Pokemon Legends Z - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Pokemon X and Y Review in the wake of Legends Z announcement

The Legends Z announcement for me excited about Kalos again so I decided to replay the game. Everyone is excited about a redemption for Kalos and I wanted to refresh my memory. After replaying, I’ve come to the conclusion that the XY games were more style over substance. They had great concepts but fell flat on the execution.

The character designs were all amazing and fun. The gyms and the towns were all appealing and interesting. Don’t even get me started on the Pokemon League rooms, especially Diantha’s stained glass master piece.

While the aesthetics were great, the rest not so much. The rival didn’t have much personality and was very boring. The other friends fell flat too. The elite 4 and champion were pushovers. And Team Flare was ok at best. The rival, the champion, and the evil team are the most important parts of a Pokemon game. They need to be interesting and be tough to beat. But they weren’t which left fans disappointed.

I loved the yin and yang of the Death and Life legendaries. Their designs were gorgeous and I liked the story of the ultimate weapon being used to revive a dead pokemon. However, the rest of the plot fell flat for me. Lysandre basically had the same crappy reasoning as Thanatos.

Mega evolution was an amazing concept and I adored it. However, I think it was a mistake to not give any of the new Kalos Pokemon mega evolutions. Especially the starters. When I played the game when I was a kid, I ditched the Kalos starter for the Kanto ones and the gift Torchic. The spotlight was on previous generations instead of the current one. Which is a shame because there were some really cool new Pokemon like Greninja, Noivern, Sylveon, and more! I’m hoping Legends Z will fix that blunder and give us more mega evolutions.

The upcoming Legends Z game has me very excited and I’m crossing my fingers for Kalos getting a redemption! Especially since recent Pokemon games have been hitting it out of the park with interesting characters and great plots.

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1 year ago




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1 year ago

"The future is now thanks to science!" CLEMONT WAS THIS FORESHADOWING THE ENTIRE TIME??

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1 year ago


idk if i want any more time paradox shenanigans.... MY HEART CANT TWKE IT...

megas for the kalos starters

more new forms and evolutions for overlooked pokemon

more ancestors

AZ and floette lore

Maybe catchable AZ floette??

catchable mythical

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