Pokemon Rika - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hello, I love how you’ve done the request that I asked for Rika. Now with that out of the way; I NEED ROMANTIC DOMESTIC HEADCANONS WITH RIKA!!! STAT! I LOVE THIS BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AND YOU WRITE HER SO WELL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION!!!

p.s. if you want to add some Nsfw in there, I certainly wouldn’t mind…


I also have an NSFW headcanons in the works sooooo I’ll let this be fluffy and sweet~

Warnings: fluffy as hell good LORD, domestic Rika, Rika is a simp whats new, Rika is love shaped, slightly suggestive but nothing explicit, mentions of making out, lots of kisses, lots of pure love from good ol Rika

Character: Rika of the elite 4

Requests: OPEN

Hello, I Love How Youve Done The Request That I Asked For Rika. Now With That Out Of The Way; I NEED

Ahhhh yes domestic Rika lets get into it

Rika takes you on dates as much as she can, at least one every two weeks but she usually takes you on at least two dates a week

And she always pays as well

You will never pay for a date as long as you are dating Rika

You can’t sneak the bill, you can’t get your card out faster than her, nothing

She always pays

And she will always pay for your morning coffee if you get it, tea, anything

Its her favorite thing to treat you and she will all the time

Rika brings you flowers whenever she can, she will pick up your favorite food and bring it to your place if you’re too lazy to cook

Speaking of food

Rika always cooks breakfast in the morning and she will make sure you eat something

You are her everything so she’s doing her best to take care of you

Now when Rika does cook in the morning she always does it shirtless with sweapants or shorts on and a sportsbra

This has absolutely lead to several makeout sessions in the kitchen in the morning where you two almost forgot about the food

So yeah safe to say she does it just to get a rise out of you

Rika will always expect and very lovingly demand a morning kiss before she goes off to work

She in fact will not leave until she gets her dose of your kisses before she leaves

If you try to deprive her of her morning kiss, she will go to lengths to get what she wants

Her methods include picking you up, pinning you to the wall, chasing you around the house, tickling you, ect

Dont deprive her of her kisses unless you want to face the consequences unless you want those which I mean, valid

While Rika is gone and at work, she will always send you random texts around lunchtime to remind you to eat something

Sometimes she will even have a lunch or leftovers she saved for you to eat and she will remind you of that

On all the lunches she prepares for you, she will always leave a little note to remind you of her love for you

She’s a simp what can I say

Along with her texts to remind you to eat, she will always send you random I love you texts

Along with any funny pictures or videos of the other league members while she was at work

If theres a challenger that stuck out to her or a match she easily won, she will call you to boast about her victory and/or give you all the details

She also does random I love you calls simply because when she thinks about you she misses your voice and wants to hear it

“Rika, why did you call I thought you were busy?”

“Mmm I just missed your voice baby.”

Whenever you need to ramble or rant about something to Rika she will always listen intently, soaking in every single word you are saying

She will also keep eye contact with you as you talk and she will have the most lovestruck look in her eyes

Sometimes she cant handle the amount of love she has for you and she just has to give you a kiss before you can continue

“Sorry love, you can keep talking now.”

When Rika comes home, she’s always ready to give you a big hug and just hold you to her chest

She wraps her arms around you, pulling you in close and rubbing your back as she presses kisses to your temple, forehead, cheeks, anywhere her lips can reach

She always eats dinner with you if possible

If she is away during dinner, she will call you while she eats so that you two can still eat together even though she is away

As far as goodnights go

Rika always holds you as you both fall asleep, she needs you snug and safe in her arms as you drift off to dreamland together

Which makes any overnight trips incredibly difficult for her

If you’re gone overnight or she is, she will always call to fall asleep on the phone with you

But her quality of sleep isnt as good as it is when she has you snuggled up against her

She’s tried everything to get decent sleep whenever you or her are gone for the night; weighted blankets, hugging pillows, hugging stuffed animals, ect

Nothing can beat how soundly she sleeps when you’re with her

And when you two do get to fall asleep in the same bed, she has to give you a million goodnight kisses

She also can’t sleep before she tells you she loves you and until she hears it back

So dont fall asleep before you can tell her, K?

Reblogs are always appreciated <3

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1 year ago
They're Cousins And I Won't Hear Anything Else

they're cousins and i won't hear anything else

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10 months ago


*nom nom*

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9 months ago

No amount of gifsets in the world could come close to conveying the sheer gender of anime Rika

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2 years ago

me, an unsuspecting girl, googling "rika pokemon": i am an unsuspecting girl googling rika pokemon

random ad:

Me, An Unsuspecting Girl, Googling "rika Pokemon": I Am An Unsuspecting Girl Googling Rika Pokemon

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2 years ago

i am so normal about zinnia x rika haha dw its just a crackship for funsies guys :) i swear i am so norma

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2 years ago

if people attract what they fear then AAAAA RIKA POKEMON IM SO SCARED IM SO AFRAID

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2 years ago

nemona: maam la primera i look up to you so i wanted to ask you

la primera: yes whatever it is you can ask me champion!

nemona: .... how do i know if i like girls?

la primera:


la primera:


la primera: one second.

la primera: *gets up and leaves*



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2 years ago

trans woman rika = valid

cis woman rika with a naturally small chest = also valid

but my own hc is that rika doesn't do gender and also has top surgery scars but theyre like very cool shaped

Trans Woman Rika = Valid

kinda like this

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2 years ago

rika: *wakes up*

doctor: congratulations! your top surgery went well

rika: wheres larry

doctor: who do you think took your tits

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1 year ago

rika pokemon. u agree

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1 year ago
Hi Lesbians Look At This Wonderful Comm I Got From @reesecars (you Should Consider Giving Her M0ney -

hi lesbians look at this wonderful comm i got from @reesecars (you should consider giving her m0ney - or well commissioning him when his comms are open again)

anyway hi lesbians pls behold

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2 years ago

rika pokemon catfished me i thought she was a man 😭

i want her to be a trans man SO BAD but idk if that’s lesbian erasure or what

mk community, is a transmasc headcanon for rika ok? like is it fine to do that? (i so badly want to use he/him for her please 😭)

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