Percy And Poseidon - Tumblr Posts
Thanks for reminding me >:(((
i've been reading headcanons and fanfics about percy and poseidon having a good relationship. and they're so so so cute. but then i remember the reason fics and headcanons like that exist is because we're coping with the reality that it'll never happen. we fantasize about a loving father the same way percy might have when he was nine. a man who would come back, apologize for not being the father or husband he should have been, and mend what was broken. but that dream died the moment we meet poseidon.
learning that a god could empathize with mortality and grow as a person all he wishes. but could never be or provide what their child needs. how sad is it that no matter how badly poseidon wants it. he was doomed to be a distant father from the moment he fell in love with sally. the moment they held their son together for the first and last time.
"Poseidon was suddenly besties with Percy-"
NO. No. No no no. Are we reading the same books?!? Their relationship was clearly a slow build. Where are you getting this?
In tlt they started out curious and hesitant towards each other. They didn't really know what to make of each other - but Poseidon was still proud of this child and Percy was pleased with that.
In SoM they don't meet but they connect with each other through other people. Tyson, who Poseidon sent to protect Percy. Hermes, who Poseidon sent to help Percy realize that Poseidon has been paying attention and helping him out behind the scenes - as much as he can without breaking any laws.
In ttc Percy internally complains about how it's been far too long since he spoke to Poseidon, and Poseidon instantly makes him a fountain + gives him drachma to make calls. And at the end, Poseidon puts himself on the line and embarasses himself to vouch for Percy's friend (fated to destroy Olympus) and for Percy's life. He never even let it come to a vote for Percy's life - he shut that down before it even came up before the council, before Percy could see it.
In bolt Poseidon visits Percy on his bday, and Percy confides his fears/worries to Poseidon. Which is huge, because the only other person Percy has confided in is his mother - he never does with Annabeth or Grover or anyone else. Poseidon makes sure that Percy knows that Poseidon is proud of him and that Percy is important to him by telling him he's the favorite.
In tlo, Poseidon heals Percy's injuries (implied), takes time out of the war to comfort Percy about the death of his close friend (while hundreds of Poseidon's ppl are dying/fighting for their lives). He abandons his kingdom and puts all his hope and effort into Percy's plan. He invites Percy into living with him in Atlantis as a god. He hugs Percy - and it's the only moment that Percy feels safe in the entire book. Maybe even the entire series.
If you really look, this is a slow burn. Sure, there's jumps between all the books, but it's never 0 to 100. He starts slow in tlt, ramps it up in SoM, puts himself on the line in ttc, makes sure Percy knows Poseidon cares and is proud of him in botl and straight up opens up the potential for having a close father-son relationship, without their different species (demigod vs god) and Zeus's laws getting in the way.
It's a slow build. And that's the reason why it's one of my favorite parts of the PJO books.
Why Zeus Forbids Interactions between Demigods and their Godly Parents Theory.
What if one of the reasons Zeus doesn't want his family to interact with their offspring is because he's afraid they'd all become powerful enough to overthrow him?
For instance, when the kids interact with their parents more they find that they have more demigod powers than they once thought they had. Percy gets progressively stronger as he and Poseidon work on their relationship. Same with Nico and Hades.
Ares also seems to recognize this and gifts his kids weapons and resources that give them more strength and tactical advantages. Even though he's not a great parent to Clarisse; he's heavily involved with his kids when it comes to war.
Athena uses this strategy too with her own kids but also reminds them of the drawbacks that can come with certain powers like with Annabeth's cap.
Demeter may not get involved with her kids because she doesn't want to risk getting too attached and she knows by being more connected to them they get very strong. Persephone was sometimes feared more than Hades in Greek worship and mythology.
It also helps the parents. The stronger the belief and connection in them; the more powerful the god gets. We see this with Poseidon in TLO and Apollo in TOA. Just some thoughts.
Percy: my dad's such a dick such a deadbeat I hate him
Poseidon: can you tell my kid I love him and I'm very sorry and also save his life
Poseidon: but don't tell him he can breathe underwater except very cryptically
Poseidon: yell at him to breathe a few times
Poseidon: that ought to work