Park Mochi - Tumblr Posts

His beautiful smile 💜 >>>>>>>

Vmin 💜

Jikook 🐰🐥 💜

Jimin with long hair 💜

Wish him another beautiful year full of joy and happiness 😊💫

Jimin with long hair 💜

Blueee jimin 💙
Part 1, Part 2
Ever since that day, you and Jimin had never got along. Surprisingly, nothing happened when you came to babysit Jiwoon the next day. Mr. and Mrs. Park didn’t say a word to you, it was like nothing happened. Jimin was unfortunately staying for a whole two weeks and you couldn’t dread the following days more.
You didn’t understand why Jiwoon would still need a babysitter when Jimin was here but you understood soon enough when not even half an hour after the Parks had left that a group of boys came outside the house and Jimin went to God knows where with them.
Jimin would go out every single day but only for two hours or so. After coming back, he’d disturb you all the time, when you were watching over Jiwoon as he did his homework or when you were watching TV with him, Jimin would bug you all the time. He’d pass off remarks that made your blood boil but you kept your mouth shut for the sake of Jiwoon’s innocent mind.
That day you were taking Jiwoon out with you to the supermarket since Jiwoon wanted pasta and there wasn’t any in the house. Jiwoon seemed pretty excited to be going out with you. Jimin, as usual, was gone with his friends not that you cared.
You opened the door ready to step out when the sight of Park Jimin startled you.
“Going somewhere?” He smirked.
“None. Of. Your. Business.” You gritted out each word.
“Noona, let’s go.” Jiwoon said running to you excitedly before noticing Jimin.
Jimin looked at his dongsaeng before raising a brow at you.
“You see, it is my business if you’re taking my brother.” He said fake smiling at you but you could see the evil glare in his eyes.
“Jimin hyung, you’re here?” Jiwoon said excitedly walking towards Jimin.
“Are you going with us too?” He asked and you wanted facepalm.
“Where?” Jimin asked turning to Jiwoon and crouching down to his level.
“Y/N’s taking me to the market, she also promised to buy me ice cream.” Jiwoon told and you felt like putting your hand over Jiwoon’s mouth so he could stop telling Jimin of your plans.
“So will you come?” You literally wanted to cry in frustration now.
“Y-” Jimin started but you beat him to it.
“No, he won’t. You won’t, will you?” You said turning to Jimin and gave him a meaningful glare.
“Actually, I would.” Jimin replied smirking at you.
Your lips turned into a scowl giving him a death stare.
You kept walking either too fast or too slow in order to avoid walking next to Jimin. At the supermarket, you just wanted to pick up the packet of pasta and be done with it and you were exactly going to do that when you saw him. Kang Jonghae, your long time crush. He was your sunbae, he graduated this year and you couldn’t have been more sad. Oh, what you would give to be his girlfriend!
You cursed mentally regretting your decision to not wear makeup or brushing your hair properly. You probably looked like a ghost. You hoped he won’t see you when Jiwoon called your name rather loudly from behind you asking you to check out something and ran off. You let out a defeated sigh knowing Jonghae will surely approach you now. He was friendly with you but that was it, no special feelings. He had friend zoned you and nothing hurt more than that.
Just like you predicted, Jonghae did approach you.
“Ah, Y/N!” You resisted the urge to cry out as you heard his angelic voice say your name.
“What a pleasant surprise. Grocery shopping?” You turned to face him and couldn’t stop smiling at him. Were you looking presentable enough to be in front of him? That thought scared you. Right at that moment Jimin came strolling in carelessly as he stood next to you.
"Oh is this your friend?" Jonghae asked.
“Something like that.” You let out running a hand through your hair wondering if it looked greasy, you hoped not. Jimin wanted to say something but let it go.
You were startled when a girl approached and addressed Jonghae as jagi. Your world crashed down in front of your very eyes and the word jagi kept repeating in your head.
“Oh, jagi, are you done? This is my friend Y/N.” Jonghae introduced you to his girlfriend who only nodded her head at you in a form of greeting.
“By the way do you finally have someone now?“ He asked turning to you. Your mouth opened to utter the word no when Jimin did something completely crazy.
"She does, we’re together.” Jimin said taking a hold of your hand and pulling you closer shocking you beyond belief.
-To Be Continued-
(Part 4 will be up soon, thanks to all those who liked or reblogged the last two parts)

💜 BTS Jimin edits I made for @wornoutconversegirl 💛
💖 click for hq💙

jimin x blonde hair