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the crazy days, city lights, the way you’d play with me like a child

I was always an unusual girl My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul No moral compass pointing me due north, no fixed personality Just an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and wavering as the ocean And if I said I didn’t plan for it to turn out this way I’d be lying
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
![I Mean, A Part Of It Is Also Just Entering The Unknown And Not Being Stagnated [sic]. I Totally Know](
“I mean, a part of it is also just entering the unknown and not being stagnated [sic]. I totally know about this view that, you know, computer music has no soul. But I’ve always felt that if you put soul into your music, then there’s soul in your music; if you don’t put soul in your music, then there’s no soul in your music. You cannot rely on a computer, or a violin, or a guitar to do it for you—it won’t, you have to do it.”
— Björk
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
![[The] Visual Element Is A Very Important Way To Express Yourself. I Mean, That Was One Of The Things](
“[The] visual element is a very important way to express yourself. I mean, that was one of the things I thought was helpful, for example, with being really involved in the videos. If people watched and listened at the same time, they’d understand the nature of the song quicker. There does exist a visual representation of every music; inside you know what it looks like, and it’s better, truer to send it away from you in the right packing [sic] or the outfit.”
— Björk

Ha Vay 'Fragile' MV (2024)
Sometimes it's possible to take a look at pop culture and weep at what humans have inflicted on themselves.
One dancer gets even with “Pharrell Loves My Work.”
If you are an artist, then the art that you put out, whether it be writing, acting, pictures, dance or any other piece of art, is your work. It's something that you have put time, money and effort into and it's flattering when someone else is inspired by your work. After all, imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery.
However, imitation is not the most sincerest form of flattery when you are passing it off as your own, not crediting the inspiration and using someone else's art to make a lot of money and generate more work while leaving the original artist in the dust.
That said, I think the way Anne Marsen is going about this is great. Love her attitude!
unfortunately nesta would come to the modern world (or midgard) and just get really into every kind of media for a few weeks straight.

Από τη στιγμή λοιπόν που η καραντίνα ετέθη σε άρση, οι άνθρωποι δειλά δειλά άρχισαν να έρχονται σε επαφή.
Πήραν μια ανάσα. Παρότι ο κίνδυνος. ο φόβος, το άγχος, αιωρούνται όπως ο ιός στα σταγονίδια του αέρα, η ανάγκη μας για ¨το κοντά” με τους δικούς μας ανθρώπους, δείχνει τεράστια..
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If you want some loving, That I can give to you. And if you want some hugging, Said I can hug some, too. All I want, baby, now Is some thought of you And just a little of your affection, You know, will see me through. 'Cause you know that you are my man, And I want you to forever be mine. I idolize you (Yes, she idolize you) <3 :)
follow me:
smell trouble

Τα προβλήματα βρίσκονται παντού γύρω σου.
Και δεν μπορείς να εμποδίσεις την εμφάνιση των προβλημάτων.
Θα συνεχίσουν να εμφανίζονται….
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Κόντρα στις αντιξοότητες,και στις δυσκολίες που περνάμε , το να χαιρόμαστε για κάτι, ακόμα και για κάτι μικρό, μοιάζει με επαναστατική πράξη..
Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time
The most beautiful Boogie-woogie in dance I have ever seen! :)
Make a move
******** «Για να σου φέρει η νέα χρονιά κάτι καινούργιο, κάνε μια κίνηση, όπως η πεταλούδα σκίζει το κουκούλι της! Κάνε μια κίνηση!» (more…)

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Maria Daines ~ Battle Scars
Maria Daines ~ Battle Scars
Wear your battle scars with pride Hold your face up to the light Tired of playing with the fire Singing solo in the choir ***** (more…)

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Αναστάσιμες σκέψεις
Ν’άμαστε στο δεύτερο πανδημικό Πάσχα λοιπόν, μαζί με τον απόηχο των περσινών ευχών μας, για καλύτερες μέρες. Κι ενώ όλα δείχνουν ίδια, παρατηρώντας τις σκέψεις που κάνω, καταλαβαίνω τις αλλαγές που συμβαίνουν μέσα μου και η ματιά μου απέναντι στη ζωή αποκτά άλλο πλάτος. (more…)

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Summer mood!
Το καλοκαίρι, λένε, δεν είναι εποχή, είναι διάθεση. 😉 (more…)

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... Ολίγον Τζαζ !
… Ολίγον Τζαζ !
Κατά ένα περίεργο τρόπο, το μουσικό κομμάτι “Summer time” είναι συνδεδεμένο στο μυαλό μου με τον Αύγουστο. Summer time.. ήταν και οι δυο προηγούμενοι μήνες, τώρα γιατί αυτή η μουσική μου κολλάει στο μυαλό συγκεκριμένα τον Αύγουστο.. μην με ρωτάς 🙂 Παρότι αναρτώ το ίδιο μουσικό θέμα κάθε Αύγουστο ( σε όποιa version μου αρέσει), το απολαμβάνω με την ίδια ευχαρίστηση, λες και το ακούω πρώτη…

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Μια πίστα! Μια μουσική! Μια παρέα! Ένα κάλεσμα! Χορεύουμε?? 🙂 🙂 (more…)

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