Pagan Poetry - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Esta sendo uma daquelas noites em que desligo o celular e me perco no mundo e não estou para o mundo. Bjork me acompanha e me projeta em outras realidades que não vivi, o lápis e as folhas cinzas tbm me acompanham, cinzas pq não gosto das brancas, não gosto de branco, alias, detesto tudo que vem do branco, a claridade principalmente com todas as minhas forças. Meus olhos ardem e doem, esse é o motivo dos meus óculos escuros,e as pessoas feias que vejo na rua tbm ardem. Deixei de ser profundo e mergulhei no vazio das aparências. Que ecoa e arde. Ecoa e arde

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10 years ago
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things
[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things

“[The] visual element is a very important way to express yourself. I mean, that was one of the things I thought was helpful, for example, with being really involved in the videos. If people watched and listened at the same time, they’d understand the nature of the song quicker. There does exist a visual representation of every music; inside you know what it looks like, and it’s better, truer to send it away from you in the right packing [sic] or the outfit.”

— Björk

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