Superb Owl - Tumblr Posts

The only Superb Owl I want to see today is my Rowlet who just got promoted yesterday
I'll tell you one thing about the British though is they've got me saying "advert". We were flipping channels and came to the one with the Superb Owl and I was like "oh we could check out the adverts". It just came out, but to their credit, it does sound better than ads I think. For one thing I mean at least it isn't like completely indistinguishable from abs. I dunno, there's just a flow to it; it has a nice inflection. Advert. I knew I was reading too much Doctor Who fanfic the other day, lol. I've got to be the first person to call them the super bowl adverts.
I loved owls more since I saw a picture of ZEUS ,a blind owl that seems to have a galaxy in his eyes

Barn Owl Extreme Cuteness (x)

I heard it was Superb Owl Sunday, so I made something to celebrate :D

originally made for a print exchange. I was the only person to submit on time, but my piece was probably also the least superlo (forgive me it was an early experiment carving backwards words and after having it pointed out I cannot unsee this mistake)
everybody loves this piece until they ask what gave me the idea, so fair warning.
somebody I know on twitter is a very out of touch artist, and there was a hashtag during the super bowl that was #superbowl, so they look at this in their "trending topics" feed for the day and tweet, "I feel like I'm missing something, what the heck is this Superb Owl everyone is talking about?"

Daily draw #63
Rathalos doesn’t understand sports but he’s happy nonetheless

Daily draw #64
So I watched the feetball game and the Rams got a whole 3 points! Good job guys. What a wild game, anyways here’s a pony driving a ram because it’s funny.