Sae Niijima - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Bonus ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!
Bonus Ones!!


Bonus Ones!!

Sae / Takemi:

Bonus Ones!!

Persona 5 and Arrested Development.

Spoilers for Royal ahead!!!


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.


Persona 5 And Arrested Development.
Persona 5 And Arrested Development.

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1 year ago

P5T random ideas that arrived at 4 a.m, in case anyone needs fanart/fics inspiration

1 - Toshiro goes to a political event and Eri goes as his partner to do her job as a journalist, but it's in another city so they have to go by train. However, at the station the train derails and an accident occurs, Toshiro pulls Eri out before it hits them, but the damage is already done

2 - The press conference where Toshiro confesses the crimes of his father, Marie and himself as a silent accomplice

3 - Following the previous one, the case State vs Kasukabe & Anto, where Toshiro's defense attorney is Sae at the request of her sister

4 - An Eritoshi date, no drama, no angst, just the two of them, enjoying a day together

5 - Winter break, Akiren invites Toshiro to his Christmas party and he takes the opportunity to introduce them to his new fiancée, Eri

6 - P5 Strikers + Royal + Tactica. Upon hearing the apparent return of the PT, Toshiro decides to investigate on his own the cases of change of heart with Eri, starting with Mariko Hyodo, who recently invited him to Sapporo, only for them to accidentally end up in a frozen prison, Erina's back and what the hell is he wearing?

And that's it, enjoy your new ideas (unless you've already had them, apparently we Tactica enjoyers share the same brain cell :V)

Also, I don't have any ideas for the DLC, sorry :p

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1 year ago
Im Sorry But Not Really (and I Dont Care If Somebody Already Did It)
Im Sorry But Not Really (and I Dont Care If Somebody Already Did It)
Im Sorry But Not Really (and I Dont Care If Somebody Already Did It)
Im Sorry But Not Really (and I Dont Care If Somebody Already Did It)

I’m sorry but not really (and I don’t care if somebody already did it)

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 8 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Ah, and here is where Sae gets more screen time. You may notice that although this takes place at the beginning of November, Sae seems to be a lot nicer. This was by design because uuuuuh I don't like conflict. Sue me.

Makoto was clinging to Ann’s leg, much to both of their surprise. In the middle of a break from their study date, despite the lack of actual studying (much to Makoto’s chagrin), they had gotten up to make some coffee. However, the current weather had other plans for their evening. With a quiet pop, the apartment was pitch black, only illuminated by the surrounding buildings through the windows, casting long, rain-textured shadows over everything in sight (or lack thereof, in this case).

“Hey Makoto, you alright?” Ann said, suddenly surprised by the girl clinging to her leg. “I think the power went out.”

Obviously, she probably noticed that.

Realizing her involuntary show of fear, she quickly removed herself from Ann’s leg and stood up from the floor.

“Y-Yes, it appears so.” Makoto said, clearing her throat to distract from her stammering. “Hopefully it comes back soon so we can get back to studying.”

“I agree, although we weren’t exactly getting a whole lot of studying done.” Ann said with a chuckle. “Does this happen often?”

“Yes. Especially during inclement weather.” Makoto explained.

“Hmm, how long does it take to come back on?” Ann asked.

“If it hasn’t come back by now, it usually stays off for a few more hours.”

An uncomfortable silence came over the pair. A silence that would only be broken by the flash of lighting and booming of thunder, causing Makoto to jump with a yelp and Ann to flinch slightly.

“Oh Makoto, I forgot you don’t do well during storms.” Ann said, fumbling in the dark over to where Makoto was clinging to the kitchen counter for dear life.

Ann’s touch caused her to recoil, before recognizing the familiar warmth.

“No…I don’t like the dark. I feel better when you’re here with me, though.” Makoto confessed.

“Well…” Ann trailed off. “Does Sae have any candles around? I always light a bunch of candles when the power goes out at my place.”

“I think we may have some in the closet.” Makoto said, pulling away from Ann to check.

Using her phone to light the way (and showing Makoto how to do that on her own phone), they arrived at the closet. Opening it, they spotted a shelf full of candles, some still brand new.

“Wow, your sister is really into these things, isn’t she?” Ann mused.

“No, I believe these were all gifts.” Makoto said, picking one up off the shelf. “Either white elephant gifts from various office christmas parties or coworkers.”

“Well, maybe she’ll be relieved to see them get some use?” Ann said.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 10 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It feels a little weird to put up a chapter taking place on Christmas in October we are, I guess? This is kind of where things diverge from just being about Makoto and Ann, kind of like I said before. I hope it's not too distracting or out of character, but I do want to mix things up a bit. Let me know what you think!

Ann carefully freed herself from Makoto’s grasp as she slid out from beneath the covers, not so gracefully ending up on the floor in the process. Grabbing her phone, she picked herself up and quietly exited Makoto’s bedroom, silently closing the door behind her. When she turned, she didn’t expect to see anyone else up in the Niijima household. Messy red hair filled her view as she almost bumped into her, herself leaving the other Niijima sister’s bedroom.


The woman before her tensed, and she slowly turned around, but relaxed when she saw Ann.

“Oh, I thought you were Makoto for a second. Good morning.” The woman said quietly.

“You’re…Sae’s friend, right?” Ann asked, voice barely above a whisper.

“Why don’t we go out into the kitchen? Wouldn’t want to wake the Niijimas, right?” Sae’s friend(?) said.

Ann nodded and followed her out to the kitchen.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 11 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I don't really have anything interesting to add to this portion of the post. I know I always say something here, but I am genuinely at a loss. So uh...chapter is up, everyone! Please get excited.

The quiet din of a space heater and the steady ticking of a clock were Sae's only company in her office. It was late, probably too late to still be at the office, not that Sae cared. If anything, she liked working late. Less of a chance for interruptions to come knocking at her door and ruin her flow. Sae was elbow deep in work. Well, not literally, but it felt that way to her. The problem about working for the Chief Prosecutor’s Office is that there was never any end to the amount of work to do. It piled up no matter what day of the year it was, let alone Christmas Eve. At least always having something to do made the days fly by.

Doing her best to catch up on emails before one of her few days off, Sae heard a knock at her door.

“Conference room is downstairs!” Sae said, slightly above a normal speaking tone, hoping that it was all that was required to send whoever-that-was away so she could get back to replying to her last email of the evening.

The door opened and Takeba stepped in. She was wearing a white sleeveless sweater with black slacks. Her hair was also up in a very tight bun. Typically, she wore very plain business-professional clothing around the office, so this was new for her. Sae had skimmed an office wide memo earlier in the week stating that the dress code for today was to be lax considering the Christmas Eve party, but she figured that she wouldn't be attending anyway. Not like she really had anything nice to wear other than her business attire anyway.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 13 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Oh yeah, it's actually going up at a time for people to read it during the day! Wow! Also please excuse the confusing chronology. When I eventually finish P5R, I wanna go through these chapters again and fix up any mistakes or anachronisms that don't fit the timeline. Can you tell that I have basically no idea what I'm doing?



Sae was reading a legal journal on the couch, legs crossed, with a steaming cup of coffee in her free hand. Makoto hadn't seen Sae relaxed in a long while, so she would have been surprised…if she wasn't so nervous.

"Go on. I'm right here." Ann whispered. She placed a hand on the small of Makoto's back as reassurance.

"Sis…Ann and I…you see…" Makoto sputtered.

Sae closed the journal with one hand, setting it down next to her. The act of giving her sister her full attention would have been comforting to Makoto…if she wasn't so nervous.

Right. Ripping off the bandaid. How fitting that things had come full circle from when Ann and Makoto first started dating.

"Ann and I are dating. She's my girlfriend." Makoto finally said.

However long it took for the words to reach Sae's ears and her reaction couldn't have been longer than a couple seconds, but to Makoto, it may as well have been hours of awkward silence.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 14 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

It's at this point that I've reached the end of my pre-written chapters. I think the daily uploads may come to an end. I'll do my best to keep ahead of the curve, but I'm not gonna write any checks my stupid ass can't cash.

Makoto was lighting a candle in her room after the power had gone out…again. Taking a page from Ann’s book, she had dotted some candles around her room. She even made an attempt to pick candles with scents that wouldn’t necessarily clash with each other. Ann said she was planning on coming by at some point today, and Makoto considered it a shame that the power had gone out, but perhaps Ann being there to comfort her would be a good thing. She hadn’t had as extreme of a reaction as the last time the power went out, but she still felt uneasy. The only thing keeping her mind off it was Ann’s eventual arrival.

Makoto felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and tapped on the recent text notification. It was from Ann.

Ann: did the power just go out at your place?

Makoto: It did. How did you know?

Ann: because im here

Makoto: Oh, I see. You will probably have to take the stairs, then.

Ann: see

Ann: i wish i could do that

Makoto: It’s not that bad of a climb, to be honest. We’re only on the 25th floor.

Ann: no

Ann: im in the elevator

Makoto: Oh.

Makoto: Oh!

Ann: yeah

Makoto: Did the elevator stop?

Ann: yeah

Ann: i hit the emergency button but nothing’s happening

Ann: makoto niijima, light of my life, would you please find some way to get me out of this thing?

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 15 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Writing cuddling is hard. Also, writing all these chapters so close to the day they're supposed to be releasing has me like this:

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 15 Is Up!

Makoto, for once, woke up before Ann. She was used to waking up to see Ann playing on her phone, rubbing circles into Makoto's back, or whispering gentle words while she thought Makoto was still asleep. She found that stalwart affection charming, but waking up to see Ann still fast asleep left her almost feeling disappointed.

"Hey, you." Makoto whispered, not really expecting a reply.

Ann didn't even stir. It was still somewhat early, and they didn't really have anything pressing to do today aside from having a lazy day with Sae and Mitsuru, maybe seeing if the rest of their friends had any plans, and if not, wondering if they would be open to spending time together.

But for now, Makoto wanted to savor Ann's presence. Makoto shifted to her side to lazily rest her arm over Ann on the outside of the bed. Ann must've felt that, because she hummed quietly and awkwardly moved her arm behind her to do the same to Makoto, although given their positioning, she only really successfully managed to lazily drape her hand over Makoto's rear. Makoto rolled her eyes and moved Ann's hand up to her thigh, not really blaming her because well, she was still asleep. Makoto could tell by her steady breathing, so she wasn't intentionally being lewd, just…inadvertently.

"Hey, now. Don't get too excited. You're still asleep." Makoto whispered.

"M'not…" Ann mumbled.

"Yes you are."

"Mm'koto…you’re soft…"

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 22 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Sorry it's so late. Better late than never? I guess?? Is it weird that I feel like these chapters are getting worse as time goes on? Maybe I'm just not vibing with the prompts or anything, but I dunno... Definitely not a good way to sell you on this chapter, but like, idk.

“Welcome to Akira Kurusu’s first official coffee workshop. We’re glad you all could make it.” Akira said, looking a little too proud of himself.

As a kind gesture, Akira had volunteered some of his time and expertise to show the Niijima household how to make a decent cup of coffee. After all, the best kinds of Christmas gifts were the ones you could actually use, right? …Ignoring that Christmas was months ago and Akira was a little busy being in prison to give anyone anything.

“Akira, we’re just hanging out. You don’t need to make this an official anything. ” Ann said, rubbing her eyes.

“Ok, fine, I’m embellishing a little. Sue me.”

“Is that turn of phrase in poor taste?” Sae said. “I mean, you did get sued. That’s why you’re even in Tokyo to begin with.”

“It’s not if I’m the one who says it. That's how it works.“

“I can’t believe we’re already off track…” Makoto said under her breath.

“I have to ask, though. Why am I here again?” Sae said, chin resting on her hand. “While I appreciate the gesture, I already know how to make coffee.”

“While that may be true, Sae-san, you still insist on using that single serve coffee maker and I can’t abide by that.” Akira said, shuddering at the thought. “I was like you, once. Blind. Blind to the wonders of well-made coffee and the effects it has on the soul.”

Sae blinked.

“Also, you were already here. Makoto was the one who asked me to show her, but I don’t mind a larger audience.”

“The coffee I make helps keep me awake, so I don’t think there’s any issue with it.”

“Caffeine doesn’t work on me, so the taste is pretty important.” Akira deadpanned. “Besides, knowing how to make good coffee is paramount to a good relationship…at least, that’s what Sojiro tells me. Basically, this is like one of those couples painting classes. Except you get to have something to drink afterwards.”

“Yusuke would beg to differ.” Ann pointed out.

“Just because Yusuke accidentally drinks paint water sometimes, that doesn’t make it alright. The opposite is true, in fact.” Akira said, shaking his head.

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1 year ago

Beneath Their Masks Chapter 26 is Up!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Only a month late. I've got about two chapters left until I'm done, but I figured I ought to post some of the ones I already have ready right now instead of posting them all at once. That's big brain. I think. I dunno. Enjoy?

Having returned from visiting the Niijima sister’s parents at the cemetery, Makoto and Ann joined Sae and Mitsuru for dinner. It was a light affair, consisting of grilled fish and rice, with miso soup on the side. There was also an expensive looking bottle of wine and two wine glasses for Sae and Mitsuru. Sae had protested at opening such a bottle, to which Mitsuru glanced at it and said it wasn’t that expensive. Sae gave her a look that Makoto couldn’t place, and Mitsuru just smiled, pulling the cork out with the corkscrew as she did.

“Mitsuru, you never told me you could cook.” Sae said, surprised at the spread she had prepared.

“It never came up. Just something I picked up when I was in high school. Friends of mine taught me some things here and there after school in our dorm’s kitchen.” Mitsuru said, a content smile on her face. She had her hair up in a high bun, along with an apron with a floral pattern on it, faded from years of countless washings. “That would have been…oh, goodness, eight years ago? Time sure flies, doesn’t it?”

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1 year ago
feral-bird-enjoyer - amateur life appreciator

Goro: Akira is so pretty.

Sae: Don’t be jealous, you’re pretty as well.

Goro: I’m not jealous, I’m gay.

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