Injury - Tumblr Posts

Tw Scars ///

tw scars ///

After seeing too many OCs with dark skin and light pink scars, I felt the need to make this short guide– if you can call it that. This doesn’t focus on the different types of scars (and their shapes) but on the color of scars with regard to skin tone.

I also want to add that scars on darker skin will generally be hyper-pigmented due to the higher chance of developing keloid scars.

I’m white so please feel free to add more input or correct me.

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9 years ago
This Is Trash When They Were A Fair Bit Y0unger.

This is Trash when they were a fair bit y0unger.

H0w they l0st their eye is s0mething 0f a mystery since they refuse t0 say h0w it happened.

The reas0n they 0nly have 0ne eye is actually n0t all that deep.

Back when I first drew them, I messed up 0ne 0f the eyes, s0 I scribbled it 0ut, and then I liked it, s0 I just scribble 0ut their left eye every time I draw them.

S0, yeah.

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9 years ago
The Protag And NPC From A Game I Want To Make.
The Protag And NPC From A Game I Want To Make.

The protag and NPC from a game I want to make.

First one is called “the Save Mechanic” she’s this cute lil aromantic mechanic who fixes up the Save Mirrors.

The second one is the protag, called Michael, after the “REAL worst enemy route” where you actively try and get him killed.

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5 months ago

Me: Elbows my rib outward once and it really hurt

Rib: Feels wrong since elbowing it

Rib: Proceeds to give me bad anxiety from feeling that there's something wrong with it

Rib: Gives me 3 bad panic attacks in less than 2 days

Rib: Now hurts when I touch it

Rib: Is clearly not where it's supposed to be when I look in the mirror

Rib: Makes it so I can't lift heavy things or put pressure on it without it hurting

Rib: Still gives me anxiety and makes it impossible to focus on bad days

Doctor: "There's nothing wrong with you. Your body's just asymmetrical. Drink some water and it will go away."

. . .

Wtf doctors?

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5 months ago

No matter how many times I tried explaining to her, my doctor didn't seem to understand that I didn't elbow my rib straight on

I think she thinks I hit it here going inward

No Matter How Many Times I Tried Explaining To Her, My Doctor Didn't Seem To Understand That I Didn't

Cause everytime she gestured to recreate the scene that I elbowed it, she put her elbow there

But in reality, I hit it here, going in the direction of the arrows:

No Matter How Many Times I Tried Explaining To Her, My Doctor Didn't Seem To Understand That I Didn't

So like, it kinda knocked out



But now, when I look in the mirror, that ONE RIB is bulging out a bit compared to the rest

Me: Elbows my rib outward once and it really hurt

Rib: Feels wrong since elbowing it

Rib: Proceeds to give me bad anxiety from feeling that there's something wrong with it

Rib: Gives me 3 bad panic attacks in less than 2 days

Rib: Now hurts when I touch it

Rib: Is clearly not where it's supposed to be when I look in the mirror

Rib: Makes it so I can't lift heavy things or put pressure on it without it hurting

Rib: Still gives me anxiety and makes it impossible to focus on bad days

Doctor: "There's nothing wrong with you. Your body's just asymmetrical. Drink some water and it will go away."

. . .

Wtf doctors?

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5 months ago

Seriously tho, I was making mashed potatoes earlier and nearly had to stop cuz I couldn't mash em without my rib hurting and feeling uncomfortable

Me: Elbows my rib outward once and it really hurt

Rib: Feels wrong since elbowing it

Rib: Proceeds to give me bad anxiety from feeling that there's something wrong with it

Rib: Gives me 3 bad panic attacks in less than 2 days

Rib: Now hurts when I touch it

Rib: Is clearly not where it's supposed to be when I look in the mirror

Rib: Makes it so I can't lift heavy things or put pressure on it without it hurting

Rib: Still gives me anxiety and makes it impossible to focus on bad days

Doctor: "There's nothing wrong with you. Your body's just asymmetrical. Drink some water and it will go away."

. . .

Wtf doctors?

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4 months ago

Won a game and made the mistake of mildly celebrating cuz now my rib hurts 😐👍

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10 months ago

Me:*climbing up a tree branch to get to the actual tree

Also me:*not noticing the branch is dead until I hear an ominous crack

Me a split second later: FUC—*as I fall to the ground and bust my ass

lol, sure had a fun time afterwards(not). Had to walk the half mile home with a fucked up back and a small limp.

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7 years ago
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29
30 Day Burrito Challenge Day 22~29

30 day Burrito Challenge day 22~29

Day 22 :  Haunted Knight        

Day 23 :   Cycloptic Sorceress           

Day 24 :   Automaton Companion

Day 25 :   Injury(?      

Day 26 : Villain Battle  -ω-

Day 27 :   Uniform 

Day 28 & 29:   Fox Prince with Cat Samurai  they are planning somthing. -~-

wanna see me daily update? go check my IG account!!

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1 year ago

Found thanks @scaryscarecrows
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Please help!!!Looking for a Batman fanfiction on AO3

Jason saves Dick from a collapsing building and gets hurt in the process. Dick not knowing it’s his brother brings him to the safe house to help him. Later finds out who he is and is excited but shocked. Slowly each member gets to interact with Jason including Alfred. Jason is hesitant to chat with Bruce. I think he may have needed special treatment to his leg.

Note! I believe that this is what it was all about I tried to remember as much I could

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8 years ago
Fall Of The Castle Of Lions

fall of the castle of lions

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1 year ago
Coloured Version Of The Line Art.Clean And Roughed Up.Still Learning Proper Tagging So Hopefully Covered
Coloured Version Of The Line Art.Clean And Roughed Up.Still Learning Proper Tagging So Hopefully Covered

Coloured version of the line art. Clean and roughed up. Still learning proper tagging so hopefully covered all points.

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5 months ago

You ever had a temporary injury that reminds you of what used to be your chronic pain (before you got that miracle surgery to correct that pain) and now your brain panics and the chronic pain tingles but isn't actually there?

I feel like this is an experience few have.

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8 years ago
S P O I L E R S (maybe?) Normal Side: Oh No!!! My Poor Salt King Is Hurt! I Wish I Could Help Him...
S P O I L E R S (maybe?) Normal Side: Oh No!!! My Poor Salt King Is Hurt! I Wish I Could Help Him...
S P O I L E R S (maybe?) Normal Side: Oh No!!! My Poor Salt King Is Hurt! I Wish I Could Help Him...

S P O I L E R S (maybe?) Normal side: Oh no!!! My poor Salt king is hurt! I wish I could help him... Kinky side: LOOK AT HIM. HE'S IN SO MUCH PAIN. HE'S ADORABLE. FINALLY SHOWING SOME VULNERABILITY. YESSSS

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4 months ago
All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art

All my inktober drawings so far TW for slightly horror art

All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art
All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art
All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art
All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art
All My Inktober Drawings So Far TW For Slightly Horror Art

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7 months ago

Let's talk road-rash:

Road rash is painful and dangerous. Crashing at high speeds with little protection can cause light scratching, exposed muscle/bone, and even shave bone down. It can also destroy nerves surrounding the injury, and create deep scars.

Whumpee jumping out of a moving car to get away from Whumper

Whumper pushing whumpee out of a moving van while they're restrained

Whumpee fleeing on a motorcycle and crashing it

Whumper tying whumpee to the car and dragging them around

Caretaker cleaning asphalt, sand, rocks, from Whumpees wounds

Whumpee having to walk with bleeding cuts, trying to hitchhike/find caretaker

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7 months ago

Here's some uhhh "fun?" info about how deeper wounds work (unfortunately based on experience bc I am so clumsy lol) for your whump writing knowledge.

TW: mention of wounds, stitches, somewhat detailed description of stitching procedure, scars

So when you get a deep cut that goes past the surface of the skin (ie. needing stitches) there are a few things that need to happen to help it heal correctly and without infection. Depending on what caused the laceration, you may need a tetanus shot if it was some sort of metal (even if it wasn't rusty metal, this is usually done to play it safe). Then, they'll have to numb the area, and let me tell you -NOT FUN. Remember that open wound? Yeah, they inject the local anesthetic directly into the wound. IN to it- not near it. So that's really not fun, and it's even worse if you're able to watch it happen because the area swells up from the medication. So very unpleasant. From there, honestly the worst part is usually over. The stitching itself is scary to watch (caretaker said not to look for a reason!), but the most that's usually felt is some pressure from the needle- IF it is numbed completely.

What's worse though- is if you DON'T get stitches when you need them. So after a deep laceration, there is generally a 24 hour window (maximum) to get it stitched. Usually it's ideal to be done within 4-6 hours of the injury. If this doesn't happen, the wound cannot be stitched because the body has already started healing the wound as it currently is, and won't be able to heal back together and close. So this means: much longer healing process (sometimes can be a month or more depending on the laceration), the wound should stay covered with gauze for most of the beginning of healing to prevent infection which is a bigger risk with an open wound. This will additionally create a different looking scar than a wound that was stitched. They can look similar, but are obviously wider and flatter than a stitched wound which can heal with a raised and much thinner scar. Sometimes you can also see scarring from where the stitches were too! I think that's kind of cool, though.

This is just what I remember from the situation and doctors, I am not a professional.

Have fun patching up your whumpees! Or ya know.. Not

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7 months ago

Make your whumpees go into shock. Do it.

Symptoms of hypovolemic shock (e.g whumpee has lost a lot of blood):




Passing out

Clammy skin


Low temperature and blood pressure

Rapid pulse

Symptoms of distributive shock (e.g sepsis, severe allergic reactions, asthma attacks)


Rapid pulse


Warm arms and legs

Skin that starts off warm then turns clammy and cold



Stomach pain



Shortness of breath


Throwing up

Either way, whumpee is most likely headed to the ICU. ASAP.

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6 months ago

Moth and Taxidermist

Augusnippets day 4: amputation | degloving | vivisection

Word count: 497

Trigger warnings: violence, injury (exposed bone, collapsed lung), blood, implied/referenced vivisection


Karmic fights, he swears. The moment he’s certain that the hostages have been freed, those viscera-stinking shadows slinking back to—to his father, he attacks. This man hasn’t seen him since he was small; he has no idea how quick Karmic is, how sharp his claws are. If he can strike first, fast, then—

At the same time his hand swipes a chunk out of the side of his father’s face and neck, there’s a familiar pain piercing his chest.

His father had demonstrated what his bloodmist could do to someone if they breathed it in, during the ‘negotiations’ that led to Karmic going with him. It felt like Brier had punched him in the solar plexus, any breath-based magic immediately beyond him as he wheezed for breath, except it went on and on until a negligent wave of his father’s hand let him breathe fully again. It had not been a fucking pleasure, to say the least.

It is still not a fucking pleasure.

He stumbles, and that’s his undoing. One moment, he’s looking at the pale mandible his claws exposed; the next, pure black floods his vision as shadows knock him flat on his back, punching whatever air he has left out of him. He tries jackknifing back up, but can’t—the shadows have stayed, keeping him pinned down.

The swears that pour out of his mouth come loud and vehement, courtesy of his father as he heals Karmic’s lungs.

There’s a sigh as his father walks into view. Shadows are vanishing from his cheek, leaving him unblemished. “It’s the brain you have to worry about, little one,” he says.

“Fuck the shit off,” Karmic spits.

“Our brains are our only fatal weakness,” his father continues, ignoring him. “Everything else is restorable, but if we lose the organ that knows how to restore things, that means our death. Make sure to adjust your defensive combat to account for this, yes?”

“Oh, so that means your ears are full of shit, too! Makes sense, since you’re not fucking listening!”

“We’re not worrying about brains today, though,” his father says, still going on. His hand goes up, pointer finger aimed at Karmic, eyes narrowing. “We’re worrying about that crutch in your chest.”

Karmic has enough time to register his father’s finger turning black before it blurs, and there’s a ripping sound. Too late he realizes that his clothes have been sliced open larynx to navel; too late the words ‘crutch in his chest’ click together with why his torso is free of shadows;

too late he knows what his father is about to do to him.

"No," he says.

“Yes,” his father counters, kneeling gracefully. “Your heart is what killed you last time. I was happy to supply my own, but you should’ve learned how to replace it ages ago. We’re fixing that now.”

He smiles. It’s a lovely, loving, terrifying smile. “Don’t worry. I’ll be with you the whole time.”

The first guiding cut slides over Karmic’s sternum.

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