Sculpey III - Tumblr Posts

14 years ago
Three Bees Today, Taking Advantage Of The Lovely Weather Outside Today. Tried Sculpey III For The First

Three bees today, taking advantage of the lovely weather outside today. Tried Sculpey III for the first time and found it a little tough to mold, although the fact that it was firm enough to hold its shape was nice. Tried out a few different styles, too. Unsurprisingly, the Play-Doh bee (yellow and blue) looks terrible and wanted to fall apart, but it was really helpful to make more or less the same shape in three different media right after each other. If for no other reason than to reaffirm my undying love for Super Sculpey (<3!).

Play-Doh (yellow and blue), Super Sculpey (pink), and Sculpey III (black), ~50 min.

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14 years ago
Look, If You Want Something Every Day, Some Of Them Are Just Going To Suck.

Look, if you want something every day, some of them are just going to suck.

Sculpey III, ~15 min.

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14 years ago
Dayna Came Over Again And We Took A 20-minute Break From Our Cookie-dough-and-Gilmore-Girls Marathon

Dayna came over again and we took a 20-minute break from our cookie-dough-and-Gilmore-Girls marathon to make Gumby and Pokey, because we figured it was just one step above making a snowman and a snake.

(Dayna whined a lot about how bad her horse was, but I think he's cute.)

Gumby, Super Sculpey and Sculpey III, ~20 min.

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14 years ago
This Little Droid Is A Christmas Present For My Friend Rhonda, AKA Rhonda2D2. Ever SinceStar Wars: Uncut,

This little droid is a Christmas present for my friend Rhonda, AKA Rhonda2D2. Ever since Star Wars: Uncut, Artoo has made me think of her, so I hope she gets a kick out of it.

It's funny how the different colors mold differently. The white clay was much softer and more pliable--to the point where it was impossible to get my fingerprints out of it--than, say, the black, which crumbled in my hands no matter how much I kneaded it first.

This is the first sculpture I've baked since the puppet heads from the film shoot, so I was a little worried it would crack, but it came out beautifully. Working in color is much more time consuming, but the finished product looks so much nicer, wouldn't you say?

Sculpey III (white, black, and denim), ~3 hours

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13 years ago


This month's (let just be honest) figure comes to us from my beloved BBC total-nonsense series, Dr. Who. The Daleks are scarier than they look, man! I'm just saying.

Seen here, Dalek Sec is posing among his distant relatives: the attachments on my kitchen blender.

Here's a better view of his eggbeater arm:

Sculpey III, ~2 hours

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13 years ago
Look, It's The TARDIS!

Look, it's the TARDIS!

If you couldn't tell, this photo features my brand new light box. I'm still working out how to trick my camera into ignoring all the seams in the background, but that's a problem for another day. Regardless, I definitely appreciate not having to worry about lighting anymore (notice how 90% of my photos appear to be taken in the one well-lit corner of my kitchen?).

Here's the TARDIS again with an old friend:

~2.5 hours, Sculpey III

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