theladyheroine - Plus Ultra!
Plus Ultra!

Giving help that's not asked for is what makes a true hero! 💚

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More Posts from Theladyheroine

7 months ago

Swan Maidens & Other Birds! 🦢🦉🦜

❥ Types of Wizards prompt

Swan Maidens & Other Birds!

❥ Hello everyone! 👋🏽 I know it’s been a long while since I wrote anything, but I am trying my best! I recently got back from vacation too so that was super fun! Anywho this post might be short but it seemed like such an interesting idea. Have fun & enjoy! Thank you!

Okay! So for anyone that doesn’t know, swan maidens are a lesser known mythical creature from European origins. ‘Though I think they come from French origin? But I could also be wrong lol but anyway, swan maidens are women who can turn into swans & back again via a cloak of magical feathers.

I wanted to create a few headcanons of what they might be like, but also what other birds would be like too!

Swan maidens are considered the most elegant and charming due to their snow white feathers. However, they can be quite vain creatures if you’re not careful. Much similar to fairies of older tales, these maidens are vain and will take any opportunity to be noticed. Even if they’re undercover.

Flaunting their feathers and fair features as they swim back and forth. Hoping to catch the eyes of other bird maidens or even humans. Or taking the opportunity to gaze at their own reflections. But, if you decide to ignore them or turn down their pretentious antics, be prepared for a mean trick or two. Expect a fair amount of shoes to go missing, your garden gets trampled or eaten, or they might just try to chase you off.

Owl maidens, unlike swans, are far less sensitive about their appearance and even towards humans. They are more curious than any, but you do not want to mess with them. Residing among tall treetops and mountainsides, they guard their domains from vicious predators or anything else that decides to make trouble. They are usually much larger than other bird maidens.

Those big intelligent eyes of theirs are always on the lookout, however, you might be able to catch them during the daytime if you’re careful enough. Considering they’re nocturnal like their feathery counterparts. However, they’re more like gentle giants and wouldn’t hurt a fly. They actually like to people watch at times, preferring to sit back and enjoy themselves than start something.

Raven maidens are not necessarily elusive creatures, but they are definitely the hardest to find due to their timidity. Plus, their dark feathers usually help them blend in with any shadows or other darker places. They usually fly solo or can be seen in pairs, but it’s best not to get near them. Else they’ll run or fly away!

However, if you get too close or prove to be a scoundrel, they’ll might to trick you! Mimicking voices and other sounds is one of their many talents, and will often use this ability to hide their presence. Mimicking the sound of a running stream, rustling leaves, even other animals. But if you’re up to no good, you might end up at the wrong place. As they can mimic human voices too.

Parrot maidens are probably the most flamboyant creatures other than swan maidens, if not more so. Painting the sky with their vibrant colors makes for a wonderful display, and they can often be seen in a big cluster together showing off their looks. However, they are incredibly loud! That’s usually what gives their identity away in the first place….

They sound more like clucking hens than parrots, chattering away from sun up to sun down about who knows what. However, due to that they are quite knowledgeable! Exchanging talks of various things is in their nature, as they are quite social, and you could gain something useful if you tried. Just trade them a story or something really pretty and they’ll tell you whatever you want!

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1 year ago

Soulmate AU Ideas ✨

Soulmate AU Ideas

❥ Hello! 👋🏽 I came up with a few more OTP ideas, this time for the soulmate AU! I know this one is super duper popular & there are a lot of these prompts that I love so much, so I wanted to give it a try! Hopefully it comes off as unique enough? I didn’t want to repeat anything but I think it’s okay! 👍🏽 Thank you & enjoy!

A person has a special watercolor tattoo on their arm that resembles a flower. The flowers start as buds & grow as time goes on, but there can be a pair with the same flower as others! Because once you meet your soulmate, the flowers bloom into your soulmates favorite flower!

Everyone is gifted a special animal companion when they become of age, who will lead you to your soulmate when the time comes. To make it easier, each person is given a special charm with their partner’s animal friend on it. Think of it like a spirit animal!

Each person is born with a constellation on their body & their soulmate has the same one. The stars in the constellation glow when you’ve met them.

Similar to the “first words prompt” except the words look a bit scribbly & are hard to read. When soulmates meet, their words straighten out & turn a pretty gold color.

A tattoo of the place you’ll meet your soulmate: when you two meet the tattoo disappears. However, there aren’t any words or texts that say what or where the place is. Sometimes it can even be someplace simple, like a park or a library!

Different animals or insects can symbolize love: every person has a tattoo of one of these specific creatures. Who will appear right before meeting your soulmate. Once you meet them, the mark disappears.

A person is born with a special mark on their body, in the shape of a heart, which changes color depending on their soulmates mood! The heart becomes white once soulmates meet!

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10 months ago

Oh my gosh this would look so cool for a fantasy world! Like if you’d walk towards a royal palace or something and you first see these! 🌟👑🌳

Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths
Tree Roots Following The Pattern Of Concrete Footpaths

Tree roots following the pattern of concrete footpaths

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11 months ago

Songs that would be good writing prompts ✨

Songs That Would Be Good Writing Prompts

❥ This is just a short post for funsies! Enjoy if you’d like!

I See the Light from Disney’s Tangled

Strangers Like Me from Disney’s Tarzan

Son of Man from Disney’s Tarzan

I’m A Star from Disney’s Wish

The Neglected Garden by Cecile Corbel

The Voice by The Celtic Woman

Now I See by Lou & SQVARE

Wonderful from Netflix’s Over The Moon

To The Sky by Owl City

Dinosaur Park by Owl City

Under The Circus Lights by Owl City

Lavender by JVKE & Pink Sweat$

Broken Melodies NCT Dream & JVKE

Just A Cloud Away by Pharrell Williams

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11 months ago

Whooooooooa!!! Omg this one is so cool! 😎 Thank you again!

~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~
~Weather Wizard Inspired By @theladyheroine's~

~Weather wizard inspired by @theladyheroine's~

❥ This was just a fun idea since I’ve been reading lots of fantasy headcanons, I wanted to try! Plus I don’t see too many for magic-y stuff

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