Play-doh - Tumblr Posts

14 years ago
The Very First Entry! I Was Listening To A Radiolab Podcast About Darwin When I Sat Down To Sculpt, So

The very first entry! I was listening to a Radiolab podcast about Darwin when I sat down to sculpt, so today's post is a little bird. I modeled it after a sparrow, but it's not exactly a perfect replica.

I swear he didn't look so much like he was wearing headphones in person. I was going for a sort of textured stripe (the reference photo had a swath of different-colored fuzz in that area), but it doesn't really translate in these pictures.

He fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, too.

Yellow Play-Doh, ~30 min.

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14 years ago
I Watched "Brick" Today And Was Feeling A Noir-ish Sort Of Mood, So I Made This Little Cadillac. Not

I watched "Brick" today and was feeling a noir-ish sort of mood, so I made this little Cadillac. Not my finest work, I have to admit. But I learned a few things:

1. If you're going to make teeny tiny models and shoot them super close up, you better make sure your lines are straight.

2. If your proportions are off at the start, you're screwed.

3. I was probably a better sculptor when I was eleven:

It's not a very noir scene (driver, escaping a fantastic terror-beast, runs over miniature dinosaur?), but what do you want for Day Two.

Dark green and light green Play-Doh, ~ 60 min.

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14 years ago

new toys

Happy fourth of July! Today, like all good Americans, I celebrated my freedom with a shopping trip. I scoured the dollar bin at Michael's and picked up a tiny rolling pin and nearly a pound of RoseArt modelling clay in yellow, red, green, and blue. Two bucks! I also got a great starter kit of 23 different tools in a sweet carrying case (half off, due to the holiday), a little bottle of clay softener, a texture pattern (alligator!), a small brick of black Sculpey (I want to try all the different brands), a big plastic plate to use as a base to work on, and a big carrying case to hold all my stuff. All this for about $30. Not bad!

Check out the haul:

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14 years ago
Today I Was Busy Helping My Best Friend Move, So I Made A Quick Octopus In The Car On Our Way To Woodland.

Today I was busy helping my best friend move, so I made a quick octopus in the car on our way to Woodland. In the interest of full disclosure, I also blatantly ripped off the design from a little framed drawing in my hallway.

But before the epic moving day, Dayna and I took a trip to Flax, which is probably the best art store ever. All I bought was a little $0.89 brush, but I'll definitely be going back. Check it out:

Blue Play-Doh, ~20 min.

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14 years ago
Three Bees Today, Taking Advantage Of The Lovely Weather Outside Today. Tried Sculpey III For The First

Three bees today, taking advantage of the lovely weather outside today. Tried Sculpey III for the first time and found it a little tough to mold, although the fact that it was firm enough to hold its shape was nice. Tried out a few different styles, too. Unsurprisingly, the Play-Doh bee (yellow and blue) looks terrible and wanted to fall apart, but it was really helpful to make more or less the same shape in three different media right after each other. If for no other reason than to reaffirm my undying love for Super Sculpey (<3!).

Play-Doh (yellow and blue), Super Sculpey (pink), and Sculpey III (black), ~50 min.

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6 months ago
I Made The Black Parade With Playdough, I Drew The Spider And Made The Hero Forge Black Parade Skeleton
I Made The Black Parade With Playdough, I Drew The Spider And Made The Hero Forge Black Parade Skeleton
I Made The Black Parade With Playdough, I Drew The Spider And Made The Hero Forge Black Parade Skeleton
I Made The Black Parade With Playdough, I Drew The Spider And Made The Hero Forge Black Parade Skeleton
I Made The Black Parade With Playdough, I Drew The Spider And Made The Hero Forge Black Parade Skeleton

I made the black parade with playdough, I drew the spider and made the hero forge black parade skeleton and I think I made the emo'ji one idk

I also found a person in the wild with an MCR hoodie

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12 years ago
My Child Boyfriend And His Play-doh
My Child Boyfriend And His Play-doh

my child boyfriend and his play-doh

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