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1 year ago


This house is cleansed. This house is blessed. The gods provide. I am at peace.

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8 months ago

How exactly does one go about creating a god?

Will and desire and faith. 

I mean, that’s basically what magic is. Strip away all the crystals and wands and rituals, and magic is believing in something so hard it makes the universe that way.

Prayer and ritual and spells - both the witchy kind and the religious kind - are just a way to make our brains focus hard enough, in the right way, to do that. 

So if you want to create a god…you want it. And then you believe it. 

(This is the hard part. It’s always been the hard part. You have to make yourself believe in the thing you’re creating. Spells don’t work if you don’t believe. Creating an energy construct - a god - won’t either.)

And I mean, I don’t think you have to do it all at once. The two deities I mentioned in that last ask - they’re beings who’ve existed in my and one of my friend’s stories for decades. (One in one of my stories, one in one of hers). But bit by bit you fall in love, in a way, with this being, the more you explore them, the more you understand them. The more you add to their mythology, their backstory, the things they rule, their personalities. And at least with me, you find yourself wanting them to be real. And then you find yourself whispering prayers or wishing so hard or finding a pendant of their symbol to wear around your neck, and you realise it makes you feel stronger and safer when you’re wearing it, and then you realise you actually believe.

I think you can sit down and design a deity if you want to. Why not? You can deliberately create something to believe in. Unless you believe that every god in every pantheon ever spontaneously came into being, that’s how all gods are created. And there’s the thing of, if enough people believe in a thing, it becomes real in a way that has nothing to do with scientific ‘objective’ reality (sometimes this is a bad thing). But it works on a personal level too. 

Make up a god. Envision the kind of deity you want to believe in, that you want to be real. And then fake it till you make it - act as though you believe, until one day you realise you do. 

And that makes it real, doesn’t it? 

Or are we talking on a metaphysical level? How can you objectively create a god? At that point, I have to say that I believe the human mind, properly focused, can do incredible things. Give someone a placebo and they can make themselves better, even though they received no actual medication. Like I said before, I think every culture on Earth has found their own ways of focusing the mind - through dance, drumming/music, singing, praying en mass, ritual, meditation - because focused, our thoughts can affect reality. And I think pouring enough energy and focus and will and want into a concept - into an energy construct - turns it into something real. Makes it real. 

We can create gods because we are gods, and we can alter reality if we try. I’ve seen too much magic not to believe that. I won’t blame you if you don’t. But that’s how. 

Pop culture magic/k basically takes the premise of, every pop culture figure is as equally a facet of the Ultimate as any traditional deity. You can pray to Hermione Granger for help with your exams to as much effect as praying to Athene. A god being ancient doesn’t make them more true than a modern one. It all comes back to stories, the stories that touch our souls, that make us believe. All divine faces are just masks of one Ultimate. If you identify better with Hermione, then call on Hermione. She’s no less real if she has meaning to you. She’s just as much an aspect of the same archetype.

Same applies to a deity you invent. 

I don’t know if I’m explaining this well at all. Please feel free to send another ask if you want me to clarify something.

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8 months ago

Hakai - Permanently Destroy Someone’s Influence Over You


As a note, this is the first fully fledged spell I’ve ever written, and while I wouldn’t consider my usage of it a curse or particularly baleful, it could be utilized that way, and thus caution is advised. With the wrong intent, this spell could be devastating.  It could also easily be used to bring a person’s life crashing around them. Use it with care, and use it responsibly.

I created this spell with the intent of completely obliterating the hold over me held by someone extremely toxic. They have been making my life miserable and I didn’t know what I could do to escape their influence and be free of them. I’ve been on a Dragonball kick recently, and was inspired by Lord Beerus (also a member of my PC pantheon). 

Requirements: - A picture of the person, place, or object whom you wish to break the influence of. You may also write down any feelings, or a particular situation that you wish to perform the spell on.

- A means to destroy the image/paper/object. I burned mine. You want to obliterate it as thoroughly as you can, but you can use whatever method is best suited to you. 

Ground yourself before beginning your spell, in whatever way works best for you. You want to be clear when you cast. This is not a time to put your anger into the spell, this is a time for clarity.

Set up your space, cast your circle, or do whatever your normal routine is for casting. Place the object of your intent in front of you, and focus on it, focus on the hold this person (or whatever it may be) has over you, on the strings they pull in your life. Hold your dominant hand up, palm out, and with intent, with meaning, command the word. “Hakai.” Destroy. Destroy the object, watch as it is obliterated and feel its influence loosening on you. You may repeat the incantation if you feel you need to. Visualize puppet strings snapping, if you wish, or simply imagine what your life will be like without this weight hanging over you. Focus on what freedom from this influence will be like. Once the object is thoroughly destroyed, dispose of the remains. Let the ashes fly away in a breeze, bury the remains, flush them down the toilet, throw them away into an outside trash can, whatever you wish. I like to scatter the ashes, as, to me, it is more symbolic of releasing the hold, and returning the energy back to the universe.

This spell could also be used to break someone/thing’s influence over someone else. Tie a string between an image of the person being affected, and the person causing harm, and as you speak the words, cut the string, and destroy and dispose of it with the remains of the picture of the person causing harm. Keep the picture of the person you are freeing.


Hopefully this spell was clear enough and someone finds it helpful. It has relieved such a weight off of my shoulders. I feel so liberated and feel truly free of the toxic person’s harmful energy. I hope someone else in a similar situation might be inspired by this spell and find a way to free themselves as well.

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