Hercules - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Somethings After Herc!

Something’s after Herc!

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6 years ago
See Herrc I Told Ya I Would Be Stronger Than You One Day!

“See Herrc I told ya I would be stronger than you one day!”

I have been playing kingdom hearts 3, and I love how sora admires Hercules muscles so much, it kinda feels like they had a big bro-little bro relation how they both tease each other flexing at every occasion. So got the idea of what if sora actually outgrew Hercules…by  a lot

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6 years ago

Sora king of the gods

Based on this https://muscleclodart.tumblr.com/post/182451058749/see-herrc-i-told-ya-i-would-be-stronger-than-you

It was early morning on mount olympus. Sora was training beating some heartless. Sora had been very sad the last few days after the last battle he had lost most of his strength even the weakest heartless were difficult for him to defeat now. Master Yen Sid told sora to go to another world to train and regain his previous power however no matter what world he went or what training nothing happen he was the same skinny shorty kid that he was the first time he left destiny island.

Sora tough that the best world to train would be mountiolympus after all one of the strongest persons that he knew was from there, of course, he was talking about Hercules. Sora an hercules had always had a very close relation hercules was a big bro for Sora. Sora usually liked to joke flexing his noodle limbs saying that one day he would outgrow Hercules, hercules responded by flexing his massive biceps making soras arms look even smaller and making them both start to laugh.

Sora tough been with Hercules would make him stronger however he started to regret that decision, Hercules workout regime was intense lasting almost 4 or 5 hours sometimes and then going to do some hero duty fighting heartless and other monsters.  Not only was Sora exhausted but he started to get a bit jealous of Hercules, and who could blame him the guy was ridiculously strong he could pick up Sora with one finger and throw him to the other side of the city, which he had done in more than one occasion, with ease. Not only that but the guy was built like a brick house every muscle of his body has huge, rock hard and emanated Hercules god-like strength. This caused Sora to start to get annoyed with Herc why did he get that superior strength and a body to match while he didn’t get either?!.

This was getting Sora really angry he used Rage mode and quickly defeated the group of heartless he was fighting with as usual the heartless drop a bunch of money and items however one heartless drop an item that grab soras attention at first it looked like a power boost, an item that would temporarily increase his strength however by looking it closer this was different, the power boost normally was a red colour with a symbol of a arm grabbing something however this one was different the arm looked more muscular and realistic instead of the usual cartoony symbol, also it now had a gold color instead of red.

Sora was intrigued by this weird item, he careless as he usually grabbed the strange orb as he did the item immediately infuse with his sking auto equipping it without Sora’s command. Sora starts to feel a bit weird it was like that feeling whenever he levels up, but this one felt to the 100 power.

“Grrrhhhh” Sora grunted feeling an immense power storing in his body it felt painful but oddly like pleasure at the same time, suddenly sora body starts to grow. His legs stretching more and more, his arms and torso too to match his increasing height it was like eating one of those mushrooms in wonderland, soon sora was gigantic. Fortunately, his clothes had grown with him, the advantages of having magic clothes made by fairies.

“What is going o…AGHHH” Sora couldn’t even finish that sentence before feeling another wave of pain and pleasure, but this time his body didn’t grow upward but start growing wider his noodle arms begin to grow biceps two massive mountains of muscle in each of his arms. His chest that was completely flat swelled two huge orbs of rock hard muscles just like the one Hercules had, heck this ones were even bigger. His legs didn’t stay behind to support the increasing weight they blew up to the size of actual tree trunks. Sora’s clothes now fit him a bit more tightly his pants usually very baggy now looked like running shorts in him, his pecs were so big that pushed the fabric of his shirt to the limit, his neck was so thick that he easily broke the chain of his neckclace, and his back was so wide that he couldn’t even close his jacket if he wanted to.

“Guess even magic clothes had a limit of how much they can stretch HAHAHAHA,” Sora said his voice now sound more deep and powerful. He notices he had something in his hand he saw it was his keyblade although at his huge size it looked like an actual key.

“Heh heh who needs a keyblade now I could just crush Xehanort here,” Sora said flexing a bicep that was bigger than an adult entire body he smiled and laughed again at seeing the huge mountain of muscle in his arm,

“Can’t wait to show this to Herc…Now that I think about it he said that he would be at the top of Mount Olympus to visit his family” Sora said as his view moved to the top of the great mountain he smiled in an evil grin. He bends his knees; his huge quads flexed in anticipation looking even more powerful his massive glute tensed in a rock hard bubble butt. The ground below him started to crack of the force that was gathering near him. Sora then releases all that power in a massive jump, and his legs easily launch his now colossal body into the sky like some muscular rocket.

He then saw Herc he was walking the staircase to the door in front of the realm of the gods. Sora opens his bulging arms to break his speed a bit, as he did his massive weigh quickly pushed him to the ground like a meteorite, crashing just inches behind of Hercules making a gigantic crater in the floor. Herc stopped in his feet as he looked behind him thinking that Hades might have sent a Titan to Olympus again however as he turned around he saw something that completely froze him in his place. He recognizes Sora’s goofy face anywhere however what he didn’t recognize was the body that was connected to. Below Sora’s neck, a sea of muscles took place everywhere Hercules saw they were bulges over bulges of muscles . Hercules started to feel a bit small standing next to the huge Sora then he noticed that Sora was standing in the middle of a crater and that not even then he could reach his bellybutton then he felt tiny.

Sora smiled as he raised his lats expanding his shadow over the now tiny demi-god “See Herc I told ya I would be stronger than you one day!” he said as he smiled…

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4 years ago

Muku X Yuki Hercules AU

Okay I’ve had this idea for a while now and I will talk about it

starting off, Yuki literally calls him “wonder boy.” Familiar? Haha- Hercules

Btw this is specifically the Disney movie version

Anyways Muku as Hercules

Just this small, timid boy who has the strength of a God, literally, wondering what his purpose is anymore

Raised by two brothers who took him in, Juza and Kumon, who later tell him they found him and he’s a child of the gods

Izumi is Zeus cause Zeus sucks and the only way to make him redeemable for a cute AU is making him our goddess Izumi

Also bias but Hermès is Sakoda even if he has like no lines

Anyways, Tenma is Phil, who trains Muku.

You all have seen the movie

I think

I dunno this is my first time doing Headcanons bare with me

Anyways: Muku and Pegasus who stays Pegasus because MUKU ON A PEGASUS go out for their first adventure to be a hero and hear a scream

Who does that scream belong to?

Ah yes

Yuki, who Muku mistakes for a damsel in distress when really Yuki is no damsel, he is just a boy who likes chitons and has sold his soul to Hades

Who is Hades? One might ask

I mean- it’s Sakyo. It has to be Sakyo, you all knew this

Also Panic is Banri, Pain is Taichi

Anyways it’s basically the plot of the movie but: then

And uh

Yeah first post I just adore them so much yay.

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7 years ago
I Dont Remember If I Uploaded This To Tumblr... I Dont Think I Did. Well, Its On DA But For Anyone Who

I don’t remember if I uploaded this to tumblr... I don’t think I did. Well, it’s on dA but for anyone who doesn’t follow my dA, here it is again. XD Well, I wanted to draw my characters from Torn Apart acting out this sequence from Hercules my friend posted from pinterest, so, I drew it. Yep, that’s all there is to it. This is kind of old now... more than a month old actually, ew I didn’t realize how old this was. But it’s cute and I forgot to upload it, so oh well. XD;

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4 years ago
Name's Hades, Lord Of The Dead. Hi, How Ya Doin'?

“Name's Hades, Lord of the dead. Hi, how ya doin'?” 

Hercules (1997) dir. Ron Clements and John Musker

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6 years ago
Soooo... Meet Hercules! Hes More Than Happy To Give You Some Private Flexing ;D

Soooo... meet Hercules! He’s more than happy to give you some private flexing ;D

I’d definitely go for it... and more! XD

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6 years ago
Nice And Swollen... Puffing Up Downstairs Too! ;D

Nice and swollen... puffing up downstairs too! ;D

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4 years ago
Me And My Friend Were Talking About If Marvel Characters Were Disney Characters Who Would They Be I Said

Me and my friend were talking about if marvel characters were disney characters who would they be I said steve would be Hercules (obviously) then I remember the qoute "For a true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart"

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4 years ago

@ninby-frits mira!!!!!

Ahora Hades Y El Juez Frollo
Ahora Hades Y El Juez Frollo

ahora hades y el juez frollo <3, para mi frollo es uno de los mejores villanos de disney, no el mas chido, pero si el mas malvado <3 

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11 months ago

Hadestown gives me Disney Hercules vibes

EPIC Odyssey vibes (no shit)

And Ulysses dies at Dawn univers City (from radio silence) vibes

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6 years ago
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.
My Hercules Drawings. To See More, Check Out My Deviantart Page, KittyTheNerd On Da.

My Hercules drawings. To see more, check out my deviantart page, KittyTheNerd on da.

KittyTheNerd on DeviantArt
I'm just a person who wants to enjoy spreading her creativity with the world. I'm open for new ideas as long as you read my rules in my jour

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3 years ago
My Fancast For Young Hercules: Joshua Basset.

My fancast for young Hercules: Joshua Basset.

I mean he can sing and he can definitely play the personality. I know Disney wants to cast a non-white actor for Hercules but I would just really like to see him as the character.

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