Blizzard - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

As someone who doesn’t play Overwatch, who did the what now and what’s with McCree’s name???

The dude McCree was named after is part of an ongoing sexual harassment suit against Blizzard and Blizzard's changing his name instead of, you know, making their company less of a disgusting frathouse.

So now he's "Cole Cassidy.”

Also shoutout to this person for having the only correct take on this entire thing.


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7 months ago

I'm sorry but I find it insanely hypocritical how yall on Tumblr are like "NONO NO DON'T PLAY BLACK MYTH WUKONG THE DEVS HATE WOMEN NOOOOOOOOOO"

Yet continue to simp/kin for COD/Overwatch characters and play their games. Did yall really forget what happened with their devs years ago?

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1 year ago

Hanzo is just sasuke for people who wanna fuck dads

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6 years ago
More Cute Orcs! #wow #wowfantart #worldofwarcraft #blizzard #orcs #worrier #thief#ILLUSTRATION #drawdaily

more cute orcs! #wow #wowfantart #worldofwarcraft #blizzard #orcs #worrier #thief#ILLUSTRATION #drawdaily #sketch #wip #doodle #art #heads #portrait #conceptart #instaart #artistsoninstagram #instaartist#drawdaily #sketch #characterdesign #character #draw #WIP #art #artistsoninstagram #instaart #instaartist #fasion #fasionillustration #cartoons #WIP #figuredrawing

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8 years ago

Bad Season 4 Luck Already

1 second after Season 4 launched. I click to play. Usual skirmish. Got a game. Good mic peeps, high level players on our side, even a group. We start and immediately get a team kill and capture the point. But then someone from the other team leaves. Match is cancelled? We can’t even comprehend before we say good bye. I get on again. The exact same thing happens, good team and everything. Friend invites me to a custom game and I take a break. Get on again. I am paired with level 25 or below players. Both teams suck. We end up loosing. I have terrible anger management and am extremely pissed. My first placment match ladies and gents. I’m not getting on again till tomorrow.

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8 years ago
Symmetras Voice Actresses Responded To Me And Now Im On Reddit! If You Could Please Check It Out On R/Overwatch
Symmetras Voice Actresses Responded To Me And Now Im On Reddit! If You Could Please Check It Out On R/Overwatch
Symmetras Voice Actresses Responded To Me And Now Im On Reddit! If You Could Please Check It Out On R/Overwatch

Symmetras voice actresses responded to me and now I’m on Reddit! If you could please check it out on r/Overwatch or r/SymmetraMains I’d really appreciate it! She is so kind, I am speechless. I will never get over or forget this.

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7 years ago

FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE SAW IT TOO I was legit about to make a post about all the weird, impossible in-game things in the background.



has anyone noticed



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7 years ago
Reinhardt, You Know I Had A Poster Of You On My Wall When I Was Younger

“Reinhardt, you know I had a poster of you on my wall when I was younger…”

“I remember that poster!”…….


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10 months ago

The Blizzard

Second part of my story!

CW: blood and minor character death

3K words

Previous Chapter

Next Chapter

Sage zipped through the trees, quickly dodging barren branches as she made her way to the border. She looked up at the clouds darkening above her. Great, looks like there's a storm coming. Guess the gods decided I didn't have enough to worry about she bitterly thought. Luckily, her uniform blocked out most of the cold air, but it didn't stop the fairy from shivering. She didn't even want to think about what would happen to her wings if they froze during the blizzard, all the more reason to get back to The Hollow quickly.

Once the border by the river was in view, Sage flew up to the top of a tree and gracefully landed on a small branch. Crouching down, she began taking in her surroundings; the river was a frozen sheet of blue ice, snow covered all of the greenery, gray clouds continued to form above her, but most importantly: no signs of sprites. The same results as the last borders she checked.

She smiled to herself, why didn't Rod think she could handle this, all she had to do was fly and look at the pretty scenery. Since the sun was hiding behind the clouds, she could only guess that an hour has passed, which gave her plenty of time before noon. Easy. As if on cue, a heavy gust of wind threatened to knock the little fairy out of the tree, forcing her to hang on for dear life.

"Sorry sorry," she grumbled as she hoisted herself back onto the branch,"I forgot I can't enjoy my job."

Sage decided to take this as a sign and moved towards a different section of the border. However, her journey was no longer smooth flying as she fought against the bitter wind, which was suddenly blowing a lot harder than before. Her cheeks and nose began to sting from the cold air. The storm was coming in a lot faster than she anticipated.

Sage quickly flew down and found refuge on a branch shielding her from the wind, pressing her back against the trunk in an attempt to protect her wings from the biting temperature. Shit, it's way too cold to be out here, she thought as she rubbed her gloved hands together. However, she perked up when she realized the sprites wouldn't dare try an attack out in this weather. She could just fly home and help prepare the kingdom for the oncoming storm.

As Sage fought her way back to The Hollow, she saw a green and red feathered hummingbird standing on the powdery white ground. Of course she had to check it out and make sure everything was alright, so she landed by the bird and found it's pilot a few feet away in a ditch, too fixated on the ground to notice the new company.

Sage walked over and tapped the man's blue shoulder pads,"Is everything alright?"

The man screamed and jumped clean into the air as he was pushed back into reality by the sudden touch,"Com-Commander Burton!" He brushed snow off his pants as he stood up and delivered a salute. His tan face had splotches of pink from the cold, and his blond hair was barely visible under all of the snowflakes settling on his hair. The poor guy's chapped lips were trembling uncontrollably and his face held a terrified expression. Sage didn't think she was THAT scary.

"Whoa, easy there soldier," she raised both her hands to show he wasn't in trouble,"I just want to know if everything is alright, what's your name?"

The man's shoulders relaxed a bit,"My n-name is Zave Carwell, ma'am." He managed to say through chattering teeth.

Her frozen lips cracked into a smile,"Alright Zave, let's start heading back home." She said as she took his arm and began leading him back to his bird.

"W-wait Commander!" He exclaimed and dug his feet into the snow. At her questioning look, he continued,"I can't leave yet. I found s-something."

"What did you find?"

Zave simply motioned to the ditch they were standing in,"I-I think you should just see for yours-self, ma'am."

Not wanting to question the poor guy anymore, Sage promptly flew straight into the air, battling against the wind to stay hovering over Zave. She had to clean off her goggles while she stared  down at a very faint Zave as the white snowy air tried to hide him from sight. Her orange eyes narrowed as she looked at the man, not seeing what he was gesturing about.

Then her heart fell to the ground with a loud splat. Just when she thought her luck couldn't get any worse, it proceeded to plummet into the negatives. The ditch her and Zave were standing in was not a ditch at all... it was a giant footprint accompanied by large animal prints beside it. And there were a lot more heading in the direction of.... shit.

Sage bolted down to Zave as fast as she could, face stinging from the mixture of speed and freezing air. She almost crashed into Zave as she skidded to a halt, shooting up snow from her feet.

His eyes filled with even more terror at her haste,"Then it's really a-" he put his hands on his head as if trying to stop it from spinning,"I-I thought I was s-seeing things..."

Through his goggles, the man's eyes started to lose their focus, lost in his own train of thought. But now was not the time. Sage grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. "Zave! I need you to stay with me,"she said sternly. He nodded and she continued,"Listen. I need you to go and warn The Hollow that a human is heading their way. Can you do that?" He briskly nodded again and sprinted to his bird.

"W-wait Commander! You're a fairy! You'll g-get there a lot faster than me!" He crossed his arms as the cold wind blew even harder.

Under normal circumstances he would be right, but the cold was really messing up her wings. Sage can hear them screaming at her to find warmth, threatening to snap under the temperatures freezing bite. She sighed,"My wings aren't made for this weather. I won't make it in time, but you can, so get going."

With that, the soldier jumped onto his saddle and blurred past her, kicking up snow as his bird raced towards home. As he disappeared into the falling snow, Sage looked at the footprint she was standing in. The thing was ginormous. She shuddered at the thought that a living thing could be that big. She remembered that more giant footprints loomed in front of her and painfully fluttered her wings to follow them. If the giant wasn't heading towards The Hollow, then she needed to find out where it went.


She wasn't sure how long she has been following the footprints, her best guess was at least an half-an-hour. Her wings felt stiff as she slowly flew after the giant human, or at least trying to. The fairy was barley able to see a few feet in front of her, and she could no longer feel any part of her body as the freezing air seeped into her uniform. While the blizzard raged on, the large footprints were beginning to disappear, she'll be trapped with no sense of direction if she didn't pick up the pace, though her body simply refused to.

Sage let out a puff of cold air, she hoped Zave had better luck than her, he probably made it home already...if there was still a home to go back too. She shook her head, Gods, I should have never accepted this mission. Looks like I a owe Rod a huge apology, the thought of Rod forced a smile out of her frozen lips. She could picture him lecturing her when she returned to The Hollow, followed by a warm hug thanking the gods she was safe.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp stinging sensation in her arm, causing her to plummet to the ground in shock. She landed in the fluffy powder in a heap. Sage quickly recovered and lightly touched her arm. Warm blood was slowly seeping out of the fresh cut. Sage rose to her feet and turned around to see three sprites standing a few feet from her.

She couldn't see their normal sickly green skin or spiky hair as they wore thick fur jackets along with hoods, goggles, face masks, gloves, and pretty much everything else needed to stay warm. She found that she couldn't see any of their light purple wings, and figured they had them safely tucked in their jackets from the cold. Sage almost felt jealous, almost. She would rather freeze to death than be a stupid sprite. Knowing that people actually thought fairies and sprites were the same made her blood boil. Even from a distance, she could see the pale yellow hue illuminating off of them, easily revealing their positions though the thick snow.

"What the hell do you want!" Sage yelled, resting her hand on the frozen hilt of her sheathed sword.

The sprite in the middle laughed mockingly,"There's a fairy standing right in front of us, that's not a sight you see everyday," the female stepped closer, the two other sprites followed closely behind,"What do you think we want, filth?"

Sage's eyes narrowed. A bounty must have been placed on her head and these fools were looking for some money. Typical sprite behavior.

Sage smirked,"Well if you wanted to die you could have just said so."

The female sprite reached behind her back and pulled out an axe, her friend on the left revealed two knives while the other sprite aimed a bow and arrow. The female motioned to her friends,"lets be honest, the one dying here today is you."

The sprite with the double knives quickly leaped forward, lunging at Sage. She dodged to the left when the sprite landed and started sloppily thrashing the weapons around. Sage quickly drew her sword and stabbed the sprite right in the gut. The sprite stood there for a moment before collapsing onto the ground in a bloody heap.

As she drew her sword out of the body, Sage looked up at the motionless yellow hue, barely visible a few feet in front of her,"Sending a rookie to kill me?" She grinned,"Now that's just offensive."

The female sprite let out a laugh of her own,"Sometimes sacrifices are necessary."

Then, something grazed pass her face, sending a sharp sting across her cheek. Using the blizzard as her cover, Sage quickly laid down on her stomach and crawled to a different spot. She could feel the wet snow soaking through her black jumpsuit as she searched for the second yellow hue, praying the sprite lost track of her. How the hell are they even shooting near me with all this stupid wind, Sage frustratedly thought.

The female sprite's laugh echoed over the wind,"Will you look at that, all of your confidence gone with one arrow."

Sage bit back a retort knowing the female was just trying to get her to reveal herself to the archer. She couldn't believe they thought she was that dumb. But that might actually be a good thing.

She slid her goggles off her helmet and quickly strapped them back over her face. Then she took off her blue helmet and tossed it into the air. Sure enough, an arrow shot through the center of the helmet, sending it whizzing behind her. She quickly looked at the source and saw the faint yellow hue perched on what she guessed was a low branch, before crawling to a new position since her own cover was blown from the toss.

However, Sage was too slow and an arrow shot right into her left calf. She buried her face into the snow as she held in her scream from the excruciating pain. She looked up as she continued to crawl with her limp leg leaving a bloody trail behind her, tears forming in her eyes.

As she crawled over to the yellow light, the female opened her big mouth again,"Awfully quiet over there, filth. Don't tell me that little arrow sent you to your grave," she mocked.

Sage bit into her tongue, trying to focus on crawling to the archer rather than her throbbing leg or the annoying female sprite. She just had little more to go than the archer was going to kiss the tip of her sword.

Right as Sage reached the bottom of the branch and was preparing her stiff wings for the short flight up, the female's worried voice pierced the air,"She's gone! Findanor she's heading towards you!"

Sage took that as her cue and her wings launched her up into the air, aiming right for the branch. A stabbing pain shot through her leg and into the rest of her body as she landed, causing her to stumble. The archer quickly turned from the sudden movement, not knowing what to do as their eyes filled with terror when the fairy lifted her sword. As a last ditch effort, the archer quickly swung their bow, but Sage ducked underneath and swiftly punched them in the stomach, causing them to fold over onto their knees. The archer kept their head down as Sage lifted her sword, delivering the final blow through their skull. The limp body fell off the branch and landed in the snow, staining it blue. Sage watched as the faint yellow hue slowly disappeared from their body.

A blood curdling scream cut through the forest, and Sage looked up to see the yellow hue of the female running towards her. She promptly lifted her sword ready for her final enemy, but was surprised when the sprite only kneeled next to the body of the archer below her.

"My baby, my beautiful baby girl!" She cried into the archer's shoulder,"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!" Sage could only watch in horror as the female, the archer's mother, let out another desperate wail,"We should have never listened to that man! This wasn't worth your life!"

The mother then glared up at Sage,"You filth! I will kill you!" The mom launched a dagger at Sage, who barely managed to dodge it in time. Before she could recover, the mom appeared on the branch next to her and tackled her onto the ground. The two landed on the harsh snow in a tangled mess. The mom managed to connect some good punches to Sage's face before the fairy kicked her off with her legs. A metallic taste coated Sage's tongue as warm blood trickled down her mouth, but the new rush of adrenaline kept every ounce of pain out of her head. Both women quickly got up and faced each other.

No words were said. None were needed. Sage killed her daughter and now the mom was seeking revenge. In an instant, the mom lunged at Sage with a glistening axe, who in turn, held up her own sword and countered it. The mother quickly kicked Sage's bad leg, causing her to crumble to the ground from her new weakness before driving her axe towards the fairy's head. Sage quickly rolled out of the way as the axe pierced the snow next to her, and Sage swung her sword to meet the woman's throat.

The sprite jumped back, the sword cutting through a thin layer of skin only causing some blue blood to stain her jacket. Sage rose to her feet, her leg felt like it was on fire but it was tolerable for the time being. Her frozen hands gripped her sword as she desperately swung at the sprite, just wanting to end the battle. The mother easily rolled under the silver sword and Sage suddenly felt a shock of pain erupt through her back, paralyzing her as she fell to the ground.

Sage could barely make out the crunching of footsteps as her heart hammered in her ears,"Wings," the angry mother's form engulfed her vision,"A fairy's life, and greatest weakness."

She felt a hand grazing over her back, her sensitive wings twitching from the unwelcome touch. Shit, Sage tightly closed her eyes to hold in her forming tears, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. She winced at one of her wings being harshly lifted up, knowing she will lose it to the axe in a matter of seconds.

As Sage helplessly laid on the snowy ground awaiting her fate, she felt a familiar but foreign feeling begin to erupt in her body. It was nice, warm, and brought a feeling of security she never knew she longed for. It traveled through her terrified form, reawakening every inch of her with a new surge of energy and hope. Sage could feel her battered body tingling with power, relishing in every second of it. It ordered her to get up. She obliged.

The fairy climbed to her hands and knees despite the weight pressing down on her back. She faintly saw a black axe rise over her head, coming down fast. In a matter of seconds, Sage was holding the arm of a shocked sprite, painfully twisting her wrist until the axe thudded into the snow. The fairy could almost smell the terror of the woman who was now kneeling at her mercy, or so she thought. Like her daughter, the mother made a last desperate attempt against the commander, and revealed a dagger under her coat before launching it at Sage's forehead.

Before Sage could even register what was happening, a bright orange light engulfed the space around them, taking over her vision. She could hear the shocked cry of the sprite followed by a crash that sounded further away from her. Sage furiously rubbed her eyes trying to rid them of the blinding light, paranoid the mother would stab her in the back, making her struggle for survival pointless.

As the fuzziness in her eyes slowly cleared, Sage took in the scene in front of her; a faint yellow hue was hardly visible through the thick snow, slumped against a giant tree a few feet ahead of her. Cautiously, she treaded through the thigh-deep snow to her fallen opponent.

When she got closer, Sage's stomach twisted at the gruesome sight staring back at her; a broken branch stuck cleanly out of the sprite's abdomen, gushing in blue blood while the woman writhed in agony underneath. The sprite slowly pulled off her goggles and glared her pained, teary eyes into the fairy,"I-I'm surprised a-a piece of f-filth like you actually o-outlived me," she let out a raspy cough that shook her weak body.

Sage couldn't help but pity the fallen being in front of her and rested a hand on her shoulder, and to her surprise, the mother didn't resist. "With your permission-," Sage struggled to find the right words,"I can quickly reunite you with your daughter. It will be painless."

Despite the obvious agony, the mother's eyes shot daggers through the commander's armor. The woman heaved painfully,"I w-will n-not die to a-a disg-disgusting creature l-like you."

The sprite's body spasmed as she coughed up blood, Sage resisted the urge to look away. She silently moved her hand off the dying woman's shoulder and gripped her hand as she sat down beside her.

Sage could feel her own body begin to ache as the powerful energy surge wore off, painfully reminding her of all the injuries sustained during the battle. She knew she had no right to complain as she held the hand of the wheezing woman beside her, who's labored breathing became weaker and weaker. Eventually, Sage felt the grip on her hand loosen and watched the yellow hue fade in front of her eyes, leaving the fairy alone once again.


Sage looked at the three shallow graves in front of her as she slowly rose to her feet; the grave on the left had a bow and arrow placed on it, the one in the center displayed a glistening black axe, and two knives decorated the grave on the right. They weren't very deep and the fairy knew the bodies would be uncovered with the melting snow, but it was the least she could do with her aching body.

As much as she loathed the sprites, she wasn't a cold hearted killer like the monsters that attacked her village all those years ago. Sage fought and killed when she had to, but never drew her sword on someone who showed no threat to her. Even if they did try to kill her, they deserved to be respected in death. Sage wished someone went and buried the people from her village so she could say her proper goodbyes. She never got that chance and refused to take it from others.

She shook her head to rid her mind of the troubled thoughts and began slowly struggling her way through the now waist-high snow. Sage no longer cared about the lurking giant, checking borders, or even returning to The Hollow. All she yearned for was shelter and warmth.

She used her sword as a crutch, but that didn't stop the burning pain of her impaled leg as it dragged uselessly behind her. The discomfort of her throbbing, bruised muscles was replaced by the freezing sting of the snow hitting her skin. Her frozen wings no longer responded to her as they hung motionless from her back, all she could do was pray they weren't damaged. Sage wasn't sure what the symptoms of hyperthermia were, but she was convinced she was falling victim to it.

Sage shivered uncontrollably as she searched her surroundings for any holes or caves she could reside in, but was only met with the blinding snow falling all around her. A wave of hopelessness drowned her as she dropped to her knees, too weak to even try getting up again. She curled into a ball as she lay in the bitter snow slowly burying her, unable to cry as the cold numbed her face.

The sound of loud thumping against the ground filled her ears, producing a strangely calm feeling.

I'm sorry Rod. I'm so sorry Rod. I really tried to get home but my body hurts too much, I just... I just want to sleep. Sage closed her heavy eyes, once I get some rest, I'll try again. The peaceful darkness quickly overcame her and she fell asleep.

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7 months ago

Does anyone know if the US Blizzard store ships to EU?

I'm not planning to buy anything from there yet, but they have something there in size that's almost sold out on the EU store.

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8 years ago
Me: Wow I Love Hanzos Prosthetics!!!Blizzard: Haha What He Doesnt Have Prothetics..Me: ? ? ??? ??

Me: wow I love hanzo’s prosthetics!!! Blizzard: haha what he doesn’t have prothetics.. Me: ? ?   ??? ??

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5 years ago
Dva One, Bad Guys Zero

🚔❤️dva one, bad guys zero💙🚔


One of fav dva skin atm ♡

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1 year ago


So to start lets say that jack and Maddie already know about how danny = phantom and so does most of the town, it took awhile but eventually everyone got used to it (danny would be 16)

One day the GIW starts to surround Amity Park in secret by the time anyone realizes whats happening the GIW already had everyone blocked in claiming "they were all infected" and "a danger to everyone else"

It was a long battle to get the GIW to leave Amity alone but they did leave eventually, however during the fight there were some loss, such as Maddie, jack, sam, tucker, vlad, dani and more

A few months later the JL were informed of a big on going blizzard that started somewhere in Illinois and began to spread, the immediate area was already evacuated and now they need to send a team (yj, teen titans, or the batfam it's your call) to find the cause of this unnatural snow storm

When the group eventually gets to the center of the storm they find a mostly abandoned and partially destroyed town, they managed to come across a brown haired teen girl in red winter gear going through an abandoned store

On that note jazz is currently sitting with her brother as he sleeps (for once) and listening to the clatter of pots and pans in the kitchen, she wonders when val will be back with more supplies.

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8 years ago
Happy Xmas Everyone.

Happy Xmas Everyone.

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