Perpollo Incorrect Quotes - Tumblr Posts
yet ANOTHER archer and the knight incorrect quote:
Apollo: going to pick up my wife from her murder trial.
Apollo: of course she did it. Why do you think I married her?
the archer and the knight incorrect quote inspired by my latest installment:
Apollo and Rhea, many years in the future, seen through a Seven reunion-
Annabeth: so how drunk was he?
Rhea: well... he asked me if I was single. I said no.
Piper, leaning forward: and then?
Rhea: Apollo started crying, so I felt bad.
Jason, who is HERE for the gossip: so what did you do?
Rhea: I reminded him I wasn't single because I was married to him.
Frank: so everything turned out fine, right?
Rhea: well... after I told him, he went to find our marriage certificate and tried to destroy it-
Hazel: why?
Rhea: saying "good luck returning me without the receipt!"
Leo, as a screwdriver falls out of his mouth: no freakin' way
will: i will obnoxiously stuff self-care in you. rhea: you don't know how good i am at self-destructing, kiddo.
chapter eight is out!!
hunger games x pjo au chapter nine is out! enjoy my crumb sprinkling.
perpollo: *troubled, pining, in love* also perpollo at each other: fuck you artemis: *exasperated and done with this shit TM*
chapter ten of the hunger games au along with new posting schedule is out!!
will: i see your orders, and i raise you 'i disobey the orders'. rhea, on the verge of tearing her hair out: NO-
chapter twelve (aka a lighter, a little bit fluffier one) of the hunger games pjo au is out now!
(to the capitol) everyone: fuck you rhea: fuck you will: fuck you rhea: will don't do that it's dangerous- will: you just did it???? rhea: SO NOT THE POINT
chapter fourteen of pjo hunger games au is out!! here is our corresponding incorrect quote
rhea, at any given time: *overprotective mother hen mode activated* jason, sighing: *mostly helpful kind of overprotective uncle mode on* will: i am COMPLETELY FINE NOW STOP IT
(featuring: rhea and apollo's private goodbye that will happened to eavesdrop on)
chapter fifteen of hunger games pjo au is out!! enjoy.
rhea and annabeth, the minute they meet: *instant bickering commences*
i have now presented you all with chapter sixteen. mwuahahahahaha!
will: so…mom? rhea: *internally crying tears of joy* rhea, barely letting a smile come through: seems so. prometheus: *talks about the rebellion and thirteen* will: you're a fucking liar. other victors: *talk about the rebellion and thirteen* will: so this is happening after all.
chapter seventeen, the last part of ii: alea iacta est, has been posted!! not as emotionally draining as the previous chapter; actually, we don't have emotionally draining chapters for a SMALL bit because we all need a break. regardless, off we go!
prometheus: do x will: fuck you hazel: do x, please? will: okay. (but only because i love and trust you.)
chapter nineteen, aka the beginning of more angst. it is time.
will: *sings a very specific song* zeus, somewhere in the capitol: *intense flashbacks* naomi, from the afterlife: THAT'S MY BOY! LOOK AT MY SON! YES BABY KEEP GOING!!
chapter twenty is out. i hope you like it!
jason: here's an itemised list of sixty years of secrets every capitolite ever: SHIT
wake up babe chapter 21 dropped. in the beautiful words of @scarlet-sam-chaos
apollo: born to say 'i'm yours', forced to say 'i'm your doctor'.