Patriots - Tumblr Posts

Just some random cheerleaders having fun... Oh yeah, I mr Tom Brady and Julian Edelman today as well #patriots #superbowl #magickingdom #cheerleaders #redandblue #winners (at Disney's Magic Kingdom)

#shop #shopping #blackdesign #blackdesigners #blackdesignersmatter #blackcommunity #blackcommunitynews #blackcommunitymatters #blackfashion #blackfashiondesigners #blackfashioncommunity #blackfashiondesignercommunity #blackdesignercommunity #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #support #supportblackbusiness #hate #donotlearnthehate #iwontlearnyourhate #patriot #patriots #patriotic #patriotism #oppression #oppressed #fascism #fascist

Daily draw #63
Rathalos doesn’t understand sports but he’s happy nonetheless

Daily draw #64
So I watched the feetball game and the Rams got a whole 3 points! Good job guys. What a wild game, anyways here’s a pony driving a ram because it’s funny.