Persona 5 Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
"Makoto Has Some Trouble Coming To Terms With Last Night, Akira Wants To Find Out What's Troubling His
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

"Makoto has some trouble coming to terms with last night, Akira wants to find out what's troubling his friend, and Ann doesn't know why Makoto is avoiding her…"

Massive thanks to @makomaki5 for beta-ing and overall being very encouraging. What a legend! Go check out their tumblr, they have a makoann fic they're working on and it's looking pretty good so far!

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1 year ago

Working on my Unofficial Flufftober 2023 prompts. It wasn't until I had already come up with brief ideas for each prompt that I realized this wasn't the actual @flufftober. Oops. Well, I like these prompts a bit more, to be honest. It's been a fun exercise, writing with prompts. I definitely see why these prompt months are so popular. It's like having a little framework to work off of and consider a pairing in a situation that I wouldn't have been able to come up with on my own.

Also, I've been cooking lately, as my wonderful beta reader has been telling me. It feels so good to get back to writing, after not having written anything in almost a decade. It's nice to know that I haven't gotten *too* rusty.

Here's the prompts I used (I swapped out some of the main prompts with the alternate prompts, just because I liked them a bit more or had more of an idea of what I wanted to accomplish with the prompt):

Of course, I'll be posting these when October rolls around, and there will be one a day. I'm starting so far in advance because I want to make sure I don't miss it or fall behind. The only annoying part is that you can't schedule chapters on AO3, so I'll have to be diligent about actually posting them every day.

All that to say: get excited for I am cooking.

I've been tempted to post snippets of what I'm working on, but eh, I don't feel as comfortable about doing that. Maybe I'll get more comfortable as time goes on, but we'll see.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 1 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I'm about 13 chapters ahead, so hopefully that means I'll be able to put up chapters on time for the whole month...

If chapters are late, then they're late. I'd rather them go up as good as possible than meet a deadline that's only relevant for a month. we go!

Unofficial Flufftober 2023 prompt list:

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 2 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I think I'm gonna start putting a little excerpt from the chapter in these posts. Anyway, the chapter is up! Sorry it's so late (timewise, I think I'm still on time in some timezones) but ya know. Ya know? Anyway, please enjoy!

It’s all quiet in the Niijima home. There’s a slight din from the apartment's fan, but the only other sounds that can be heard are the quiet scratching of pencil on paper and leather creaking. Makoto is studying at the dining room table as Ann lazes around on the couch, quietly playing a game.

Makoto had been on the same problem for what seems like 10 minutes. It wasn’t particularly difficult, but for whatever reason, Makoto couldn’t focus on what the answer could be. She scanned her textbook. She reread the question. She put pencil to paper to force her brain to catch up. Nothing. Just a dot of graphite, mocking her.

She dropped her pencil and put a hand to her forehead, keeping her head from falling.

Ann looked up upon hearing the clatter and frustrated grunt from the direction of the dining room.

“All good, babe?” Ann called.

Makoto clenched her teeth. She loved Ann, she really did, but now was not the time.

“Yes.” Makoto lied.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 3 Is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapter 3 is up! Thanks to everyone that's left comments so far! Those really make my day! :)

“Bye, Ann, I’ll see you when you get back.” Makoto said, as she heard the telltale click of the front door. “Alright. Time to get some work done.”

Makoto reached under her pillow for the stack of student council budget sheets she had stashed. They were gone.

“Wha-?” Makoto exclaimed, voice hoarse. “I could have sworn I put them here…”

Makoto leaned forward to check under her pillow more thoroughly and all that she sees is a small post-it note with a smiley face and a heart.

“Busted!” Ann says, coming back into Makoto’s room.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 4 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Here's chapter 4! Rainy Days. I could go for some rain right about now...

“Maybe that’s why we go together so well? You’re cool, and I’m hot!” Ann said, before laughing out loud.

Makoto giggled. Ann’s smile faded.

“Come on, Mako-chan. At least try to flirt back…” Ann said, dispirited.

“How?” Makoto said, deadpan.

“I dunno, like…” Ann started. “Maybe say something like uh… ‘I’d normally warm up by the fire, but honestly, you’re hotter’...or something?”

Makoto blinked.

“But it’s already really hot in here, why would I need to warm up more than I already am?” Makoto said, confused.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 5 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapter 5! I really like this one and the one that follows this. There are going to be a couple chapters that take place around the same time and/or are continuations of each other. This one was definitely difficult to write without making characters seem OOC. Also, holy shit, I learned more about dresses and dress terms writing this than I have in my entire life. It was definitely...interesting. Well, I hope it's good! (I say, being the person that wrote it...)

Ann made her way to the coffee table, picking up the remote to turn up the TV. As the smooth jazz tune grew louder, Ann heard the bedroom door open out of her sight.

“Hey Makoto, didn’t you see this artist live at that jazz clu-” Ann started, turning towards the bedroom door.

Ann dropped the remote. It clattered to the floor, bouncing under the sofa.

Makoto was standing in the doorway. She wore a dress that held an undeniable aura of authority and sophistication, but with a sharp edge of sensuality. Black like a moonless night, the dress clung to Makoto’s body like a shadow, both complementing and accentuating her statuesque figure.

The bodice was covered in intricate embroidery that formed delicate feathery shapes. The neckline plunged deeply, further sharpening the dress’s sensual nature. The long sleeves cascaded down her arms like inky waterfalls, loose near the wrist, but tight enough near her upper arms to print Makoto’s toned muscle.

As Makoto stepped further into the living room, the hem of the dress trailed behind her. The gold hem stitches caught the low and warm lighting that engulfed the entire room. Ann could distinctly hear the clack of heels with each step.

Makoto’s aura was different. Ann couldn’t place her finger on what exactly was different, but she seemed like a completely new person. She wasn’t just Makoto Niijima, high school student, and younger sister to Sae Niijima, esteemed public prosecutor. She was Makoto Niijima, Ann’s girlfriend. No, Ann’s Queen.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 6 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I really like this one. I feel like I got to depict a lot about Makoto and Ann's relationship dynamic here, in a bit of a more intimate context.

Ann wasn’t ready.

Sure, she was dressed up and walking over to the restaurant, trying to force her feet to remember how to walk in heels that were this high. But that didn’t mean she was ready to get where her feet were shakily bringing her.

By the time she had arrived at the restaurant, her nerves had almost completely boiled over, but she maintained her composure. Glancing around, she picks Makoto’s table out in the center of the room, barely even recognizing her. Although, as she scans the room, she notices Yuuko and Kyoko at a table on the far side.

“I wonder if this was their idea…” Ann mused to herself, stepping around tables to seat herself across from Makoto.

Makoto was quiet. If she was nervous, she was doing a good job at hiding it. Makoto had always been good at putting on a brave face, save for a couple instances of letting her mask of confidence slip (in private, of course). However, this was a completely new level. Ann wasn’t sure how to feel.

“You look good.” Makoto finally said.

“Thanks, you too.” Ann said, internally slapping herself in her head at the nonchalance of her reply. “That dress suits you, Makoto.”

“As does yours, Ann. Who would have thought that red was your color?” Makoto said, with a slight smirk, alluding to Ann’s alter ego of Panther, clad in red leather.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 7 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Something a bit lighter than the last chapter. There's one more chapter for the vacation "arc" and that should be coming soon.

“Just hand your clothes to me and I’ll hang them up out here.” Ann said, through the curtain.

“No peeking!” Makoto joked.

“Ah! You got me. Guess I’ll have to keep my eyes to myself this time.” Ann joked back.

Makoto looked at herself in the standing mirror inside the stall for a moment. She was wearing a short black leather jacket over a white t-shirt with black slacks. It was simple, elegant, and “totally Makoto’s style”, according to Ann (who had helped Makoto pick it out). Makoto wasn’t used to being this bold with her style, normally sticking to hand-me-downs from Sae’s wardrobe, but she was beginning to find her own look. Not that she didn’t like the way Sae dressed, but she tended to maintain a very prim and professional appearance, more suited to office meetings and business lunches.

She shedded her current attire, handing it to Ann through the curtain, before slipping on the cream-colored sundress. It was long and airy, and although it was simple, it did add an air of carefreeness and serenity.

“I’m done, Ann.” Makoto said, as she slid the curtain aside. “What do you…think?”

Ann was nowhere to be found. There was a small pile of Ann’s clothes on the couch, and, noticeably, Makoto’s were missing.

“...Ah.” Makoto said to herself. “I see. I suppose two can play at this game.”

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 8 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Ah, and here is where Sae gets more screen time. You may notice that although this takes place at the beginning of November, Sae seems to be a lot nicer. This was by design because uuuuuh I don't like conflict. Sue me.

Makoto was clinging to Ann’s leg, much to both of their surprise. In the middle of a break from their study date, despite the lack of actual studying (much to Makoto’s chagrin), they had gotten up to make some coffee. However, the current weather had other plans for their evening. With a quiet pop, the apartment was pitch black, only illuminated by the surrounding buildings through the windows, casting long, rain-textured shadows over everything in sight (or lack thereof, in this case).

“Hey Makoto, you alright?” Ann said, suddenly surprised by the girl clinging to her leg. “I think the power went out.”

Obviously, she probably noticed that.

Realizing her involuntary show of fear, she quickly removed herself from Ann’s leg and stood up from the floor.

“Y-Yes, it appears so.” Makoto said, clearing her throat to distract from her stammering. “Hopefully it comes back soon so we can get back to studying.”

“I agree, although we weren’t exactly getting a whole lot of studying done.” Ann said with a chuckle. “Does this happen often?”

“Yes. Especially during inclement weather.” Makoto explained.

“Hmm, how long does it take to come back on?” Ann asked.

“If it hasn’t come back by now, it usually stays off for a few more hours.”

An uncomfortable silence came over the pair. A silence that would only be broken by the flash of lighting and booming of thunder, causing Makoto to jump with a yelp and Ann to flinch slightly.

“Oh Makoto, I forgot you don’t do well during storms.” Ann said, fumbling in the dark over to where Makoto was clinging to the kitchen counter for dear life.

Ann’s touch caused her to recoil, before recognizing the familiar warmth.

“No…I don’t like the dark. I feel better when you’re here with me, though.” Makoto confessed.

“Well…” Ann trailed off. “Does Sae have any candles around? I always light a bunch of candles when the power goes out at my place.”

“I think we may have some in the closet.” Makoto said, pulling away from Ann to check.

Using her phone to light the way (and showing Makoto how to do that on her own phone), they arrived at the closet. Opening it, they spotted a shelf full of candles, some still brand new.

“Wow, your sister is really into these things, isn’t she?” Ann mused.

“No, I believe these were all gifts.” Makoto said, picking one up off the shelf. “Either white elephant gifts from various office christmas parties or coworkers.”

“Well, maybe she’ll be relieved to see them get some use?” Ann said.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 9 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It's totally on time. I definitely uploaded it while it was still the 9th (in some time zones). This is the end of the vacation fic "arc". Well, unless I think of something else to add, but yeah. Also, I hope the original side characters aren't too distracting. I wanted to write them to give Ann some connections relating to her modelling, and also as a (somewhat) positive influence on Ann. I didn't want Ann and Makoto's relationship to feel to isolated from the rest of their friends or family, so it was at this point that I started experimenting with more relationships and side stories to keep things fresh. It may be a flufftober thing, so continuity doesn't really matter, but it matters to me dangit! (Also I just realized I forgot to add the date to the chapter whoops better go add that)

“Whooh, I’m stuffed.” Ann said, strolling into the room, Makoto in tow. “Those two sure know how to treat a gal.”

Makoto shut the door behind her, flicking the lock as she did.

“It was awfully generous of them to offer to pay for dinner.” Makoto mused, aloud.

“They did say we were like the two little sisters they never had.” Ann replied. “Although us being their sisters kind of muddies the water if we’re dating…”

“I’m sure they didn’t think too deeply about the metaphor. But they are quite fond of you.”

“You say that like they didn’t like you. They love you! I’m sure they wouldn’t have gone through all the effort if they didn’t.” Ann said, reassuring Makoto. “You’re overthinking things again.”

Makoto shrugged.

“Well, we have some more time in the evening before we should probably head to bed. Did you have any plans?” Ann asked.

“Mmm…not really. I was open to just about anything you would be likely to suggest.” Makoto said.

“Just about anything?” Ann said, eyebrow raised.

Makoto raised an eyebrow at her as well.

“Well…let me think…” Ann rested her head in her hand as she pondered for a moment. “Oh, how about a bath?”

“A bath?”

“Yeah! This room has an onsen big enough for the two of us!” Ann said with childlike glee.


“It’s up to you. I understand if you’re still not fully comfortable with that sort of thing.”

Makoto said nothing as she silently wrestled with her inner voice.

“Tell ya what. I’ll go get in, and you can join me if you’d like. No pressure or anything, promise.” Ann said.

Makoto thought for a moment and then nodded.

“Alright, I’ll think about it.”

Ann pecked Makoto on the cheek as she passed by her on the way to the bathroom. Makoto brought her hand up to savor the fleeting warmth on her cheek as the wheels in her head began to turn.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 10 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It feels a little weird to put up a chapter taking place on Christmas in October we are, I guess? This is kind of where things diverge from just being about Makoto and Ann, kind of like I said before. I hope it's not too distracting or out of character, but I do want to mix things up a bit. Let me know what you think!

Ann carefully freed herself from Makoto’s grasp as she slid out from beneath the covers, not so gracefully ending up on the floor in the process. Grabbing her phone, she picked herself up and quietly exited Makoto’s bedroom, silently closing the door behind her. When she turned, she didn’t expect to see anyone else up in the Niijima household. Messy red hair filled her view as she almost bumped into her, herself leaving the other Niijima sister’s bedroom.


The woman before her tensed, and she slowly turned around, but relaxed when she saw Ann.

“Oh, I thought you were Makoto for a second. Good morning.” The woman said quietly.

“You’re…Sae’s friend, right?” Ann asked, voice barely above a whisper.

“Why don’t we go out into the kitchen? Wouldn’t want to wake the Niijimas, right?” Sae’s friend(?) said.

Ann nodded and followed her out to the kitchen.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 11 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I don't really have anything interesting to add to this portion of the post. I know I always say something here, but I am genuinely at a loss. So uh...chapter is up, everyone! Please get excited.

The quiet din of a space heater and the steady ticking of a clock were Sae's only company in her office. It was late, probably too late to still be at the office, not that Sae cared. If anything, she liked working late. Less of a chance for interruptions to come knocking at her door and ruin her flow. Sae was elbow deep in work. Well, not literally, but it felt that way to her. The problem about working for the Chief Prosecutor’s Office is that there was never any end to the amount of work to do. It piled up no matter what day of the year it was, let alone Christmas Eve. At least always having something to do made the days fly by.

Doing her best to catch up on emails before one of her few days off, Sae heard a knock at her door.

“Conference room is downstairs!” Sae said, slightly above a normal speaking tone, hoping that it was all that was required to send whoever-that-was away so she could get back to replying to her last email of the evening.

The door opened and Takeba stepped in. She was wearing a white sleeveless sweater with black slacks. Her hair was also up in a very tight bun. Typically, she wore very plain business-professional clothing around the office, so this was new for her. Sae had skimmed an office wide memo earlier in the week stating that the dress code for today was to be lax considering the Christmas Eve party, but she figured that she wouldn't be attending anyway. Not like she really had anything nice to wear other than her business attire anyway.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 12 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

This one is very laid back. Also hey, you might learn something from this one. Also please pray for Yusuke. I don't know how he lives, but it can't be well.

"What do you mean, ‘you don't cook?’"

Ann shrank a little in her seat. She couldn't help feeling she was in trouble, although she figured Makoto wouldn't be that upset at the revelation that Ann wasn't much of a cook.

"I'm just not all that good in the kitchen. My parents were so busy that they never showed me." Ann replied, attempting to defend herself. "Besides, we ordered takeout all the time. There just wasn't a need to learn."

Makoto pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

"Do you know how to cook anything, Ann?" Makoto said while letting out a long sigh.

"Um…I can cook eggs…instant ramen…uh…" Ann trailed off. Was that really it? "And some other stuff!" Ann lied. "What's the big deal?"

"Knowing how to cook is really important! It's one of the basic human survival skills." Makoto said. "Besides, it's much cheaper to cook at home than ordering food for delivery."

"Yeah, I guess so." Ann shrugged.

"There's nothing else to be done. I'll have to teach you. As your…" Makoto trailed off, looking around the apartment. Sae would still be at work for a couple hours, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful. "...girlfriend…I think this would be a good opportunity for you to learn."

"Alright, so, what are we going to make?" Ann said, amused by hearing Makoto say that magic word. It made her heart sing every time, but Makoto probably wouldn't appreciate the distraction by pointing it out, so Ann stayed quiet. Maybe she would tease her about it later…

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 13 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Oh yeah, it's actually going up at a time for people to read it during the day! Wow! Also please excuse the confusing chronology. When I eventually finish P5R, I wanna go through these chapters again and fix up any mistakes or anachronisms that don't fit the timeline. Can you tell that I have basically no idea what I'm doing?



Sae was reading a legal journal on the couch, legs crossed, with a steaming cup of coffee in her free hand. Makoto hadn't seen Sae relaxed in a long while, so she would have been surprised…if she wasn't so nervous.

"Go on. I'm right here." Ann whispered. She placed a hand on the small of Makoto's back as reassurance.

"Sis…Ann and I…you see…" Makoto sputtered.

Sae closed the journal with one hand, setting it down next to her. The act of giving her sister her full attention would have been comforting to Makoto…if she wasn't so nervous.

Right. Ripping off the bandaid. How fitting that things had come full circle from when Ann and Makoto first started dating.

"Ann and I are dating. She's my girlfriend." Makoto finally said.

However long it took for the words to reach Sae's ears and her reaction couldn't have been longer than a couple seconds, but to Makoto, it may as well have been hours of awkward silence.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 14 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It's at this point that I've reached the end of my pre-written chapters. I think the daily uploads may come to an end. I'll do my best to keep ahead of the curve, but I'm not gonna write any checks my stupid ass can't cash.

Makoto was lighting a candle in her room after the power had gone out…again. Taking a page from Ann’s book, she had dotted some candles around her room. She even made an attempt to pick candles with scents that wouldn’t necessarily clash with each other. Ann said she was planning on coming by at some point today, and Makoto considered it a shame that the power had gone out, but perhaps Ann being there to comfort her would be a good thing. She hadn’t had as extreme of a reaction as the last time the power went out, but she still felt uneasy. The only thing keeping her mind off it was Ann’s eventual arrival.

Makoto felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and tapped on the recent text notification. It was from Ann.

Ann: did the power just go out at your place?

Makoto: It did. How did you know?

Ann: because im here

Makoto: Oh, I see. You will probably have to take the stairs, then.

Ann: see

Ann: i wish i could do that

Makoto: It’s not that bad of a climb, to be honest. We’re only on the 25th floor.

Ann: no

Ann: im in the elevator

Makoto: Oh.

Makoto: Oh!

Ann: yeah

Makoto: Did the elevator stop?

Ann: yeah

Ann: i hit the emergency button but nothing’s happening

Ann: makoto niijima, light of my life, would you please find some way to get me out of this thing?

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 15 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Writing cuddling is hard. Also, writing all these chapters so close to the day they're supposed to be releasing has me like this:

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 15 Is Up!

Makoto, for once, woke up before Ann. She was used to waking up to see Ann playing on her phone, rubbing circles into Makoto's back, or whispering gentle words while she thought Makoto was still asleep. She found that stalwart affection charming, but waking up to see Ann still fast asleep left her almost feeling disappointed.

"Hey, you." Makoto whispered, not really expecting a reply.

Ann didn't even stir. It was still somewhat early, and they didn't really have anything pressing to do today aside from having a lazy day with Sae and Mitsuru, maybe seeing if the rest of their friends had any plans, and if not, wondering if they would be open to spending time together.

But for now, Makoto wanted to savor Ann's presence. Makoto shifted to her side to lazily rest her arm over Ann on the outside of the bed. Ann must've felt that, because she hummed quietly and awkwardly moved her arm behind her to do the same to Makoto, although given their positioning, she only really successfully managed to lazily drape her hand over Makoto's rear. Makoto rolled her eyes and moved Ann's hand up to her thigh, not really blaming her because well, she was still asleep. Makoto could tell by her steady breathing, so she wasn't intentionally being lewd, just…inadvertently.

"Hey, now. Don't get too excited. You're still asleep." Makoto whispered.

"M'not…" Ann mumbled.

"Yes you are."

"Mm'koto…you’re soft…"

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 16 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I’m a high bun man, myself. Keeps my hair out of the way and keeps it from getting all tangled. Even though it makes sleeping a bit weird, I’ll take that over it falling down over my shoulder when I’m working. Long hair is a struggle. Maybe I should get my hair cut…although that sunken cost fallacy when it comes to hair length makes it really difficult to want to get my hair cut because I spent so long growing it out. Anyone else like that?

“Say, Ann.”

“Mmhm?” Ann said, not even looking up.

“Why do you always wear your hair in pigtails like that?”

Ann looked up from her phone, putting it back in her pocket as she did so.

“Oh, mostly force of habit. I dunno when I started, but it's easy to just grab two handfuls and put hair ties on them.”

“Have you considered any other styles?”

Ann raised an eyebrow at Makoto, who was starting to grow a little embarrassed now that Ann was actually paying full attention to her.

“Y-Ya know, it might be nice to change things up a bit once in a while, ya know?”

“You know, Makoto, you can just like, ask if you wanna play with my hair.” Ann said, throwing a pigtail over one shoulder. “It is very nice.”

“R-Right. I mean, I was just thinking that maybe since I’m around, I could help you with styles that you may need help to do. I know a decent amount about how to do basic hairstyles.”

“Really? I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”


“No offense! It’s just that your hair is so short.”

“Oh. Right.”

Makoto wasn’t going to mention how she had watched hours of hair styling tutorials online in anticipation of bringing this up. That wasn’t necessary. Not necessary at all.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 17 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I'm of the opinion that learning how to give basic massages is a useful skill. At least learning how to rub feet and shoulders is a good place to start. Back massages are a bit more technical, but you can learn it with enough practice and research, I think. I also just realized that this is another case of Makoto trying to learn a new skill to please Ann, and I can't decide if that's flanderization or not. Hm. I feel like that would be Makoto's love language, though. I dunno.

“We can heal all we want in the Metaverse, but that fatigue never seems to go away. My muscles are killing me.” Ann said, rubbing her shoulder for emphasis. “It used to be really bad when we all first started, but it’s a lot better now. It still kinda sucks.”

“I understand what you mean. It’s even worse when I have to get up the next morning. Sitting up in bed is a task in itself.”

“I know, right?”

“You know…” Makoto trailed off, rubbing her hands together to keep warm. A distraction from her nervousness, if Ann had to guess. “If you would like for me to give you a massage…I wouldn’t mind.”

Ann blinked.

“Sorry, could you run that by me one more time? It sounded like you just asked me if I wanted a-”

“A massage. Yes, I did. Akira mentioned how he receives massages regularly. I thought it might be a good idea. And well…I’m decently strong…so…”

“Say no more. I’m on board.”

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 18 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Ok NOW I'm out of pre-written chapters. I officially have nothing written for tomorrow. So...if chapter 19 is late, then that's why. I work during the week so it makes getting chapters out on time a bit of a struggle if I do give myself a buffer beforehand. I will still try my best to maintain my current schedule as well as I can.

“Ann-chan, I have a question for you.”


Ann looked up from her empty coffee mug. The pair were seated in a booth at Leblanc, waiting for Makoto to arrive so they could go see a movie at Haru’s recommendation. It was a horror movie, so Ann was a little worried about Makoto, but she assured Ann that she would be alright as long as Ann was there.

“I wanted to ask about you and Mako-chan.”

“Oh yeah, sure, what’s up?”

“Well, I’ve not been with the group very long, but you two seem very close. There’s one thing I don’t see you two doing as much as other couples.”

“And that is…?”

Haru blushed slightly. Surely she wasn’t going to ask about…

“Well, you two don’t seem to hold hands very often.”

Ann breathed a sigh of relief.

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