Preach It - Tumblr Posts

I will always stand for this truth. 😌

“art garfunkel contributed nothing to the songwriting in simon & garfunkel” girl he was the muse!😂

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No one will ever write a song like only living boy in new york ever again. Thats a one in a zillion song dont even bother

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6 years ago

my favorite thing about video game culture is that nintendo is an absolutely unbeatable titan in the industry just because they make their games Fun

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2 years ago

i'm telling you this because i'm struggling with it, too.

stop second guessing and doubting yourself. stop getting imposter syndrome while writing. stop comparing.

i know it's hard to stop, and this is a process i always struggle with. but it's awful when you get tunnel vision, seeing all the plot holes and every little grammatical error made. i open my wip's sometimes, and get such bad anxiety that i can't even write, because i'm so scared. it literally doesn't make sense, but it happens.

but learn to love what you write. grow attached to your characters, and write whatever you want. write for yourself first. and no matter what, whether it's one word or sentence that you wrote that day, be proud of yourself.

self validation and self care comes before a completed novel or mesmerizing characters.


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11 years ago

Preach IT!!!!!

Long Life To Football[x]
Long Life To Football[x]
Long Life To Football[x]

Long life to football [x]

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4 years ago

some people are seriously and honestly like “x scene in avengers endgame is the best scene in movie history” bitch go watch shrek

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2 years ago

The Buddha's greatest gift to the world is the idea of serene and blissful awareness within ourselves. If that is established you excel in all things and realise your highest potential. The right attitude is a relaxed yet totally awakened 'bodhi consciousness'.

~"BUDDHA- Spirituality for leadership and success"

By Pranay

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2 years ago

Buddhism believes that the suttle is always stronger than the gross, meaning to say that the spiritual aspect of life is always stronger than the material aspect. The unseen is greater than the seen. The consciousness is greater than the mind's, body's actions.

~"BUDDHA- Spirituality for leadership and success."

By Pranay

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