The Very First Entry! I Was Listening To A Radiolab Podcast About Darwin When I Sat Down To Sculpt, So
The very first entry! I was listening to a Radiolab podcast about Darwin when I sat down to sculpt, so today's post is a little bird. I modeled it after a sparrow, but it's not exactly a perfect replica.
I swear he didn't look so much like he was wearing headphones in person. I was going for a sort of textured stripe (the reference photo had a swath of different-colored fuzz in that area), but it doesn't really translate in these pictures.
He fit perfectly in the palm of my hand, too.
Yellow Play-Doh, ~30 min.
More Posts from Caritrease
I'm going to London! Last night, I talked to my friend Jon for the first time in ages and I realized I hadn't seen him since we went to college together in Canterbury. So, you know what? Let's go to London.
You can tell I got lazy and didn't do the other sides of the tower, and I didn't even bother to set up a little tableau for you. Instead, here's today's sculpture, exactly where I made it. I'll try harder tomorrow, scout's honor.
Marblex, ~45 min.
So, I accidentally let my teacher take away my awesome in-progress vase before I could snap a picture, but here's a quick shot of the planning sketches and the pattern for the final design. I also made a pretty terrible pinch pot (newsflash: I'm impatient), which I might just turn into a jellyfish.
Next week, assuming I'm not at Comic Con, I'll get to finish the vase and maybe even glaze those three weird vessels I made last week. And we might start using the potter's wheel. I expect to suck at that pretty tremendously.
Laguna, 2 hour class
I can't imagine where the inspiration came from for this one.
Super Sculpey, ~25 min.
Dayna came to visit today, so we went to see Inception (SO GOOD) and Toy Story 3. Since she's the one who gave me my starter clay and actually knows what she's doing, I asked if she wanted to sculpt with me when we got home and she very politely agreed. I made this little alien guy from Toy Story. Dayna decided to just wing it, and she made this totally awesome dragon.
Did I just say "totally awesome dragon?" Yikes.
Toy Story alien: Super Sculpey, ~70 min.
Dayna's dragon: Marblex, ~70 min.
I'm pretty proud of this one, actually, despite my wretched figure sculpting skills (case in point: there's a toothpick holding up her head). I've been reading a ton of comics lately, and today I picked up Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers. This is Snow White, who is (spoiler!) a few months pregnant at this point in the story. I'm kind of obsessed with her hair.
She looks a little like Miss Piggy, a lot more sullen than I intended, her bone structure is insane (are her cheekbones upside down?), and she's apparently a quadruple amputee. But other than that...!
Marblex, ~40 min.