Philoctetes - Tumblr Posts

I’m My place is still a mess, so meet my houseplants. At the top we have Ivy and Pearl, my two old girls. Next up is Peter Planter, my spider plant. Phil—short not for Philodendron, but Philoctetes. Lastly, my snake plant Loki. Practical as Loki was a shapeshifter in mythology, hilarious because “mbleurgh it’s me!” Also, Loki currently has four children on the way: Jörmungandr, Fenrir, Sleipnir, and Hel.
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” —Annie Dillard
Another productive day, but not so much as it could have been. I’ve been thinking about things.
“You will always struggle with not feeling productive until you accept that your own joy can be something you produce.” —Hank Green
I have a lot to do, but not so much so that I feel I couldn’t do more. I want to study for my French quiz and write my essay outline. I want to make flashcards for Spanish and French and rewrite all my notes then type them too. I want to do all my readings twice over and take detailed notes and stay up late and wake up early. I want to be the best I could be, given infinite time and space to learn and grow because I feel the weight of human imperfection and mortality. I want too much. And I know this. And it doesn’t make me want any less.
“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be.” —Stephen Chbosky
😍How Do You Become The Best Version of Yourself? 🤩
How to Pick a Pile? Some of us focus on the image that seems to call to us most, some intuitively choose regardless of picture. Don't overthink it. Choose whichever pile you feel called to. It may even be more than one!
Gif credit: hauntedlillies
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Pile 1:
Solitude and inner work is what’s next on your journey. Finding your own strength is really important too. Childhood strength can be useful here. What made you feel strong as a kid? Tap into that to access the best version of you. Hard questions may need to be answered, but don’t stop believing that there is good on the horizon. Always make space in your heart for that possibility.
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Pile 2:
Access the most innocent part of you that you had to leave behind. Similar to pile 1, there is strength in something you felt and did as a child. Maybe you need to believe in magic again. Maybe you need that childlike hope again. Rewatch childhood movies and spend time with loved ones. When you let go of what makes you hard and rough, your magic will stick and you won’t have anything in your way anymore.
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Pile 3:
You may have been drawn to pile 2. In both piles, I got a Peter Pan vibe. Be bold in your adventure called life. Don’t be afraid to do something brave and daring. Don’t hurt others, but don’t hide your true self either. If you want to do something, do it. Peter Pan was not afraid to fly and fight Captain Hook.
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Illiad/war of Troy memes bc I gotta cope somehow