Possibly Aromantic - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

; a very tired ( for multiple reasons ) queer over here šŸ‘‹

Iā€™m ace, aro and tired

Reblog if you are also LGBT+ and tired

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One of those nights a burning desire to love and be loved is ever present.. a raging bonfire in my chest and limbs....

I don't mean romantically. Not fully. Dates are cute and all...

But it's not what I'm thinking of.

I'm thinking of the kind of friendship you only read about in novels. Friendships stronger than blood, friendships that shatter worlds and survive cyclones. Forces of nature and loyalty that even God shakes in his shoes at.

It's you and me, there's nothing like this.

That's all I truly want out of life. I'd happily die a virgin if it meant I get to live with a group of loving friends.

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