing her that she is our mate.”
A deep sigh is heard, “And how did she take that?”
“Umm.. not well, actually,”
“I can tell I am going to get a migraine from this,” Manager Sejin rubs his temple. "Continue.”
“She laughed, but not in a ‘that is funny’ kind of way but more of a ‘that’s crazy’ kind of way. She flat-out refused and wouldn’t let me explain before she basically said we were playing a mean joke on her.”
“Let me guess– none of the pack tried to help convince her of this GRREEAAT option of yours?”
“They didn’t know. Actually, I just kind of blurted it out,” Namjoon sighed. “I was panicking.”
“It serves you right to have her refuse you. Hell, I would have, too, if I were her. Namjoon-ssi, you should know better! For someone so intelligent, sometimes you are…” sigh. “Never mind. Where is she now? Do I need to get a van ready? Do I need to get the lawyers ready?”
“No, no van or lawyers. Well, she did threaten to call her friends, but that was before she left with Yoongi-hyung.”
“SHE LEFT WITH YOONGI!!” Sejin jumps up from leaning on the counter and dashes towards the front door.
“NO! No, no, no… he went back into Alpha Space. He told me to leave her alone and took her up to his den.” After a brief pause, he said, “It sounds like she is taking a bath. Hopefully, she is calming down. Jin-hyung is going to go and talk with them.”
Putting his keys back down, Sejin sighs in relief. “If anyone can get you out of this mess, it’s going to be him. Namjoon-ssi, I think you are an amazing Prime Alpha, but you always get weird when you get a new mate. I thought by now you would be better at it.”
“Namjoon-ssi, I am going to look into how to modify their contract with our lawyers. IF, and this is a big if, she agrees, then you may have something. Is that okay?”
“Please, Manager-nim. Maybe if she sees what we mean written down, it will help as well. Oh, and the pack wants her to see our previous agreements with other playmates.”
Namjoon takes a deep breath as he ends the call. He nods to his mates to confirm that their manager is working to help make this happen, allowing the pack to relax.
The turning on of a shower indicates that you are most likely just rinsing off from your bath and should be out soon. The pack turns to Seokjin as he narrows his eyes at Namjoon.
“You need to find a way to apologize. You need to apologize to all of your mates for springing this on us and be ready to work your ass off trying to prove yourself to her as a mate.” Standing up, Seokjin takes one last look at the hopeful faces of his loved ones, “Let me try and fix this.”

Looking at the clothes that were left for you to change into, you debate on even trying. You are not sure if they would fit but you remember seeing the random lives Lily has shown you and note that Yoongi tends to wear baggy clothes.
You also know that whenever you are around Derek, and he is in one of his moods, he always feels better when you and Evie wear clothes he keeps in his apartment for the two of you that he has scented or has worn himself.
The struggle to put on your undergarments with damp skin ends in frustration. You give up, and they join the bundle of your clothes on the floor next to the sink. So, you go ahead and wear the provided sweatpants and hoodie, which luckily fit sans underwear.
The smell of petrichor surrounds you, making you smile. Your family and friends always thought you were strange for loving the smell of fresh rain and wet earth.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you are happy at how soft and comfy the clothes are. The pants were tight on you but not comfortably, and the hoodie was long enough to cover your backside, so no one would be able to tell you weren’t wearing anything under them.
Wait… what does the big V stand for on the hoodie? You were curious enough to look at the tag, which proudly states that you are now wearing a Valentino Hoodie, of all things.
Fuck! Why can’t he have a normal person’s hoodie for you to wear?
This is totally not like the Walmart sweater you lounge in at home. You don’t even want to try to figure out where the pants are from. For all you knew, you could pay rent with the money you were wearing.
Walking out of the bathroom, you have tried to twist a towel around your long hair and toss it on top of your head to reveal that Yoongi is no longer alone in the den.
“Welcome to our den, Y/n. Sorry, it was not ready for guests, but well, you know. We all got here at the same time,” Seokjin says with a shy smile while Yoongi’s eyes roam your form covered in his clothes.
“Oh, I understand, Mr. Kim. I am sorry for coming into your den without your permission. I didn’t realize it was a shared den until after I was inside,” you bow slightly in apology, sending your hair towel spiraling to the floor.
Grabbing the towel and standing up, you look around, not sure what you should do since Yoongi and Seokjin have taken the bed, and there is no other seating on this side of the room. Looking back at the two Alphas, you smile shyly.
“Come here, dear. Let Yoongi-ah dry your hair while we talk.” Seokjin pats the bed between the two of them, and Yoongi holds up a hair brush.
“Yes, we do need to talk,” taking a deep, calming breath of petrichor, you move to sit cross-legged on the bed with your back to Yoongi. His hands go to your waist to help you scoot into the right spot.
“Yes, Alpha. Thank you for your help, and don’t worry about brushing too hard. I am used to having a multitude of knots that won’t come out.”
You don’t get to see Yoongi's look of confusion, but you do see Seokjin’s concern. “My hair likes to curl when wet, and so it knots up really fast. I washed my hair this morning, so it's just wet from lying in the bath. There are no products in it.”
Seokjin chuckles, “Y/n, you are more than welcome to use anything we have while you are here. Yoon offered you a bath, which means you can use anything he has to offer.”
“I used the violet and vanilla bath bomb. Yoongi said to relax, and the smell of vanilla always helps me do that.”
A bright smile graces both of the Alpha’s faces at your confession. The mate scent is a comfort for you and that makes them feel more at ease.
“Dry and brush now. Relax more. Time to talk,” Yoongi says as he starts to gently dry your locks with the towel you brought out with you.
“Are you okay if we talk, Y/n? I know today has been a lot for you. I will respect your request to leave you alone if you really want,” Seokjin calmly states, but the pained worry in his expression has you nodding your head for him to continue.
“I will not excuse what Namjoon did. He didn’t talk with the rest of us before he proposed what he did, so we were shocked, as you were.”
“He didn’t? Is that why Yoongi said the pack was sorry?”
“I am sure Yoongi heard us confront Namjoon once we knew you were upstairs. So yes, the pack is sorry that the idea of you becoming our playmate came out so… abruptly.”
Narrowing your eyes at his choice of words, you state, “But you are not sorry that he went for that option in the first place.”
Taking your good hand, Seokjin pushes out his cherry scent along with the vanilla to help keep you calm as he continues to try to salvage the offer.
“Y/n, I am going to be straight with you. Our Prime Alpha will have a lot of begging to do to be back in the good graces of the rest of the pack for how he handled this, but what he offers… makes sense.”
When you hear this, a scowl grows on your face, but as the scent of cherries, rain, and vanilla fills your lungs, you pause. “How? Why? I mean, like… really, how?”
Pulling your hand closer, Seokjin focuses on rubbing his thumb on your forearm, his wrist brushing on yours. His eyes focused on the movement while trying to think of the best way to explain the situation.
Yoongi takes this moment to rest one leg on each side of yours and scoots closer, “I brush your hair.”
“What do you know of the Playmate contracts?” inquiries Seokjin.
“Oh. Ah… Well, I know there are two kinds: Companion or a friend contract and Partner or rut and heat-based sex contract. Both can be done individually, as a group or as a sub-group. Doctors, lawyers, and managers are also involved. Honestly, that is all Derek’s department. I just schedule meetings and set up health screenings, and such. From my experiences, most of the American Hybrid Idols only take partner contracts.”
“You are not wrong about the types, but it seems you don’t understand their limits or allowances. Also, what one idol does will not imply what others will do.”
“I get that, but Derek said that due to hybrid health, most, if not all, companion contracts will have to include some form of partner option for heats and ruts.”
A soft huff is heard from behind you. You start to turn to look at Yoongi, only to have one of his hands slide around your shoulder and up your neck to your jaw. Your breath hitches at the movement, and you will yourself not to melt into a puddle.
“Keep looking at Jin-hyung, Y/n. Your hair is almost done.” Yoongi orders before moving his hand away and goes back to brushing the last bit of your hair.
Blinking your eyes open you see a smirk on Seokjin’s face as his white little fluffy ears twitch around in amusement. “Sorry, Alpha.”
Looking past you, Seokjin says, “Welcome back, Yoongi-ah. Is your Alpha settled now?”
“Yes, Hyung. She smells like me, and that calmed him down quickly, though her own sweet pea scent has not come out yet.”
Looking at your injured wrist, it dawns on you that you must have turned off your scent again. “Sorry– again. I seem to do that without knowing sometimes, but it will come back eventually.”
“No worries, dear. Anyways, back to the contacts. Our Prime Alpha is having our previous playmate contracts brought over for you to review.”
This comment has your eyes snapping to Seokjin quickly, as those are normally kept quiet, “We want you to see that we have never taken a playmate for more than a companion. All ruts are handled within the packmates because we are a mate-bonded pack.”
“Oh, so when he suggested I be your playmate, it wasn’t a sex-driven thing…” you nod in contemplation, “but that still doesn’t explain why. I mean, it explains that you aren’t taking advantage of me, but still…”
Pulling you against his chest, Yoongi hugs you close. Leaning to where you can see his face, he smiles, “We would never take advantage of you and do not think that because our past playmates were not a sex-driven thing we do not find you appealing.”
You blush at the implications of his words. Unable to hold his gaze, you try to clear your head and look to the older Alpha, “How can I be your playmate?”
“Simple. Care for us.”
“Like it is that simple. I have a broken wrist.”
“Caring for us, for a pack of Alphas, is different from how you have to care for your family pack.” Seokjin explains, “You were injured in an accident involving this pack. We all know that you are going to need assistance not only in caring for yourself but also for your things.”
“As a respectful and responsible pack of Alpha’s, we are following our instinct and culture, to provide for you during this time. As Prime Alpha said, while you are with us, you will pay for nothing. If you are contracted as a playmate during that time, it will also allow you to pay for your personal debts.”
“Y/n,” Yoongi calls for your attention as he hooks your legs over his and turns you to see him better. “We… actually no. I will speak for myself. I will not be able to function well knowing that you are on your own trying to make things work.”
With his eyes flashing to his Alpha briefly, “My Alpha and I are not going to be able to go about our schedule without worrying about you all the time. At this point, I would prefer you to stay as close as you can to me or a packmate. I can understand that it can be a bit much.”
“Having you by our side,“ Seokjin chimes in, “granting our Alphas to express the instinct to care for you will be your way of fulfilling the contract.”
Looking between them both, your head swims, “What about the domestic stuff? I hear about playmates talking about laundry, making sure their idols eat, and stuff like that.”
A clearing of someone’s throat quickly draws your attention to the den door. A few other packmates are shyly standing just outside the threshold.
One of them, Jungkook, says, “You won’t have to do any of that. Y/N, we just really want to take care of you. We want to treat you right. We want to support you.”
“Come in, my loves,” Seokjin calls. At his permission, Jungkook bounds forward and kneels on the floor at your feet, resting his head on your knees again. Taehyung joins him on the floor and leans against Seokjin. Hoseok and Jimin also sit on the floor.
Looking toward the door, you wait for the Prime Alpha to come in, too, but no one else does. Confusion and almost a hurt look come to your face for a moment before you look at the boys present.
The next to speak up is Hoseok, “Namjoon is waiting for Manager Sejin downstairs. He didn’t think you would want to see him right now. He knows he went about this the wrong way, but let him come to you, and don’t go easy on him. His Primeness can be on his knees and grovel a little, it won’t hurt him.”
This causes you to blush and giggle, causing the whole room to smile. The scents of cherries, rain, snickerdoodles, ebony, oranges, and lilac fill the room like potpourri with a warm vanilla underneath. Slowly, you start to relax a little more as the scent of your (unknown to you) mates rolls over you.
You lean into Yoongi, “Thank you all for coming up here. Seokjin explained to me what Prime Alpha did was a surprise for all of us,” you look around at the boys on the floor as they nod.
“It is just so much right now for me. I am overwhelmed. I know now that it wasn’t meant as some big joke, and you are trying to follow instincts—instincts that I don’t know anything about. So, if you would explain to me what you each would be expecting, I think that would help.”
With a soft bump of his nose on your cheek, you look at Yoongi, “You already know where I stand. My Alpha made that clear outside on the deck before this whole mess.”
“I want to make sure that you are eating well so that you can be healthy and happy,” Seokjin claims.
“For me,” Hoseok says, “I want to help keep you laughing during the hard times.”
“A friend. I know you have your family pack, but I hope to be your friend while you are with this pack. Be someone you can go to,” Jimin shyly says while looking around at his mates and then you.
“Expression: I hope to help you find a way to express yourself with confidence around me and others,” Taehyung adds.
“Cuddles, pets, scratches, umm... More cuddles. Just think of me as your personal stress ball or life-sized stuffed bunny,” Jungkook purrs as you run your fingers through his hair.
“I will be whatever you need me to be,” Namjoon says from the hall just out of the doorway. "And I will do what needs to be done to earn your forgiveness and your trust as Prime Alpha, even if I have to borrow some knee pads.”
Namjoon looks around the room with a hesitant smile and settles his gaze back on you. “Miss Y/L/N and mates, please join me and Manager Sejin downstairs. We have some things to discuss.”

“He wasn’t lying.”
“Who?” Manager Sejin asks.
“Seokjin. I mean, Mr. Kim… he said that they never took a playmate for more than being a companion. None of these have the rut clause, and to top it off, most have a clause to ensure that the playmate understands it is not even on the table for discussion.”
“That is correct, Bangtan only satisfies their ruts within their mate-bonded pack. They ask for playmates to have someone other than their mates to find friendship with and hang out around. It can be a bit much, even with them being mated, to always have a bunch of men around.”
“Friendship, I can do that, but I cannot do all the other services listed in these contracts. Manager Sejin, how will this even get approved by PMS? I don’t qualify to be a playmate.”
“Miss Y/n, sit down and let us go over the contract that Namjoon-ssi and I had drafted for you. Maybe that will help if you see the modifications which have already been approved by your employer.”
Taking a seat, the two of you go over the contract clause by clause. It broke down to basically say,
1—You wouldn’t be expected to do any housework, cooking, lifting, working out, driving, or video gaming (Manager Sejin said it needed to be in there because of the maknae line) until medically cleared.
2—The Prime Alpha himself would pay for all of your personal expenses while you were staying at the pack house during the contract period.
3—BigHit would grant a salary that was more than enough to pay for your flat, utilities, and other regular bills. To be honest, it was enough to pay off your useless student loan, too.
4—The contract lasted for 8 weeks and can be extended or modified at your request and the Bangtan Pack's agreement.
But what caught your attention the most was they had left out the clause regarding ruts.
“Manager Sejin, What about the rut clause?”
“Ah yes, let me get Namjoon-ssi for that one,” he says while getting up and retrieving the Prime Alpha from the living where they were all waiting.
“Hello, Miss Y/L/N, Manager Sejin said you had a question about the contract for me?” Namjoon questions as he takes a seat on the other side of the table next to said manager.
“Yes,” you sit up, trying to maintain professionalism. “I have gone over the contact, and while your manager has done well explaining it, I have one that, apparently, you must answer.”
Looking him dead in the eye, which causes the Prime Alpha to shift in his seat, you ask, “Why is there no rut clause in the proposed contract? I thought you said that was in it?”
It was cute how red his face became when you asked, “Umm… well... There are a couple of reasons.” Licking his lips, Namjoon glanced at Manager Sejin, who only looked amused and couldn’t wait to hear what he would come up with.
“Firstly, right now, none of the pack are set to have a rut within the time that Dr. Blackwell said you would need to heal. However, and I guess this is more of the real reason why some of the mates have expressed a concern… well, the pack is not…”
“Prime Alpha, I get it. The elder Mr. Kim and Yoongi expressed that I may be appealing,” you smile only to cover the small pang of hurt as you say, “but that doesn’t mean any of you would want me that way.”
Manager Sejin shakes his head as confusion fills Namjoon's face, ”No, no… God, why am I so bad at this?” Namjoon says, running his hands over his face.
“You are appealing, very much so, and the rut clause is not in the contract because the pack doesn’t want you to think that skinship is off the table,” Jungkook startles the three of you from the hall.
“I'm Sorry, Joonie-hyung. We could all hear you floundering, and I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says, walking in and sitting next to you.
“Thank you, Kookie. You all know that I can get lost for the right words sometimes.”
“Mr. Jeon, why would not having the rut clause in the contract make you think that?” you ask, turning to give him your full attention.
“Skinship consists of many things: hugs, holding hands, sniff kisses, pecks on the head or cheeks, massaging, cuddling, and scenting, to name a few. At this point, you and I have done a few of these. You also have done some with Yoongi and…”
Jungkook takes hold of your good hand and brings your wrist to his nose. Sniffing, a smile beams on his face, and his leg starts to bounce, “Yep, and you were also scented by Jinnie-hyung.”
“Miss Y/L/N, many playmates take these actions as openings or requests to have intercourse with us. That is not what we have wanted from any of them. Therefore, it is why that rut clause is always added to their contracts,” Namjoon adds.
“Oh. I am not used to skinship outside of my family pack,” glancing at Namjoon and then at Jungkook. “But… It did feel comforting with Yoongi’s hugs, your cuddles, and the elder Mr. Kim’s scenting. While I am not used to it, it does feel nice.”
A slight blush heats your face and neck. Thinking back to the comfort of Yoongi holding you, the calmness Jungkook and Seokjin brought you, and the warmth you felt in Hoseok's arms. All the men in the room smile at your confession.
“Good, I would have been very sad if I had to stop cuddling with you, Y/n,” Jungkook says while playing with your fingers.
“Miss Y/n,” Manager Sejin calls your attention, “Does that mean you will sign the contract?”
Your eyes drop to the paper in front of you, the empty line above the word ‘playmate’ waiting for your signature. Taking a deep breath, you smell the vanilla again, this time mixed with a leather-like smell and cookies.

“What happened?” asked Taehyung.
“Did she agree?” inquired Jimin.
“Don’t tell me – we lost her already,” demands Seokjin.
Yoongi stands from his seat and makes toward the dining room to try one more time to talk you into staying. However, he stops when you enter the room, holding a packet of papers.
“Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin,” you call their names as your eyes look over the room and come to an end on the last one, “Seokjin.”
The boys and their Alphas shudder at having you say their actual names. Each step forward, like you are taking a roll call as they wait for some indication as to what is going on.
With a deep and respectful 90-degree bow, you say in Korean, “My name is Y/L/N, Y/N. I put myself in your hands as your new playmate.”
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Breaking and Entering (2) - Mikhail

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 2 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 3,384
Word count for Story: 6,653
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter does mention sibling death and A/b/o dynamics.

Wake up, train with warriors, train with my father, then train with healers, watch the perimeter with the guards, take school lessons with tutors, and finally sleep again. Oh, and eating does happen somewhere within all of that. This routine has been my life since I was ten years old.
The only things that changed were the subjects of my studies with the tutors and the intensity of my training. As I got older, the training with my father became more about attending meetings with him in his office. He said it was time to focus less on teaching me how to do the job and more on showing me how to do the job right.
My father’s office is in the tallest building in Lunar Ridge. It is on the top floor, and even though the floor has three offices and a waiting room, every wall is glass. The building was made strategically with protection in mind. It has five levels, and all the outer walls are glass, allowing the guards to see the town without restriction.
My father wanted a 360-degree view without much obstruction. Unlike the lower levels with transparent walls, this floor was built with one-way glass, similar to those in interrogation rooms.
He also had them put some film on the inner walls that could turn dark at the push of a button for very private meetings. He refused to compromise his ability to have privacy when needed, even with his desire to have a clear view of the pack grounds.
For my father, it’s all about control and safety.
For me, it's a reminder of the weight that would soon be on my shoulders.
To my close friends, I called my father's office “the looking glass” because it allowed me to watch all the other kids come and go over the last several years.
That is when it hit me: I was not like everyone else my age, as most typically attend schools outside of their houses with teachers and classmates.
The school I saw from my looking glass, Lunar Ridge High, was quiet in the last two months because of a summer break. According to my father, I never had this period of freedom from studies because I was “behind” in my lessons. Therefore, I didn't have the luxury to go on a break.
I missed watching the students fill the walkways, clumping together, laughing, and rushing to their classrooms to learn the next thing—a world that I, Mikhail, had never experienced.

That's me, Mikhail Stanislavic Dushenko, the only living son of Alpha Stanislav and the next Alpha to rule over the Lunar Ridge Pack.
When my older brother, Stefan, was killed by the nearby pack, my carefree life turned upside down. Let me give you a bit of background.
If you couldn't tell by my name, my family comes from Russia. My great-grandfather led his pack to this small ghost of a town and turned it into the lively town you see today.
Why did he move the Lunar Ridge Pack here? That is a long story, but basically, my great-grandparents pissed off the Royal Council of Russia. My great-grandparents refused to promise my grandfather's life as a gift of peace to The Alliance between the werewolves and the vampires. That choice meant the pack was no longer under the protection of the Royal Council.
This act of defiance started a free-for-all to claim the pack and the territory. Alpha Dmitry, my great-grandfather, offered to take whoever wanted to live free with him to America to stop the pack from being taken over or killed. Most of the pack fled with Alpha Dmitry, and those who didn't escape were never heard from again.
We don't know what happened to them. Anything really could have happened to those who stayed behind. They could have joined another pack, were forced to serve the Royal Council, or were murdered.
My older brother was next in line when a border patrol went wrong.
My father, Alpha Stanislav, and his best friends, Beta Christopher, and Gamma Jonathan, had taken Stefan out for a run. They went along the borders to show him exactly how far our territory went for the hundredth time. Following the edges of the province, they passed by the falls, went through some mountain ranges, and back around the forest, ending at the packhouse near the main road of Lunar Ridge.
It should have been a typical run.
During their run, they smelled a trespasser and thought it would be easy for the four of them to scare off the invader. Splitting up, they searched for the trespasser, and my brother found the source of the scent.
This was a fatal mistake that changed the lives of everyone.
The lone trespasser stood on the edge of Lunar Ridge territory, surrounded by others covered in mud, masking their scent. With his haunches raised using every inch of height he could muster, Stefan let out a warning howl, telling them to turn around and return to the other side of the border, less than fifty feet away.
The hidden gang of invaders lunged at Stefan. They clawed, bit, and dragged him to the edge of our territory, pinning him down and causing him to howl in pain and agony.
When our father reached them, the group leader eyed him coldly as he bit down and ripped Stefan's head from his body, then ran away like cowards. Howling in heartbreak, our father collapsed, holding my brother as Christopher and Jonathan secured the border with the rest of the guards, who came at the sound of Stefan’s last howl.
We recently discovered why this happened during a summit meeting with some of the surrounding pack leaders. The Alpha of the Blood Stone Pack had decided to take over the nearby packs to make a super pack. The tragic day was when that pack decided to test our borders. Turns out we weren’t the only pack that had their border tested.
While the other packs had several injuries, Stefan had been the only casualty… so far.
This is why my life changed when I was thirteen.
My job now is to take over as Alpha of the Lunar Ridge Pack.
Alphas were trained at the first sign of their wolf. Typically, they meet their wolf around three to four years old but don't shift until about six, like other males who meet and shift closer together. They are expected to take over their pack at age 21; by then, we should have found our mate, our Luna, and are ready to share the responsibility with them. During training, the Alpha and Luna pick out their Beta and Gamma for their council and learn to work together.
This was different for me.
My father is now older than most reigning Alphas because Stefan would have taken over years ago. As soon as I found my mate when she turned 18 and, by the blessings of the Moon Goddess, had learned to shift, I would need to take over. Then, the six of us would have to jump in head first and learn as we go.

Unlike the Blood Stone Pack and a few other packs stuck in traditional ways, not everyone in our pack was a shifter. Some in our pack have been moonmatched to humans, and because of this interspecies relationship the Moon Goddess has created, not all of their offspring were pups.
It took some time, but we have figured out that males will meet their wolves and shift around the age of six, and females will meet their wolves and shift at 18 if either gender has a wolf to meet.
After connecting with their wolf, everyone starts training to make the shift smooth and painless.
It is also mandatory for all pack members, regardless of gender and with a wolf or not, to take an introductory warrior class so that no one is defenseless.
Meeting your wolf tends to scare most individuals.
Imagine a typical day, then the feeling like every movement you make is being watched by someone you cannot see. You can feel their presence, but the “meet” does not happen until they think you are ready to be with them. Sometimes, it's immediate; for others, it can take up to a month or more, and then afterward, you are never alone.
During basic training, you learn to keep control and not allow your wolf's instincts to take over.
Shifting—now that was a whole other experience. The males had to do it on their own; it was one of the few traditions that we followed. When they survived the fever and did their first shift without help, the Alpha and the rest of the pack would recognize this as their first showing of strength and potential.
The smoother and faster the change, the more likely you would be a warrior. If not, you were a healer. Males were only assigned a station at age sixteen once they were fully mature.
Females, however, rarely survived a shift alone.
This wasn’t because of the mindset that females are the weaker gender of a species. No, it was because females went through so many more changes at this time. Not only did they get their wolf, but they also went through another version of gaining their womanhood as wolves.
To help save the lives of the females in our pack, we always held a massive celebration for their coming of age. This increased the possibility of finding their moonmate. If they found their moonmate, he would help her through their first few shifts by removing some pain and lowering their fevers but using the new connection with their mate. Completing the mating bond happened at another time to not overwhelm the female.
If the female did not find their mate during the celebration, they had a choice. They could stay and try to survive the shift on their own, or they could leave the pack and travel to nearby packs in hopes of finding their mate before the fever sets in during the first full moon after their 18th birthday.
All females with wolves underwent advanced warrior training and learned to fight with their wolves to some extent. By the time their training was over, their wolf had reached full maturity. Then, they were assigned a station to serve the pack best.
Their stations were simple: warrior, healer, or omega.
An omega station was any job not classified in the other two stations, such as a baker or receptionist. It is only assignable to she-wolves that do not fit the other classifications or the human mates within the pack.
A healer station would be a position such as a nurse or a surgeon. A warrior station meant they would do patrols and act as the pack police.
Unlike other nearby traditional packs, we allow our females to become warriors as they make exceptional leaders and work well in stealth-required situations.

Being the younger son of an Alpha, I was more or less forgotten by everyone except my mother, Luna Ekaterina. Since I was five years younger than Stefan, I was too young to be his beta. Since Stefan was the oldest, I would never be the Alpha.
When my wolf first came to me, it was the night of my fourth birthday. His name is Borya. Since I was not essential to the pack because of Stefan, I was left to my own devices. I became best friends with my wolf and soon could easily switch between who was in charge of my physical body.
I was only five and a half when the fever hit, and it was time for my first shift.
My mother wanted to be there, but I wanted to do it alone like everyone else did it. I didn’t care that it was happening earlier than anyone else. It was excruciating but only lasted a few moments. When I explained it to my mother, she said it must have been because my wolf and I were so close already, and there wasn't much to shift between us.
She thought that during the shift, I was forced to only make a physical change, not a mental or emotional change, because of how close my wolf and I were.
My training always seemed to get in the way of my brother, but I did whatever I could to keep up and prove myself. It wasn't long before I could shift as quickly as the adult warriors, and I was the fastest wolf in the pack.
Still, I held no importance to the pack.
Shortly after, my father forbade me from training with the warriors because I was “too young” and it was not right for me to “show off.” Stefan was upset with me for being so in tune with my wolf and outshining him in training.
In hindsight, having me stop training was a waste of time.
After Stefan's death, the pack and my father looked to me to take over. I was a teenage boy with only two years of training as a warrior and zero years as an Alpha.
My father should have been able to step down as the Alpha when I was sixteen. However, according to pack law and, well, werewolf law, I could not even think about taking over until I found my moonmate when she turned eighteen.
So far, my father has had me attend every coming-of-age celebration since Stefan would have taken over. I was eighteen as of last week, though no one seemed to care except my mom and my only two friends.
Borya and I could feel our mate was near, but we had no clue who or where she was. I was hoping she would make herself known soon.
With triple training over the past five years, meeting a she-wolf was difficult.

Today, my father called me into his office at 7 a.m. because he had something important to tell me. As I stood in his office, I looked down below and saw a few students had started milling about, meaning school was back in session.
Finally, the time in my father's office wouldn't be so dull anymore.
I was early to the meeting and was watching the students below when my father, Beta Christopher, and Gamma Jonathan arrived. They were typically found together as they were the current pack counsel.
This time, however, they were also accompanied by Gamma Jonathan's son-in-law, Mitchell, and Aliaksandr. Mitchell had been coming around more often. This was due to his only daughter turning eighteen over the summer break and being moonmatched to Mitchell. Since the matching, the two had become close.
You could see the pride that Jonathan had for Mitchell.
I had gotten to know Mitchell over the summer after the moonmating, and we had become friends. I had decided that Mitchell, well Mitch, would become my Gamma. It was perfect that he was moonmatched to my father's Gamma's daughter, and he was right behind me in scoring strategy and strength in warrior training.
Aliaksandr, however, was one of the only werewolves who could enter and fill the room with power that could practically parallel my own. He is my age, but he met his wolf, Zakhar, when protecting his little sister when he was five. He and his sister were trying to hide from the Hunter, who had broken into their house and killed their human mother. Zakhar went berserk and forced the shift with Aliaksandr.
When the Hunter came to get his sister, Zakhar chased him out of the house and down the block. Afterward, his Alpha thought it best to separate his sister and him. It was well known that berserkers could become feral if they stayed around the one they were protecting when they went berserk. To avoid him becoming feral, my father allowed him to move into the packhouse and start training, which was shortly after I started my training the first time around.
When I started training the second time, he worked with me during our free time to help me catch up. He always pushed me to do my best. After we started training together again, it was easy to see Aliaksandr would be my Beta. Someone as strong as him could easily lead the pack while I traveled for pack business or take over in my stead should I become injured.
The three of us have a powerful connection that rivals the Lunar Ridge Pack's current counsel, which is fantastic. However, we are still teenagers, and we goof off and tease each other but train like there is no tomorrow. We are comfortable enough with each other not to use formalities. We each have nicknames that we use, but if anyone else does it, they are in trouble.
"Hello, Father,” I slightly bend at the waist, moving my hair off my neck and showing it to him. When my father nodded, I continued, “Beta Chris, Gamma Jon, and my counsel, anyone else joining us this morning?" I ask teasingly, looking past them.
"No, it's just us, Misha. We have something we want to talk to you about," my father replied. “Your training has gone smoothly. You have an aptitude for being an Alpha, which your mother saw from the beginning, and you have chosen wisely for your counsel."
I smiled at Aliaksandr and Mitch, "Thank you, Father. I am doing my best for the honor of our pack and my brother. I want them to feel protected and cared for by the Dushenkos as they have always been."
"We got this, Miky," chimed in my Beta with a broad smile while elbowing Mitch in the side and earning a glaring smirk from me. Aliaksandr is the only person alive who gets away with calling me Miky.
"There is more to being an Alpha than being a protector. You have to know your pack. Most of your training has been with the wolves in the era of your brother, Stefan. You have been pushed to be a replacement for Stefan, but you are not. You are your own Alpha, and you, blessed by the Moon Goddess, have found your counsel that is your age and yet still advanced enough to be in their positions.”
“However, you need to relate with the pack of your ages. You must in order to know how to protect, guide, and command them," my father paused, looking down at the students below and taking a deep breath. His eyes clouded over as he glanced at his counsel, to which they nodded. I knew they were mind-linking to each other.
I looked to Mitch and Aliaksandr for any hint.
Hey guys, what is going on? Is everything okay?
Yeah, Misha, just let Alpha Stanislav finish what he has to say. It will all make sense soon, so don't worry. We will be right there with you the whole way. Mitch told me with a severe and straight face.
What the heck was happening? Why are we all here? And now I am worrying since I was told not to.
"Son," my father called me out of my inner thoughts.
"Yes, Papa? What is happening? Is everything okay?"
"Starting today, you are a senior at Lunar Ridge High. Your classes start in ten minutes."
"What? Seriously? I am going to high school. What about my training? Why now?" I ask in rapid fire. My face contorted in confusion.
"Enough!" boomed my father’s Alpha voice.
"Yes, Alpha Stanislav,” I said, dropping to a knee, “It just comes as a surprise."
Gamma Jonathan sighed and stepped forward. "You see, Misha, you haven't had a chance to bond with the pack—at least not the pack at your age. Your training is done. You are the best warrior, healer, and student we have seen in a long time. You must find your mate, and you must know your pack."
"It's time, Misha. Aliaksandr or Mitchell will be in each of your classes. Mingle and get to know everyone. You have seen them," my father said as he turned to look at the students gathering below.
“Now it's time to join them. Make them proud, make me proud, and, most importantly, make Stefan proud."
((edited 9/14/24))
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Breaking and Entering (3) - Lovern

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 3 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 1,808
Word count for Story: 8,461
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter does have a small amount of violence and comfort.

It’s the first day of school.
I made it to school with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately, because it was so close to summer, I did not get a chance to watch the sunrise. There would be time for that later when the days grew shorter.
Since I am new to LRH and seemingly the only student here this early, I decided to walk around campus to find my classes. While I was lucky to get an open period before lunch, my luck ended there.
Literally, every class was on the opposite side of each other.
So, not only can I not sneak in, but I must also dash across campus to be on time. I will definitely get my recommended 10,000 steps a day.
Slowly, I see students start arriving.
Most drive nice-looking cars: Highlanders, F350s, Range Rovers, etc. I swear this school has more expensive cars than most cities that I have lived in.
Glancing at my watch, I still have a few minutes before my zero period starts. It is time to hide in my spot until my classes start in about an hour.
Walking towards the library, I recognize different cliques meeting up and gabbing about what kind of summer they had. Most of the zero-period students are Worms, which makes sense, and again, why I didn’t sign up for one. They try to fit as many classes into their day as possible to make their transcripts look good for Yale or Harvard.
Making my way past the gym and into the front doors of the admin building, I cover my head with my hood and head for the non-private elevator. The lobby is already buzzing with official-looking people. Surprisingly, Mitch is there with another guy heading to the private elevator.
Why is he here so early, why does he have a key card, and who is that other guy with him?
I ponder Mitchell and his friend as the elevator takes me to the 4th floor. I find my spot and watch as the school below fills up. Since it still feels like summer, the girls wear shorter-than-short skirts and shorts or the occasional pair of leggings. They are clad in different variations of strappy tank tops, showing too much skin. The guys are in shorts or jeans, muscle shirts, or graphic tees.
I swear this town belongs to Paris or some other fashion icon capital.
This means I will stick out like a sore thumb, awesome.

All too soon, I hear the bell sounding at the end of zero period and announcing I have 10 minutes to get to my first class. Hood up, head down, and hands in my pockets, I make it to my first two classes without a hitch.
There is an extra ten minutes between the second and third periods for brunch, but I head over to my next class, sit against the wall of lockers, and wait outside the door.
That is when the day starts taking a dive for the worse.
"Move out of my way. You're blocking my locker."
Looking up, it is none other than my foster sister Selena with her mini troop of cheerleaders all sneering at me.
Let me introduce Selena's followers.
First, there is her best friend and co-captain, Donna. She looks like Selena, with the same body build, color, eyes, and skin tone. The only difference is Donna's sleek, fire-red hair with thick barrel curls.
Then next would be Antonina, the shortest and best flier in the state. She has a typical cheerleader look, bleach blonde hair, is not as well endowed as Selena and Donna, and has the same crystal blue eyes.
Last is their tag-a-long, as Selena called her. Her name is Trisha, and she is the Junior Varsity Cheer Captain. She does her best to fit in with Selena and her goons, dressing like them and coloring her hair to match whomever she needs to impress at the time. Over the summer, she seemed to grow into a young woman, meaning she didn't have to keep stuffing her bra.
Mumbling, "I’m sorry, I didn't know," I try to move as fast as I can out of her way, not wanting to cause a scene on my first day of school. I start walking to a set of benches in the sun.
"That's the charity case that I told you about. She has nothing and no one, so my parents decided she could take my old room and stuff to make them look good. Always trying to impress the big wolf," she said with a look of exaggerated pity on her face.
Not believing what she said or willing to let it slide, I turned around with my hands on my hips: "Well, it is not my fault they have a daughter who left them with emptiness in their hearts. I guess they needed me to feel complete."
With a sound almost like a growl, Selena stalks toward me faster than I have ever seen and slaps me, her nails drawing blood on my cheek.
"Don't you ever think you will complete anyone? You are nothing but a broken soul that can never be fixed. You should know this now since no family wants to keep you."
Then she turns back to her crew, flicking her hair over her shoulder, and resumes getting stuff out of her locker. Her gaggle of goons copy her movements and are back chatting away like I don't exist, and she didn't just assault me.
Standing in shock at what she said, I just stared at her, my mouth open like a fish out of water—not moving, not knowing what to do. I mean, no one has ever spoken to me like that.
Suddenly, I feel someone grab my arm and start pulling.
With blurry eyes, I resist and look at the hand on my upper arm. I followed it up to see a man several inches taller than me with a very concerned look. I see his mouth moving and realize he is actually talking to me.
"Wait! Who the hell are you?" I wiped away the tears and jerked my arm out of his grasp.
"Erik, my name is Erik, and you're bleeding all over your hoodie. I just want to take you to the school healer. She needs to tend to your face quickly, and you need to learn to avoid Selena and her terrors."
"Oh, t-thanks." I wipe my cheek with my cuff, hissing in pain. Looking at the blood on my wristband, it is clear that it isn't just a little scratch. "How the heck did she do that? Is she Wolverine or something?"
"Scarily accurate, but come on, you need to see a healer," Erik said again, grabbing my arm. This time, I let him lead me to the health office.

Inside the health office, an older woman warmly smiles in a classic nurse's uniform. Immediately, she pulls me into the room and tells Erik to go to class.
She has me sit on the patient's bed as she flits around the room, explaining what she will do and how to take care of the wound.
According to her, this happens often. She wasn't even shocked that the first injury happened on the first day. She rambles about my injury and keeps proving that this year will be different because she can "feel it in her bones." Once I am cleared to return to class, I leave the building to find that guy waiting for me.
"Hey… it's Erik, right?" He nods, and I continue with a confused look, "Thank you for helping me, but why are you still here?"
"I, ah… I wanted to make sure you were okay. Selena can be a bitch sometimes, but today she seems to be in rare form. It makes sense after what happened over the summer break. Anyways, you are new here, right?"
"You could tell that easily, huh?" He goes to say something, but I keep going, "Yeah, it's my first day, and I know about Selena. I am her foster sister. She has never been friendly since the day I moved in. Not that I am expecting to be her best friend or anything."
"That has to be terrible. Living with that? Well, anytime you want to get a break, you are welcome to call me. You got your cell?" he says, holding out his hand.
I look down at the ground and kick a rock near my foot, "Umm… I don't have a cell. Never have. Don't have anyone who wants to keep tabs on me or keep in touch."
That's when I feel a knuckle under my chin, lifting my head. As my head is lifted, I finally look at him.
He is slender but well-defined if that is a possible combination. He is pretty much wearing the male version of what I am wearing. He is taller than me by at least four inches. When I finally see his face, a slight shudder runs through me. He has dark brown eyes that pull you in, dimples on each side of his perfect teeth, thick black hair hanging to his shoulders, and perfectly tan skin.
"Well, you do now, but I kinda need to know your name first if we are gonna be friends? Up to you, of course." He smiles again with a little less confidence and a flash of worry in his eyes as he quickly drops his hand and stuffs them both into his jeans.
I cleared my throat to talk: "I would like to be friends. I just don't know how long I am going to be here. I don't seem to last long in any one place. I'm not sure you want to waste your time."
I gave him a chance to back out and leave. I did not want to deal with the heartache of leaving town and my only friend behind.
"Hold on," he takes off his backpack and rummages around, finally pulling out a piece of paper and a pen, jotting something down, then handing it to me, "Here. That's my cell number and address. If you live with the Moores, you are about two blocks from my house. You can call me or come by whenever. I will be your friend for as long as you breathe if you want."
Glancing at his phone, a trace of trepidation runs across his face, and he sighs softly, "What's your next class? We pretty much missed our third-period class."
"Oh, the fourth period is open for me. I was going to hide out somewhere, but you should get to class. Bye."
As I quickly turned around and headed towards the cafe, Erik said, "Hey! Can I get your name, at least?"
"You can call me Ren."
((edited on 9/14/25))
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Breaking and Entering (4) - Mikhail

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 4 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 1,073
Word count for Story: 9,534
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter doesn't have any warnings... unless I missed some.

My world got flipped again with two simple works – High school.
Like actual high school with other students.
Not alone with a tutor in the library of the packhouse.
After my father wished me luck, Aliaksandr, Mitch, and I moved to Gamma Jon's office to discuss my day. I started at 8 a.m. and ended at 3 p.m., followed by training with the warriors my age, who would be under my command.
"What do you mean I have a free third period? What is brunch? I thought there were sports after school, not training?" I ask no one in particular as I look down below, watching the students starting to come in quickly.
“What’s with the block schedules?”
Most students are dressed lightly for the heat until one student catches my eye, leaving the building … wearing pants and a hoodie. Watching the student walk away, I can feel Borya get restless.
"MIKY!" Aliaksandr raises his voice, and I spin around and glare at him before I say anything, "If you want us to answer all your questions, you might want to listen to our answers. Besides, you have five minutes to get to your first class with me, and Professor Clark is not one to mess with."
"You are lucky you are my Beta, Sasha," I say as I grab my coat.
Mitch hands me a backpack and says, "In here, you have everything you need for your first 2 classes. Your locker has the rest of your stuff. I know you aren't dressed for school, but we will make do."
"What do you mean I am not dressed for school?" That is when I remembered I was dressed for the office.
I thought this morning's meeting would be with an advisor or to settle something urgent, so I wore a three-piece charcoal gray suit with no tie and black dress shoes.
"I cannot go to my first day of school like this! What kind of impression would that be? I am stuck up, prick, right? I think not. Hold on."
Papa, can I run home and get on something other than a suit? I mindlink my father.
Yes, Misha. You can start after brunch. Take Sasha with you.
"Sasha, you and I will go back to the packhouse so I can change. Mitch, you go ahead and get to class. We will meet back here during the third period. Understood?"
They nod in unison, and Mitch jogs out of the office.

Sasha and I head home to my car, a deep purple Toyota Highlander, and along the way to the packhouse, I decide it's time for some answers.
"Sasha, when did you know this was going to happen?" I glare at him quickly, trying to keep my eyes on the road.
Avoiding my eyes and looking out the front windshield, he responds after a second, "About two days ago, but Mitch knew about a month ago because Gamma Jon mentioned something to him in passing."
"So, explain high school."
Listening to my Beta tell me about the cliques, the squabbles between the circles, and all the chicks, I know this year will be challenging. I not only have to integrate like I am just another student, but I also have to find the balance between being one of them and being their next Alpha.
Then, I have to deal with multiple teachers instead of one tutor.
While it seems like a lot, this will probably be my most straightforward transition. Despite what my father thinks, I already know most of the pack. Then, my tutors were from the school and would switch depending on the topic. Having more than one at a time shouldn't be challenging, but we will see.
The hard part is finding my mate. According to Sasha, it should be easy with all the females at the school turning 18 soon.
Even though it seems like it would be easy, Sasha doesn’t seem to consider all of my Alpha duties. Taking the time out of those duties to attend coming-of-age celebrations means later nights for me.
I have always wondered what it would be like for humans who must go through trial and error to find a mate. In my sleepless nights, I have read books about epic battles over love or heartache over being with the wrong human mate.
Can you imagine wasting months or years of your life only to have your chosen mate be the wrong one?
It may not be that different from living your life without being moonmatched.
When we get to the packhouse, we have some time before we have to get back. I decided to raid the fridge for breakfast, shower, and change into dark denim jeans, a dark blue polo shirt, and blue and black Nikes. For some reason, since I learned about going to school, Borya has been restless.
Borya, what is wrong? Why are you acting like you haven't been on a run all month? We ran last night.
She is near, our mate; she is finally close.
Do you mean she is eighteen already? We need to find her fast.
I don't think she is eighteen yet, but I can feel her. Being an Alpha allows us to feel things before anyone else, including her.
Right, but she is here, and I may meet her sooner than we thought.
Running downstairs, I call for Sasha. I cannot wait to tell him what Borya said. "Sasha! Sasha! I have great news!" I yell as I barrel around the corner into the main hall, almost running into my mother.
"Good Morning to you too, Misha," she smiles at me. “I hear your father finally told you the good news. You're starting in an actual high school. Remember, you are still 18 years old. Have fun with school, make friends, and find yourself."
"Mum! I am so sorry. Where is Sasha? I have great news! Borya said he felt our mate, which means she is here! She really is here!" I say with a massive smile, hugging my mother tightly.
"That is wonderful! Now, you must ensure you are a man worth being a mate with. Oh, I had Sasha wait for you in the car. I wanted to wish you luck on your first day of school," she tells me as she walks to the front door, "Now off with you. Good luck, and make us proud."
((edited on 9/14/24))
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What is that?!? A new story??

Hello, my dearest readers!
Since I am laid up on pain meds from almost breaking my ankle, I thought I would share something with you, my dearest readers.
This is the first story I have ever written. Started it when I was sick with COVID-19 and bored out of my mind. I wrote it in an interesting way. There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. The chapters are also shorter, so it should be a quicker read than American Mate at this point.
This story is 100% from somewhere inside my brain and is not a FanFic. I hope that is okay. The first 5 chapters will be free for anyone to read, but after that, it will follow the same release schedule as American Mate. Early releases for my Patreon members, "Ask a Character", drabbles, and polls will be limited to members only.
I hope you enjoy it!
Here is the link for Chapter 1!
Breaking and Entering (5) - Lovern

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 5 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 1,577
Word count for Story: 11,111
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter doesn't have any warnings... unless I missed some.

Great way to start, right?
Getting attacked, visiting the health office, and missing an entire class period—oy!
If this is how everything starts, this will be a tricky school year. Part of me wants to go home because my face is killing me. What kind of nails does she have to cut me like that? As far as I know, she doesn’t have acrylics with razor blades.
It's focus time. The desire to do well in school and graduate, maybe from here, on a good note, is more essential and will always win. Since there is time left for the third period and I have a free fourth period, it is time to go to my safe place and be invisible again.
Making my way to the library and entering the administration building, I notice Mitch is still here with whatever his name is and now another lackey.
Wait, they are all coming from the private elevator?
Who are three high school jocky-looking goons to have access to a key card VIP elevator?
I get Mitch having one since he is now glued to Selena, and her parents work on the top floor, but the other two? Oh well, it's not something to care about with the short time I will be here.
Oh shit!
Mitch is walking this way with a concerned look on his face and the lackeys in tow. He is in no way coming to check on me, right?
Glancing around… yep, it is me, not another soul in sight. Why not? Everyone is supposed to be in class right now.
The bell for the end of the third period goes off, stopping the boys in their tracks. He glances at the new lackey behind him, and my eyes follow.
Oh, wow.
My brain short circuits when my eyes connect with these pale, jade-green eyes filled with power and confusion.
“Hey, Lovren! What happened to your face?” Mitch calls out, moving towards me again, looking more irritated now than concerned.
The other two boys are seemingly shocked at what he said, glancing over at me like I was not 100% there just a second ago. Concern and irritation echoed on their faces.
Oh, great, that's just what I need now “a pity party” because Selena went Freddy Kruger on my face. All I can think of is how mad Mitchell will be at me for pissing off his girlfriend enough for her to do this to me.
Boys will be boys and back the bitches no matter what.
And with how close Mitch and Selena are now, I am pretty sure that video evidence still wouldn't convince him that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time or Selena was PMSing again.
Rolling my shoulders, I feel this prickling sensation roll across my skin like small waves, which only makes me want to get away faster.
“It’s nothing. I’m good.” I quickly mumble as I turn and bolt for the stairs, not waiting for the elevator to reach the lobby level.
I repeatedly chanted, “Don’t make trouble. Don’t cause a mess. Don’t lose this house, too,” making it my mantra until I graduate.
I keep going up the stairs to the third floor, ignoring the calls after me from Mitch and his lackeys.

When I reached the third floor, I leaned against the wall and listened to see if they were following me up the stairs.
No footsteps on the stairs.
Taking a chance, I peek around the corner, looking down to the lobby. The three are still there, looking puzzled and pointing to the stairs where I just escaped.
Well, there is no way this is not going to get back to Jon and Rachel. Mitch will say something to Jon, and then Selena will spin a story to her parents.
When I get home, who knows what Jonathan will say, but Rachel will have a million questions for me, like 1—why did you run from Mitch or 2—why did you make Selena mad, but never are you okay?
I may have to live in the library from open to closed daily and take the long way back to avoid everyone.
Ah, the fourth period has started, meaning I have about 55 minutes to myself. Sitting in my favorite chair, I scoot it closer to the window and watch the schoolyard. Some students are running late to class, others are milling about with no apparent direction, and PE for today will be soccer.
I am not a fan of rough-and-tumble sports, but that is not to say that I am not relatively strong, flexible, and quick to recover for a heavier-set person. If I am going to participate in a sport, it will be either swimming, volleyball, or horseback riding.
Watching the intense game outside, something strange happened. The students all kneeled and looked at something under the awning.
That was odd. Is that some safety drill out here in the mountains of nowhere?
Was there a sound that signaled to do the drill that was only played outside?
It's another quirk to add to small-town living. Deciding to ignore that, I focus on my homework until the bell rings at the end of the fourth period.
With my face still sore, the thought of chewing anything makes it hurt worse. Skipping lunch, I return to third-period class to apologize for my absence, turn in my health slip, and collect the syllabus plus any class or homework.
So far, the rest of my school day involves a one-sided hide-and-seek game with Mitch, Selena, and their collection of lackeys.
Praise anything and everything that I do not end up having classes with any of them! There IS a higher power out there. Amen!
My ability to stay in the clique of Invisibles is intact.

Math, Science, and English are a piece of cake.
Economics and government are a nightmare.
My bird course this year is choir because I can fly right through it and pass with technicolor. Singing is the one thing that connects me to my mom the most.
I remember bits and pieces of her singing while cleaning, cooking, and showering, and, well, if she could sing while doing the activity she did, no one ever stopped her. She never sang professionally, even though she could have made it big, because she always said, ‘The Goddess does not give gifts for money and fame.’”
She was a soprano and sounded like chimes in the wind, picking up the spirits of those around her and easing their worries. I was not so lucky. I am an alto with a strong, commanding voice that is warm but soothes the soul.
Choir was my last class for the day. I was practically skipping with joy to class. Excited to end the day on a high note, pun intended, I walk into the choir room only to hear someone yell, “It’s Ren! You sing too?”
Oh no.
Searching for the voice owner, I find my “new friend,” Erik, surrounded by other students with all their eyes locked on me and my bandaged face.
Kill me now.
Shooing people away, he patted the seat beside him and waved me over. I swear he knew everyone in the room, and everyone had to say hi to him, which means they also said hi to me; so much for being Invisible in this class.
Luckily, the conductor started the class with basic orientation, competition information, important dates, and uniform discussion. Then came the warm-ups, which included lots of looks and smiles at me from Erik and the other students close by, making me glad my face was already red from the injury.
Next, the only part of the choir I hate is the placement showcase.
It happens every year: each student stands in front of the class, singing variations of scales, melodies, and sight reading. I can do everything, but I hate that it is in front of everyone. Erik has no problem with this; he has a fantastic baritone-like tenor voice. It made me smile for the first time today.
Lucky for me, I kept an eye on the clock and was blessed with two things: running out of time, so I didn't have to try to sing in pain, and having never unpacked my bag, I was able to melt into the shadows and leave right away while everyone else chatted and packed up.
I hoped Erik did not want to talk to me afterward; I was done with people.

The choir room is near the band, theater, and main gym. It is the central gathering point for the Clackers and their minions. I take a deep breath and walk along the buildings without bumping into anyone, focusing only on getting to the library rather than drawing attention to myself.
Typically, it works.
Dad used to joke about my ninja skills and ability to enter a room filled with people without anyone knowing I was there. It was rare when I would get caught. Most of the time, it was by my dad or mom, someone who always oozed presence or power.
Which is what I am feeling now: power and eyes.
Someone is watching me, and it's drilling a hole into my head. Trying not to be obvious, I glance around at the students in my general area only to be drawn to someone across the quad.
Pale Jade green eyes.
((edited on 9/14/24))
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OMG!!! Thank you so much for including American Mate on your list, @jakeys-layla! I am honored! This is the first list that I have been added to, and it is a momentous occasion! Thank you 1000%
My Favorite A/B/O Stories (Part 3)
American Mate ldysmfrst homepage
BTS ot7 x Reader, omegaverse, hybrid au, soulmates au, plus-sized reader
The Hybrid K-pop group BTS is on tour in America; of course, things don't start out the way they should, but after an encounter with Y/n, things change but will everyone follow Fate?
Breed My Alpha
Yoongi x Jimin, omegaverse, role reversals (gender identity changes)
Alpha Yoongi loves when Jimin goes into heat because the omega seems to think he’s actually the alpha and Yoongi *loves* going along with it.
Lavender Boy
Yang Jeongin x Reader, omegaverse, skz pack, possessive jeongin
you want the newly presented alpha jeongin to help you with your heat, but you're a little embarrassed - until you realise he desperately wants to spend it with you.
Seonghwa x male!Reader x Hongjoong, omegaverse, bdsm themes, dom/sub themes
read the preview Treasure Preview
Seonghwa x Reader x Hongjoong, omegaverse, yandere matz, dark themes (read the warnings!)
Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa. The most known and feared alphas of the new generation. It took two dozen elder alphas to subdue them and stick them in the world's most secluded prison- hidden away in the mountains. The prison that sweet little omega (Y/n)'s works at.
Taehyung x Jungkook, omegaverse, strangers to lovers au, love at first sight
When Taehyung’s suppressants unexpectedly stop working, it takes a soft-spoken, doe-eyed omega to calm the aggressive alpha instincts that consume him.
For Your Safety
NCT x Reader, omegaverse, dark themes (read! the! warnings! seriously!)
It was decided long ago that omegas needed to be protected and kept out of the general public, and that’s been the norm for years. Any omega born in society was allowed to remain with their family until the age of eighteen. Some said you were lucky to be an omega but you didn’t completely trust this claim of paradise awaiting you, so before it was your time to go you ran. You managed to build a life for yourself and be normal, that is until one day you make a fatal mistake that threatens to destroy everything you’ve built.
like a river
Taehyung x Yoongi x Namjoon, omegaverse, college professors au, coworkers to lovers
As the only omega professor in the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, Yoongi is accustomed to dealing with pretentious alphas who think the world revolves around knots.
new flame
Taehyung x Reader, omegaverse, strangers to lovers au
Flame is a dating app designed for omegas and alphas to find heat and rut partners. You’re skeptical of using the app, not anticipating that you might find someone who is more than just a new flame.
Out Of Love
Key x Reader, omegeaverse, dark themes (read the warnings!)
Everyone knew the rules, at eighteen, omegas would be taken from their families. It was a kinda harsh reality for them, and the years leading up were just as bad, or so you’ve heard. All you could ever do was watch and maybe lend a hand to your schools only omega, but you could never imagine or understand their pain. You even felt guilty sometimes for how great of a life you had in comparison. Loving parents, awesome friends, it was the best, but nothings perfect and past mistakes will always catch up to you, even if you don’t know about them.
Writing Update

This is the current word count for Chapter 8 of American Mate, and I am not done yet!
The members of my Patreon have spoken, and a Flemish Giant Hybrid Jungkook sketch is in the works, followed by a Jaguar Hybrid Yoongi.

This is the final word count for Chapters 6 and 7 of Breaking and Entering. Chapter 6 has been released to my Patreon members already and will be released on Tumblr in two more days. Chapter 7 will be released early for Patreon members on May 25th. A membership poll about Chapter 8 will be released on May 28th.

I promise I am getting there, but writing with everything going on is not easy.
Thank you for your patience!
Breaking and Entering (6) - Mikhail

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 6 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 1,081
Word count for Story: 12,192
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter has some mentions of blood and injury.

To say that Sasha was excited to hear that Borya felt our mate was near would be an understatement, but that would mean Mitch’s reaction would be like I just announced I won the lottery.
I was thrilled to have these two knuckleheads as best friends and my counsel.
Exiting the elevator from my father’s office, I am hit with the scent of blood and healing balm. We all stop in our tracks, looking around us. We don’t notice anything with the staff nearby when Mitch suddenly starts towards a girl in a dark hoodie.
Wait… did he just call her Lov... Lovren?
He knows her, the interesting student I saw this morning.
Getting closer to her, the smell of blood becomes mixed with anxiety and fear. Looking at this strange girl, I push my Alpha aura out in small waves, trying to calm her down, but it isn’t working.
Did you see her face? Mitch mind links Aliaksandr and myself.
Who is she? Why is she fearful? Why is she bleeding? My gaze turns from Mich to her, and our eyes lock briefly.
They are beautiful.
They are two different colors: one is like the brown of dampened wood, and the other is green, like an emerald.
Wow! What happened? Asks Aliaksandr, his face filled with shock and confusion.
I know her for the first question. I don’t know about the second two, and we should have been notified if someone was attacked on campus. Mitch mindlinks us, now annoyed by the failure of reports.
She breaks eye contact with me, glancing at Mitch and muttering something that sounds like a version of “none of your business.”
Then she quickly leaves, her movements oozing anxiety, pain, and fear.
My mouth drops open at the notion that my aura did nothing, and she left without being dismissed by one of us.
Does she not understand who we are?
Feeling Borya becoming more restless, I focused on him momentarily, trying to calm him down.
There are better times to be antsy or demanding Borya. She is scared of one or all of us. That or something happened, and she fears what will happen next.
I know that, but she did not react like a pack member or a human. Our Alpha aura did nothing to her. She still locked eyes with us. Follow her. Find out who she is, Mikhail.
“Why did she run off? Does she think we are blind?” asks Aliaksandr.
“No, I don’t think that is it. She is the foster kid Gamma Jon, and his mate Rachel took in last spring. She always seems to keep to herself and is an odd duck, but Gamma Jon says there is something special about her,” Mitch explains.
“Wait, she is the foster kid that Papa approved of?” I say, pointing at the stairs where she ran off.
Small flashes of memory race barreling through my mind: her standing in the lobby with the bandage on, her figure walking on campus in the morning, her sitting in a chair in the library, lost in a book during the summer, and her wandering through town in the middle of the night.
Why did I never realize that she was the foster kid?
“Hey, Miky. It’s time for class. Let's go before we are late,” Aliaksandr pats me on the shoulder.
Walking out of the lobby, I glance towards the fourth floor, where she would stay during the summer. What is it about her that pulls Borya’s attention?
Shaking my head, I put the girl with the hoodie in the back of my mind. It’s time to focus on high school.
Walking around campus, I listen to the two talk about different buildings, students, teachers, and hang-out areas. Every time we pass, a pack member takes a knee out of respect for my position.
My father makes it sound like I have never been out of the house, but I have seen everyone on pack runs, meetings, and celebrations. They all know who I am when they see me coming; if they don’t, they can feel me coming.
While it is excellent that they respect me and my position, this will get old quickly. It will also attract a lot of attention and cause discomfort for the humans in the school.

After part of the day has gone by, some students who see me often throughout the day are getting annoyed with having to drop down every time they see me.
I will have to talk with Papa about this. They could do it when they see me for the first time in a day, or maybe not during school hours.
The end of school brings a different feeling to the pack.
Everyone has bigger smiles, laughter, and lightheartedness because it's time to go home, head to their sports team practice, or train. Even Mitch and Aliaksandr goof around and flirt with the girls.
Oh well, Mitch is flirting with his mate Selena. It is great to see that Mitch is moonmatched with another wolf. Several others have found their moonmates, wolf and human, over the summer.
I always thought it was funny that the human moonmates are guided by the Goddess to our little town for one reason or another. Being the next Alpha and without a moonmate, I worry that I will have to start traveling to other clans to find my moonmate.
There is that smell again, blood and healing balm. Following the scent, my eyes narrow on the hooded girl crossing the quad, seemingly oblivious to anyone around her.
No, wait… everyone else seems not to notice her.
How can you not notice her?
Though the blood was stale and the healing balm most likely absorbed by now, I could still smell it like she was beside me. Her pace slows down slightly while I keep watching her.
She is tall, curvy, and different from all the other humans and packmates. She stands out but in an unexpected way. She seems to look worried now.
What is with this girl?
Fear, pain, anxiety, and now worry, does she have a positive emotion in her?
She is looking right at me, stopped in her tracks, and locked eyes with me again for the second time today.
How can she do that without any show of concern? Even humans have a hard time looking me in the eyes.
Wait.. why is she furrowing her brow?
What did I do?
((edited on 9/14/24))
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Breaking and Entering (7) - Lovren

Status: Ongoing Series
Chapter number: 7 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 3,754
Word count for Story: 15,946
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I started a Patreon if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter doesn't really have a warning, but there are pack dynamics at play (kinda), power struggle, anxiety, and mentions of criminal history and death.

That is it.
I am out of here.
I didn't run into anyone else when I made my way to my safe haven on the fourth floor. My mind raced to figure out who the boy with the jade-green eyes was.
As a high schooler, he holds some kind of power, but it differs from Mitchell's. He reminds me of my father and grandfather's feeling of power before they died.
All I know is that it gives me chills, and I need to stay away from that little troupe of people: Mitch, his lackeys, Selena, and her terrors.
Thankfully, for this semester, I do not have a class with any of them. I guess this orientation day was good for something. Tomorrow would be chaos due to a new block-type schedule. I want to understand why this high school has a day of academics alternating with a day of PE, health class, and self-defense.
God, my week will include places where I will soar and where I will be sore. At least this whole block schedule will give me time to do my homework and hopefully recover.
On a positive note, PE was an elective course, and I could take swimming, thank god. It would just be me and the water, allowing for a comfortable soreness to take over and another added sense of clarity and calmness.
I am not looking forward to the self-defense class. I mean, I can street fight, but sparing?
Is this how they do it in small towns like this?
Reaching my little corner of the library, I look down over the quad, my eyes wandering over the students. Absentmindedly, my hand goes to the gauze on my face as I find the boy with the jade-green eyes talking with Mitchell and the other lackey.
Selena hangs on Mitchell’s arm like an accessory while speaking animatedly to anyone who will listen. I wonder if she knows how much of what comes out of her mouth is filler for a much-preferred silence.
“Whoa!! What was that about?” I say to myself, pressing up to the glass.
I look around as the whole quad seems frozen in time. All eyes are on Selena, who is now on the ground with the lackey boys hovering over her.
“I am pretty sure that is because Selena thought she would impress them with her asserting dominance over you via your face,” a voice states as I jump out of my skin.
Spinning around, I finally saw who the voice belonged to. It was one of the bouncer-looking guys who walked around standing with his hands behind his back.
“The Healer told Mr. Moores that you were injured today by Selena, and though he cannot come, he asked me to check on you. Are you alright? You should have the healer look at it again tomorrow to ensure it is healing properly.”
“Damn. Of course, she told him,” I muttered, dropping my hand and looking at the floor. “It still hurts, but it is not the worst thing I have had happen to me.”
Fiddling with the hem of my hoodie and avoiding eye contact, I continued, “I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was blocking her locker and should not have said what I said. Umm… it is really not that big of a deal.”
“Mr. Moores, and the boss, do not like it when violence happens on school grounds. Selena will be dealt with,” he chuckles, walking up to the glass near me. “Well, it looks like she may be getting her punishment now.”
Following his eyes down to the quad, I see Selena still on her knees, head lowered and shoulders shaking.
The jade-green-eyed boy stands over her, his whole body tense.
Mitchell stands to the side like he wants to be between them but can’t. He keeps looking back and forth like he is watching a tennis match.
The other lackey and the terrors hovered around them but kept a decent distance like he was trying to avoid getting pulled in.
Or is he trying to keep the terrors away?
“Why is she on her knees and is she crying? It's just a scratch. Not like she was trying to take my eye out, unless she missed.”
“Like, I said. Violence is not tolerated on school grounds, Miss Lovern. Now if you will follow me, I have been tasked to bring you Mr. Moore and the boss.”
“No. No, thank you. I have homework already, and I need to get back to the house before any other troubles happen.”
I walk over to my backpack, which I apparently dropped when startled.
Mumbling under my breath, “and lock myself in my room before Selena comes after me for this whole thing.”
“I don’t think locking yourself away will help, Miss Lovern. Unfortunately, the boss is insisting. He wants to check on you himself. After all, he is also the reason why you ended up here and not in Juvenile Hall.”
At that bit of information, I freeze.
“Now, if you will follow me, the office is not that far away,” he says as he directs me away from the glass towards the elevators. With a huff, I start walking.
Unknown to me, the man looks down to the quad, nods at the jade-green-eyed boy, and then joins me, walking to the elevator.
“Oh, Miss. This way, please. That elevator does not reach the office we are going to.”
“Excuse me, Mr?”
“Ivanov, Andrei Ivanov but you can call me Andrei. I think I saw you talking with my younger brother Erik?”
My eyes light up, recognizing Erik’s name. “Yeah, he was the one who, more or less, saved me from Selena and took me to the nurses', I mean Healer’s office. He and I have choir class together.”
I shake my head, “Wait, wait… Andrei, we are going into the key-card VIP and Mitchell’s lackeys only elevator?”
Letting out a barking laugh, Andrei nods: “I don’t know what is funnier. The fact my pup of a bro saved you from Selena or that you think Mitchell is the one who has the lackeys.”
He pulls out a small hard plastic key card with an outline of three wolves and swipes it, allowing the elevator doors to open. He holds the doors, standing to the side to allow me to enter first.
I step in with a nod of thank you to him. I look around the elevator, noting that it's glass and allows one to see all its inner workings. I muttered to myself, “That's wicked, but what is with all the glass?”
“Mr. Dishinko likes to make sure things are going to work. The only way to ensure that is to see how the cogs work. The glass allows anyone to see something not working in the elevator,” he states matter-of-factly as he selects the top floor.
“Just as the glass around this building allows for Mr. Dishinko, Mr. Moores, Mr. Barlowe, and the guard to see the town without any obstructions.”

It doesn’t take long to reach the top floor.
My presence is immediately known to everyone without the doors even opening. I feel several eyes on me.
Glancing around, I spot a few other men in black, and oh, great… it's Jonathan and Rachel. Standing with them near the elevator are two other men dressed in suits.
One stands slightly behind the other, and he looks like he could be a professor at a University. He is easily as tall as Jonathan, over six feet tall, but he doesn’t have the same broad shoulders. When our eyes meet, I feel a slight tingle of power, but it is nothing compared to the man standing in front.
I stepped out of the elevator at Andrei's gentle push, looked back at him briefly, and cursed him, in my mind, for bringing me into the lion’s den.
“Miss Lovren,” at my name, my body freezes as the depth of power washes over.
My eyes snap to the other suit-dressed man standing in front of everyone.
His light brown hair is shorter than everyone else's, leaving his sharp facial features clear to see. His eyes are deep green and remind me of the boy from the lobby and the quad. He is older than everyone else in the room but not old.
He has that aura of power I have only felt from my father. I have dealt with energy like this before, which has never ended well.
I immediately go into defense mode.
I hate feeling like prey.
“Lovren!” Rachel hisses at me, pulling my attention to her. “It’s rude to stare like that. Say hello to Mr. Dishinko, Jonathan’s boss, and well… umm…”
“I am more or less the Mayor of Lunar Ridge, Miss Lovren,” the man smiles, the energy backing off almost like a wave pulling back.
“Mr. Mayor,” I feel the need to bow since he is who he is, “I am sorry if I was rude. I just felt a bit cornered.”
“Ahh, yes. I can see how you would feel that.”
Jumping at the sound of the elevator, I spin around and back towards one of the outside walls. Putting space between myself and everyone.
My eyes lock with jade green eyes that exit the elevator. At this point, if I had hackles, they would be standing straight up.
“Mikhail, Aliaksandr, Mitchell, Selena, and Erik. Good, everyone is present. Let's go into the conference room. Rachel, get everyone something to drink on your way in.”
It takes a beat before anyone starts to move after the Mayor. However, the jade-eyed boy and I stand still, eyes locked.
It isn’t until Erik steps between us that I can look anywhere else.
“Ren, are you okay? Let’s go inside. Come on, you can sit next to me,” Erik says as he lightly takes my elbow and guides me into the conference room.

After some minor pleasantries and everyone taking seats, the connections between everyone are more apparent.
The Mayor has to be the jade-eyed boy's father as they sit at the head of the table.
The other lackey sits next to the jade-eyed boy with Mitchell. On the other side sits the Professor man, Jonathan, Rachel, and Selena. Erik follows his word and sits with me at the other end of the table. Standing next to the door is Andrei.
“Miss Lovren, do you know everyone here?” the Mayor asks.
“No, sir. I know my foster family, of course. I met Erik and umm, his brother Andrei today.” I say, glancing at the brothers quickly before continuing.
“I know Mitchell also because he is dating Selena and practically lives at the house with us,” I giggle out the last words due to nerves.
Feeling a hand on my forearm, I relax and look at Erik. He smiles at me softly, trying to comfort me. At this point, Erik and his brother seem to be the only relaxed people in the room.
“You know more than I expected after the reports about your nightly wanderings and residency you have taken in the library over the summer,” the Mayor says with a smile as I tense slightly.
“Oh don’t worry. You are not being followed but Jonathan and Andrei have a great team of guards that keep watch over Lunar Ridge, which includes you.”
“Lovren,” Jonathan says, “We are only keeping you safe. And… as your foster dad, I also want to make sure you settle in well and find your home here.”
“Oh…” this revelation shocks me. “Noone before really cared if I settled in. At my age, it's always been more about the paycheck.”
“We actually don’t get a paycheck for you,” Rachel chimes in, which causes my mouth to drop as I look at my current foster family.
“We heard about your story while attending a seminar. Some of that town’s guards talked about your ability to stand up to higher-ranking members of the city.” Jonathan explained.
“I inquired more, and it seems that your records show that you defy authority, commit crimes, and run away.”
I roll my eyes at him as he announces all of my shortcomings to the room.
“Lovren, I don’t believe any of it.” Jonathan declares with certainty, causing the room to focus on him intently.
“Why?” I ask with eyes narrowed, “What makes you think that?”
“I brought my concern to Stanislav, and we pulled all of your records,” he said, gesturing to the Mayor.
“We read over everything and discussed your behaviors with Christopher,” When Jonathan said his name, the professor nodded.
“We all agreed that your reactions would have been acceptable here at Lunar Ridge. Your defiance was towards those abusing their authority. The crimes you were charged with committing were self-defense. You ran away because it wasn’t safe for you to stay.”
That is all that I can feel.
Looking around the table, I can see different reactions. Most are variations of concern, and they are all now focused on me.
I don’t know what to say, so I sit there with wide eyes and start picking at the sleeves of my hoodie again. I feel Erik shift beside me, leaning more against my arm, which oddly allows me to relax a bit more.
“Mr. Moores, umm.. Sir.” Erik timidly speaks up.
“Erik, stay out of this,” his brother cuts in.
Putting his hand up, the Mayor levels Andrei with a look of authority, causing him to drop his head down and to the side.
“Go on Erik, What is it you have to say?” Jonathan asks with honesty.
“Umm… You have shared some very… ah, sensitive information about Ren, but this doesn’t explain why we have all been brought to the Counsel Quarters.” Erik states while he starts to pick at my hoodie sleeve with me.
“That is true, Erik. We are here to discuss a few things, such as additional introductions, apologies, and arrangements.”
“Hi, Miss Lovren. I am Dr. Christopher Barlowe, but you can call me Chris. I am the second in command for Lunar Ridge,” the professor man introduces himself.
Then he continues, “If you ever need a sounding board, advice, or help with any of your studies, you can contact me. I am also the Principal for Lunar High.”
So, the professor is the Principal, and a Doctor is on top of it. Well, that explains how he is dressed and his aura. “Hello, Principal Chris. My friends and professors call me Ren.”
He smiles at the fact that I am still using titles but am open enough to allow him to use a nickname.
“I have been more or less introduced,” the Mayor says. “My name is Stanislav Dishinko. Everything and anything that happens within the town borders gets reported to me. It helps me keep the town safe.”
Reaching into his coat pocket, he pulls out a small device and passes it to me. Once it reaches Selena, her eyes bug out, and her jaw drops as she passes it to Erik, who also seems taken back.
“You seem to enjoy reading and night walking. While normally this isn’t smiled upon, I trust Jonathan when he says you are a good kid.”
Pointing to the fob I now hold, he says, “That is a key fob that has been coded for the library levels of this building. Winter is coming, and the weather is going to get colder. This will allow you to enter the library when you are out at night. Just remember the guards will also be patrolling at night so that they might check in with you.”
I hold the fob tightly in my hand and smile at the ability to come and go from my safe place freely.
“Hey, Loven, you know me. Mitchell, but you can call me Mitch. I am a senior like you, captain of the soccer team, and I am training to be head of the guard once Jonathan retires.”
He glances briefly at Selena, “If you ever feel like you are in danger or anyone, and I mean Anyone, makes you feel like you are not safe or welcome here… please come and talk to me.”
Oh boy, that will cause some trouble with Selena, I think to myself.
Trying not to look at Selena, I can feel Erik’s shoulders jerk as he tries not to laugh. Under the table, I knock my leg into his to get him to hold it together.
“I am Aliaksandr but I guess you since we are using nicknames you can call me Alek. I am kind of like the brains of the operation. I tend to follow in Principal Chris’s footsteps. I am in charge of the school council and the debate team captain. I am here if you need anything… as your school council president or anything… at all.”
This time, I take a good look at him.
He has a broader nose than the others in the town and has long, dark blonde, almost brown hair and fair skin. While his face is on the rounder side, his shirt and shorts clearly show that he works out. What is interesting about Alek is the controlled level of energy coming from his almost white-blue eyes.
It is almost as if he knows that I am sensitive to other people’s energy and doesn’t want his energy to scare me away. This piqued my interest in seeing what he has behind his walls.
The sound of a chair scraping the floor pulls my attention from Alek to the jade-eyed boy. The room is now an eerie silence as you both stare each other down.
The boy bows at the waist without breaking eye contact, “My name is Mikhail Dishinko, son of Stanislave and Ekaterina Dishinko.”
He holds his bow as if waiting for something.
My only thought is to return the gesture. Standing from my chair, I curtsy in return, “Hello, Mikhail. I am Lovern. Daughter of the late Stefan and Jovana ermm… Well, I don’t know what our last name was. The police reports never said what it was.”
We both retake our seats, and the room is now more melancholy.
“Well, we all know I am Erik, and the muscle back there is my big bro, Andrei,” Erik says with a bright smile. “Now that introductions are over, what’s next?”
Looking at Erik, I smile softly and begin to think that having him as a friend isn’t such a bad idea.
“Ah, I think next was apologies,” I say, looking at Principal Chris. “I am sorry, Principal Chris, for causing an incident on the first day of school. I honestly di...”
“Wait a minute,” Mikhail interrupts me, all eyes focusing on him.
“Why are you apologizing to anyone?” he asks.
Looking at him and then around the room, I notice he is not the only one who seems confused. Even Selena seems baffled. “Why wouldn’t I? I blocked Selena’s locker, she made a comment that I reacted to badly by saying things I shouldn’t have said.”
Looking to the Principal again, “I need to apologize for my actions of disrespecting another student while on school grounds,” then look to Selena, “and apologize to you, Selena, for saying things that I should not have in the heat of the moment.”
“You have honor, Miss Lovren,” the Mayor comments. “That is a rare quality to find amongst people your age and even rarer with someone of your history. I like you.”
“Papa is right, Miss Lovren.” Mikhail agrees but turns a heated glare to Selena. “It seems that you have a grace and poise that not all of us have.”
I can visibly see Selena shrink in her seat under his gaze. Looking between them both, it amazes me that he would be so stern towards his friend’s girl. Glancing at Mitchell, I can see he is just as upset at Selena because he won’t even look up from the table.
With a sharpness to her voice, Rachel speaks, “Selena, don’t you have something to say for yourself in front of the council? To your foster sister Lovren?”
Nodding, Selena sits up straighter and looks at me with misty eyes, “Sorry, Lovren. I know I have not been the best at welcoming you to our home or to the school but I will try to be better.”
She glances over to Mikhail briefly before continuing, “I am also sorry for calling you a charity case and something my… our parents are using to look good for Mr. Dishinko.”
At that, Selena bows her head down, and to the side, her eyes cast downwards. I watch her and wait for something to happen; that is when I feel a powerful energy sweeping over me.
Looking back at the Dishinko men, I see that they are both watching me closely while everyone else is watching Selena. I can feel my own aura pushing back in response to them trying to keep me from drowning under the pressure.
I feel a breath in my ear before I hear Erik whisper, “You have to formally accept before anyone will move, Ren.”
Without dropping my eyes from the overpowering men at the other end of the table, I say, “I accept your apology Selena. Let us work on getting along better for the sake of everyone here.”
Now, there is almost an electric crackling in the air between the three of you. The whole table feels the energy pouring through the room.
Soon, it feels like the wave is going to crash over me, and I abruptly stand, breaking the concentration of the Dishinko men.
“If you will excuse me, I have to go and see the nurse again for my face,” I say as I grab my bag and head towards the door.
“My face is really starting to hurt, and I am getting dizzy from not eating lunch. Ah yeah… so I would love to continue this ermm… discussion at another time.”
With that, I bolted out the door.
Luckily, the elevator was still on the top floor.
Once I was inside, just as the elevator doors started to close, I could see Mikhail and Erik come barreling out of the door while calling my name. Unable to catch the door, all they could do was watch me in the glass elevator go down and then watch as I ran off the school grounds.
((edited on 9/14/24))
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@bethanysnow @braveangel777 @danielle143 @elliegrace1999 @skyys-universe
Taglist - OPEN
Hi lovely 💜 I was going through your account to find the first and second chapter to American Mate to begin reading it (your stories have been popping up on my feed and I’ve been meaning to start reading) but I can’t find them? I was wondering if you’d be able to link them for me? I hope you’re well and doing okay 💜💜 thank you in advance <3
Hello, dearest reader! Here you go, American Mate (1) - Two Weeks Early. Thank you for your interest in my stories. Amerian Mate is a BTS Hybrid Playmate AU (rated M). I also have Breaking and Entering, a Werewolf story (rated YA).
I am a newer writer, and I am going to make a Master List for each story and possibly a Library post one day, I promise! lol
Please enjoy!

Hello and welcome to Breaking and Entering Master List! The Taglist is currently open for this story.
This is an original story. I started writing it as my first attempt at story writing. When I wrote the first few chapters, I was also very sick with COVID-19.
This story is a Werewolf Pack AU and is currently rated as YA. There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from.
Y/n is a girl who lives her life bouncing between foster homes; at almost 18, you land in the town of Lunar Ridge, where you learn werewolves are real and the new Alpha won't let you go.

Chapter 1 - Lovren
Foster care isn't easy, and now they have stuck Lovren in the middle of nowhere. Just a little longer, then she will age out of the system, and she will be free, but will Lunar Ridge let her go?

Chapter 2 - Mikhail
Lunar Ridge Pack has changes coming soon, but this one comes as a surprise to Mikhail.

Chapter 3 - Lovren
The first day of senior year at a new school brings painful beginnings.

Chapter 4 - Mikhail
Training has become Mikhail's life, but as of today, that is all changing. Will this change in routine be the start of a much larger change in his life?

Chapter 5 - Lovren
Being an Invisible isn't always easy, and the day just keeps proving it.

Chapter 6 - Mikhail
It's the first day of High School for the young Alpha-to-be, and it starts off strangely.

Chapter 7 - Lovren
Lovren tries to hide in her safe place only to be called into a meeting with ... the Mayor ???

Chapter 8 - Stanislav
Being an Alpha has many responsibilities, but being part of the Alpha's counsel means the same. Will titles cause more harm than good to the up-and-comers?

Chapter 9 - Erik
Getting pulled into Alpha's office was one thing, but things went in a direction for the second time that wasn't expected—or maybe it was the third for that day.

Chapter 10 - Jonathan
Lovren's history is more complex than jumping Foster homes. It may be time to explain a few things.
As a paid member of my Patreon, you can read extra spicy smutty scenes or additional content for select stories and have early release benefits for each chapter!


Thank you to everyone who got me to 2500 likes!
When I started this account it was to be a reader of all the lovely writers and an admirer of all the wonderful artists on this platform.
It took some convincing by a few people in my real life and the support of @remedyx and @yoongiofmine to start posting my story in the first place. Then it took all of my dearest readers like the ever supportive @bethanysnow and so many more to keep going.
I humbly thank you for all of the support. I hope I continue to engage your minds, hearts and souls as I continue writing. 💜💜💜
American Mate (9) - Shadows of the Past (M)

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 9 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 10,612
Work count for Story: 53,505
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs and the other loves everyone. I currently am not working because of a broken foot. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha Space, Luna vibes, close proximity, multiple scenting, M/M mature scenes, good boy, and feisty Beta vibes.
SIDE NOTE: This is my first time writing second-base smut into a story. 💜💜💜
This chapter has a mature scene between BTS members. If you want to avoid this scene, at the start and end of the spicy part of the scene, the following banner will be displayed:

BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit

“Genevie Rose Elisey.” You growl out her name, step forward, and pull out of Yoongi’s tail. All eyes snap to you—well, all eyes except the little omega, who drops her eyes and scrunches her nose at the twist of your scent.
You stalk forward and grip the back of her neck as if she were a kitten, scruffing her. Your scent has gone from sweet pea to something akin to lemons, almost acidic. The change in scent alerts your pack that you are not playing around.
However, the scent and display of Dominance causes a mix of reactions from the Alphas. Everyone here would be remiss in not recognizing who is currently in charge, and that does something to them.
Namjoon and the rest have seen you upset, but this… this is something else. While he is concerned for the Omega, not knowing what she had done to result in this type of reaction from you, he cannot pull his eyes away from how you hold yourself. It’s like you are taller and more assertive.
Yoongi’s Alpha slams to the forefront when he sees you scruff the Omega. The feline mothering behaviors pull deeply at the primal aspect of the jaguar hybrid. His mind runs with thoughts of you scruffing cubs, but not just any cubs, his cubs. Shaking his head, Yoongi does his best to clear his mind and stay in the present; you are not his—yet.
Jimin is just lost. He has spent the least amount of time with you out of the pack. He has mostly been observing you and your interactions with his already-bonded mates. This Dominant, in-charge side of you is new and instinctively intriguing.
“Luna, I only meant to ensure they understood,” Evie says softly, trying not to offend you further. When the hybrid pack title is used, the three Alphas exchange glances of shock before settling their sights on you.
“It is not your place to remind others of something that happened when you were not present. In private, between our pack members, you can defend, rant, rave, and threaten all you want to,” you look to Derek.
“Both of you have always been able to protect the pack in emergencies and express yourselves freely in the pack house. However, I feel that you both may have lost where the line of respect is when it comes to individuals outside of the pack who hold importance. You both realize that these three Alphas hold the key to my survival?”
“Luna, we do. Honest, we meant only to support our pack and defend you, our Luna, in your territory.” Derek says, bearing more of his neck in submission as the acidic smell consumes your sweetness.
Gesturing to the Alphas in the room, “If any of these three or their mates are offended…”
“One word,” your voice drops deep and gravelly. “One word is all it takes from either one of you, from me, and your Luna would be without a job, a home. Then where would we be?”
Once your words are spoken, it takes a breath for both family pack members to shrink farther down in submission. Neither one had considered that you could be fired for something they did or didn’t do.
That is why you are the pack’s Luna. While your Beta and Omega have to deal with customers or clients that are Alphas, they only have to deal with them in short amounts of time.
Your contract with the Bantang Pack was not going to be short. Realizing that they need to treat the other pack as a pack, not a customer, dawns on them.
More than ever, Derek wishes he understood why the Bantang Pack took this path with you rather than the typical courting method. Maybe one day, he can find out.
“You will not threaten Alpha guests or ANY guest in our pack house. I know you are protective of me, both of you are, but I am an adult and the Luna of this pack,” you move closer to the munchkin hybrid.
“Thank you for your kind, yet oversharing words, Omega. But you need to apologize to them for planning to neuter them.”
“Luna Y/n,” Jimin calls your attention quickly. The sound of him using your family pack titles pulls at something profound and instinctual within you.
“I think Your Omega is right, Luna,” says Jimin softly. “I think she is right about a few things.”
He pauses to collect his thoughts, which are running everywhere now that he has watched your eyes darken as you correct the misstep of your pack member and dilate at the use of the Luna title.
His Alpha coming forward for the first time since he has been in your presence. He is watching you closely and is keenly interested.
“Respectfully, Luna, we are starting a mile behind because we never saw you coming. Not everyone in Bangtan Pack has connected to our Miss y/n in the same way, which is no one's fault. It means that some of us, mainly myself, have a lot more than a mile to get things right.”
“Jimin, you really...” You are cut off when Jimin gently takes your free hand and pulls you towards him. Dropping the scruff on the munchkin hybrid, she backs away and curls into the beta.
“Let me finish, Luna, please.” You nod, breath caught in your throat. “This whole situation, mates– playmates, came in an odd way, and we really should do things right by you.”
Taking your other hand, he says, “I want to do things right by you. I want to do the right things with you. I know you can’t smell our scents, but we meant what we said last night.”
“We all want to do things right by you, Princess,” says Yoongi.
“Miss Y/n, I came here for a reason,” Jimin says as his thumbs rub gently over your knuckles.
“I wanted to meet your family pack and reassure them that we are going to treat you right, take care of you like one of our own, spoil you silly, and support you endlessly,” he says shyly.
Quickly glancing at Namjoon, Jimin focuses back on you, “Each mate wants to spend a day with you—just you. We will take time with you so that we can learn who you are and show you who we really are.”
Your eyes are glassy, and your scent is losing some of the acid as he continues, “Will you grant us the honor to take you out? Allow us the pleasure of getting to know each other on a personal level, Luna?”

Once you agreed to the outings with the Bangtan pack, Evie brought out the cookies. Of course, while she was feisty, her Omegan side always wanted what she called poofy scents around. Her cookies never failed to lighten the mood.
Namjoon and Evie stood in the kitchen. Evie cleaned up from baking the cookies, and Namjoon avoided everything as much as he could. This seemed to amuse Evie to no end. No animosity could be seen or smelt between the two.
Jimin took the time to speak with Derek while sitting on my bed. You were pretty sure that they were practically interviewing each other. That or Jimin was trying to learn more about you through the beta. Derek looked like he was having a serious conversation and was concerned about what he was saying.
You had gone out onto the small balcony to get some fresh air. Emotions running amok:
The shock of the unexpected guests.
The embarrassment of Evie’s declarations.
The fear of retaliation from the Alphas for those same words.
The flutters of your heart at the reorganization of your status by Jimin. The ease of the kind words of the Alphas.
“Is there a reason why the pack Luna has come outside?”
“Yoongi,” you breathe out, trying to suppress a shudder at the use of your pack titles again. “I am sorting myself. So much has happened this week. I am not sure it has sunk in yet.”
Walking up behind you, he grips the railing on each side of you. Effectively caging you in. Resting his chin on your shoulder, breathing in your scent as it has settled back into sweet pea and vanilla.
“Is there anything that can help?” he asks quietly.
“You three are not offended by Evie's words, right? Or by how I acted, even though I am not a hybrid?” You say, still looking over the street below.
A gentle scoff is heard: “Your feisty Omega thinks highly of her Luna, and Your Beta does as well. I am not sure you remember everything from the breakroom, but Your Beta expressed similar concerns to us then. Your pack is concerned for you.”
You chuckle softly, “Yes, that they are. They always have been. I feel like I am letting them down with my issues. Like I am not strong enough for the position they have given me.”
“They wouldn’t be able to follow you as their Luna if they didn’t trust you to lead them. Now, as far as your actions.” Yoongi’s voice deepens.
His nose runs along the shell of your ear, leaving hot puffs as he breathes, “Your actions were a sight to see, Luna.”
Stepping closer to you, his hands resting on your hips and making your back flush with his front. His heat pours into you as you feel yourself relax slowly into him.
“So, seeing a human do that wasn't offensive?”
“Offensive is not the word I would use for it.” Yoongi sounds amused as he raises his hand, trailing it along your body, lightly covering your throat to grip your chin.
Turning your face to his, he lets out a purr that vibrates your whole body. His nose runs along yours. “Intriguing, captivating, alluring would be better words to describe how your actions made us feel.”
He scents your cheek with his as he whispers in your ear, “Did you think scruffing the young Omega would do nothing for my Alpha, Princess?”
Your breath becomes difficult as your body lightly shudders at his words. Your mind runs scenarios through your head. Yoongi’s lips on your neck, or his teeth leaving marks on your skin. Fighting your reaction the best you can, nails digging into your palm.
You want to lean into his touch more than you already have, but your mind screams that you can’t—not with the knowledge that he has mates, and some of those mates are just on the other side of the sliding glass door.
“I didn’t… I wasn’t…” Finding your words is complicated when his scent of rain washes over you. In your mind, you keep chanting that the closeness means nothing; it’s a hybrid thing.
No, this has to be an Alpha hybrid thing.
Alpha Hybrid thing.
“I know, Princess. You were being a proper Luna. Too bad Jungkookie isn’t here. I would like to see him hold back like the rest of us are,” he says, stepping back. His eyes are drawn to the glass door and his mates on the other side.
“Hold back?” You question, turning around and following his gaze into your flat. Your eyes connect with those of Jimin’s.
“I think he would like a word in private with you, Princess,” Yoongi says as he goes inside without looking back. He harshly whispers something to Jimin, who nods with his eyes never leaving yours.
“Sorry to disturb your time with Yoongi-hyung, Luna. May I join you?” He asks while remaining inside the flat.
“Of course, Jimin. You weren’t… ah, you weren’t disturbing anything,” you smile softly, willing for the heat of whatever that was with Yoongi to go away with the breeze.
“Thank you, Luna.” You giggle at his use of your title, which causes Jimin to look confused.
“You guys don’t need to call me Luna. They only use it when they are in trouble.” You wave your good hand in front of you as you smile brightly.
“Oh. Umm… I just didn’t want to disrespect you in your pack house. With your powerful display of strength and the level of respect and honor you require of your pack, I would only want to support that.”
“Thank you, Jimin. I really do hope that none of you were offended. I know Yoongi said that none of you are but still.”
“No need to worry. None of us were offended.” Jimin walks over to the railing and looks at the sky. “Do you want to know what Yoongi-hyung said to me?”
Moving to stand beside him respectfully, “Only if you feel comfortable telling me.” Your response pulls a soft smile from him.
“He told me; he demanded me to find a way to connect with you,” he says, taking a deep breath, allowing your vanilla mate and sweet pea scent to give him the strength to continue. His sweet orange scent starting to mix with Yoongi’s rain.
“What did Manager Sejin tell you about our last Playmate? Did he say anything about how she left or what she said?” he asks, glancing over quickly.
Standing up straighter, the question catches you off guard. “He didn’t go into great detail. He did say that she was a permanent Playmate but found love in a human and broke her contract; however, she said some not-so-nice things.”
“That’s how the PR department told us to say it. We can say enough to answer questions but not enough to tell what really happened.”
Turning to face you directly. You follow his lead, giving Jimin your full attention. Your soul is willing Jimin to find his calm and strength to continue.
“Jimin, I would rather hear it directly from you or your mates if any of you wanted to share, but I am also satisfied with only knowing what I do.”
“Hobi and Yoongi-hyung never got along with any of the playmates. The rest of the pack could always get along with practically anyone. We should have known from the beginning something wasn’t right when Alpha Kook didn’t like her from the beginning. Even then, she was with us for about three years.”
“I think she was around for so long because of me. I grew attached to her deeper than anyone else did. I even took her home when we had some time off. My former owner and family pack were shocked that I brought home someone other than a mate with me.”
“We never did anything. I never cheated on Bangtan, but I still feel like a part of me fell for her in a way.”
“Not every mate is a soulmate like you and Bangtan are, Jimin,” you quietly add.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “True. Hybrids do have packs with non-soulmate bonded mates. Typically, these are caused by a strong connection with them, but again, it is rare, nearly unheard of, for that deep connection to be with a human.”
“Oh, I see. Evie and I are practically sisters, which is a version of a soulmate, I feel. Then Derek came along and I felt like I found a piece of me that I never knew was missing. Now, he is a member of the pack.”
“I thought she might be something like that with you,” you say, looking inside and watching your pack laughing with the other two Alphas.
“Oh no. The pack you have gathered, Luna, is one of a kind. I am in awe of the connection they have with you. You are different with them.”
“Different? Oh no. This is me.” you giggle.
“You have seen professional and pained versions of me. Honestly, I tend to react on instinct. I have no filter. I have a passion for my friends and family.”
Biting your bottom lip, you continue, “Genevie was right about what she said, though. I tend to put those important to me before myself. I have always struggled with my mental health, but I am a total goof and geeky nerd. You will see; you all will.”
“I struggled with some depression back in 2018,” Jimin admits, bringing his attention back to you. “I was still struggling with it until, gosh… 2020.”
“Seul-ki, the Playmate, was contracted on January 17, 2019. Now that I look back, I think she knew that she was not being accepted by the pack. She clung to me for security through my insecurities.”
Your heart breaks at his story. Stepping closer, you rest your hand on his arm, trying to offer any modicum of support: “They say hindsight is 20/20, but that doesn’t mean what she did was right or that you didn’t mean something to her.”
Looking at your hand on his arm, a soft smile graces his face. After taking a few moments to be in the moment with you and accept your support, he places his hand on top of yours.
“That wasn’t the worst part.” Clearing his throat, wetting his now dry lips, he huffs before continuing.
“I am not sure, but BigHit believes that she might have broken her contract and shared private information. Seul-ki fell in love with a reporter from Dispatch. We think they met while he was tailing us like they always do.”
“To top it off, when she left, she said some things that tore at our souls. We, ah… we made her skin crawl when our animals would come out. It was disgusting to see such handsome men turn into such filthy animals.”
You quickly pull Jimin into a hug, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your face buried in his neck. You are stunned by how hateful Seul-ki was to them.
Warm tears fall down your face and wet his neck, pulling a soft whine from him as he returns the hug. His arms wrap around your waist. You have always been emotional to others getting bullied because of your past.
“Sorry, Jimin. I am so sorry. Humans are mean and stupid. She shouldn’t have said that. How can anyone say that? Something so barbaric,” you mumble into his neck.
“It’s okay, Y/n,” Jimin says while rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Leaning back, you wipe your face of the wet streaks, “You are so strong to come to PMS and look for another Playmate. Then you go and get stuck with me.”
“I know that we take a risk when we bring in a playmate. I was finally trying to get past what happened,” he pauses, searching your eyes. “I wasn’t ready to find you, and I am sorry that I kept away from you, but my Alpha got scared of my mates' reaction to you.”
“Please don’t worry about me. You can show me as much or as little of you without any negative consequences from me. You really don’t have to get any closer to me than you want to.”
It's then that you realize you are engulfing the poor red panda.
Lowering your arms, you say, “I’m sorry,” and take a step back, only to be stopped by Jimin’s arms holding you tighter. “Jimin?”
“Just give us a second, please.”
Relinquishing your attempt at distancing yourself, you rest your arms around his shoulders again. Watching him map out every inch of your face.
Being similar in height, you are eye to eye, allowing you to see his eyes' chestnut brown start to bleed through the whites and deepen into a darker reddish color.
Your breath catches in your throat, “Alpha Chim.”
A playful smile blooms on his face with a soft grunt, “Luna.”
The sound of your tiles coming from Alpha Chim feels like a wave of electricity falling over you, “Welcome to my packhouse, Alpha Chim.”.
“Smell of Yoon."
“Yes, Alpha Yoon was with me before you came out. He scented me before going inside with your Prime Alpha and the rest of my pack. Is that okay, Alpha?”
“Mate scent, okay,” he says, raising his hand and almost cupping your face. “May I?"
“Yes, Alpha Chim,” you reply, tilting your head to expose your neck and closing your eyes. You have never been so thankful for wearing the sweetheart peasant shirt.
Jimin takes his time tracing your jawline and the outline of your ear. Then, as his fingers go down your neck to find your pulse point, he takes hold. He has a firm but comforting grip and massages your neck and shoulder.
Now you can smell it, oranges. With Yoogni’s lingering scent, you envision that this would be the smell of an orchard full of ripe oranges after a spring shower.
After a moment, his hand drops, but before you can straighten, you feel him move again. This time, he brings his nose to scent your skin where his hand was—finding the blend of Yoongi, your, and his scent.
His warm breaths on your skin snap your eyes open, only to find you now have an audience. Pushing the Alpha away from you, he slowly releases you as he notices your sights are behind him.
“Princess. Jimin-ah. It's about time we head back to Bangtan packhouse,” Yoogni says with a knowing smile. Namjoon is standing behind him, questioning eyes trained on Jimin.
You nod and look at the Alpha holding you, and you are met with chestnut eyes, “Jimin?”
“Got it, Hyung.” He says, dropping his hold on you altogether. His posture has gone slightly stiff, but you don’t know if it's because his scenting was interrupted or something else.

Jimin went right inside. You felt like he was trying to find that distance again. You decided to wait just a few, take a few deep breaths of the pure, unscented fall air. It would allow you to collect yourself and give Jimin a chance to escape. Once back inside your flat, leaving was simple but dragged out.
Evie had packed up the remaining cookies to be taken back to the rest of Bangtan.
Derek and Jimin took your packed belongings to the waiting vans.
Namjoon and Yoongi, clad in bucket hats and masks, went with you to talk with the manager about your absence. They were unwilling to let you do it on your own—something about potential confrontation and protecting you.
The building manager was a gentle older man who always greeted everyone with a smile and wanted to share some kind of treat when he had visitors. Today, it was butterscotch chews, one of your favorites.
After explaining the change in your job description and the requirement to be temporarily housed elsewhere, the manager said he would watch your flat. He also suggested that you put a temporary disruption of water, power, and gas utilities.
After additional planning, Evie stayed behind to load your few plants into her car to care for at her house. Jimin and Yoongi went in one van to head back to the AirBnb.
Namjoon, Derek, and you went in the other direction to take Derek home since he carpooled with Evie. You weren’t entirely sure why he couldn’t just carpool back, but maybe the plants taking up too much space in Evie’s car had something to do with it.
The van had hardly been in motion when the Guardian of Y/l/n Pack came out of the lovely Beta fox.
“Prime Alpha, how do you think your pack will handle the dating Y/n?” Derek asks bluntly.
Apparently, the plants had nothing to do with his persistent need to hitch a ride with you and the Prime Alpha. Internally, you groan at your pack's bluntness and wonder why they have taken an informal approach to the Bantang pack. It's like they are testing to see if you are worth being around them.
“Derek!” you say, shocked. “They are not dates. They are outings to get to know each other. You know very well that they are a mate-bonded pack. You’re writing our contract!”
“Yes, I am well aware of your contract. I am also aware they left out their standard rut clause, and both sides are still requiring a full physical with inclusive testing.” He responds, rolling his eyes, “but that doesn’t explain how they will react to their non-dating dates with you.”
“Mr. Gulley, I understand your concern for your Luna,” Namjoon interjects. “Spending time individually with our previous playmates was normal for us because that is what any playmate is for. We also go out in pairs or small groups for outings.”
“The pack discussed it throughout today, and everyone is on the same page. We understand that some of us, such as Yoongi-hyung, have connected with your Luna on an instinctual level.”
“Others have expressed wanting that same level of connection with her,” he says, his eyes focused on you. “Jungkook, Seokjin-hyung, and now Jimin-ah have already started trying to connect. So far, no one has shown any signs of territorial dominance over your Luna.”
“Territorial dominance?” you ask. Internally, you remind yourself not to melt at the continued use of your Luna title.
Derik answers, “Evie gave us a wonderful display today of how Omegas and Betas are protective of the pack or pack house.”
“However, Luna, imprinting or becoming territorial towards a single member of the pack is common with Alphas. This can cause the remaining pack members to need permission to interact with the chosen member.”
“But I am not in their pack.” Looking at Namjoon, “I am not a member of your pack, Prime Alpha. Right?”
“Technically, you are not at this point. We cannot officially bring you into the pack, even as a temporary member, until the contract is finalized after your medical appointments.” Namjoon says, attempting to withhold his disdain for having you continue to think everything is temporary.
“Temporary pack member. You want me to be a temporary pack member. Are such things as temporary members? Can I be in two packs like that? What would I be in Bangtang Pack? I can’t be Luna to a pack of Alphas! Derek, what will happen to our pack?”
“The family pack with Evie and I will remain with you as our Luna. Nothing will ever change that. We will always have a place for you. While you are busy with your other pack, the leader tends to fall to the next in line, which is me.”
“Are you okay with that? Evie and you fight like cats and dogs… well, cats and foxes. You are also an amazing Beta and always take good care of her. You have taken care of both of us when we needed it. You also have Mathew, who can help if needed, I suppose.”
“Not to worry. I will be fine, Luna. Evie and I talked about it briefly when you were on the balcony. We are going to have dinner tomorrow with Mathew to settle a few things.” Derek smiles.
“Okay, you can always call me, though. I am still here,” you reassure him. “When are my appointments and the final meeting to sign the contract?”
“Ah yes,” Derek says, pulling out his phone. “Your medical appointment is tomorrow morning at 9:30 a.m. at the Bangtan Packhouse, and the contract signing is two days later at PMS, but the time hasn’t been confirmed yet.”
“Once the contract is completed with the Bangtan pack, you will gain access to the pack’s group and individual schedules. As to where you will fit within the pack dynamic, that is something you will just have to feel that out as the pack gets to know you and you to know them.”

“Jimin-ah, when I asked you to connect with Y/n, did you think I was trying to push you?” Yoongi asks the younger Alpha, sitting on the bench seat with unfocused eyes.
Shaking his head, he says, “No, but I couldn’t… no, I didn’t want to stop.”
“What do you mean?” Yoongi asks with concern.
“I came with Namjoon-hyung so that I could learn more about her. I thought that being in her pack house would be able to show me something. But, the closer we got to her flat, the more restless my Alpha got.”
Jimin pauses to take a deep breath. “Then, when she went from Miss Y/n to Luna, I felt her energy, prowess, and dominance, and it intrigued my Alpha. He kept pushing to call her Luna just to see her reaction every time.”
“The lemon of her scent when she was in her Luna mode mixed so well with my orange. Then add on her natural sweet pea, your petrichor, hyung’s leather, and the vanilla mate scent,” groans. “It was so much. I can’t describe it.”
“Oh no, I get that. Trust me. My Alpha and I both reacted to her ‘little’ show. That is why I followed her outside. We had to be near her, get my hands on her, scent her. It’s irritating that she doesn’t recognize the mate scent and bonds that are forming yet.” Yoongi reminisces.
“But, Jimin-ah, what happened when the two of you were alone?” Yoongi asks, moving to sit on the bench.
After Yoongi moves, Jimin lies down with his head in the older Alpha’s lap, “I told her about Seul-ki.”
A soft gasp of shock comes from Yoongi. Immediately, the younger alpha is covered in soft rain, followed by fingers running through his hair.
“She cried for us. She apologized for what Seul-ki did. She promised that I could stay away, and she would be okay with it,” Jimin says softly.
The weight of your words made his chest tight, “My Alpha came out and scented her, hyung. He accepted her declarations but got skittish when you came to get us.”
“Sorry to have interrupted that moment for you, Minnie. I know it's been a while since your Alpha has initiated scenting with anyone.”
“I don’t understand it, hyung. It’s like my heart is everywhere, and my mind is trying to keep up after staying away.”
Yoongi watches as silent tears start to fall from his mate's eyes. Hooking a hand under Jimin’s neck and lifting, Yoongi leans down and softly kisses away the tears.
Jimin’s eyes flutter at the feeling of Yoongi’s lips on his skin. The jaguar's soft purr is heard as his kisses start covering the younger mate’s face.
Opening his eyes, Jimin cups Yoongi’s face, which pauses his kisses. “Yoongi-hyung, please.”
“I got you, my minnie love,” Yoongi says as he leans down, lightly brushing his lips over Jimin’s.
A soft whine leaves Jimin before he moves to be more in Yoongi’s lap. His knees are curled against the back of the bench seat, and he is chest-to-chest with the jaguar. Yoongi continues to leave almost phantom kisses on Jimin’s lips.
Once settled, Jimin rests one hand on Yoongi’s chest, his other hand sliding around to the back of Yoongi’s head with another whine.
“What is it you want, my minnie love? Use your words,” Yoongi teases with a slight nip to Jimin’s lower lip.
“Alpha, help settle my… my everything. Mate, Alpha, kiss me, please,” Jimin begs, gripping the older Alpha with both hands.
“Hmm, there is my good boy,” Yoongi smiles, tightening his grip on Jimin’s neck and securing his other hand on the younger man’s thigh.
Jimin instinctually tenses. After all, he is still an Alpha, and being trapped isn’t normal. Breathing in for a few seconds, Jimin connects with their personal mate bond. It is almost instantaneous, and the younger man sighs in relief and relaxes into the security his mate’s hold provides.
Once that change happens, Yoongi kisses Jimin, grounding Jimin’s thoughts and feelings away from what has happened in the last week, bringing him to the here and now.
Yoongi’s scent fills Jimin’s every breath.
Yoongi’s body heat penetrates Jimin’s very core.
Yoongi’s mouth pulls to be Jimin’s sole focus.

It’s not a pretty kiss. Jimin is so scattered that the typically controlled minx of a mate is everywhere. The passionate pace with which Jimin attacks Yoongi makes the exchange wet and sloppy.
Yoogni matches the intensity of the kiss and follows Jimin's pace. As turned on as he was at the Y/n display as Luna, he knows this is not about him.
When Jimin licks at the seam of Yoongi’s mouth, he immediately gives in, allowing the young Alpha to explore and try to find some form of control.
Jimin's taste is beautiful, and the feel of his tongue tangling with Yoongi’s is mesmerizing.
However, Jimin doesn’t want to be in charge. He wants the older Alpha to put him in his place. So he changes tactics, sucking not so gently on Yoongi’s tongue, pulling a groan from the older mate. With that delicious sound, Jimin knows he won't stay passive much longer.
After seven years of learning what every noise, scent change, and muscle movement means, it isn’t hard to play each other like a fiddle.
One more harsh suck of Yoogni’s tongue, matched with a tug of his hair, causes both of the older’s hands to grip tightly. Yoongi’s hips jerk up, aching for some friction.
Pulling away from Yoongi, Jimin says in a sultry voice, “Something wrong, Alpha?”
“No, but I think you might want to ask yourself that,” Yoogni smirks. Quickly, he uses the grip on his neck to angle Jimin’s body to lay across his lap, with his back resting against the side of the van.
Confusion furrows Jimin’s brow, “What do you…Ahhh!” Jimin’s thoughts are cut off at the feel of Yoongi palming his growing erection.
Cupping Jimin’s length through his tight, dancing pants, Yoongi slowly moves his hand up and down. Relishing every twitch of the younger mate’s member.
When God created Jimin as a short man, it was because someone added inches to the wrong leg. Out of the mates, Jimin was unmatched in length.
Paying attention with a tighter grip at the head, “What was that, minnie love?”
“Alpha... Ahh... aaalphha,” whines Jimin as he starts to rut into Yoongi’s hand. M…mooore please, Alpha.” Any dominance or control the younger mate thought he had from before was lost in the waves of pleasure Yoongi granted Jimin.
Glancing out the dark-tinted windows, Yoongi is starting to recognize some of the surroundings, meaning they are close to the packhouse. “You think you can finish before we get to the packhouse, minnie love? Are you going to be a good boy and give me your release?”
“Yes, yes, Alpha. Please let me, Alpha. I’m a good boy, please,”
“Mmm… I do love it when you are my good boy. Asking so politely,” Yoongi quickens his speed, which causes the red panda to groan unapologetically.
The graceful bend of his cock barely keeps the young mate's impressive length below his waistband. A dampness started to form on Jimin’s pants from the pre-cum steadily leaking out.
The sight is making Yoongi’s mouth water. Seokjin may have an oral fixation, it was Yoongi with the tongue technology. The jaguar hybrid’s textured tongue was a bonus for his mates when his desire to drink them dry took over.
A brief moan escapes Yoongi at the thought of what you would taste like and how you would react to the feel of his tongue on your skin and in your various depths. A high-pitched whine from the panda in his lap brings Yoongi back to his current task.
Changing his rhythms, Yoongi brings Jimin closer to their goal, their aroused scent growing thick in the air. Yoongi makes a note to compensate the driver for his discretion and for taking an extra long route back.
Slipping his hand down to play with Jimin’s taught balls, “Ohh minnie love,” squeeze, “My good boy is sooo heavy. You’re so full. Have you been saving it for me? Hmm, my good boy?”
While Yoongi may be playing his body like a pro, it’s Yoongi’s words that bring Jimin into a headspace of comfort and grounding. Purring the words out, he says, “Good boy. Such a good boy for me. Saving everything for me. How I wish to swallow you all up, but that will have to be for another time.”
Glancing up one more time, Yoongi can see the packhouse gate. With a firm squeeze, Yoongi palms Jimin with a tempo fast enough that Jimin can only go along for the ride. His muscles strain to hold on just a little longer as the coil in his abdomen winds tighter.
His whines and pleas are like music to Yoongi’s ears. Mixes of Alpha, too much, don’t stop, good boy, and please fire off in random order from Jimin as he holds on for dear life. He is curling into himself as he builds higher and higher.
Yoongi solely focuses on the pleasure displayed on Jimin’s face. He encourages the red panda to lose himself in the heat of the moment, praises him for being such a good boy, and always reminds the young mate that Yoongi has him.
At the sound of silence followed by a gasp, Yoongi knows Jimin is right there and waiting for his Alpha, like a good boy.
Tilting Jimin’s head back and into his shoulder, Yoongi growls one command before biting over Jimin’s mating mark, “Cum.”
The reaction is immediate and without thought. Jimin lets out a high-pitched whine with his back bowed as he gives Yoongi his release. Rutting against the older man’s palm, he rides out his high, giving everything to the older mate as a good boy should.
“Look at you. Such a good, messy boy cumming for me,” Yoogni says, his eyes now admiring the sizable dark patch showing on Jimin’s pants. “I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy. Don’t you agree, my minnie love?”
“Yes, please. Good boy for Alpha.” Jimin huffs between breaths, his unfocused eyes searching Yoongi’s face for what to do next.
Namjoon may be the Prime Alpha, but Yoongi was one of the Dominants in the pack when it came to different forms of pleasure. Yoongi has set rewards and aftercare requirements for all his mates.
“When we finish parking, you will wait for your reward in my den. Understood?” instructs Yoongi softly, running his hands over Jimin’s thigh and massaging his neck.
“Yes, Alpha.”

After dropping Derek off at his apartment, Namjoon, having explained that everyone should be home already, you both decided to bring home dinner. This time, the Pack Alpha picked the meal.
The food smelled divine but spicy, which worried you because spice was definitely not your thing. However, you were reassured that only a little over half of the food was spicy because Taehyung couldn’t handle spicy either.
Once at the packhouse, Seokjin helped Namjoon bring your bags and dinner inside, allowing you to carry only your purse. You were surprised that Yoongi or Jungkook were not waiting for you.
Reminding yourself that they have a house full of mates that would also need some of their attention, you attempt to push any negative feelings away. You had better not get used to monopolizing any of their time starting now.
Going into what would officially be your room by the end of the week, you looked around and imagined what you would do with it. It’s not like it's permanent-permanent, but still, having a plant or some books. Maybe photos of your pack would be nice.
Agh, first you have to do something with the bed. You were given a lot of pillows and blankets, but they were piled in various ways. It would be what your mom would call “a down-right mess.” Letting out a deep sigh of sadness, you started to rearrange everything.
Putting things back into what would be considered a proper bed. Laying the pillows at the top of the bed and smoothing the blankets as flat as possible with one good hand.
Growing up in a family that insisted on perfection, you always hated making your bed in the mornings. Keeping your room clean and having a 5-star hotel-looking bed helped overshadow some of your shortcomings.
Your friends in Colorado were always impressed with your cleanliness, which was a point of pride and joy for your mother. One of the few things your mother would praise you about was a spotless bed and awards from horseback riding competitions.
Once you moved to California, Evie and her siblings never understood why your mother would yell about your bedding habits. You always tried to brush it off and avoid having sleepovers at your place because of it.
“Y/n?” The sound of your name being called pulls you from your thoughts as you look to the doorway to find Hoseok.
“Hi, Hoseok-ssi. Did you have a good day today?”
“Hi. Yeah. Just got some new things this Airbnb didn’t have for the pack.” Looking around you with concern, “Are you going somewhere?”
“Umm… no, well, the dining room in a moment,” you answer, looking around to ensure you are done.
Standing and walking to him, you say, “I think Jin and Prime Alpha should have everything set out by now. We stopped for takeout at JinCook, a local Korean restaurant nearby.”
Even though you walk closer to him, his eyes stay focused on your bed.
“I'm sorry my bed is still messy. It's harder to make it with only one hand than one would think. I would have made it this morning, but I was in a rush.”
“I am not… it’s not… it’s well made. You make a bed better than half the people I know, but why? It's already getting darker outside, and you will be sleeping soon.” He asks, his eyes finally looking at you.
“Mother always said, ‘If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day, and if you cannot do the little things, then you can never do the things worth being recognized for.’” you recite the words that have been ingrained in you for years.
“Your mother said that? She made you break down… I mean, remake your bed every day?”
“Yep, and I would be in trouble if I didn’t. There’s nothing wrong with making your bed and keeping a clean house, Hoseok,” you pat his arm and move past him, heading to the dining room.
Hoseok remains in the doorway. Glaring at the bed and processing what you said. Soon, the smell of cherries grows more substantial, “Jin.”
“Hello, Hoba,” he stops, glancing over Hoseok’s shoulder, “Where is Y/n?”
“She went to the dining room, but look,” he moves to the side, allowing the eldest mate to look at your room.
Looking in, Seokjin smiles. He sees that you used the travel gear he left for you, and it pleases his Alpha to provide something.
His eyes then travel to your bed, smile dropping, “Her nest.”
“She tore it down, hyung. I caught her trying to fold corners with one hand, and then she apologized for it still being messy,” Hoseok says, his voice hushing with astonishment.
“What? First off, she needs to teach me how to make those corners, but more importantly, why?” he comments and asks as he walks farther into the room.
“Jin! Hoseok! Jimin! Yoongi! Jungkook! The food is going to get cold,” you yell from the dining room.
They both look towards the dining room, “She knows about nests. She told me last night when we helped gather materials. She keeps emphasizing that she was making a blanket fort or human nest.”
“Namjoon said there was an interesting interaction at her pack house, and she asked Yoon and Minnie if they were offended by what she did because she was human.”
“What did she do?” Hoseok asks, turning his attention back to his mate in the room.
“I didn’t get details other than she proved why she is the head of her pack. Well, that and she has a feisty Omega,” Seokjin informs Hoseok.
“She may know what it is, but does she understand what it means to us? Or that we would be okay with her keeping it? Rather, we would want her to keep it, right?” Hoseok worries.
Taking Hoseok’s hand and gently kissing the back, he heads toward the dining room. “Of course, she could keep it. I don't know what she knows about nests, but I did mention that she should build one with Jimin.”
Hoseok stops abruptly with a gasp. Hurrying back to your room, he shuts the door while glancing at the stairs, “Jin-hyung, could you imagine how Jimin would react to seeing her nest gone?!?”
“Even though he didn’t say anything, he looked happy to see her have one. It's something to connect with her about,” Hoseok says, rejoining Jin. “Her nest and the inclusion of the pack are what made him confident about seeing her this afternoon.”
“Oh, yeah, no. He doesn’t need to see that,” Jin agrees.
The boys find their seats and start to dig in. Shortly after, the remaining three joined the table with wet hair and looked ready for bed. You note they all look still pink from their showers and wonder how hot they take them.
Dinner was yummy, all thanks to your non-spicy companion sitting next to you. Taehyung saved you more than once from eating something that you were sure would equal the death of your stomach.
Conversations were more manageable than yesterday. Everyone seems to talk around or over the others. They randomly jump from topic to topic. It’s a bit of chaos, but they are mates, and it feels oddly domestic.
Not once did you feel unable to keep up. However, after you yawned for the “millionth time,” according to Yoongi, you were ushered off to bed. You knew the boys had to be tired, but they all seemed far from ready to sleep.
You crawl into bed after changing and using the skincare products left in your bathroom. You spend the next few minutes pushing, pulling, stuffing, and rebuilding your little blanket fort.
This time, you try out Jimin’s body pillow, Taehyung’s blanket, and Hoseok’s pillow, even though you really want to use the ones left by Yoongi and Jungkook. You figure that this would be the first small step to pay attention to them equally.
It's not professional to have favorites, right?

Once you close your bedroom door, the dining room goes silent. They all listen to your movements before anyone says anything. As soon as nothing is detected, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin are the pack's sole focus.
“I guess a pack meeting is in order for a few reasons,” Namjoon starts.
“A few reasons? That is one way to put it,” Jungkook chuckles, his eyes roaming over to Yoongi and Jimin before settling back on the Prime Alpha.
“I will let Yoongi explain Y/n’s living situation first. Then, we will talk about how things went with her family pack, answer any questions, and make any necessary plans. Yoongi-hyung?”
All eyes shift to the jaguar, stoic-faced as ever, weighing how to explain anything that has happened today.
“Well, Y/n lives closer to PMS in the Downtown LA area with rather high crime rates. My Alpha is not happy about that. Her building doesn’t have any gates or locks to get into the building,” Yoongi starts with the most concerning part of the visit for him as your protector.
“Even though she lives on one of the upper levels, she only has a simple deadbolt and chain to keep herself safe.” Sounds of displeasure rise in the room, but they are still respectful to you sleeping nearby.
“When I went to drop her off, she wouldn’t let me in her flat. She mentioned a nearby place she frequents for coffee, tea, and food. It’s really a gem of a place and could easily grow with the right guidance, but that isn’t the issue,” he continued.
“If it’s a gem, why is there an issue, hyung?” asks Taehyung, who was thinking of ways to help the business before the crypticness set in.
“Carlo, a domestic Mexican dog Hybrid, runs it. He said his hybrid side is called a Chamuco. Anyway, he runs the kitchen and orders the food. He is happily mated to his wife, and they are waiting for their second litter.”
The pack smiles at the happy news, but their faces still show confusion about where the issue is.
“His business partner, Payu, is a Thai human infatuated with Y/n. He got defensive with me regarding her, especially when I couldn’t explain my intentions or who I was,” Yoongi tries to tell his mates without a hiss.
“She is a lovely person. I am not surprised that she has admirers and it’s nice that she has someone that looks out for her. His crush will fade eventually,” Seokjin comments, still confused about why it’s a problem.
“No, Hyung. He told me he planned to ask her out the next time she stopped by the cafe.” Yoongi stressed how soon things may get even more complicated.
“She is living here now, so going all the way to the cafe will be hard. We just need to make sure to avoid the area. Send its location to the pack chat, Yoongi.” Namjoon instructs, giving no more for discussion.
Nodding at the order, Yoongi does just that. The ping shows a photo of the two owners in front of the business doors.
“I know we all want to keep her safe, which we can while she is here, but we cannot do anything right now about her flat being where it is. However, it is rather small for a pack house,” Namjoon continues.
“Yeah, I am pretty sure that the whole packhouse could fit in our current living room,” Jimin comments.
“Seriously?” Hoseok exclaims but is quickly hushed by the other pack members. “Sorry. How does she have the basics needed for survival in a small place? You said it was the packhouse, too?”
“Yeah, her family pack would refer to it as the packhouse. It haaaas enough to get by, I guess,” Jimin shrugs.
“I spoke with her beta, that fox hybrid from her work,” he says, looking around, making sure everyone remembers who he is talking about. “He says that the packhouse moved there about two years ago, and about a month after she accepted him to the pack.
“Who accepted him to the pack?” Jungkook asks, his ears standing tall, and he starts thinking of how to impress the Alpha of your pack.
With a smile remembering the moment in the flat when the pack dynamics took over, Jimin looks directly at the youngest Alpha, “Their Luna, Y/n.”
Jungkook’s bunny ears drop at this newest information, “Luna Y/n… Y/n is the Pack Luna… like the head of the pack is our Y/n?”
Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin nod as they watch the rest of the pack process the information.
Seokjin and Hoseok seem shocked, but this makes sense, given how you have behaved around them thus far. However, they still wonder why you keep getting shocked at some of their Alpha behaviors, as you act as the equivalent of an Alpha in your pack. Wouldn’t you know these things already?
Jungkook, on the other hand, is going through so many emotions. His mind is filled with images of him scenting you, his mate, who is also a Luna. God, if he had known that last night…
“Does she acknowledge herself as Luna, or is it like an honorary or teasing title between friends?” Jungkook asks, his face almost as stoic as Yoongi’s, “Hyungs, be serious, please. Honestly, is she a Luna?”
Clearing his throat, Yoongi leans forward with a smirk, “Put it this way… After Her Omega decided to threaten the pack with being neutered, Luna Y/n scruffed the Omegan cat to remind her of her place in front of everyone.”
The tension rises as the thought of you holding any type of power intrigues and entices each of them in different ways. Most of their minds wander to ways of getting you to use that power with or around them, dominating and controlling different situations.
On the other hand, some want you to relinquish that power and control, allowing them to dominate your every sense, getting you to relax fully into their Alphas, and accepting the safety they will provide you.
“In the heat of the moment, she is by all means ‘Luna Y/n’ with no questions asked,” Jimin interjects. “However, when I called her Luna, she became flustered and was concerned about her and her Omega offending us.”
“Let's just say Y/n has had to do many things and has become skilled in ways that most humans wouldn’t even try properly. She certainly doesn’t abuse that power like some more dominant humans do. Though, I am not convinced that even Y/n knows where she stands in the overall scheme of things,” the Prime Alpha comments.
Looking at each of his mates, Namjoon says, “I spoke with her Omega. I learned a decent amount about Y/n interactions with Mrs. Genevie’s family pack. What concerns me was Genvie explaining that Y/n took to the pack quickly, almost as if she was an orphan.”
“An orphan?” questions Seokjin. “What about her mother or father?”
Namjoon’s face fell, “After talking with both members of her pack, I only learned that she came to California with her mom and brother. Her mom made sure she never talked about her father or that side of the family.”
Seokjin and Hoseok share a look, both remembering what you did to your nest.
“I think her mom was quite controlling and..” Seokjin pauses, looking at Jimin. “And I think she has something against hybrids. Which doesn’t make sense because Y/n’s mom allowed her to be friends and interact with her Omega’s family pack.”
“Why are you looking at me? Why do you say that, Hyung?” Jimin asks, scooting forward in his chair. His orange scent is curled with worry. His eyes look between the two older mates as they share his concern.
“We all saw that she made a nest with our things when we left this morning. Before she came in here, I was talking with her and well… she made her bed,” Hoseok says with his eyes never leaving Jimin.
“Wha..What do you mean?” Jimin pushes.
“I mean, she tore down her ‘blanket fort.’ Put our extra materials at the foot of the bed, and it looked the same as when we arrived for the very first time,” Hoseok explains.
“She didn’t break it down because she wanted to. She broke it down because her mother drilled it into her to do so—to the point that she would get into trouble if she didn’t,” adds Seokjin while slightly glaring at Hoseok.
Jimin stands and paces behind his mates' chairs. He is trying to keep the memories at bay—the memories of his former owners—the voices of his former owners scolding him, the feeling of worthlessness, and the sounds of flesh beating into flesh. Did you live like that, too? Were you raised to be someone who you really are not, just like him?
Most hybrids were purchased or raised by the small percent of the world who had more money than they knew what to do with. Jimin’s mother was pregnant with him when she was bought. After he was born, they trained him to be a showpiece.
They thought that because he was male and a bear, that automatically made him an Alpha.
As a young boy, Jimin was soft and cuddly. He learned to build nests from his Omega mother, but they had to hide them. If their owners saw him build or sleep in a nest, they would tear it down and beat him.
After he presented as an Alpha, they would beat him if he displayed any non-Alpha behaviors, such as scenting, cuddling, purring, and even denning, which was the Alpha equivalent of nesting, but the stupid humans didn’t know any different.
It wasn’t long after he presented as an Alpha that his mother passed away. When they attempted to breed her again, she was too old to carry cubs. The owners didn’t care. All they knew was that she was a sow that had successfully had other cubs, so why not more?
Once his mother passed, Jimin shut down and became the perfect Alpha for his owners. He was the perfect gentleman at events and the amazingly attentive ‘toy’ for their close friends, male or female.
The only time Jimin felt like himself was when they went to extravagant galas, and they would make him dance with anyone willing to spend money. He would lose himself in the music.
It wasn’t until his owner’s best friend mentioned how Jimin’s flexibility and graceful movements would look beautiful on stage that he found some form of reprieve.
That reprieve came in the form of schooling. His owners sent him to a performing arts University to learn several dance, writing, and singing styles. The goal was to find more ways to make money off of Jimin.
During this time, a scout approached him and asked if he was interested in becoming an idol. After some discussion, Jimin jumped at the chance to be an Idol. It would allow him to escape his owners and find his freedom.
Luckily for him, not only did he find his freedom, he found his mates.

The pack took the new information to heart and agreed to use the pack nesting room tonight for the first time. It would allow the pack a chance to connect again, and, with all the disturbing news, they all needed the comfort.
It took Jimin and Taehyung about 15 minutes to build up to an acceptable level of comfort. Using some of the new bedding that Hoseok had gotten to replace what they had given you.
Seokjin lay against the far wall under the large panoramic window. Jimin pressed his back into his front. Finishing the Jimin sandwich was Yoongi. Seokjin and Yoongi wrapped their arms around Jimin to ground him to the present. Both of the older Alphas saw the shadows of the past haunt their precious panda’s face and wanted to offer solace for him.
Jungkook and Taehyung were cuddled together on Yoongi's side. The former became the latter’s pillow for the night. Taehyung curled an arm around the bunny, and the other hand was tucked into Yoongi’s hair, absent-mindedly scratching his scalp behind his ears.
Hoseok smiled at his mates, already hearing soft snores from a few but noting that the Prime Alpha had not yet joined. Listening through the house, he could hear movement down the hall.
Softly closing the door to the pack nest, Hoseok went to find the missing Alpha. It didn’t take long to find him as he was pacing the dining room and kitchen. His eyebrows furrowed, his tail hanging low, almost touching the ground, and he seemed to be in his own dark world.
“Prime Alpha?” Hoseok calls softly, trying not to startle his leader.
The calling of his title snaps Namjoon out of his thoughts, “Hoseok-hyung, why are you still up?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he responds, walking closer to him. The Prime Alpha’s faint leather scent tells Hoseok more than enough. Closing the distance, the marten pulls his wolf mate into a tight hug.
Melting into the hold of his mate, Namjoon breathes in his lilac and vanilla scent. Allowing the presence of the pack’s sunshine mate, as they call him, to calm the racing and running of Namjoon’s mind into something more manageable. “Are we doing the right thing by Y/n?”
“Oh, Joonie. I know I was harsh, and the pack didn’t respond well to your idea, but I think it was the only way you thought would help us keep her,” comments Hoseok, rubbing his back in comforting circles.
“I believe the mate bond is already starting to work magic, Joon. She may be human, but she isn’t immune to it. Remember last year you read all those studies?” Hoseok questioned.
“I remember. You were so interested in the results. They showed that humans can respond to the bond just as strongly as a hybrid, but they just take a while to recognize it.”
“She won’t be mad that we are lying to her? That we are doing all of this with alternative intentions? That I am a horrible Prime Alpha because I didn’t act on the bond right away?” Namjoon asks rapidly.
“Joonie… Joon…” Hoseok tries to interrupt, “Alpha!” The title again stops Namjoon from continuing to spiral. Pulling back from the hug, Namjoon looks at Hoseok with his eyes, searching for answers that he knows only Y/n holds.
“Prime Alpha, Namjoon, our wolfie,” Hoseok coos. “Y/n may be all those or none of these. Just know she is also kind. She seems to be just as insecure about everything as we are.”
Namjoon’s eyes focus again on something Hoseok cannot see, “I want to talk with her family pack again without Y/n. At least I would like to let them know she is our mate. Maybe they can help us.”
“That is a brilliant idea, Joon!” smiles Hoseok.
“Do you think maybe we should all meet with them, just me or a few of us?” Namjoon asks as his focus returns to the mate in his arms.
“Well, tomorrow, Jin-hyung has a plan for y/n. He wants to start the one-on-one dates and has already ensured his schedule was cleared. So maybe something with you and Yoongi-hyung?”
“That is a good idea. I am glad Seokjin is going to start the dates. He always has a level head when it comes to bringing mates into the fold. Unlike me and my muddled mind and Kookie wanting to jump right into things,” chuckles Namjoon.
As he relaxes, his leather and vanilla scent returns in full. Taking Hoseok’s hand, the two start walking to the pack nest. “I think tomorrow, I will let the rest of the pack know and ask who wants to join me.”
“Sounds great, Alpha. Now let’s go to bed,” agrees Hoseok as he opens the door and leads the Pack Alpha into the nest.
Glancing over the nest, seeing each of his mates with soft features of sleep gracing their features makes love in Namjoon’s heart blossom. He always wanted to be the Pack Alpha, and then when it was apparent all his mates were also Alphas, it was an honor to be recognized as their Prime Alpha.
He was lying down, with Hoseok curling along his back and acting like a koala by hooking his limbs around him. Sleeping Hoseok was just as clingy if not more so, than awake Hoseok.
Focusing on the partly open door, the smell of Sweetpea blows in, mixing with Hoseok’s lilac, Jungkook’s snickerdoodle, Taehyung’s ebony, Yoongi’s petrichor, Jimin’s oranges, Soekjin’s cherries, and all with the rich undertone of vanilla.
The scents reminded the Prime Alpha that his mates were at least safe in the packhouse. Namjoon sighed, his body succumbing to sleep while his Alpha settled, a bit more at ease now with the plan that had been made.
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American Mate (10) - A Date in the Right Direction

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 10 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,976
Work count for Story: 65,512
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I am currently not working because of a broken foot. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have mentions of lost pregnancy, pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, and close proximity, but mainly, it is just Fluff.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit

The next morning is a complete departure from your usual routine. You had meticulously set your alarm for 7:30 am, anticipating a quick shower would suffice before your medical appointment. But fate had other plans in store for you.
Shuffling, giggling, and the hushed “Quiet Kookie” woke you. Wait… is that water running? What time… what?
Stretching as you blink your eyes, you end up face to face with Jungkook, “Ah! Jungkook! What are you doing?”
“Good morning, my sweets,” the bunny smiled brightly with his big eyes. No care in the world that he just spooked you await.
Still hearing movement, you take a look around. Jungkook is kneeling on the bed but not inside your fort. Yoongi has popped his head out of your bathroom, and Seokjin stands at the entry door with a tray.
“Good morning, Jungkook, Seokjin, Yoongi. What time is it?’ rubbing your eyes and stretching again. Man, that was the deepest sleep you have gotten in a long time.
Each Alpha wants to coo at your cute little stretches, which are maddeningly hidden by Taehyung’s blanket.
Seokjin is the first to snap out of watching you, “It’s almost 7 am, dear. I have a light breakfast, and Yoongi is drawing a bath for you. We want to make sure you're comfortable and ready for your day."
Looking at Seokjin with a bit of a question furrowing your brow. Yoongi retreats into the bathroom now that he sees you are not upset at the intrusion.
“Sweets, we heard your doctor’s appointment was this morning. I hate doctor’s appointments, and we thought it might be uncomfortable for you, too.” Jungkook says while he giggles at your expression.
“Thank you, Alphas. I was going to try a shower today, but a bath sounds good,” you say. A smile blooms on your face at the knowledge of the Alphas trying to make your day good.
“Princess, the bath is ready. I used the Cassia and Cherry scented bath bomb for you today. I set a towel to the side for you like last time. When you are done, please call for any of us to help dry your hair, okay?” asks Yoongi as he heads toward the door.
“Sure thing, Yoongi. Thank you again.” With another smile, Yoongi looks pointedly at the youngest packmate before leaving to get ready, presumably.
“Jin, is breakfast something that will get cold, or can I eat it after the bath?” you ask. Meanwhile, you note that Jungkook has scooted closer to you but still not close enough to touch you or your fort.
“It’s a simple breakfast: just some fruits and a bagel with cream cheese,” his eyes widened. He looked at the tray and then back at you. “You do like fruit, bagels, and cream cheese, right?”
Giggling, you kick out of the blankets and start scooting toward him. “Who doesn’t like those? They would be crazy not to like those!”
You look at the array of foods on the tray, “Thank you, Jin. It looks good. Oh, you got mangos, my favorite!”
You happily take a large bite of the slice and close your eyes to enjoy the burst of flavor. Seokjin watches you eat intensely, and Jungkook approaches your side.
Opening your eyes, you look back at the bunny, asking, “Can you have mangos?” At his nodding, you offer him to take the rest of the mango in your hand.
Leaning forward, Jungkook eats the mango from your hand. His lips barely touch your fingertips, temporarily short-circuiting you.
You immediately drop your hand and look back at Seokjin, only to notice he is watching Jungkook eat. You feel like you are getting too warm over witnessing something that should be between mates only.
“Umm... I am gonna go take that bath now,” you say softly.
Bolting into the walk-in closet, you look for something comfortable and yours to wear today. You pull out a pair of leggings, a sports bra, a crisscross tank, and a non-thousand-dollar sweater.
When you leave the closet, you notice that the tray has been left at the end of the bed, and the two remaining Alphas have left the room.
Softly, you bang your head on the door frame and mumble, “Good job, y/n. Way to keep professionalism.”

You could ask someone to take you to a salon to wash it.
Your mind didn’t focus on any one thing as you dried off and dressed. That seems to be your mode right now.
Your mind is like a laptop with 20 tabs open, and you cannot figure out where the music is coming from or what language it is even in.
Walking out of the bathroom, you towel off your hair and head to the door to ask Yoongi for help, as instructed.
At the sound of your name being called from inside the bedroom, you jump and spin around to see Seokjin sitting down with a brush and cordless hair dryer.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but it sounded like you were almost done with your bath. I wanted to help you with your hair,” Seokjin says, holding up the tools. “That and I wanted to talk to you while you ate.”
“It’s okay, Jin. I had joked with Yoongi earlier about getting him and Taehyung a bell, but now I think it’s not them being sneaky.” You shake your head and make your way to sit on the bed in front of the eldest Alphas.
You smile as you relish the feeling of someone else brushing your hair. Reaching out with your good hand, you pull the food tray closer and start munching. The mango, strawberries, and grapes are so fresh. The bagel and cream cheese also taste like they were made this morning.
Behind you, Seokjin noticed how tangled your hair was still. This prompted him to go into the bathroom and get some leave-in conditioner. Just like Yoonig, Soekjin brushes your hair gently.
When he goes to blow dry your hair, you turn around, stopping him from continuing, and ask, “Jin, umm… I wasn’t able to wash my hair as well as I would like to have. Can someone take me to a salon to wash it?”
“You could have asked one of us to help, dear.”Soekjin says, then quickly adds, “Like to wash it over the sink or something.”
“I didn’t think of that. Not used to having people willing to help me,” you respond, looking down shyly.
Putting a finger under your chin, Seokjin tilts your head back to look at him. “I understand. It will take time to depend on the seven of us, but we are all here for you. I will see what I can do about getting your hair done. For now, what would you like me to do, dear?”
“I would normally braid it, but that won’t work. Maybe a bun?”
“I can do a bun, or I can see if Tae is still here. He has sisters, so I am sure he knows how to braid,” he offers.
“A bun is fine. We don’t have much time, and you said you wanted to talk to me,” you say, turning around and resuming your munching.
“I did… wanna talk to you.” Finishing up the bun, he puts the brushes in your bathroom and asks, “Namjoon talked to you about the outings that the pack wants to do with you right?”
“Oh yes. I think it is nice of the pack to want to do that. I thought this would be more of a group activity kind of pack since you are all bonded. Goes to show you cannot make assumptions,” you giggle.
“Right, I may love my mates together, but sometimes you just need some alone or one-on-one time.”
Sitting on the other side of the food tray, his eyes take in that you have avoided all of the melons on the plate. “You don’t like melons?”
“Not really. I mean, I will eat watermelon and cantaloupe if that is the only fruit, but I am not much of a honeydew fan,” seeing his shoulders drop at your response.
You take a grape, eat it, and smile, “It was a great breakfast for not knowing me that well, Alpha.”
Smiling softly, he notes that he will tell the rest of the pack to avoid melons at all costs and stock up on strawberries, grapes, and mangoes.
“So the umm… outings. It will be interesting to fit them into your guys’ schedules soon. This first week is practically shot since it’s almost over, and the contract hasn’t even been finalized yet. So they will start next week if all goes well?”
“Actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about,” Seokjin takes your hands in his. “Y/n, I know the contract isn’t finished, but it really doesn’t matter. It’s more like a formality than anything at this point.”
You think of how everything has not followed standard operational procedures. You can hear Derek yelling at you about legalities. You nod slowly in hesitant agreement, waiting for him to continue.
“With that being said, Miss Y/n, Soekjin looks into your eyes, allowing his confidence and childlike anticipation to show. “Would you do me the honor of going out with me tonight?”
You automatically feel your face burst into a blush at his question. For some reason, you thought they would just tell you who would take you and where.
But no. Kim Seokjin, the talented singer of the world-famous K-pop group, is asking you to join him… tonight. The contract is not set; you haven’t passed anything yet, and he is still asking.
Knowing that the pack planned and agreed upon this, you smile, “Tonight sounds great, Jin.”
Why does it feel like you just agreed to go on a date with the eldest member of the Bangtan pack?

Yoongi and Jungkook were the only ones left in the packhouse, Seokjin having left after your conversation.
At 9:30 a.m., Dr. Blackwell arrives with her bag and a smaller suitcase. The doctor has taken you into your room and done the physical exam, wanting to get that out of the way as quickly as possible.
Something about it makes the Alphas feel uneasy, given its vulnerability.
Now, you are all sitting in the dining room, an alpha on each side, with the focus laser-focused on Dr. Blackwell, who seems not to be affected at all.
“Miss Y/n, these questions are personal in nature, and you can deny the presence of the Alphas at your side. They would be required to leave the packhouse and be out of earshot so that you can answer comfortably.”
“Do you want them to stay or leave?” the Doctor asks.
Feeling the hybrids at your side shift at the notion of having to leave you, you answer, “They can stay, Dr. Blackwell. Everything you ask will be in a report for them all to see anyway.”
“Very well,” she finally glances at the two men. “If either of you think you may hear things you do not want to hear then please take your leave now.”
“We are good,” Yoongi replies, and Jungkook nods in agreement.
“Alright. Well, Miss Y/n, can you tell me of your family history, any health conditions, addictions, or genetic background?” the doctor asks.
“Sure. My brother is healthy as a horse and backpacking around the Blue Ridge Mountain range right now. My mother is relatively healthy but does drink heavily in social situations. My grandparents were healthy too and drank socially also.”
“Are those your mother’s parents?”
“Oh yes, this is all my mom’s side. I don’t know anything about my father’s side. He was only in my life until I was about 10 or 11. He and my mother divorced, and mom took away all contact with him and that side of the family.”
“You don’t know your dad?” Jungkook asks with a frown. Bunny hybrids live in large family colonies, so it doesn’t make sense to him.
“No, I don’t. I tried to find him when I turned 18, but my mother threatened to disown me and stuff, so … yeah. I had tried for almost a year before she found out. I figured he would have contacted me by now, if he wanted to.”
Placing your hand on Jungkook’s, you smile softly at him, “It’s been years, Thumper. I am okay.”
“What about your personal history, Miss Y/n?” the doctor says, getting everyone back on track.
“Well, besides my being considered obese by medical standards,” you hear a soft growl from the jaguar but continue, “I have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. The main symptoms are tiredness, inability to lose weight, some food sensitivities and I am pretty much cold 24/7.”
“Can you list your food sensitivities, please? This is imperative for the contract, as all dietary restrictions must be factored in, Miss Y/n.”
“Umm... yeah. I can’t typically find my way around it, so they really are not restrictions,” you hurriedly say, trying to find a way to avoid the question.
“Princess, Hyung is going to want to know the specifics. His love language is food; remember his promise to keep you well-fed. This will help ensure he doesn’t hurt you in the process,” encourages Yoongi.
“Yeah, sweets. Even Jin-hyung is allergic to garlic, Tae Tae cannot eat spicy foods, and Joonie and Jiminnie-hyung don’t eat seafood. I don’t think it's an allergy for them, but it might as well be,” Jungkook adds, trying to help you feel comfortable.
“Okay,” you nod at both of them and turn to the doctor. I am allergic to chocolate. Citrus and spices give me blisters in my mouth. Sometimes, bananas and avocados make my mouth itchy because of my latex allergy, but I love them. I don’t have a gallbladder, so I avoid red meat for the most part.”
You glance at the jaguar hybrid beside you, expecting a negative response.
However, you are met with a gummy smile and a tail wrapping your thigh, “thank you for sharing, Princess. You and Joonie can share all the surf and turf meals.”
This causes everyone to laugh, effectively making the mood lighter than before.
You continue to answer a series of questions, and then you come to the questions that you hate: the social history, a.k.a. ‘how lame your sex life is’ questions.
“Miss Y/n, since the Bangtan Pack has requested not to include the rut clause. We do have to ask you about things that will affect that. It's best to rapid-fire these to avoid any awkwardness,” the doctor suggests while giving the two Alphas stern looks.
“Sure, rapid-fire works Dr. Blackwell.”
“Gender at birth?”
“Identify as?”
“The same.”
“Heterosexual and sapiosexual.” Piquing the interest of the Alphas at your side, but the doctor presses on.
“Ever had intercourse?’
“Yes, one that failed. I had a miscarriage.” Jungkook’s hand squeezes yours as Yoogni’s tail softly brushes your forearm.
“Last sexual encounter?
“Th… three years ago. I.. I stopped when I had the miscarriage.”
“Birth Control?”
“IUD implanted shortly after the miscarriage.”
“Well, I think that is all. Your IUD is still usable for another 2 years and the bloodwork will tell us if there is anything else to worry about.”
“Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I will walk you out and… I think I will take a walk around the property to get some fresh air.”
Both you and the doctor go outside, chatting about random things.
When she goes to get into the car, she stops you from walking off, “Miss Y/n, I didn’t ask with the pack there, but do you want any information on a therapist?”
“Oh no, Thank you, Dr. Blackwell. I can give you Ryan’s number if you need it for the report. He is the Licensed Social Worker that I was seeing until about a year ago.”
“Yes, unfortunately, without his report, I would need to do a psych assessment for the contract.” With that, you gave her all the information for Ryan.
You also decided to call him on your walk and to make sure to get the proper forms to release the sensitive information. Being a good therapist, he questions how you are doing, if you are having any complications with all the questions, and the change in your situation.
You don’t hold back. You let your former therapist know everything. At the end of it all, you realize you have no issues with what has happened.
You are playing your future with caution, and today’s visit wasn’t as terrifying or problematic as you thought it might be.
Inside the packhouse, however, Yoongi and Jungkook were very much dealing with how worrisome the doctor’s visit had become for them.
Once you and the doctor left, they went to Yoongi’s den and chatted with Namjoon and Seokjin. Yoongi went over everything that had happened during the doctor’s visit.
Seokjin was the calmest of the four. He was happy to learn about the dietary restrictions now and not during your date with him tonight. Being the eldest, he figured you had had an entire life before them.
Your reactions to their advantages, the level of panic in certain situations, and your negative self-image have already told him more than enough.
Namjoon remained primarily silent throughout the conversation. With every new bit of information, his resolve to talk with your family pack without you present solidified.
Not to mention, his Alpha now wants to ensure that your experiences with the pack are top-notch. He smiles, knowing Jin’s plans for tonight will hopefully start things off on the right track.
Ending the call, Yoongi and Jungkook head back downstairs and outside. They can hear you walking around the yard, but you are talking to someone about Dr. Blackwell and records.
Considering that you chose to make this call without them around, they sit on the back patio. This allows them to watch over you but respect your privacy.

Bangtan Pack Group Chat
Prime: Hey guys, I want to ask you all something. Hob-ah already knows about this because we talked about it last night.
Prime: After Y/n’s appointment today, which revealed a few new things, I think this idea is really our best bet.
Mochi: What is it, Hyung?
V: What happened at her appointment? Is she okay?
WWH: She is fine, but there were some concerns, which we will discuss later. Namjoon, what is your idea?
Prime: I want to go and talk to the Y/l/n Pack.
Bun: You did that already, though, with Jimin and Yoongi-hyung. You wanna go again?
Seokie: Let him talk Kookie!
Bun: Sorry.
Prime: It’s OK, Kookie. Thank you, Hobi-hyung. I want to go but I want to go without Y/n.
Yoons: You better have a good reason to see a pack without their Luna, Namjoon.
Prime: I want to tell them Y/n is our mate.
Bun: So we are okay with lying to her but not to her pack?
Seokie: No, Bunny. We are not lying to her. We are waiting til the right time to tell her.
Bun: Same difference.
Prime: Talking with her pack and letting them know might get them to tell us more about her and how to tell without her running from us.
WWH: I agree with Yoongi. This is playing with fire. But it may be our best chance. They could help open her mind to the idea.
Prime: Does anyone want to go with me?
Bun: Nope. Not even. She will be the next person I tell about the mate bond.
Yoons: I am with Jungkook on this one. I will stay out of this.
V: I will go with you, hyung. I would like to meet her family pack to start with.
Seokie: I will go, too.
WWH: When is this happening?
Prime: I don’t know yet. I was hoping for tonight.
Prime: but maybe this weekend would be better?
Mochi: Sorry, but Manager Sejin asked what was happening.
Mochi: He thinks this is a good idea. The weekend would work best.
Mochi: also, Seokjin and Namjoon should go, but no more than 4
Mochi: So I am out. I saw them, and I still have other stuff.
WWH: If you schedule it this weekend, I will go. Tonight, I am taking Y/n out on a date.
Prime: Okay, Jin and Hobi-hyung plus TaeTae and I. Got it.

The rest of the morning was quiet. Neither of the Alphas present sought you out, but you would see them skirt around wherever you were. You finally had enough of it and went back to your room.
Looking through the preliminary contract, you found Manager Sejin’s cell number. You decide to call him to ensure he is updated with everything.
“Hello, this is Sejin.”
“Manager Sejin, it’s Y/n. How are you today?”
“Oh Y/n! Hi. I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Yourself?”
“I am doing, umm… well, I’m ok,” you hesitate to ask why the two Alphas are avoiding you.
“Yeah, should I pretend to believe you?” asks the BTS manager. Of course, he isn’t going to notice, but at least he is giving you an out.
“Can we put a pin in it for now? I want to go over a few things with you first.”
“Sure thing. What did you want to discuss? Actually, how did you get my number?”
“Your number is the only number listed on the preliminary contract, Manager Sejin,” you giggle slightly.
“Oh yeah, sorry, most Playmates don’t get a preliminary contract. Anyways, is there something I can help you with?”
“Yes, but first– Dr. Blackwell has come and gone. She did the full physical exam, blood sample, and full history. I also gave Dr. Blackwell my prior therapist's phone number. After she left, I contacted him and he will send me the ROI.”
“Wonderful news. You can tell this isn’t your first rodeo, even if you haven't been a Playmate before. Aside from the mental health report, everything else should be done by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Ryan is already working on a mental health summary report and will have it ready by tonight. He is really quick with that. He is a PMS contracted therapist, Manager Sejin.”
“That is even more perfect. Nothing seems concerning on our end, or the doctor would have already called me.”
“Well, one would think that nothing is concerning,” you say, clearing your throat.
Glancing at your door and deciding you are unsure where the Alphas are now in the house, you move to the bathroom. Closing the door and turning on the sink.
“Miss Y/n are... Are you in the kitchen?”
“No, I am hiding in the bathroom. I don’t know where Yoongi and Jungkook are, but they have been… umm, well… they have been observing me from afar.”
“Observing from afar? Like, what do you mean?”
“After the doctor left, I took a walk outside because some of the information at the end was intense but not unpleasant... for me.”
You nibble on your bottom lip, “But maybe they aren’t okay with it.”
“Okay. I agree that their behavior indicates that something is off. Have you tried going to them? Maybe they are giving you some space.”
“No, I got nervous. I guess I got used to them always coming to me,” you contemplate. “Oh! Can you possibly have someone take me to the salon?”
“Umm, I take it you have no idea what you are doing for your date tonight?”
Your breath catches in your throat when he calls tonight a date. You turn off the sink and walk back to the bedroom.
Is that what this is?
Is that what he called it?
Does the pack know?
“Well, yes, to all of that. Jin said you accepted going out tonight with him. Is he supposed to call it something else?”
“Shit! I said that all out loud?”
Manager Sejin chuckles, “Miss Y/n. It is okay. All of them know about your date with Jin tonight. Actually, I think that may explain the distance.”
“They do? It does?” You sit on the edge of your bed. The revelation that everyone is calling this a date has you reeling.
“They do and don’t tell them I told you, but everyone is nervous about it. Seokjin may not be the Prime Alpha, but he is the oldest mate. There is a lot of pressure for him to make sure tonight goes well.”
“Oh, he could do a movie night in, and I would be happy.”
“Well, this is Kim Seokjin. I doubt you'll be having a movie night at the Pack House. I suspect he has more things planned for you than what you realize.”
“Oh boy, I really need to get my hair done then, ah… Where are we going? Do I need to go shopping? Do I have the right thing to wear?”
“Miss Y/n, now is not the time to spiral. He will let you know what is happening soon. Just be ready. Since it’s already lunchtime, I suggest snacking on something.”
“Wait, you still haven’t explained why tonight Jin has to do with Thumper and Yoongi staying away.”
“I'm going to try not to laugh at you calling Jungkook Thumper,” he says, clearing his throat and trying to mask his laughter. “I am sure you have heard that Alphas are territorial, right?”
“Riiiiight, but Namjoon said they weren’t territorial like that, and he didn’t think they would be with these… ah these dates.”
“They won’t. What Yoongi and Jungkook are doing right now is the reason why they won’t.”
“Oh, but we sat next to each other when I spoke to the doctor.”
“Well, if you want to have a super happy Alpha tonight, you might want to change clothes and wash your hands, but know that you really don’t have to. He isn’t the possessive one of the group.”

After the call, you followed Manager Sejin’s advice by changing your pants, which Yoongi’s tail touched, and washing your hands up to your elbows just to be safe.
You were too nervous to eat now, so you looked around for the other two Alphas, which you knew had to be nearby.
Only to realize that you, a human, were trying to hunt down two adult male Alpha hybrids.
One of them could turn into a bunny that could fit who knows where and has the prey instinct to hide.
The other was an apex-like predator hybrid. You have already threatened to get a bell for him because of his sneakiness.
Giving up, you returned to your room and wasted time scrolling through Tumblr and Insta.
It has just hit 1 pm when you get a knock on your door. When you answer it, you are met with a woman in a pantsuit who doesn’t say anything and hands you a phone. Looking at the screen, you see that there is an active call.
“Umm… Hello? This is Y/n,” you speak into the phone.
“Hello, my dearest,” replies the voice on the other end of the line.
“Jin! You had to send a bodyguard to call me?”
“How else would I contact you? I haven’t been allowed to get your phone number. Her name is Jen, and she will be your driver today.”
“Ah yeah, I should get that to everyone, but why do I need a driver?” Smiling at the now-named woman, you cover the mic on the phone, “Hello Jen, I am y/n.”
“Yes, you do. Are you ready for tonight?”
“No, not even close. I don’t know where we are going, so I don’t know what to wear. My hair is still in the bun. Yoongi and Thumper have been nowhere to be found in the last hour.”
You hear a low chuckle from the phone line and look at the phone with irritated confusion: “You’re laughing?”
“From now on, the only Alpha you need to worry your pretty little head with is… Me.”
His voice has taken a lower tone than other times he has spoken to you, and there is something so stimulating about it.
“Now, my dearest, please go with Jen. She will take you to Mare Salon in West Hollywood, and you will join me for an early dinner. Ready?”
“Yes, Alpha,” you respond quickly, not wanting to upset the Alpha, who controls the rest of your day. While you are not a pushover, you want to be open to tonight and figure you might as well go with the flow.
“Good. Please hand the phone back to Jen and get ready to leave.”
Following his instructions, you hand the phone over. Then grab your purse, phone, and jacket. When you return to the door, Jen is no longer on the phone. “Ready when you are.”
(NOTE: If you would like to see what is being described, please go to American Mate - Date with Jin Pinterest Board)
She leads you to a sleek, all-black Town Car and opens the back door for you. Taking your seat, you find an envelope with your name next to you. Inside is a handwritten letter which reads:
My dearest Y/n, I want you to know that I am in awe of your grace throughout this past week. Even in the ups and downs, you held your ground, spoke your mind, and brought a life to the pack that none of us knew was missing. Tonight, let us celebrate our paths crossing and our lives intertwining. Our first stop of the night is Mare Salon, and this is my first chance to show you that I can treat you as you should be. They will only show you options that can be completed in time to make our dinner reservation. Feel free to pick any of the packages offered. Enjoy yourself right now. See you soon, Kim Seokjin
You read the letter multiple times. He calls you his dearest as if you are something important to him, and he is treating you to a top-tier salon experience.
Seokjin may be known as World Wide Handsome, but he is a World Wide Charmer.

The experience at Mare Salon was something new and something you swear only the 1% would typically experience.
First, you had a personal attendant, probably because you were their only customer for the rest of the day.
Secondly, they offered you a smoothie of your choice, and you got a Peanut Butter Bananrama, which was so good.
Finally, you had so many spa packages to choose from. Ultimately, you picked a Tea Tree treatment and a hydration facial.
About halfway through your experience, you received a delivery with a large black box, a medium purple box, and a black bag.
Automatically, a smile blooms on your face, and around you, the sounds of the staff cooing at the gesture have your face tinting pink.
Attached to the large box is another envelope with your name on it. The letter inside reads:
Are you relaxing, my dearest? Let me know if they are treating you like the Luna you are. Do not hesitate to ask Jen or the salon staff for anything. Once you have completed your pampering, Jen will drive you to meet me at the restaurant. I know you were concerned about what to wear tonight. I hope you do not mind, but I took care of that. Just as I promised, I will take care of you. Please let the one who delivered these to you know if any alterations are needed, and they will make the adjustments per your request. It shouldn’t be much longer, my dearest. See you soon, Seokjin
You really shouldn’t feel an emotional response from a mated man, but his words are so sweet anyone would swoon. Over your shoulder, you hear the staff mention something about being committed to a fan service.
It’s like ice buckets get thrown over you—fan service. You have seen videos of Idols treating their fans to a day of fun with them. Just recently, you saw NCT 127 make dinner for a super fan.
You were becoming a playmate. This wasn’t much different. They would be paying you to be their friend, their companion. It’s nothing more.
You continued the services you had requested. The delivered goods are still sitting untouched after you read the letter.
You had been excited, but now the thrill of the letters and the day's excitement seemed dull.
“Miss Y/n, you have a phone call,” your driver, Jen, said while handing you the same phone from before.
Taking the phone, you smiled and nodded at Jen, then waited for her to move away.
“Thank you for call… wait, no. Sorry, Hello?”
You heard a soft sigh, “You didn’t open the gifts.”
Hearing the statement, you didn’t feel the need to say anything, but there was a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Dearest, why haven’t you opened them? Did I overstep a boundary?”
You didn’t know what was worse: the sinking feeling that you had disappointed him by not opening his gifts or the feeling that you were making him feel guilty.
“Seokjin,” pausing to take a breath, you were interrupted.
“Seokjin? I am Seokjin again. What did… Y/n, please tell me where I went wrong?” His voice sounds weak, but somehow, he is still in control.
“You haven’t done anything wrong, nor have you overstepped any boundaries,” you respond. Muttering to yourself, “Your service is top-notch.”
“My what?”
“Shit. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I am sorry, Jin.”
“Explain,” he states, his voice a new tone you haven’t heard before.
“Fan service. The staff here is all giggly about how well you are treating me. Then, one mentioned something about how this was a committed fan service.”
Another sigh comes over the phone. “My dear, my dearest Y/n. This is not fan service. I have not, nor will I ever treat a fan in this way. All of this is for you.”
“You don’t have to do all this for me. I am just me.”
“Yes, you are just you. My promise to you and only you was to make sure you are eating well, so I am taking you to dinner.”
“Jin…” you breathed out.
“No, let me continue. I had promised to keep you happy and healthy, and spoiling you with this spa hair trip and the gifts was my attempt to follow through on that promise.”
“All this is so much. It’s more than I ever have been given,” you try to keep going.
“I want to impress you, Y/n. Not as World Wide Handsome or as Kim Seokjin of BTS but as Jin, the eldest Prey Alpha of the Bangtan pack. Can you allow me to do that for us?”

After Jin’s phone call, you finished your time at the salon. With the help of the delivery person, you dress in the outfit he sent you for tonight’s dinner. Surprisingly, no alterations were needed.
Now, Jen was pulling the car up to a very green door with a lovely painted woman’s face and the word Amore in green fluorescent lights.
The first room has vine-covered brick walls with glass ceilings, giving the feel of being outside. The booths out here are beautifully set with candles, and the room's center hangs a lovely chandelier.
Continuing inside, you are greeted by large wooden panels along the main wall with built-in wine racks, highly decorative green and white walls, and a classic bar in the corner to your left.
There stands the first person you have seen since you arrived. She smiles softly at you and tilts her head, indicating that you should turn in the other direction.
Following her subtle hint, you turn only to be greeted with a sight that steals your breath.
He is all in black.
Your eyes drop as you take in Seokjin’s appearance.
Classy wingtip dress shoes.
Dress slacks that are loose but accentuate the length of his legs.
The dress shirt with the top two buttons is undone, allowing you to glance at his collarbones.
Finally, you catch his eyes, which seem darker than usual. However, he doesn’t hold your gaze. Instead, his eyes travel along your body.
It’s like he was waiting for you to watch him as he assesses his gifts on you.
He has also dressed you in all black.
Your dress is made of tulle, and various parts have a dark silver metallic lining.
Your neck was a halter with a deep V-neck, which stopped with a cinched high waist and bellowed out into an asymmetrical high-low skirt. You had found this in the large black box.
Out of the purple box, you discovered shoes that allowed you to show off your newly pedicured feet, colored with a deep blue polish. They were silver chain-buckled sandals with box heels that matched the lining of your dress.
Finally, the small bag contained a lovely pair of silver and sapphire earrings and a matching bracelet. The silver parts looked like a flower made of hearts, with gems lying between them.
As his eyes traveled back up your body, he found his voice, “You look stunning.”
“Thank you, Jin,” you say with a shy smile. “You are quite handsome as well.”
He holds his hand out to you, beckoning you forward and sliding your hand in his felt natural. His warmth even pulls you in. It relaxes the tension you didn’t realize you were holding.
“Thank you for my gifts, Alpha.”
“I am sorry about your experience at the salon. Please don’t ever feel like we are just going through the motions with you. Everything that I do and that the pack does is for you.”
“Jen said something about the staff being jealous Army and that I needed to get used to them if I stuck around.”
“Ah, yes,” he says while guiding you into a small half-circle booth. His Alpha growled in his head, still wanting to fire the one who made you doubt the night's intentions.
When you sat down, you had thought he would go to sit on the other side, but instead, he sat down on the same side, scooting you over to make enough room and draping his arm across the back of the couch.
“In Korea, the crazy ones are called sasaeng. Anyone with fame has to deal with them,” he comments with his eyes focused on you.
“Sadly, you will also have to deal with them. You may even get your own, but we do our best to protect you from them.”
“I have heard of them. Probably more often than you think. They would sometimes show up to the office either trying to apply to be a Playmate or trying to catch an Idol coming through the halls.”
Looking around the restaurant, “Jin, are we the only ones here?”
“Yes, I booked the whole restaurant. I wanted to make sure we had time to talk without getting bothered.” He gestures to the waitress that you saw when you came in.
“Jin, this is amazing. Have you ever been here?”
“Nope. It had excellent reviews online, and the chef was willing to accommodate our diets without complaint,” he said with a playfully bright smile.
He looks at the waitress and says, “Please let the chef know we are ready for the first course. For now, I will stick with water, but my lady can have whatever she wants.”
“Miss, would you like to see the drink selection?” she asks. Both of them looked to me for my decision.
“Water. Ice water would be perfect, please, and thank you.”
“Make sure the water does not have a garnish. She is allergic to citrus,” he tells the waitress. Your jaw drops at the fact that he already knows this information.
“Oh, and please make sure the chef has read the restrictions. I do not want my lady to get sick while eating here.” From your angle, you cannot fully see his face.
If the waitress's reaction was any indication, it was not the happy face from a moment ago. Soon, his attention was back on you, and the waitress was gone.
He must have caught your reaction somehow because he gave you a sly smile, “Yoon and Kook let me know of the food concerns right after Dr. Blackwell left, in case you were wondering.”
“Well, that makes sense. At least they talked to someone after the appointment,” you say bitterly.
“Did they do something wrong or make you uncomfortable with your appointment?” Jin asked, his face crunching with concern.
“Oh no! They were great and supportive during the visit. They actually helped me,” you quickly said. Looking down, you focus on the bracelet that he has gifted you. Jin waits patiently for you to continue.
“I spoke with Manager Sejin about their behavior. He said I shouldn’t worry.”
“Y/n,” he says. "What did the boys do to make you call someone outside the pack for advice?” Looking back at Jin, the seriousness of his face takes you back a bit.
“I don’t want to sound like a child, but” sigh. “they ignored me after the appointment. I don’t think they were comfortable with what they learned about me.”
You go to scoot back, wanting a bit of room between you and Jin. “Manager Sejin said that it was more of a courtesy thing for you.”
That information was like a light bulb turned on over his head. The stern face melted away to a warm smile, “Do you know about Alpha bonding time and possession?”
“The only thing I know is what Derek, my beta, said, but that included imprinting and territory domains.” Your words pulled a soft chuckle from Jin.
The waitress took that moment to bring your drinks and a lovely plate called a Caledonia Blue Prawn Carpaccio. It looks incredible with the thinly sliced prawns, some small piles of what looks like foam, and a yellow gastrique.
“Here, my dear.” While you had taken a sip of water, Jin had gathered some of the carpaccio and was now offering it to you. “I want to give you the first bite as a show of following through with my promise to always keep you well-fed.”
Blushing slightly, you lean forward and say, “Thank you, Alpha.” The bite offered is unlike anything you have eaten before. The play of textures and flavors sings.
Humming in delight, you watch as Jin tastes it as well. His instant smile shows he agrees with your reaction.
“Now, back to our jaguar and bunny. I think your Beta is pretty spot on. However, it’s called territorial dominance and not domain. You’re not a website,” Jin says as he continues to feed you bites of food while he talks.
“Oh. I knew it was something like that, but still, Namjoon said there were never any issues before. So what gives?”
“Oh gosh, how do I explain this to a non-hybrid?” He goes quiet as he contemplates.
Internally, what he is trying to tell you would require you to know you are his mate. Whenever one bonded Alpha claims a day or period of time with their mate, the rest of the pack will avoid that mate to ensure several things:
1- The called mate(s) is aware that bonding time is needed
2- The calling mate(s) makes preparations for the bonding time for themselves as well as the called mate(s)
3- The remaining mate(s) keep their distance from all mates involved for temporary scent fading
4- The one or more of the remaining mate(s) are put in charge to guard the involved mate(s) until it is time for the bonding
It is an older version of the bonding time rituals. Having all Alphas in the Bangtan Pack, this version allows the called to fall into a following-like state of mind while the calling falls into a leading-like mindset.
Sipping your water and watching Jin figure out how to tell you whatever it is, you take a note to ask Derek or Evie where you can find some reputable online courses to learn more about the Alpha sub-gender.
At the lull in conversation, the waitress brings out a tray with new dishes. The first is a Perigord Truffle Chawanmushi, Uni, and Trout Roe.
After looking at it closely, you determine it is something like a flan made with fish and something else on a plate. Next to it is this soup puree topped with sea urchin and fish eggs.
The second is known as a Comte Cloud, and that is when you have to try not to laugh because it is just a poached egg with shavings on toast: those 1% folks and their fancy-schmancy names for things.
You are 90% sure the soupy thing is raw and smells strongly of fish. The speckled flan looks interesting— until the server dumps it into the soup.
So, the only safe thing is the poached egg on toast. You quickly pull that dish closer to you and hope it shows you want that and not the other concoction.
“I guess the easiest way to say this is…” Jin watches you pull the plate to you with a raised eyebrow.
“I love eggs. May I eat this one, Alpha?” you say sweetly, attempting to get your way and not being forced to eat something raw.
“Of course, but here, try this too,” he agrees while he gathers a fair sample of the raw fishy flan dish. Bringing it up to your mouth to have you try it, you keep your mouth shut.
Looking at him with pleading eyes, you ask, “Can I skip the Chawanmush… chawamjush. That,” you say, pointing to the spoon. “Can I please skip that?”
Laughing. That was his answer to you. He laughed to the point where he had to put the spoon down or risk dropping it.
“Alpha, it looks raw and smells fishy. We just ate that prawn dish, it was nearly raw, and I am not much of a raw or smelly fish eater.” You continue to pout at the thought of the Alpha making you eat it.
“Alright, you don’t have to eat the Chawanmushi. I quite enjoy things in the natural raw state, even if it’s a bit fishy.” He watches you intently while saying those words, then takes a bite.
Why does it sound like he isn’t… wait nope. You are not gonna go there. You are going to eat your poached egg. Cutting into it, the yolk runs out just as it should, and you scoop it up and take a bite. Yum.
“Oh, good. It’s dripping nicely. It must be creamy and rich, too,” comments the Alpha, slightly causing you to choke on your bite.
Jin casually pats your back and reminds you of the water to help you swallow it.
You have got to get your mind out of the gutter.
You tell the doctor today that you have been on a three-year re-virginity plan, and now that you are at a high-end dinner with World Wide Handsome, everything is becoming an innuendo.
Get a grip!
“As with any hybrid, scents are very important to us. It allows us to identify many things. Pack bonds, mating seasons, emotions, and such.”
“When one of the individuals joining in the bonding time carries the scent of another pack member, no matter the sub-gender, it can block or alter the purity of the individual’s scent.”
Jin further explains, “Territorial dominance is not a bad thing. Since you are going to be with Bangtan now, we all want to bond with you properly. As an all-Alpha male pack, our individual Alphas can become quite controlling.”
“Wait,” you remember something from the scenting session. “The night you guys brought me the extra bedding, Jungkook wanted to scent before bed, right?”
Jin simply nods while continuing to eat the fishy soup.
“Yoongi said that Jungkook wanted to go last because he was my Alpha right now. Was your youngest mate controlling you and Yoongi?”
Jin's soft smile confirms it. He says, “In a way, yes. That wasn’t due to bonding; that was situational.”
“What do you mean? Do you guys switch who is in charge? Is there an Alpha of the Day or something?"
“No, no… The Alpha who found you in need of something was Jungkook, and therefore, he became the Alpha in charge of your bedding requirements. Yoongi and I supported him with that.”
“Okay. Okay, and I know that Yoongi is responsible for my wrist, I assume for similar reasons, but for how long is Jungkook going to be in charge of my bed?”
Seokjin, who has been fighting his laughter, finally loses the battle, and you look at him with a baffled expression.
“That is actually a question for you to ask Alpha Kook. You see, as the youngest Alpha in the pack, Alpha Kook has never had someone to take care of.”
“What about the other playmates? Most of them were his age or younger. Didn’t he take care of them like a proper Alpha?”
“Be careful with that,” warns Jin, his serious face falling into place.
“Not every playmate is the same. You are, by far, not the same. You are someone special to have gotten not only Alpha Kook and Alpha Yoon but also Alpha Tae to greet you.”
“What’s so special about that?”
“Since we are a mate-bonded pack, our Alpha’s tend to stay away from others unless there is a threat. You have never been a threat to us. What really is impressive is the fact that you met so many of our Alphas.”
“Topping it off with the fact that some of us don’t typically scent except for calming nerves, getting one of us out of Alpha Space, or during times of pleasure.”
Here comes the waitress again. Duuuddee… How many courses are there in fancy restaurants?
In front of Seokjin, she places a Colorado Lamb Saddle with a Cacao-Miso sauce, white truffle, and roasted Brussels sprouts on a bed of chimichurri.
The colors on his plate are vibrant. The lamb doesn't look dry, and the chimichurri is such a bright green, but the dark brown sauce stops you from wanting to ask for a taste.
“Did you say Cacao-Miso sauce? Did you not verify the restrictions?” Seokjin’s voice becomes dry and monotone.
“We did get it, and the chef and the rest of the staff reviewed the list several times.” Glancing onto the tray, she reads over what is written on paper.
“Ah, here. This Cacao-Miso sauce is made with carob. I suppose I could have called it a Carob-Miso sauce instead,” says the waitress, looking down to avoid Seokjin's piercing look.
“That is so considerate of the Chef to make that change, Miss. Since the dish is for him, he could have still made it with its original ingredients,” you comment, trying to ease the tension that now fills the space.
“Please give the Chef and the staff our gratitude for their consideration and follow through,” you smile brightly.
Glancing over at you, a softness blooms on his face. “If they did that, then I wouldn’t be able to share it with you, dearest.”
The endearment causes you to blush. The fondness in his eyes only increases it, but the silent coo from the waitress causes you to look away and fiddle with the napkin in your lap.
The waitress then places a Lavender Duck Breast with Carrot Puree in front of you and Endives finished tableside with a Romesco sauce. The smell was divine, and you couldn’t wait to try it.
Duck wasn’t something you had ever had before, but it was poultry, right? You were used to eating a lot of chicken, and, of course, you had turkey for most big holidays. Duck is just another one of the bigger birds that you could eat.
You wonder what Yoongi or Taehyung would think of your all-poultry-tastes similar thought process. You giggled at the thought. The sound fills the room like chimes, drawing the waitress's and Seokjin's attention.
In the silence of the room, you looked up from poking at the duck with your fork.
“Does your food normally quack you up?” Seokjin asked with an exaggerated serious face, to which you could only giggle more.
Looking at the waitress, he asks, “Does she get any quackers with her Duck?” This caused both of you to start laughing.
“Should she be worried about quacking her teeth, or is it cooked to perfection?” he continued, but he couldn’t hold back this time and started laughing along with the two of you.
After clearing the table and refilling your drinks, the waitress leaves you two alone again. You cut the delicious food she brought out, and the taste shocks you.
Duck, in fact, is not like chicken because it is much richer and heartier. It is almost like eating a steak while still having that poultry gamey flavor.
Seokjin waits patiently, watching you take your first bite. Your moan of delight at the taste feeds right into this fixation. Quickly looking away, he cuts into his lamb and offers it to you.
Taking a sip of water to clean your pallet, you smile, “You trust them to make it without the cocoa, Alpha?”
Watching as a frown takes over his face, bringing the lamb up to smell. You wait for his reaction.
You have heard that a hybrid’s sense of smell is higher when smelling other people or hybrids, but you never thought it would be related to food.
“To be honest, it smells more like a lamb and has a musk scent. I am sorry for not checking first. I just wanted you to try it. I think you are safe, but if you would rather be cautious, then you don’t have to eat it.”
“I don’t have my Epi-pen on me. With past experiences, I would rather not risk anything. But I would love to try your Brussels sprouts, Alpha.”
“Ah yes, sorry again,” apologizes the Alpha.
He eats the bit and seems to enjoy it, but less than if you had been the one to eat it. Scooping up your requested bite, he offers it to you.
“Thank you for providing for me, Alpha,” you say before eating the bite. You watch as he opens his mouth along with yours. His eyes never actually look at the food offered.
It is a burst of flavor with the char on the sprout and the hint of the chimichurri it was served on. You hum in delight, wanting nothing more but to have another bite.
Looking down at your plate, you also desire to share with him. He has provided for you as an Alpha should, but you also want to care for him.
You know it’s part of your “job” that has yet to start, but it also seems more than that.
Deciding to follow your intuition, you cut a piece of your duck coated in the sauce and offered it to him. “Alpha?”
“Hmm?” His eyes were still focused on his plate.
“Can I offer you some of my duck?” You ask as you move the fork closer to his sight.
You watch as his eyes snap to the fork. There is a brief hesitation, which makes you second-guess him when offering him food.
You are not an Alpha.
You are not a hybrid.
Unlike offering food to Evie or Derek, you are not his Luna or of his pack.
Pulling back your offer, his hand shoots out and takes hold of your wrist. His eyes snap to you as he watches your face and eats the bite you have offered him.
Your eyes, however, glance at your now empty fork to his lips as he licks up the sauce and then down to his adam’s apple as he swallows. Finally, your eyes land back on his face.
“It tastes lovely, but was it Miss Y/n who offered me the taste, or was it Luna Y/n?” he asks, pinning you in place with his intensity, but he still has not released his hold on your wrist.
You swallow, searching his face for the correct answer. You should have kept to yourself. Your mother always said dotting on others was a sign of bad breeding.
Why did you do it?
Your scent starts to waver, pulling onto the side of the perfume, which alerts the alpha. You feel his thumb rubbing your wrist, and then you feel like you can breathe again.
“I don’t… I just..” You close your eyes and take a breath. “I am sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I wasn’t trying to take your position, Alpha. I promise.”
“Y/n, look at me, please?” You listen and open your eyes, preparing for whatever he says next.
“Y/n, I am Alpha enough to know that you are not trying to take my position. I am asking because I would like to gauge how to respond to you properly.”
“It's just me, Jin. I just felt I needed to share with you and take care of you in a way. I know I am human but I had to follow my intuition. I am sorry.”
As you speak, he smiles and shakes his head, “My dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. Trust me. Remember this is us learning about each other. For you, this is also you learning a lot about Alphas.”
“Then why does it matter if it’s Miss me or Luna me? I am me. I am not your Luna.”
“They are both you, this is true. I suppose I am trying to learn how much of a Luna you are.”
“You guys are the first to call me Luna outside of Evie and Derek. I mean, even Evie’s mate who is an Alpha doesn’t call me Luna.”
“How does it make you feel when we call you Luna? Is it the same feeling that you get when your family pack calls you that?”
“Ah, well, it’s not the same. Bangtan pack has only called me after I had to correct my Omega, but no one has used it since then. Well, until now, and even then, you weren’t calling me that. It was just a title.”
“But how did you feel when Yoongi and Jimin called you Luna? Did you hate it? Did you feel empowered, aroused, or silly?”
Your mind takes you back to the balcony at your pack house, Yoongi’s soft touch and hot breaths: “Your actions were a sight to see, Luna.” Next, you feel like you are back in Jimin’s arms as he holds you. Alpha Chim shines through with a playful smile: “Luna.”
As your body remembers the thrum of energy playing at their touches, at their words, a tang of arousal filters into your sweet pea scent. The change in your scent tells Seokjin more than enough.
You nibble on your bottom lip, debating what to tell the Alpha sitting next to you. “It was awkward to hear it from them. I felt a kindling, but I am sure it was just nerves.”
“A kindling? That is understandable. Thank you for telling me, dearest. Now, since you don’t seem to understand the difference between being human and Luna you, I will drop it, but that might be something to speak with Namjoon about.”
“Thank you, Jin.”

The rest of the dinner was almost generic. It was a simple icebreaker, get-to-know-you, 21-question conversation.
You learned about this family, including his older brother, who was … still... younger… than you. You also learned more about his and Bangtan's passion for bullying, which led them to become involved with UNICEF.
While you knew he had a fantastic voice because of the song Abyss, you still took the time to listen to his development and struggles as an artist and eldest member of Bangtan.
Dinner ended with a lovely traditional mille-feuille for the two of you to share. Jin had suggested a walk around the area, to which you agreed. You had eaten more than expected, and walking would do you good.

As you suspected, the BTS classic disguise was donned before leaving the restaurant. This time, the black bucket hat was replaced with a black fedora, which fit his suit perfectly.
He also offered you a black mask, which you obliged. Once outside the door, it was clear that the fall season had started to settle. When Seokjin requested that you walk to the side, away from the cars, you smiled and felt slightly giddy.
So far, he was a gentleman.
He had never interrupted you, never pushed too far with the conversation, and even though he was letting his flirtatious sideshow, it never made you uncomfortable.
You took about five steps before the Alpha covered your shoulders in his suit jacket. His naturally broad shoulders make it easy to drape across yours, even though you weren’t a skinny minny.
The scent of cherries and vanilla permeated the air. The scent brought a sense of calm over you. “Hmm… interesting.”
“What’s interesting?” asks Seokjin, though his eyes still look around at the passing cars and people.
“I think I am starting to determine your individual scents to a degree,” you say, smiling up at him as he stops.
“You can. Who have you figured out so far?” he asks, gesturing to a nearby bench.
Sitting down, you angle toward him, saying, “I am pretty sure I know Jungkook’s, Yoogni’s, and now your scent. Maybe even Jimins, but I am least sure about his. I haven’t a clue about the rest.”
Leaning back and bracing his arms along the back of the bench, he takes a moment to think about this. If you can smell the scents, do you also smell the mate scent?
“Let’s see how close you are. What’s our baby Alpha’s scent?”
“He smells like my favorite cookie, Snickerdoodles. Well, it may not be that specific, but it's sweet, like sugar, with a spice that reminds me of cinnamon and warm butter.”
“Very good. Cinnamon, sugar, and butter are his primary scents. He would love it if you told our Kookie he smelt like a cookie. How about Yoongi-ah?
“Now his… I swear his changes.” This comment causes the Alpha to sit up with attentiveness.
“What do you mean?” His Alpha is very curious to know what scents you have smelled when it comes to Alpha Yoon, especially since humans shouldn't be able to detect changes like that.
“Well, typically, he smells like Petrichor, my favorite scent that rain can have. But the other day, I swore I smelled like a stormy ocean-like scent.”
“Yoongi, smelled like a storming ocean?” You nod and look at him curiously while he tries not to look shocked. “Whenever he smells like the ocean, it means his Alpha is out in full force, and the storm is when he is mad.”
“Oh well, okay yeah, totally explains it.”
“Explains what?”
Your eyes widened a bit before you looked down and pulled the jacket closed more. “It was when Prime Alpha made the request before Yoongi took me upstairs.”
“Ah, yes. Not one of our finest moments. Alpha Yoon was not happy. Honestly, I don’t think any of us were. What about Jimin? You mentioned you might know what is his.”
“Well, I figured out his scent yesterday,” you start, trying not to remember his physical actions. “Jimin’s eyes. The darkness stole away the white and tinged red when Alpha Chim… came out?”
“Fronted. When our Alpha’s ‘come out’ as you said, it is called fronting. Our Alphas are always present in our minds but they only front when there is something they want.”
“Yeah, Alpha Chim called me Luna. He said I smelled of Alpha Yoon but that it was okay because he is a mate, but then he asked if it was okay to scent me, too."
Scooting forward, Seokjin took your hand and looked at you with a vulnerability you hadn’t seen before. “He asked; Alpha Chim asked to scent you. Did you let him?”
“Yes, of course I let him,” you smile. “I wasn’t about to turn him away after what he shared with me, and it felt like it was supposed to happen.”
“His oranges blended with Alpha Yoon’s, and it smelt like I was in an orange grove after a spring rain.”
Seokjin squeezes your hand with a soft smile, “Y/n, you don’t know how happy I am to hear that Chim scented you.”
“I am glad that your pack doesn’t get upset with everyone scenting me. Jimin’s was surprising to me because of how distant he has seemed from the beginning.”
“Jimin may be a bit more hesitant than his Alpha when it comes to you, not that it’s your fault.”
“I understand. He told me about what happened.” Looking down at your joined hands, you recall the story of Seul-ki. “He also said that everyone seemed to be okay with playmates aside from Hoseok and Yoongi.”
“I bet that is hard to imagine. I mean, with how Yoongi is acting around you.”
Seokjin notices that the temperature has dropped a bit more, and though you have his jacket, you are starting to shiver.
Using your jointed hands, he pulls you up and starts walking back to the can where Jen has been waiting and watching the two of you.
“I know it's been said many times, but things have been and will continue to be different with me for the pack. I haven’t been trained to be a playmate, and I don’t know much about Alphas.”
“Don’t worry too much about being a proper playmate. I, for one, don’t feel like that title sets well with you. You feel more important than that.”
When you approach the car, he waives off Jen to open the door for you himself—still being the perfect gentleman. The action, though simple, sets your heart a flutter and causes the vanilla of your scent to bloom as you hand back his jacket and enter the car.
Once you are in, you revel in the warmth it brings. The cold from outside had penetrated you deeper than you thought—one of the side effects of having an autoimmune disorder.
Seokjin joins you in the backseat but notices you still shivering, “Y/n, are you okay? Did you get too cold?”
“I will be fine. I am used to it. I have always run colder than the rest of the world it seems like. I have Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.”
Smoothing out your skirt, you continue, “I know you will get more information with the contract but just know, I have had it for a while and am used to it. So don’t worry.”
Next thing you know, an arm engulfs your shoulders, and you are being manhandled into the middle seat. You’re angled to have your back pressed against Seokjin’s chest, allowing his body heat to warm you up.
“Relax, dearest. As a hybrid, we run warmer than humans. As an Alpha, I run even hotter. Allow me to warm you up again, please?”
With every second that passes, you can already feel the tightness in your back release. The Alpha is almost like a heated blanket at your back. Nodding your head, you settle into his hold, “Thank you, Alpha.”
As you rest your head back, you take a slow breath. Smiling to yourself, you think about how safe and accepted Seokjin has made you feel all night.
Your previous dates, boyfriends, and even your brother never took the time to treat you like a lady. Replaying the night in your mind, the Alpha’s scent surrounds you in the backseat, “Cherries.”
“What was that dear?”
“Cherries, your scent is subtle, but it's cherries, right?” you ask, moving your body enough to still lean against him but see his face.
“Yes,” a shy smile tugs on his lips. “It’s not one of the stronger scents out of the pack.”
“Sometimes the best scents are not the powerful ones,” you notice the hint of sadness in his eyes.
It stirs a desire to get the smile to reach his eyes and prompts you to say, “They are meant to comfort and not intimidate. Any Alpha can intimidate, but it takes an amazing Alpha to comfort.”
“Thank you.”

The rest of the ride to the packhouse was held in comfortable silence.
Seokjin basks in the feel of your body relaxing against his, your scent seeping into his soul. Tonight was better than expected.
Aside from you confirming the things he had already suspected, he learned a little from you. You may either need to learn to yourself better or need to trust him more.
He understands that trust takes time and can be built on transparency, so he was happy to answer your questions. This dinner had more riding on it than he thinks you will ever understand.
Though he is not the Prime Alpha, being the eldest Alpha means he has been acting as the Pack Luna. His connection to you is just as crucial as Namjoons.
While it is clear that you have a connection with Yoongi and Jungkook, the mate bond must be solidified by all the mates.
It's an all-or-nothing kinda deal.
When the car comes to a stop, he gets out and then helps you as well. Ever the provider, he pulls you tightly to his side to keep you warm as you walk up the steps.
Shockingly, no one is waiting for the two of you to come home. While you look around, wondering where everyone has gone, Seokjin has hung his jacket and kneeled to help you remove your shoes.
“Thank you, Alpha,” you whisper, trying not to break the peace that seems to have settled over the packhouse.
Retaking your hand, he leads you to your bedroom door, pausing briefly before he leans forward to rest his forehead on yours.
“Dearest Y/n, taking you out tonight was a pleasure and an honor. I hope you see that I am more than just World Wide Handsome Jin.”
You nod and go to say something, only for him to continue, “Please think on tonight. How you felt going on a date with me, how it felt spending time with me, and how it may be with the rest of us.”
“I had a lovely time, Jin. I have never been treated like a lady of class before, and it made me feel special. Thank you for everything.”
“You are more than welcome. Thank you for giving us a chance.”
With that, Seokjin pulls back just enough to kiss your forehead. His Alpha rejoices as you step forward and wrap an arm around his waist in a gentle hug.
“Good Night, Alpha,” you say as Seokjin hugs back, rubbing his cheek on your hair in a small act of absent-minded scenting.
“Good Night, my dearest,” says the eldest Alpha before opening your door and backing away as you close it with a tiny wave.
Turning around, you lean against the door, your heart thumping faster than usual. Seokjin’s kiss still feels warm on your face.
Stepping out of his hold felt more challenging than it should. You weren’t just stepping out of his arms but leaving some of yourself behind.
That’s when you realize you will be a mess at the end of six more dates.
At least you have several weeks to sort yourself out before your heart breaks eight times.
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Breaking and Entering (8) - Stanislav

Status: Ongoing Series
Word count for Chapter: 2,551
Word count for Story: 18,497
Genre: Werewolf
There are no chapter titles, but each chapter will have a name listed that indicates which POV the chapter is from. Mindlinks are in italics. Conversations with their inner wolf are in bold italics.
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs. I started a Patreon for many reasons. Most recently, I broke my foot and have been out of work for over a month. According to my recent appointment with my orthopedic surgeon, I am going to be out for a minimum of 3 more months but up to 8 more months.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, and m/m. This chapter doesn't really have a warning, but there are pack dynamics and discussions of bullying.

Observing Lovren, Erik, and Mikhail's swift exit, I find their departure more amusing than irritating. My fellow council members can't help but chuckle at the spectacle.
On the other hand, Mikhail’s counsel, a picture of anticipation, waits for one of us to lose our temper.
“Aliaksandr and Mitchell, I want you to escort Mikhail back to the pack house, I still expect stellar grades from the three of you,” I command.
My gaze shifted to the remaining females at the table, “The two of you are free to leave, but remember, Lovren is off-limits. If I catch wind of any more disturbances on pack grounds…”
Sensing the gravity of the situation, Rachel and Selena rise from their seats and bow their heads, baring their necks in a show of submission.
“Yes, Alpha Stanislav. We understand. There will be no more incidents. Right, Selena?” Rachel prompts, her voice filled with a mix of fear and respect.
“Of course, Alpha. You won’t hear a thing,” states Selena as she backs away timidly and leaves with her mother. Following the females, Mikhail’s counsel bows respectfully and leaves as well.
“I haven’t seen someone gain a reaction like that from your son… ever,” comments my beta Christopher, which has my gamma Jonathan nodding in agreement.
“Keep an eye on her, but don’t scare her, Andrei. Selena is your daughter, Jonathan, but I don’t trust her nor Lovren not to cause trouble,” I instruct, dismissing Andrei to chase after the girl.
“You are dismissed. I have a few things to do before I return to the pack house.” With that, the rest of the gathered pack left the conference room.
Returning to my office, I can see Jonathan reaching for his truck with a few others of the guard.
Jonathan has been a wonderful Gamma, never letting his title go to his head. I was concerned when he moonmated with Rachel. Rachel was the most popular girl in school; she knew it like Selena does now.
I remember Jon coming to me one night wanting to go for a run. He was pissed off at his mate for trying to get out of something by using the Gamma title they held.
He went home that night with a cool head and a determination like I had never seen. The next day, Rachel was a new woman. She went around to the pack members she had “snuffed,” as she put it, and apologized.
My Luna and I were pleased that neither of us had to step in and correct the situation.
Jonathan and Rachel lost their first litter at almost full term, and it broke them both. Two years later, without even trying, Rachel became pregnant with a beautiful baby girl born under the full moon.
That is how she got her name; Selena means bright moon. After that, Rachel became overly doting on Selena and Jonathan, focused on ensuring she could want for nothing.
When Stefen was murdered, Jonathan took it personally like he had lost another child. Since then, the pack guard has become the best in the area, if not the nation. To the point that our allied packs have sent their elite here to be trained.
Now, Mitchell has to find a way to step in and help Selena understand just what it means to be the mate of a Gamma. Hopefully, Jonathan will help Mitchell in this endeavor.
After watching Jonathan leave, my gaze moves to the town below, and my mind returns to the day's events.

“Pa! Guess what,” my son, Mikhail, comes busting through my office door, tailed by his beta and gamma.
“Whoa, Mikhail. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Alpha, we have about a few minutes left before the next class starts,” Mikhail’s beta says. “Don’t worry, I will keep Miky on track.”
“Papa, no serious! I can feel her!” he says excitedly.
“You can feel who, exactly?” I question, looking between the boys, all beaming with smiles.
“My mate! Borya says she is finally here, but she isn’t 18 yet. Isn’t this great news? It means I won’t have to travel to find her.”
Rising from my seat with a smile, I congratulate my son, “That is wonderful news, son. Borya has always had a good sense for finding his counsel. I am not surprised he can feel her so soon.”
Coming around my desk, I place my hands on his shoulders, “Finding your mate is a wonderful thing. It is a rite of passage for an Alpha. You must remain strong. A Luna is a gift from the Moon Goddess, and you must be worthy of such a gift.”
Nodding, Mikhail looks on top of the world, “I will always remain loyal to my Luna and this pack, Father. I will make you and my brother proud.”
“Hey, we should get going. The bell is going to ring soon,” interrupts his beta. With that, the three of them leave my office, and I return to the endless stacks of paperwork.
~Ring Ring~
“Alpha Stanislav, this is a conference call with the school healer. I thought you might want to know what has happened today,” says Christopher, my Beta and High School's Principal.
“What has happened?”I question, as Christopher does well with handling issues on his own. So, it’s odd that they contacted me since I have never been involved in such matters with the school.
“Alpha, I had an act of dominance injury in my office. Gamma Jonathan’s foster child was struck with extended claws by his daughter Selena. Blood was drawn,” informs the school nurse.
“Why would Selena strike out?” I inquire.
“Well, Lovren, the foster child, wouldn’t say anything about who did it or the events leading up to it, but I could link with the student who brought her in,” the nurse explains.
“Hold on, I am going to bring Jon into this since it has to deal with his den.” Putting the phone in speaker mode, I walk over to the wall that separates my office from my Gammas and knocks.
Jonathan looks up at my knock with a quizzical look.
Motioning him to come over, he quickly joins me in my office. “Jonathan, I have Chris and Healer Bet on a conference call. It seems Selena claimed dominance on school grounds over your new foster child.”
Jonathan sighs heavily.
“You are not surprised,” I state after taking in my gamma’s reaction.
“No, not really,” he says as he sits. “Selena has always been much like Rachel was in high school. There was tension when we brought Lovren into the house, but I thought it would go away once they got used to each other.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that happens if she is trying to dominate her, " Christopher comments.
“Healer Bet, who was the student that brought her in, and what did they say?” I push forward.
“The student who brought her in was Erik Ivanov, such a lovely boy. He said that he heard Selena tell Lovren that she is broken and unfixable and that she should know because no family wants to keep her. This was after she struck out.”
The information shocks everyone. Jonathan even looks like he is about to storm out of here and find his daughter.
Healer Bet continues, “Erik did say that Lovren looked as if she was ready to snap back, but he took her away because Selena is mated to Young Gamma Mitchell, and he didn’t want her to have repercussions.”
“Do the boys already have a bad reputation at the school, Chris?” I ask.
“Last year, when Mitch and Alex became official, nothing seemed to change, but over the summer, when Mitch and Selena mated, things seemed to take a turn,” answered my beta.
“I would have to agree with that. It’s like Selena runs the show between the two of them. You remember how it was when you first met your mate? Your whole world becomes her,” comments Jonathan.
“Alpha, Beta, Gamma, as the school healer may I offer some sage advice?” tentatively asks Nurse Bet.
“Of course, Healer Bet. Your insight has always been welcome,” I say.
“Selena has always been feisty because she uses Jonathan’s position to boost her own. Now that she is mated to the next Gamma, it will multiply for her.”
“Jon, that will be problematic for the young counsel,” Chris comments. “If the pack senses that the new counsel sways to the whims of the gamma mated female, that could break the pack.”
“I know, I will talk to Selena,” Jonathan wipes a hand down his face.
“No,” I declare. “Mikhail will handle this. As the Alpha Heir, he must ensure that his Gamma pair respects their title, the pack, and its grounds.”
“Understood, Alpha. I will support you in any way I can,” agrees Jonathan; meanwhile, agreements also spill from the phone.
“Where is everyone now, Chris?” I ask.
“Well, school classes will be done shortly. You should be able to mindlink with Mikhail in about five minutes and not interrupt anything,” informs Chris. “The boys are all in the same class, while Erik and Lovren are together in another.”
“Good. I will inform my son of what happened. I want to meet with all of them in the conference room as soon as possible. Jonathan, see if you can have Andrei bring his brother and Lovren.”
“Understood,” my gamma says as he bows and leaves the office, searching for his task.
“Healer Bet, thank you for bringing this to our attention. We cannot have this year be rougher than it needs to be.”
“Oh, Alpha Stanislav, this year will be filled with tons of surprises. I can feel it. That Lovren is something else. She was already healing before she reached me. Have a nice day,” she says, and a click is heard.
Pulling a file out of my cabinet, I sit at my desk. The file is labeled ‘Romanov, Lovren,’ and within is the life of the foster child brought into the pack.
The file is thicker than it should be for someone only 17. The pain, the instability, and the abuse that is within this folder are precisely why she should not have been brought here.
However, after seeing her at the correctional facility in a pack in another country, my wolf Ivan wouldn’t let me walk away. He kept telling me she was more than what meets the eye and would be imperative to the pack.
Jonathan’s wolf, Asher, was pushing him in the same way. Mentioning that it’s not every day you meet someone who survives a car accident covered in blood but hardly any scratches.
Her tenacity to survive despite her conditions is intriguing, not to mention dealing with what she has and being on track to graduate high school with a perfect GPA.
Healer Bet is right; Lovren is something else… but what??

The night has fallen as I make it home to the packhouse.
Immediately, I find my mate, Ekaterina, in the kitchen cooking with some of the pack’s omegas, who bow at my entry.
“Hello, my lovely mate. How was your day?” I ask, pulling her into a hug and kissing my mate mark on her neck.
“Not nearly as exciting as yours from what our son says,” she says, melting into my hold. “Mikhail learns his Luna is near and a display of dominance in the school.”
I hum in agreement, “It's an exciting first day of school for Mikhail, that is for sure. He handled it well. I think he is going to work with Jon to get Mitch to understand the title of Gamma better.”
“Tomorrow, I will see Rachel at the meeting. Do you want me to have her speak with Selena?”
“No, I am sure that she will talk with her tonight. If anything else happens, we must step up the consequence,” sighing. “I hope Mikhail picked the right counsel, one that is worthy.”
“The worst-case scenario would be Selena losing her title as a Gamma Female and member of the soon-to-be Luna’s counsel, right?” my mate inquires.
“True, that would be the last step we would take without putting Mitchell in an unfavorable position.”
“Well, I personally cannot wait to meet the Luna Heir. If Selena is not behaving by the time she is found and mated to Mikhail, then I will have to show her how to pick her council.”

Mikhail, come to my study, please. I mindlink my son.
Yes, Pa. I will be right there. Let me put away my books. Mitch and Alek are leaving in a few.
It isn’t long before my son joins me. He seems in good spirits, dressed in training gear, and most likely ready to go with the guard on patrol before tuning in for the night.
“You wanted to see me?” he asks, standing beside me near the fireplace.
“I want your thoughts, as an Alpha, on the situation with Selena and Lovren.”
“I spoke briefly with the school healer before we came up for the meeting. She didn’t have much information but what she got from Erik was they don’t have a good relationship at home, which has transferred to school.”
I hum in acknowledgment but look at him to continue.
“We saw Lovren come into city hall shortly after the incident. I could smell the fresh blood and healing balm before I saw her bandaged face. She dismissed us, saying something about it not being our business,” he says with a scrunched brow.
“She has had a hard life, son. Maybe she doesn’t like sharing her pain.”
“That isn’t it. It was like she was afraid to tell us.”
“Well, she did get approached by the Young Alpha counsel after getting injured by one of their mates. She may not know what we are but even humans can feel the power the three of you hold.”
“That is the thing, Pa,” he turns to me with seriousness in his eyes. “My Alpha aura had no effect on her. She… She locked eyes with me. Then, later in the day, I watched her walk through the quad, and it was like no one saw her but me.”
“No one saw her?”
“No! Then! Then it seemed as if she knew I was watching her because she locked eyes with me but was mad about it,” Mikhail says with frustration.
I watch as he starts to pace, running his fingers through his hair, his eyes searching through the day's memories. Finally, he stops and looks at me, “Boyra is going nuts in my head. He has wanted me to find her since we first saw her.”
“Has he said why?”
“Again, the answer is no. I have never not had so many answers to your questions since I was a pup! He wants me to discover who she is and why she can ignore me.”
“Do that then. Tonight, let it rest. Go and ensure the pack's safety tonight. Tomorrow, you will have your chance to search for answers. Just don’t scare her,” I advise my son. He nods and leaves the study.
Christopher, I need you to change class schedules for a few of our students starting tomorrow. I mindlink my beta.
((edited on 9/14/24))
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American Mate (5) - Extended Scenting Scene (M)

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Word count: 2,438 (only on Patreon)
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
Hello, dearest readers! I thank you all for your patience while I am recovering from my hospital visit and while I am waiting to have surgery. Not to forget my broken foot and all the fun that has been. Even though I still feel like crap-o-la, I decided to do my best and treat my lovely Patreon Membership Holders to an exclusive extended scene. I will give you a teaser.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This extended scene is SMUT. Everything is on top of clothes, though, and very much about scenting, but there is BDSM involved with Dom!Taehyung, sub!Jimin and sub!Jungkook. There is sensory deprivation and furniture/objectification play. Biting, licking, scenting, use of pet names (minnie love and baby bun), hair pulling, maybe exhibitionism (if you count someone on the other side of a divider)... I think that is all.

Being the center of Jimin’s affection is one thing, but when Jungkook joins in, Alpha Tae knows he has to find a way to gain the upper hand.
Jungkook leans in as much as he can in the van's cramped space to access the Tiger’s scent glands on his neck, but the angle is wrong. A soft whine pulls from the youngest, alerting the other two Alphas of the unhappy mate.
Both snap their attention to the bunny, who shivers under their intense gaze. Backing into the corner with one knee on the bench, Jungkook pouts and crosses his arms.
Taehyung moves first, unbuckling his seatbelt as Jimin climbs off and sits on the floorboards to watch. The Alpha tiger’s eyes shine crystal blue, pinning his prey, his mate, in his place on the bench.
Any prey hybrid, especially a bunny, in their right mind, would be running for their life if a predator, much less a Southwestern African Tiger, was stocking them in such a confined space. However, Jungkook simply raised his eyebrow and bit his bottom lip, enticing the older Alpha.
“Looks like our mate here was feeling left out, minnie love,” Alpha Tae growls while he cages the young one.

If you want to read the full extension, you must hold a Patreon membership.

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American Mate (8) - Extended/ Additional Scene (M)

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Word count: 6,661 (only on Patreon)
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
Hello, dearest readers! I promise I am working on Chapter 11 and currently have almost 8k words written. I asked my Patreon membership holders if they wanted a mega chapter, split into two chapters, or a mega chapter but a snack in the meantime. They picked the last choice, so here it is! With the poll results, I present a results of "How did Bangtan deal without the personal items that Jungkook, Yoongi, and Seokjin too for Y/n's nest?"
The full writing is found only on Patreon.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This extended/additional scene starts innocent but ends in M/m/m SMUT. There is BDSM involved with Dom!Jungkook, sub!Seokjin and sub!Namjoon. Scenting, biting, licking, use of shirt over mouth, use of pet names (jinjin and my lobo), hair pulling, hand job, blow job, orgasm control, and aftercare.

“What? Why? It’s mine, hyung. I brought it from home,” Namjoon hears Taehyung whine.
“I just need it. I will explain later. I promise,” Seokjin pleads as he rolls up the younger’s blanket.
“Joonie, I need yours too. Just give me a few, and I can explain it all, or Jungkook-ah can explain it,” he looks at me with wide, excited but purpose-driven eyes.
“Yeah, of course. Is everything alright? Do you guys need any help?” Namjoon asks while folding up his blanket to give to the eldest mate. The Prime Alpha is now on edge, thinking something is wrong with one of his mates.
“Nope! We have it. It’s okay; just making things better,” Seokjin says with a massive grin. He yanks the blanket from Namjoon’s hands and runs out the door, yelling, “Got it! Here, take Joonies. It's too much to carry both.”
“Got it,” responds Jungkook. “I also have Jimin’s body pillow.”
“I got Hobi’s feather pillow, too. Do you think it’s enough?” Yoongi chimes in. The loud steps down the stairs muffle the rest of the conversation.
“That was… why are they taking stuff?” asks Taehyung.
“I have no idea. Maybe the others know what’s gotten into them,” says Namjoon.
Walking to the doorway, he is greeted with the confused looks and bed hair of Jimin and Hoseok.
“Do you know what’s going on?” Namjoon asks the two.
“Not even! They just came in, grabbed the bedding we brought, then bolted,” Hoseok complains, stomping his foot.
“How am I going to get any sleep without my body pillow? All the beds in the dens are separated,” whines Jimin as he holds up Hoseok, who has dramatically leaned against him. At this point, Taehyung has also moved to the doorway and looks just as lost as the rest of us.
With all the traveling the pack does with tours and events, the personal bedding was one way to keep them grounded. Seokjin, Yoongi, and Jungkook all knew this. It was even Seokjin’s idea to try it out, and it worked. So why are they taking it all away?
“There is a nesting room in this Airbnb. Why don’t we all sleep in there tonight, hmm?” Namjoon suggests. He walks over to Jimin with a little extra sway to his hips, “You can use me as a body pillow. Will that work?”

If you want to read the full extension, you must hold a Patreon membership.

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American Mate (11 Part 1) - Just a Staff Member

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 11 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,511
Work count for Story: 77,023
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, possessiveness, and self-doubt.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit

Ring Ring Ring
Ring Ring Ring
Stirring from your sleep because of a phone ringing, you look around groggily. Momentarily forgetting where you are, you sit up quickly, and that is when you see– the dress.
The night before comes flooding back to you. It starts with the letters and conversations, the outfit and pampering, and ends with his smiles and warmth.
It was a date you will never forget. The only problem is… it wasn’t a date.
Your heart wants to soar, but you must remind yourself it’s just a job.
Remembering that Jin had made it clear that it wasn’t something he would do for a fan. Even though he said you were special, you couldn’t believe it.
Bangtan Pack would do this for any playmate.
Ring Ring Ring
Oh shit! That’s right, the phone. Scrambling over your pillow wall, you find your plugged-in phone and answer it.
“Hello, hello! Sorry, this is Y/n. Who is this?” you ask as you try to untangle yourself from your blanket fort. It isn’t easy with a broken hand.
“Hey Y/n, it’s Derek! Umm, did I wake you up?”
“Oh hey, ah yeah, and now I am wrapped in my blankets. I'm going to put you on speakerphone so I can untangle,” you growl in frustration, placing the phone near your head while you wrestle your way out.
“Did you just growl? You know what, never mind. You are gonna have to hurry.” Derek says with a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Yes, I did growl,” huff “These damn blankets. Wait… Why?” I huffed, finally freeing one leg, “I don’t have any plans for today.”
“Well, now you do, and you have about two hours to be at PMS to go over the final contract.”
“No way… what? Two hours! But I thought we were going to sign it tomorrow or Monday. Why now? Did they get everything back in time?” I say, pushing the blankets down my leg and wiggling backward.
“Y/n! What was that?” calls Derek, who hears you fall while on speakerphone because of his hybrid hearing.
“Ah… I slid off the bed,” I said with a slight giggle. Standing up, I lean over my phone. “The duvet is made of satin, so it's slippery, and I got a little bit too close to the edge.”
A rapid knock on your door startles you as you hear your name called from the other side: “Y/n, are you okay? What happened? Princess? Princess!”
Quickly making my way to the door with the phone in hand, you open it to be engulfed by a warm body, then pushed away with Yoongi’s eyes, scanning your form to ensure nothing is wrong. His eyes flashed between their usual deep brown and his Alpha’s golden yellow.
“I am fine, Kisa,” you say with a smile and a giggle as you spin around to show him that you are, indeed, intact and not bleeding.
“Kisa, who is there with you, one of their staff?” Derek, who is still on speakerphone, asks.
“Oh no, it’s Yoongi. Sorry, in my head, I have been calling him ‘my Kisa’ for a bit now. Guess I have never said it out loud,” you say, moving back into your room to sit on your bed with the jaguar in tow.
“Why are you calling me a Japanese woman’s name, Princess?” the jaguar asks. Inside, he is jumping for joy because you not only gave him a nickname but also said– my.
You are starting to claim him, and he is over the moon.
“It’s a Japanese woman’s name? Shit, I will stop. I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” you say with wide eyes while waiting for an adverse reaction from the very non-girly, totally male predator hybrid.
Yoongi shakes his head, his face holding curiosity rather than disgust. “If you didn’t know, then why were you calling me that?”
“For me, it's an acronym: K—Knight, I—In, S—Shining, A—Armour, Kisa.” You say this with a slight blush tinting your cheeks, which is mirrored by the hybrid.
“Oh, you have pet names now? For all of them? First is Thumper, and now Kisa? Who else have you claimed with a famous Y/n’s pet name?” Derek teasingly inquires.
“Ah, Derek, why are you on the phone with me now? Something about two hours?” trying to redirect the conversation away from the new nickname and avoid Yoongi’s gaze.
“Yes, you now have an hour and forty-five to get to PMS. The Pack Alpha is being notified as well. We are aware that you, your Kisa, the Prime Alpha, and anyone who wants to come must be here by then.”
Glancing at Yoongi, he still has dusted cheeks but a silly smile. “Okay. One you can’t use that name and two we will be there. See you soon, yeah?”
“Yep, see you soon, Y/n, Mr. Min!”
You hear a deep but soft chuckle beside you, “So I’m your knight in shining armor?”
Hiding your face in your hands, you nod, “Well, think about it. You saved me from hurting myself worse than a banged-up wrist the first day you met me, you saved me from panicking with the offer from Namjoon, and you sounded like you were ready to break down the door because I fell off the bed.”
You feel fur wrapping around your wrists, pulling down softly, effectively removing you from your hiding place. You keep your eyes on your hands and watch the black fur tail wiggle around your wrists.
Once Yoongi realizes you are avoiding his gaze, he grasps your chin and turns to face him. Your eyes automatically lock.
“I will always come to rescue you. I am honored to be your Kisa, for as long as you have me, Princess.” Yoongi tells you.
His emotions are so thick with happiness that you find him your safe place. His Alpha was filled with pride, and his scent was like waves of fresh spring rain.
Your face lights up with a kind smile, and your vanilla mate scent grows more potent. It mixes beautifully with your sweetpea and is becoming one of Yoongi’s favorite scents.
A gummy smile grows on his face. The vanilla strengthening could only mean you are falling into the mate bond more with him. He is so happy that it is building naturally with you, even if your meeting wasn’t a pleasant experience.
He sees the nervousness, the longing, and something else in your eyes, which gives him hope that the changes in your scent aren’t just happening subconsciously.
Pulling away from his hand and tail, you walk toward the door. Your eyes look more distant, your posture no longer relaxed, and your scent turns slightly perfumed.
With a controlled smile, you say, “We should start getting ready for the meeting. Can you please make sure the rest of your pack knows? Please.”
“Sure thing, Princess. I will let them know,” agrees Yoongi as he leaves the room.
Yoongi feels torn now. You claimed him as yours, but you are still not claiming the pack. He is going upstairs to do what you ask, but his mind wants to talk to the pack about something other than the meeting.
You close the door behind you and huff. You must find a way to stop doing this. You can’t feel like you are anything more than a playmate or an employee to them, even though they make it so hard.
First, their declarations before you agreed to be their playmate. Then Jin asked you to give them all a chance. Now, Yoongi is pledging fealty to you like it’s going to last a lifetime.
Shaking your head, you glance at the clock. Whelp, time sure does fly when you contemplate professionalism struggles, attempting to hide mental instabilities and licentious thoughts of bonded mates.

Leaving your room, Yoongi goes to find Jin and Namjoon, wanting to tell them about the mate scent growing and how you cut it off. Kind of.
Climbing the stairs, Yoongi finds one of the two, “Namjoon-ah, we need to talk. Where is Jin-hyung?”
“Oh, ah, Jin left about five minutes ago. I was just coming to find you and Y/n. Is everything okay?” he asks with concern.
“Yes and no,” he says, continuing up the stairs, “If you were going to tell Princess about the meeting being moved, Derek beat you to it. She knows and wants me to make sure my pack knows.”
It doesn’t get past the Prime Alpha at the emphasis in Yoongi’s words, even if he looks like nothing is amiss.
“Oh, that is nice of Derek. Then again, she is his Luna, so that only makes sense. So what is wrong?” Namjoon asks again, following Yoongi into his den.
Yoongi rummaged through his drawers, looking for something presentable to wear to the meeting, instinctually wanting to make a good impression with your Beta.
“Y/n. The mate scent is getting stronger. I think,” Yoongi says, still looking for anything to wear.
“Isn’t that a good thing, hyung?” Namjoon questions as he sits on the edge of Yoongi’s bed, watching the jaguar scampering around.
“Well, it would be if not, but a few moments later, her scent turned into that fake flower perfume scent she gets when she is worried about something, and it caused our mate scent to almost disappear.”
“What were you two doing?” Namjoon asks as he tries to determine what caused the shift.
“Well, I think I may have reacted too much to the “pet” name, as her Beta called it, that she gave me. Ah, I found it!” Yoongi exclaims as he pulls out one of his few button-up shirts in a cream color to go with dark sandy-colored pants and brown loafers.
“Pet name?” questions Namjoon.
“Yeah, she accidentally called me her Kisa while speaking with the Beta. It stands for a knight in shining armor because I keep saving her from getting hurt or unpleasant situations,” he says, changing his sleepwear and dress for the meeting.
“Kisa?” giggles Taehyung from the doorway. “Oh my, how appropriate for you. Bet she doesn’t even realize it. I don’t think you do either.”
Both Alphas in the room look at the newcomer, waiting for him to continue.
“It’s Japanese and typically used for females, but it originated in Old Greek as an endearing term,” says Taehyung as he saunters into the room.
With his voice dropping into his deeper register, he says, “It means kitty.”
Yoongi is coughing as he chokes on the air and turns bright red with embarrassment. His ears twitched every which way but what, and his tail almost wagged like a dog.
“It looks like your Princess fell onto one of your kinks,” says Namjoon with a smirk.
“Hush you, both of you. Am I the only one here who is worried about the meeting we must prepare for?” Yoongi challenges while pulling Namjoon up to push him out the door while he deals with embarrassment.
“Nope, I am dressed and ready,” Namjoon says, smirkingly, pointing out that he is in a suit.
“I was the one who requested the meeting. I have been on the phone since early morning trying to get things to move along faster,” the Prime Alpha proudly states.
“Possessive much, hyung?” Tae teases the pack leader. “I thought that was my job.”
Namjoon may be the Prime Alpha of the Bangtan Pack, but Taehyung is known for being the possessive one. The whole world knew how possessive Taehyung was, especially with his only younger mate.
“Hey! I can be possessive of my mates, even if she is unaware of being one,” complained the wolf hybrid.
“Jin-hyung came home last night, and we had a good conversation about their date. I just knew I wanted to settle this now. I don’t want her going anywhere,” justifies Namjoon.
“Oh yeah, the date went well, I take it?” asks Yoongi as he finishes getting ready in the bathroom.
“Yes, very much so, but he wouldn’t tell me much. He said he didn’t want to spoil anything for me when we finally go on our date… if she even agrees,” Namjoon says as his scent gets duller.
“Are you worried that Y/n will reject you?” Taehyung asks as he hugs the older Alpha around the waist. Namjoon nods his head.
“I don’t see Y/n doing that. She may end up acting a bit more professionally with you, but that's when you have to use those dimples to your advantage.” says the younger one while poking those same dimples.
“Getting back to the current issue, we need to talk to Jin about the mate scent. See if he got any hints of changes. Maybe try to find out why she is so nervous about things. I guess your meeting with her family pack will be a good thing,” says Yoongi on his way out of the bathroom, ready to go.
“Looking good there, kitty,” Taehyung teases.
“Ah, no. Don’t you start that now, Taehyung-ah, please. We have a meeting to go to. Are you coming with?” Yoongi asks, trying to avoid blushing further.
“Yeah, Jimin and Jungkook are coming, too. Hobi-hyung and Jin-hyung couldn’t come because of some vlog and video-clip requirements that Bang PD came up with since we left two weeks early.”
“I think they are doing it close to the Playmate Services. They both want to try to make it before the meeting. It would be nice to show support and acceptance as a mate-bonded pack,” laments Namjoon.
“HYUNGS LET’S GO!” Jungkook yells from downstairs.
“Guess that means everyone else is ready,” snickers Taehyung.

After everyone puts on their coats and hats, the six of you head out to the vans. Everyone is having small conversations like Jungkook worrying about being late when, in reality, you will still be early to the meeting and what to do after the contract signing.
The boys look handsome today, so much so that you have decided they only exist from the neck up so you won't end up with wandering eyes.
Yoongi is wearing a light tan look, which is different from what you would ever think he would wear—the duality of a man.
Jungkook and Taehyung are in their typical but stylish black-on-black with– that's right, black.
Namjoon looks like a lawyer in a three-piece suit of dark blue with light blue pinstripes.
Then there is Jimin in classy-looking beachwear. With this look, he could attend a meeting, a dance class, or Malibu.
You, however, are in something very professional. A dark blue pantsuit with a light blue blouse goes well with the pedicure and manicure you got from Mare Salon. Every time you look at the nail polish, a smile blooms as you remember how perfect last night was.
The boys had all expressed how beautiful you looked. Taehyung let out a low growl as his eyes roamed over your features. Yoongi mentioned how you would be the most attractive in the room, leading you to blush.
It took every ounce of willpower for the Prime Alpha to drag you next to him because the two of you matched. Easily, the two of you looked like you could be the power couple of Bangtan, especially with how you dressed without trying to match.
As you exit the packhouse, you are still caught up in the conversation with Jimin about where you got your suit. You weren’t surprised that he didn’t know what Torrid and Ross were. While you tried to find a way to explain it without sounding like a cheapskate, you missed the lowered volumes around you.
Taehyung stops talking with Yoongi and Namjoon and glares off into the distance.
“What is it, Tae Tae?” asks Namjoon, but before he can answer, the smell of male arousal gets stronger the closer they get to the vans.
Glancing at each other, Jimin over his shoulder briefly with a slight twitch of his brow, they all conclude…
They are not the only ones who love how well your suit fits your figure, but the question is which of the two drivers was attracted to their mate.
When you get closer to the cars, the boys huddle together like last time. You start to think this must be a regular thing since Bangtan is a large bonded pack, and you understand that you will have to split between the vans since there are too many of you to fit in the luxury 5-passenger vans.
Looking back to the vans, you wonder who will go with whom. Seeing that you are not needed in or understanding whatever they are discussing in rapid-fire Korean, you head to the van with the driver you have seen before and greet him.
Watching your step, you miss his eyes as they roam over your figure.
You turn again to see if the boys have moved forward but are still huddled. Taehyung and Yoogni are facing your way but are looking between the two vans. Neither one of them seems happy at the moment, but you keep to yourself and keep heading to the rest of the way.
“Hello, James. It is nice to see you again. Am I going in your van today?” You smile as you approach the driver you met on the faithful day this all started. In doing so, you ended up drawing the Alphas' attention.
“Y/n, having you in my van would be a pleasure,” says the driver, his eyes, again, roaming your figure while stepping forward with his hand out to help you down the last step.
You go to take his hand, a smile growing at his kind words and gentlemanly qualities, but a deep growl sounds behind you. The sound induces a fear that can only come from a predatory animal.
Logically, you know it has to be one of the Alphas behind you, but your heart and instincts are causing you to freeze. The driver, James, is having a similar reaction, with wide eyes.
“Mr. Green,” says Taehyung, placing an arm around your waist. “You will show her respect by calling her Miss Y/l/n when she speaks to you.”
“Yes, Sir. My apologies, Mr. Kim. I mean you and Miss Y/l/n, no disrespect,” James says as he bows in respect for offending the tiger hybrid.
While Taehyung’s touch brings you out of your unwarranted fear, you roll your eyes at his notion that James was being rude. It isn’t that big of a deal, and you go to explain why James was so bold as to use your first name, but Taehyung continues.
“You also will never have the pleasure of doing anything with her if you wish to keep your job. Keep your eyes off her,” growls the Alpha while still holding you, his grip tightening on your hip.
“Taehyung-ssi! What are you doing?” you said, stepping out of his hold and facing him.
Blocking the view of the now trembling man behind you, you add, “You cannot just growl at someone like that. It’s rude, for one. Besides, I asked James to call me by my first name. He was kind to me the day I got injured.”
Taehyung looks at you with a gaping mouth, his scent burning at feeling your reprimand. “I was… he was ogling and flirting with you. He isn’t supposed to call you by your first name. He has to remember his place. He is just a staff member.”
By this point, the other Alphas are focused on this little interaction and look at the group of you with anger, confusion, and other emotions. Your scent clashes with Taehyung’s. His burning wood mixes with your sour lemon, putting everyone on edge.
“Staff,” you say as you look past Taehyung at the rest of the pack that has gathered along his side.
Jungkook’s eyes are round with worry, and he is nibbling on his lower lip and holding onto Jimin, who has the decency of looking somewhat ashamed of what has happened.
Yoongi and Namjoon are the calmest looking of the bunch as they take everything in. Neither one of them knows what to do. They understand Taehyung’s reaction, especially with you being a new mate that hasn’t been marked.
“Alpha Kim Taehyung-ssi, I will also be on your pack’s payroll, which makes me– just a staff member,” you say.
Yoongi and Jungkook move to take a step forward but stop when you level them with a glare. Shaking your head, you walk backward to stand next to the driver.
Then, as you bow to a full 90 degrees, you continue, “My apologies, Alpha Kim Taehyung-ssi, for overstepping my position. It won’t happen again.”
A chorus of voiced concerns comes from all the Alphas. You take a beat before you stand as tall as you can, your face straight and unyielding, and your scent morphing to lemon with a hint of mold.
Only three of them understand that you have gone into your Luna mode. Yoongi places a hand on the offending Alpha to signal him to keep his mouth shut. At the same time, a soft but unmistakable growl from the Prime Alpha is loud enough to be heard within the Alpha group.
“Since I am not a member of your staff currently, which grants me no regulations or benefits… I will find my way to Playmate Services. Prime Alpha, Alphas.”
Spinning around, you give James a sympathetic smile and walk away. Pulling out your phone, you request an Uber. You can hear scuffling, growling, and loud whispers.
It’s not loud enough for your human ears to hear what is being said. At this point, you do not care (you do, but you don’t), and it slowly fades away as you reach the main gate.

Approaching the gate, you nod to the guard, asking to be let out the side door, when you notice he stops and looks behind you.
Great, someone followed you.
You are 100% sure it’s someone coming to force you to get into the van with them or apologize to Taehyung. Maybe even worse, having you get into the van with Taehyung so you are forced to be near him and apologize.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Reading yourself for whatever you need to do to hold your position and remain as far as possible from Mr. High-and-Mighty-I-am-an-Alpha-Tiger Kim Taehyung.
“Prin… Y/n… Miss Y/n,” says Yoongi with insecurity bleeding into his words.
You turn around and glare at him, waiting for him to tell you what he wants. Hands-on your hips, tapping your foot with a look of sternness but a hint of frustration, “What?”
“I understand you are upset at Taehyung-ah.” Your face glowers at the mention of the Alpha, but he continues, “Would you be okay if I went with you to the office?”
You continue to stand there and stare at him. You want time alone, to be away from them all, because it has been a lot. Even with how amazing it was last night with Seokjin and the compliments from this morning, Teahyung's actions knocked you off the cloud you were sitting on.
“You… I want…My Alpha is screaming in my head that you are hurt and need to be with one of us,” Yoogi says firmly, but his eyes show he is actually concerned.
You shift your weight to tell him to leave you alone. While you understand that his Alpha has instinctual needs, you are a big girl and can handle yourself.
Before you can say anything, he adds, “More so, I would like to be by your side right now.”
“Princess, I know you are mad at him, and not only do I understand, but so does the pack. Trust me, he is getting his own punishment from the pack right now.”
He takes a step forward. His tail is low, his hands grip the bottom of his shirt, and his ears are flat. “Please, Y/n-ah. My princess, allow me to come with you. I won’t say anything the whole way there.”
Hearing a car pull up near the gate, your phone dings at the arrival of your Uber. You turn around and step toward the gate; speaking over your shoulder, you say, “Not a word. Let’s go.”
Previous / PART TWO - bc Tumblr won't do it in one post.

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American Mate (11 Part 2) - Just a Staff Member

Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 11 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 11,511
Work count for Story: 77,023
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children, one of whom has special needs, and the other loves everyone. I started a Patreon, and I would be grateful if you donated to help me make ends meet while I am out of work.
Warnings: NOT BETA READ!! This chapter does have pack dynamics, comfort, Alpha/Luna vibes, possessiveness, and self-doubt.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit

Back in the Vans, the remaining four split up.
Jimin and Jungkook hightailed it into one van while Namjoon declared that Taehyung would go with him and Yoongi would try to get you to allow him to join you.
After not seeing Yoongi on the side of the road as they left, Namjoon settled into his seat. His eyes return to the younger Alpha and appraise the hunch of his back, downcast eyes, flat ears, and tail wrapped around his waist in a self-soothing manner.
Good. He knows he messed up.
“What are you going to do?” Namjoon asks, his voice strong in his Prime Alpha role.
“Joon,” he starts but is cut off with a growl.
“Right now, I am not your Joonie-hyung. I am your Prime Alpha, leader of the Bangtan Pack, and you just…” Namjoon sighs, his eyes looking around, trying to figure out how to say everything.
“Prime Alpha Kim, I know. I messed up. I shouldn’t have growled at the driver so rudely.”
“And I should not have been so possessive of our new mate, especially since she doesn’t know yet,” says Taehyung with a growl. “It’s just so hard. He was practically drooling over her like a piece of meat or candy.”
“That may be the case, but Y/n either didn’t notice or didn’t care. So, correcting him with her presence and in that manner was not okay. Taehyung-ah, do you realize how much you may have set us back with her because of this?”
“She wasn’t that upset, Prime Alpha. She is a woman. She’ll get over it. Besides, she has to forgive because of the mate bond. We just need to give her time, flowers, or gifts and what-not,” says the younger Alpha.
“The mate bond doesn’t work like that. She can reject you and, in turn, reject us. We don’t know how much a human can feel the bond because it is so rare.”
Namjoon sighs, “You know apologizing to a mate isn’t the same as to a friend. Flowers or gifts, really? Is that how you apologize to our mates?”
“Well, no, not really,” mumbles Taehyung with a shrug.
“Y/n already has obstacles that we have to help her overcome. Obstacles must be conquered to prove to her that we are different from anyone she has been with. We have to show her how genuine we are. She deserves, and the rest of our pack will demand, that she be shown the same love, devotion, and care that we already show each other.”
Leaning forward, Namjoon reaches out a hand to grasp Taehyung’s chin, forcing him to make eye contact, “She may need more reassurance than others because of her past. Today, you will stay in the van away from Y/n for the meeting. After which, you will be at her beck and call like the staff you have not shown respect for, and it will be up to Y/n as to when you will be forgiven. Understood?”
“Yes, Prime Alpha. I will seek forgiveness and serve her until she forgives me, even though it will not be easy for my Alpha or me.”
“Good. Pray that she is as forgiving with you as she was for Youngi-hung. If she doesn’t… I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

Lucky for Bangtan, they arrive before you do. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook head to the office, where the new assistant greets them. Under Namjoon's orders, they leave Taehyung in the van.
After inquiring where Derek is, they are directed into the conference room. Inside the room, he is laying out copies of the updated contract.
At the pack's entrance, he greets them, “Oh, Mr. Kim, Mr. Park, and Mr. Jeon, Hello!”
Looking behind the three Alphas, Derek expects to see Y/n, but no one else enters. “Where is Y/n-ah? Is she coming with another packmate?”
“She is coming with Yoongi-hyung, and Manager Sejin is also coming. We came a bit early because we wanted to ask you a question,” Namjoon asks as he steps forward.
“Beta Derek, temporary Alpha of the Y/l/n Pack, I, Prime Alpha Namjoon of the Bangtan Pack, would like to request an audience with you and your pack Omega.”
The Prime Alpha makes the request with a bowed head, mirrored by the other Alphas present. The formality honors this as a traditional request, and Derek gapes like a fish out of water.
“You are requesting… Why not ask my Luna?” Asks the weary Beta, his scent hinting at worry and his body language on edge.
Lowering his head even further, Namjoon responds, “We wish to discuss your Luna and our future with her. I would rather not say something here because it would not be the right place. Please, will you meet with select members of the Bangtan Pack?”
“Very well. As temporary Alpha of the Y/l/n Pack, I accept your request. As the receiving pack, I will offer to meet at the Y/l/n Packhouse tomorrow at 11 a.m,”
“Most likely, because none of us are actual Alphas, our Luna will not be present, and our Omega’s mate may join us. Are the terms acceptable?” says Derek without wavering and holding himself high.
“They are. Thank you for accepting our request. Myself, Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Taehyung-ah will be present from Bangtan Pack,” responds Namjoon, standing up.
“Oh, that is a lot,” comments Derek. The packhouse is not very big and has no couch. The fox hybrid scent shows his stress at figuring out seating arrangements.
“Derek-ssi? As the visiting pack, they will be fine with sitting on the floor of your packhouse. Respectfully and traditionally, you and your pack representatives should take any other proper seating,” Jungkook says, his big bunny smile on display.
At the other Alphas' nodding, Derek visibly relaxes and smiles back, “I will make sure you are comfortable, Alphas; don’t worry. For today, please sit on the far side of the table where your nameplate is and we will start when everyone is here.”

The drive to the office was quiet. Yoogni kept to himself for the ride, his tail securely wrapped around his waist and his hands in his lap. If it weren’t for one of his ears firmly tilted in your direction, you would have thought that he had forgotten about you.
You are upset. You were thrown for a loop. You lost some of the footing that you thought was solid.
You wanted to be left alone.
Technically, this is what you are getting, but now that you are here, it’s not what you want.
Your fur leash is missing, and the soft stroking of Yoongi’s tail on your leg to calm and reassure you is absent. You miss the subtle touches you have gotten from the jaguar in the past few days. That is when you realize that it is not the action itself but who it was that was doing that made it mean so much more.
You are growing attached and don’t know how to stop it. Maybe you should express your concerns to Prime Alpha Namjoon and find another solution before signing the contract.
Your mind is riddled with thoughts of how caring Yoongi and Jungkook have been, how Jimin opened up, and your beautiful time with Seokjin. You feel connected with these four.
Well, maybe not so much Jimin, but at least he has started making progress toward not being a stranger to you.
Hoseok, on the other hand, started out really flirty but hasn’t looked to spend more time with you than when the pack is all there. Then again, his schedule has been the fullest out of everyone.
You were primarily worried about Namjoon. Without the Prime Alpha wanting you to be involved, you can bet all the money in your account that this contract would never happen no matter who else wanted you around, especially after the last Playmate.
Until this morning, Taehyung was someone who you thought found a connection with. You met his Alpha briefly in the breakroom, and he seemed so caring. He was one of the pillars you planned to build over the next several weeks.
What if you now screwed up everything?
You had just scolded your Omega about how reactions can ruin everything, and then you turned around and did the same thing.
Glancing at Yoongi, you wonder if you ruined everything with him by speaking out against his mate. However, you are not willing to compromise your ethics and morals—period.

Heading up to the office, Yoongi follows you, dying to know what you are thinking. Your scent hasn’t wavered from the lemon. The only hope that Yoongi feels is from the vanilla mate scent, which is still present but light.
“Princess?” he calls, attempting to get your attention in the elevator.
At the sound of Yoogni’s voice and the use of his nickname for you, your shoulders relax just a tad. You hadn’t realized how much his silence and distance were affecting you.
Looking at him standing next to you, you are met with hard-set eyes and a tall, dominating posture. He says, “Taehyung has a good reason for what he did, but he was not entirely correct in his actions. Our Prime Alpha will correct that with him, so you don’t have to worry.”
Turning to face him, you open your mouth to respond, only to have Yoongi quickly take your hand and continue, “Please don’t cancel the contract.”
It isn’t a demand. You take in his words, posture, and scent of strong vanilla and ocean. He is shaken and worried, which shocks you because you figured he would side with his younger mate.
“Let us prove to you that we mean everything we have told you. Look to Seokjin, Jungkook, and me for examples of how things will be in the future.”
His eyes tell you he is being honest. They are hard-set, but at the same time, they are glossing over with unshed tears.
“Yoongi, my Kisa, I won’t cancel the contract, nor will I force anyone to partake in the contract.” Your words act like a breath of fresh air for the Alpha. “What happened today is just one person in the pack. What he did is not a reflection of all of you.”
Pulling you in for a hug that startles you at first, Yoongi kisses your temple, mumbling against your skin, “Thank you, Princess.”
When the elevator doors open, you pull out of his hold and take his hand. You weren’t sure how you would feel around Taehyung, but you didn’t want anyone else to be uncomfortable.
“Yoongi, what do you mean I don’t have to worry about Taehyung?”
“Namjoon-ah will take care of it and let you know what it is that was done. That’s how Bangtan works. When there is a disagreement or incident like the one this morning, it gets deferred to Prime Alpha.”
“Oh, I wonder what my punishment will be,” you muse.
Pulling you to a stop, Yoongi asks, “Why would you get punished?”
“I spoke out against an Alpha. An Alpha that is a bonded mate. Then left without being granted permission to leave by the Prime Alpha,” you say, looking at the office doors.
“Princess,” Yoongi says as he lifts a finger to your chin, directing you to look at him again, “You stood up for someone, stood your ground against a pack member, and demanded space. Nothing you did was wrong. I mean, sure, it would have been better to talk it out, but you aren’t used to us yet.”
Leaning up, Yoongi kisses you on the forehead, “No one is going to punish you. In fact, I see some groveling happening really soon.”
“Will that happen before or after the Prime Alpha?” You feel a blush crawling up your face, attempting to lighten the mood.
Yoongi knows you are avoiding the situation in your own unique way. He chuckles at your joke but is still worried because your sweet pea hasn't returned yet, and only the lemon scent is present.
Any other nearby hybrids will notice your scent and think something is wrong. To them, this could mean either that the hybrid with you is unsolicited or that you are being forced into something. Neither one of these options is good for either of you.
He opens the office door, his tail curling around your waist, and you head in. He hopes you will naturally fall into petting his tail or your scent will change before gaining unwanted attention.
The temporary front desk assistant greets you and directs the two of you to the correct office. Yoongi opens the conference door to reveal Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook, and Derek sitting around the conference room.
While the Alphas stand at your arrival, Derek jumps up and tilts his head in submission, pulling a shocked “oh” from you. As you walk closer to your family pack member, he drops to a knee and whimpers slightly.
“Derek? What’s wrong?” you ask, looking to the room full of Alphas for help. Each of them seems also to be avoiding your gaze.
“Luna, what has caused you to be so upset?” asks Derek, his eyes still cast down and his neck bared to you.
“Did you say something?” You question the Bangtan pack members who were present before you arrived.
“No, Luna Y/n, we have said nothing, but your scent says plenty. Yoongi-hyung, did you not comfort her and explain?” questions Namjoon.
“I explained...” Yoongi starts, but you cut him off.
“He did, Prime Alpha. I just didn’t understand how affected I am. He needs to do nothing more as he did as requested. I will see to my pack.”
Focusing back on your Beta, you lean down and scent him lightly with your wrist to show that you are not upset with him. “Beta, I am not upset at you. There was a… misunderstanding this morning. I am sorry if my scent is still soured.”
Finally, Derek looks at you, his gaze flitting over all of you to make sure you are not physically hurt. You smile at him and hold your hand, helping him stand.
“Luna, are you sure you are okay? What happened?” asks Derek.
“Don’t worry about it,” you glance around. “It is something that must be dealt with between the parties involved. You know how I do not like bringing in more people than required.”
“Luna Y/n, Taehyung-ah will not be present for the meeting if you wish. He is waiting down in the van. He will remain distant from you until you are willing to have him in your presence, and then he will work for your forgiveness,” says Namjoon with an air of authority.
“Oh. I see.” You then blatantly say to Namjoon while you pick at invisible lint on your pants and sleeve, “Strange that Young Mr. Kim has been made to keep distance when others who are also looking for forgiveness are not, Prime Alpha.”
Looking at your Beta, you ask, “I am correct in saying that if he wishes to receive services he must be present at PMS to sign the contract?”
“He does, Luna, but we can have him come do it later. Just like Mr. Jung and the eldest Mr. Kim,” answers Derek as he moves to his seat again.
“I see.” You move to the seat with your name on it and notice that Yoongi is slated to sit next to you, with the Director on your other side.
“He is welcome to be present for the meeting. It does affect him and his bonded mates. I will not stand in his way, Prime Alpha.” You state with clarity and no room for discussion.
“It is still his decision to join this contract of his own free will and no one else’s. Am I mistaken, Prime Alpha?” you say as your Luna side continues showing strength.
“You are correct. I will go get him then, Luna Y/n,” Namjoon says, making his way to the door as you and the rest take your respectable seats.

It isn’t long before Director Johnson and Manager Sejin enter the conference room and take their seats. Everyone exchanges casual greetings and pleasantries.
“Director Johnson, it is good to see you again. I hope this hasn’t caused you too much trouble,” you say as he sits beside you.
“Oh no, it has been interesting but nothing troubling. How are you handling all of this? It must not be easy since you have no Playmate training.”
As the director speaks, you feel Yoongi’s tail slowly wrap around you again, as if he is trying not to make it noticeable. Remembering someone mentioned that the Bangtan pack does not have a good relationship with the director, you maintain a smile in hopes that no other issues will come up.
“Not to worry. As you know, I have a family pack with Derek as my Beta. So I am not completely unaware of pack dynamics, and I have read more than my fair share of contracts and witnessed playmate interactions in the past.”
Before he could respond, the door to the conference room opened again. Namjoon and Taehyung enter, with Namjoon taking his place back on the other side of the table. You pay no mind to what Taehyung is doing to the best of your ability.
“Just as in any honest pack, there will be differences of opinions, challenges to positions, and discussions to occur. This will happen as we get to know… each… ooothherr.”
Your words stop as you see the odd look on Derek’s face as he pointedly looks at you, then behind you and back several times. You also note that Yoongi has stiffened, the three other Alphas in your eye line are looking behind you, and the director has also turned to look.
Following their lead, you turn in your seat to find Taehyung standing behind you against the wall, looking directly at you, “May I help you, Mr. Kim?”
“Y/n,” several growls are heard.
“She is Luna Y/n right now, Taehyung-ah. You will take note of her scent and address her as such,” Namjoon says.
“Yes, Prime Alpha,” he answers without his eyes drifting from you. “Luna Y/n, I would like to apologize for my actions this morning. You are your own person. It was wrong of me to assume that you were being mistreated and disrespected by Mr. Green.”
Your eyes widen at his words. Glancing at the director, you notice he frowns deeply at hearing that something has already happened. You can also see that Derek has a look of irritation.
Your attention is pulled back to Taehyung as he kneels on the floor. You stand immediately, shocked to have an Alpha do that, but you hear someone clearing your throat before you can process anything.
“Luna Y/n, from this moment until you have forgiven him, Taehyung will be your personal attendant. It is an older tradition but one that Bangtan Pack has utilized for a long time,” informs the Prime Alpha.
“Luna Y/n,” Yoogni gathers your attention. “Remember what I said in the elevator? This is it. Don’t think that because you are new to the pack or where your position is within the pack means that you have to forgive him right away. I think Hobi had him in service for almost a month.”
“27 days. I was in service to him for 27 days, and I will be in service to you, Luna Y/n, for as long as you see fit,” he tells you as he sits on the floor behind your chair.
“But why are you on the floor?” His eyes widened momentarily, and he looked to his packmates for help.
“Luna,” calls Derek, “If they are following the Acts of Forgiveness, then the one looking for forgiveness must serve the one to grant it at all times. They must never be found higher than or in front of the grantor. Plus, they must be in close proximity unless the grantor orders otherwise.”
“But he is taller than me! How is that gonna work? He can’t sit on the floor. What will Army think if they get wind of this?” You, not so gracefully, plop back into your seat, “I’m a dead man.”
“Luna Y/n, while I will not go against the traditions of the Acts while within the presence of our Bangtan pack if it makes you more comfortable, might I suggest something?” Taehyung offers, seemingly unaffected while sitting on the floor like it’s normal.
Glancing at Yoongi for some kind of guidance, as you have never dealt with any of these Acts before, he subtly nods his head once. Clearly, this is not something that is not out of sorts for the Bangtan Pack. With that knowledge, you look back to Taehyung and wave your hand for him to continue.
“Why don’t I always walk behind you and sit on a designated side when someone outside the pack can see us? I don’t care about what Army thinks. I care about what you think,” offers the tiger hybrid, still sitting on the floor.
“You don’t… Mr. Kim, you must think of Army. They are the key to your success. I am, by far, not someone to risk a scandal over,” you huff out. Another sharp spike in your lemon-ed scent supports the determination of your words.
“Now, your ideas will work. You still cannot sit on the floor, though. That is not right. You are not a slave. What about a pillow?” you ask, looking between Namjoon and Derek.
But it's again, Taehyung answers, “If you order for me to use a pillow, I will be grateful for your kindness.”
Taking a deep breath, the scent of your beta with those of Bangtan finds a place in your heart. One thing you loved picking up from Evie’s family when you were young was the ability to identify scents. Scents became your comfort afterward.
“Fine. I will follow the Acts of Forgiveness. You can walk behind me, sit to my left when we are in public, and use a pillow when sitting on the floor. Is that agreeable, Mr. Kim?”
Yoongi gives a pleased rumble beside you, and Taehyung nods, “As you wish, Luna.”
You had thought that Taehyung would have taken a seat with the pack or somewhere to your left, but he refused because the Director was sitting there. He also refused a pillow “because he caused enough of a delay.”
Deciding that this was a battle you had no desire to pursue, you let it slide. You also make a mental note to place an over-stuffed or large pillow in each room you might end up in with him to ensure he is comfortable.
At the same time, you still feel awkward about the Acts of Forgiveness and debate forgiving him when you leave the office. However, your thoughts get pulled to the paperwork in front of you as the meeting officially starts.
Halfway through the contract reading, Seokjin and Hoseok arrive. Both take note of Taehyung sitting on the floor and your still acidic, lemony scent but say nothing. Only a smirk on Hoseok’s face gives you a clue that he at least understands what is going on.
“Jin! Hoseok! You both made it,” you smile, standing up and hugging the eldest Alpha.
“Hello, my dear. Of course, we made it. This is an important meeting,” Seokjin says while he returns your hug.
“I made sure that my dance practice ended on time. My instructor kept trying to make me take breaks, but I wasn’t having it. They understood once I explained it,” says Hoseok as he ruffles your hair on his way to his seat.
“Thank you for joining us. Please take a seat. We are about halfway through. Do you want a moment to catch up?” asks Director Johnson.
At the sound of his voice, Seokjin stiffens, and his face drops. “No, Director. Our Prime Alpha takes care of the pack, including Miss Y/n, as a proper leader should, and neither of us has any reason to question him.”
“Jin,” you whisper harshly, “Be nice. Please, he is still my boss.”
Looking down at you, Seokjin takes a moment to admire you. His Apha wants to argue that Bangtan has a claim on you that ‘your boss’ will never have.
“I am sorry, my dear.” Seokjin glances at the director, “Thank you for your offer, but we can continue from wherever you are.”
As the eldest Alpha sits next to Namjoon, the meeting moves forward. The preliminary one you agreed to back at their packhouse seemed the same as the contract in front of you once you got past the results from Dr. Blackwell and Ryan’s report.
That is until you get to the last few clauses:
The Bangtan Pack will not seek additional Playmates for companion or partner contracts as Y/n is the sole Playmate of the Bangtan Pack.
There will be no sexual or intimate contact outside of the contracted individuals.
Y/n will have the option to be integrated into the Bangtan Pack by agreement of all members, at which time the Playmate Partner Contract will be null and void.
“Okay, wait. Why does this last clause even need to be included? What do you mean ‘no sexual or intimate contact’... What does that mean to Alpha hybrids?” you ask as you read and re-read the last clause.
“Integrated? Why is there an option to be integrated into your pack, Prime Alpha?” you ask with your eyes wide.
You look at Namjoon, waiting for his explanation. When he doesn’t answer immediately, you look to Derek, “You wrote the contract. What does this mean? Are you kicking me out of our family pack at the end of this? Are you ashamed of me?”
“What?!? No, Luna, that isn’t happening. That will NEVER happen. Family packs are for life. These were added per last night's eldest Mr. Kim’s email request,” Derek quickly responded, looking to Seokjin to explain.
“Luna Y/n, I want to be very clear with you,” starts Seokjin. “You are someone that none of us were expecting. You intrigue us all. Alpha Yoon has never… NEVER… protected someone outside of Bangan.”
You glance over at Yoongi, the tips of his ears fluttering, his cheeks hinting rose, and his tail wrapping around your braced wrist.
“Alpha Chim, not Jimin but his Alpha, hasn’t initiated scenting of anyone, mate or not, since Seul-ki left,” your eyes snap to Jimin’s as he nods. “Not only did Jimin-ah tell you about what happened, but Alpha Chim scented you on his own.”
“You have also met Alpha Tae and Alpha Kook. Luna Y/n, you have met over half of our Alphas, and as a mate-bonded high-profile pack, that shouldn’t happen unless there is something special about you.”
“But, I am just me,” you utter softly as a sweet pea, the mate vanilla, and a soft peach scent slowly replaces the lemon tangy.
“Sweets, you are just you, and what you are is amazing. Never forget that,” piped Jungkook.
“Luna Y/n,” Namjoon summons your attention. “I know you ever expected us, and Seokjin-hyung is correct– we never expected you.”
Looking slowly at each of his mates, the Prime Alpha settles back on you, “The additional clause is included because we all feel this longing to be close to you. One of the ways we, as hybrids, get close to someone is through physical means, like how Yoongi-hyung is holding you by his tail right now or Hoseok-hyung by scented your hair when he came in.”
“However, the average human considers most of what we do to be close to one another as intimate. As a pack, we want not to limit our interactions with you. We just want to see where we end up naturally with you, Luna.”
“Princess, remember that no matter what we want if you do not want something… please tell us. This go for anything from holding hands, hugs, to cuddling and scenting. If any of the pack members do not listen, I will declare a Challenge to them, and I expect them to do the same with me,” Yoongi adds quickly to ensure clarity and security.
A few comments of agreement are heard, along with Derek muttering under his breath that he “will Challenge if they don’t,” which also causes snickers around the table.
“Ah… well… okay…. I think that is understandable. From what I have experienced so far with getting closer to some of you, the scenting has been very different from what happens with Y/l/n Pack. So, it makes sense that you have that included. But what about the integration part?”
“As you saw with Taehyung-ah’s display this morning, Alphas protect what we consider ours,” Jimin says with a sight smirk. “He isn’t the only one wanting to make it known to others that you are not theirs.”
Next to Jimin, Jungkook’s ears drop as he hides behind them. The action causes you to giggle, and the vanilla mate scent from you grows, drawing the attention of the Bangtan Pack to you.
Yoongi tries to hide his amusement at the awe he finds on the faces of his bonded mates at the change in your scent. Their reaction answers his question about the bond becoming stronger.
Your attention, however, has gone to the contract before you, and the reality of your situation is starting to settle in.
You are becoming a Playmate of the Bangtan Pack, and they don’t want to limit interactions. Are they changing yet another part of the contract because of you, or is it for you?
Does that mean you are not alone in your reactions to their advances? You can call those advances now, can’t you? All you know is nothing will be the same for the next seven weeks.
While your mind is imagining a trillion things that could go wrong, your heart and soul cannot wait for the adventure ahead.
The others around the table seem to agree with everything said so far. Even Director Johnson and Derek have huge smiles and a knowing glint in their eyes.
“Sugar, your scent is turning again. What are you thinking about?” Worries the youngest Alpha, reaching out towards you but stops as he is unsure if it will help.
You attempt to give him a reassuring smile before you turn to sit sideways in your seat. Sitting like this allows you to see Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung.
The three wild cards. You need to talk to them. You want to make sure they want this and not just consent because the majority rules. You need to talk to them without Namjoon or Yoongi around.
“Prime Alpha, Sir, I wish to discuss a few questions with some of your mates. Do I have your permission to speak with them privately?”
You can feel the room tense up. Looking at Namjoon, you see his face is pensive, but he nods, “You may, Luna Y/n. Do you wish for us to relocate, or do you have another room that you would like to use?”
“Miss Y/n, why don’t we step out? I could use a coffee, and I am sure a few of us may need a break,” Director Johnson offers. He knows the other conference room wouldn’t grant you privacy because of the observation room.
“Thank you, Director. I think that would be a good idea. If Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung would be so kind as to remain, we could discuss a few things.” You say, but your eyes never leave Namjoon's. Watching the expression change to one of understanding.
“As you wish, Luna,” responds Taehyung, but your heart tugs at the thought he is only willing to stay because he is in trouble with the Prime Apha because of this morning.
“Hoseok-hyung and Jimin-ah, are you comfortable staying?” asks Derek. The questioned Alphas nod and smile, prompting the PMS representation to stand.
“Wonderful. If the rest come with me, I can show you where the cafe and restrooms are. Also, answer any questions you may have,” informs the Director, giving the remaining Bangtan packmates no room to wiggle their way into staying.
At this point, you are actively avoiding Yoongi’s staring as it is boring into your head. You know that if you were to look at him, you would give in and ask him to stay.
Doing this, however, allows you to see the concerned look shared between Jungkook and Hoseok and the quiet conversation between Seokjin, Namjoon, and Derek. Slowly, you feel the drag of Yoongi’s tail uncurling from you as he and the others follow the director out.

For all Seokjin knew, the Director of PMS could be speaking Swahili. His mind, heart, and soul were left in the conference room with his four remaining mates.
After what feels like the longest tour ever, the Director leaves with Derik with the mention to let the front desk know when everyone is ready to resume the meeting.
Coming out of his fog, Jin realizes they have returned to the break room where it all started. Looking around, he takes in his pack mates.
Jungkook has attached himself to Yoongi, looking like he lost his best friend. Yoongi attempts to comfort the young Alpha, but his ears are pinned on the break room door, and he is undoubtedly listening for any indication that Y/n and the others are ready to continue.
Namjoon also watches them, his tail hanging low and his ears flicking between laying flat and listening for something. Jin is thankful that the Prime Alpha could hold the conversation during the tour, allowing the rest to be in their own world.
Jungkook is the first to break the silence. With hushed tones, he asks, “Do you… why do you… she isn’t leaving, right, Joon-hyung?”
Looking at the door, Namjoon sighs. “I don’t think she is. I think she just has questions. It’s best not to jump to conclusions, Kookie.”
“Y/n knows our scents,” Jin states to the room. His eyes bounced between them all.
“She can do what?” Namjoon steps closer to Jin. “How can she do that?”
“I don’t know, Joon. While on our date, she told me that she knows Yoongi’s, Kook’s, mine, and even Jimin’s scents. Guys, she was right in them all.”
“She knows my scent. My new mate knows my scent. She has to be bonding with us then, right?” asks a hopeful Jungkook.
“I mentioned earlier that her vanilla mate scent was getting stronger around me. That is an indication that the bond is becoming solidified. She must be growing the bonds with the mates that have shown their Alphas or scented her,” offers Yoongi.
“I figured she is bonding with Jimin and Taehyung, so why the private meeting with them? I would think she would want to meet with those she cannot recognize,” contemplates Seokjin as he moves to sit next to his mates on the small couch.
“I don’t know, hyung. I just hope that whatever answers they give her are the answers she needs to hear.” With Namjoon’s last words, the room falls silent, and each contemplates what is happening in the conference room.

Once the conference room door closes, you hold your breath. So many questions flood your brain.
What about asking the main question instead of beating around the bush? Do you really want to know what feral animal lives within the bush? What about leaving the bush alone?
“If you are waiting for the pack to be far enough away to not listen in to the conversation, they are. I can’t hear anything,” Taehyung offers.
“I wasn’t, but that is good to know. Thank you. Can you please take a seat? I want to talk to Alpha Taehyung and not “being punished by the Prime Alpha” Taehyung,” you ask, gesturing to the seats next to his packmates.
Taehyung looks at you with confusion and then looks past you to Hoseok, who subtly shakes his head. Standing up, Taehyung takes the seat to your left, “Luna, what is it you are wanting to talk about?”
Turning to sit straight in your chair, you clasp your hands together on the table and take a deep breath.
This is it.
“I know I came outta nowhere. I know that you were happy and untroubled before I crashed into your lives and the lives of your mates. I have absolutely no desire to ruin the bond that you have with Yoongi, Jungkook, and Seokjin.”
“Y/n, you aren’t…” Hoseok starts to say, but you cut him off. “Let me finish. Please?”
After a moment of silence, you continue, “I understand the obligation that has been measured between Yoongi and me, but it doesn’t have to involve everyone else. Seokjin and Jungkook have also grown an attachment to me. For the life of me, I have also grown attached to them.”
Feeling the tightness in your chest and the slight tremble of your hands, you take a deep breath, hoping to remain calm and not cry. You can hear one of the hybrids in the room shifting in their seat, probably impatient with you for keeping you from getting this over with.
“I know your Prime Alpha signs onto any contract that comes before the pack but the three of you have a choice.” A sharp intake of breath. A scrap of a chair. “I will support and stand against Namjoon if any of you wants to back out of the contract presented to us today.”
Silence followed your words, but you didn’t dare look at them.
Your words strike Jimin with a strength beyond description right now. You would support them even if it meant going against a Prime Alpha. Most Alphas refuse to challenge a Prime Alpha, much less a human, but here you are. Do you understand how selfless your actions are?
Taehyung curses himself with every language he knows and maybe even some he makes up. Before this morning’s fiasco, he would have bet money that you would allow him to have a scenting session with him.
If you only knew who you are, it would explain why the choice you gave them is not an option, even if it has a meaningful impact. It would also help you see why he had to act as he did this morning, even if it was over the top.
The only calm one in the room is Hoseok. Unlike the younger mates in the room, he remembers the words that your Beta has said before. He also has been watching you around his mates, observing how the mate bonds between Yoongi, Jungkook, and you are practically glowing.
One thing Hoseok can tell is how touch-starved you are; your actions also show that you are trained to deny it. This presents a problem for later since it seems that your mate bond only grows through that physical touch. Right now, the three of them must find a way to convince you that they want to be there.
“Y/n, I would like to address you as just Y/n, not Luna Y/n or Miss Y/l/n. May I do that?” Hoseok asks with a gentle tone.
Finally, looking away from your hands, you meet the marten hybrid gaze, “Of course, Hoseok.”
“First, I would like to offer my apologies for not being available to get to know you better. Tomorrow is one of my free days, and I would enjoy nothing more than spending time with you and my other available mates.”
Leaning forward, he continues, “Second, I want to apologize for not following through on my promise to keep you laughing. I have every intention of signing the contract and following through.”
“Hyung is right,” Jimin joins in. “I promised to be your friend, but a friend is just the start. Any strong relationship that lasts has a friendship deeply entwined within. My Alpha has been after me to close the distance between us, and I also want to. I have never even thought of not signing the contract, nor will I ever.”
Your breathing turns normal as they speak, and your scent blends in your sweet pea. Two of the Alphas want to keep going. You can tell by their honest expressions, the sincerity of their words, and the openness of their posture that they are following their own path and not being forced like you are worried.
That leaves one more. Both of the Alphas across from you have turned their attention to the tiger sitting next to you with fondness in their eyes.
“Y/n, can you look at me please?” Taehyung asks with uncertainty. Your eyes are still on Hoseok when he glances back at you and nods toward the awaiting Alpha.
Closing your eyes and tilting your face downward, you turn in your seat to angle yourself to face him. Taking the chance, you open your eyes and look at the man before you.
The intensity of his stare is not what you were expecting. A swirl of emotions is bleeding from his eyes: dominance, worry, anger, hope, and panic. Meanwhile, you can almost feel the tension he is holding in his posture.
His back isn’t straight because he is trying to look at you from the same level, his tail is snapping behind him, and his ears are pinned so far down that you can’t see them anymore.
Simultaneously, you want to run from the predator before you and lose yourself in him. All you end up doing is saying his name in a way that shows just how breathless he has made you, “Taehyung.”
That word breaks you out of the enthrallment you swore the tiger hybrid turned vampire had you under. Shaking your head in confusion, you open your mouth to question everything when he continues.
“No, you didn’t crash into our lives. We wanted you before you got injured. Jin-hyung, Jimin-ah, and Jungkook-ah had all asked about making you ours before we even met anyone else.”
“No, you cannot and would not ruin any bond that any of the Bangtan bonded mates have. In fact, despite what you may think, all of us have grown attached to you.”
Taehyung takes your hands in. His eyes soften into a fondness that you haven’t seen before. “There is no way that contract will be missing any of our signatures. Everyone wants you in our lives.”
You are still trying to process it all and are at a loss for words.
Taehyung just gave you a surplus of information that you never thought possible. Your heart fluttered and skipped beats. It’s slightly overwhelming but comforting.
A gentle thumb on your cheek pulls you out of your gaze at Taehyung, and you see Hoseok kneeling next to your chair, wiping the tears you didn’t know had fallen.
“Doll, Taehyung is correct in everything he said. We all want to be around you for at least the next eight weeks. Each of us wants to grow this connection with you to see where it goes,” Hoseok says, now cradling your face in his palm.
“Y/n,” Jimin calls your attention as he stands behind the kneeling Alpha. “None of us are signing the contract or inviting you into our lives because of an accident.”
“No one is being forced, either.” Jimin clarifies before you can express any doubt. “Maybe one day you should ask Manager Sejin and Namjoon about the argument they had with Bang PD-nim while we were on the flight after he heard your voice over the phone.”
“You guys have no idea… No, I have no idea what to say. You three have said plenty,” you chuckle at your misspoken words.
Pulling your hands out of Taehyung’s, you lay one over Hoseok’s and snuggle into the warmth. After collecting yourself, you say, “Thank you for everything you have expressed. I feel a lot calmer about everything. Yoongi had said to look to him, Jungkook, and Seokjin to see how things should be.”
“He isn’t wrong. However, I would much rather have what you have with them be experienced with the rest of us,” says Taehyung as he slides the contract closer to you.
The contract's last page rests on top; it’s the signature page. Per standard procedure, Derik and Director Johson sign the copies before the meeting.
But that is not what catches your attention.
Every signature line is filled but one…
“Luna y/n, Miss Y/n, Yoongi’s princess, Seokjin’s dear, Jungkook’s sugar, my doll, and all the additional names to come…” Hoseok holds out a pen to you and asks, “Will you please give us a chance?”
PART 1 / Next

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