Shark Week - Tumblr Posts
right now im trying to find a silly shark documentary with fun facts and calming music but NO there's just those highstakes action "big bad shark" movies and I just wanna watch the silly little creatures
You’re Not Mine

I wish I was this chill right now. it is SHARK WEEK. I am a Shark. Had to do something.

In honor of Shark Week (and my new computer I’m still getting used to) a quick shark doodle.

Drawing Shark Week. Anyone every heard of the Ghost Shark? Also known as pointy-nosed blue chimaera.

Drawing Shark Week “Harmony”
A couple of Remora Fish hanging out

Beastly Indepence Sooooooooo, I take it I have some MAJOR explaining to do with this pic. Shark Week Canada Day Independence Day All rolled into one pic. So, the bison with the eagle wings and claws is the American beast sporting his huge hairy gut with his extra nice Shark cousin with some beaver DNA who is also sporting quite the belly on him. Seems he is offering his cousin some cake to celebrate his special day, and I think the American beast may have a cake for the Canadian beast as well, but it is hidden behind his big gut, that or he ate it. I think I'm going to be getting some confused look for quite some time. If not, Hope you all have a Great Independence day, A lovely Canada Day, and Happy Shark Week.
I don't understand shark week. People know that sharks exist year round, right?

Its shark week babyyyyyyyyyy!
First up for the terrible shark puns: lemon lemon shark

Day 2 of really bad puns for shark week: pyjama shark in bed

Technically a half hour late but day 3 of making terrible shark puns for shark week: a beagle porbeagle shark!
Fun fact porbeagle sharks actually are kinda named after beagles bc people used to call sharks in general “sea dogs” and porbeagles were basically named porpoise beagles in cornish! Apparently its unclear though so don’t quote me on that

Blue Shark!! silly boiii