Positive Affirmations - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Weekly Affirmations

Weekly Affirmations

♡ I am the creator of my own happiness. I’m ready to take responsibility and do what it takes to start living my dream life.

♡ I’m going to only focus on things I can control and let go of worry about the rest.

♡ 2024 is a year of wonderful surprises, good decisions, and creative solutions.

♡ I am creating financial abundance, a healthy body, and positive relationships in 2024.

♡ This year is going to be a great and wonderful year for me.

♡ This year, my dreams are coming true.

♡ I am dedicated to becoming my higher self this year.

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3 years ago


* I seek wisdom & freedom with each action I take.

* I release the notion of black & white thinking

* I look to the future with an open mind

* I bring brevity & light into everything I do

The last Full Moon of the decade falls in Gemini and calls on us to look both at our past as well as our future without taking either too seriously. Embracing the versatility & unpredictability of life allows us to remain present and aligned with Universal flow. My Gemini Full Moon reading uncovers what aspects of the Self are being stifled and how to let them flourish into the New Year & beyond. Book your Gemini Full Moon reading for $10 with me using the #linkinbio.

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3 years ago

50 Self Concept Affirmations to use 💗

- “i love myself”

- “i am amazing”

- “i am filled with love”

- “good things always happen to me”

- “i am the luckiest person in the entire world”

- “the world is my oyster”

- “i am extremely confident”

- “i am the person that has it all”

- “i get everything i want”

- “my life is filled with happiness”

- “i am the main character”

- “everything always works out for me”

- “my mental health is amazing”

- “people treat me like royalty”

- “why is everyone so nice to me?”

- “i am worthy of love and respect”

- “i am extremely healthy”

- “i am always the first choice”

- “i deserve the entire universe and more”

- “i am god”

- “i am the most amazing person i have ever met”

- “excellence is my birthright”

- “i am extremely beautiful”

- “i am the epitome of human perfection”

- “i flourish in eveything i do”

- “perfection only exists in my reality”

- “i am perfect”

- “i am divine”

- “i am whole and complete”

- “i can do anything”

- “i am worthy of all my desires”

- “my life is filled with nothing but happiness”

- “i constantly attract good things into my life”

- “i am abundant in all areas of my life”

- “i constantly attract positive energy into my life”

- “i am the sculptor of my reality”

- “money comes to me quickly and easily”

- “i am beautiful from head to toe”

- “money constantly flows into my life”

- “manifesting for me is so easy”

- “all my manifestations come to me quicker than expected”

- “i experience all the luxuries life has to offer”

- “i accept myself”

- “i light up every room i walk into”

- “i am limitless”

- “i have finally found inner peace”

- “i always receive compliments”

- “people have always treated me like a priority”

- “i am a winner”

- “i have the face of an angel”

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2 years ago

🌱Self Love Affirmations🌱

I am worthy of receiving the love I give.

I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.

I am proud of myself and all I have accomplished.

I choose to stop apologizing for being me.

I accept myself unconditionally.

I am becoming more confident everyday.

I offer self love and tarot readings ❤️

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1 year ago


i am kind, gentle, patient, & loving with myself.

i am accepting of myself, i love myself exactly where i am at.

i believe in myself, i believe in change, i believe in my capabilities.

i am adaptable, determined, & resilient.

i believe i am beautiful, sexy, pretty in every stage of my life. i am a baddie no matter what i look like.

i take care of myself even on my “bad” days.

everyday is an opportunity to grow and be your best self.

your best self is different everyday, go easy on yourself while your growing.

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2 years ago

shoutout to disabled people who have the confidence, time, and energy to call out ableism

shoutout to disabled people who don't have the confidence, time, and/or energy to call out ableism

shoutout to disabled people who decorate their mobility aids

shoutout to disabled people who just started using mobility aids and are dealing with what comes with that from ableds

shoutout to disabled people who don't have a professional diagnosis

shoutout to disabled people who struggle to advocate for themselves

shoutout to disabled people who are massive advocates for themselves

shoutout to disabled people who are mentally and physically disabled

shoutout to disabled people who use mobility aids part-time

shoutout to all disabled people, those represented here and not.

every single one of you deserves a society that has dismantled and destroyed the ableism within it, even if we aren't there yet, and to take care of yourselves

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2 years ago

i love you gender fuckery. i love you men in dresses. i love you happy trails on all genders. i love you hairy women and men who struggle to grow any facial hair. i love you trans people who don't try to pass and nonbinary people who don't know what passing means and those people who can't pass even if they want to. i love you trans men who wear makeup and jewelry and skirts and trans women who wear none of those things. i love you nonbinary people with 'binary' names and pronouns and clothes. i love you drag kings and queens and nonbinary drag performers. i love you women who wear boxers, i love you lingerie under work clothes, i love you women who wear packers, i love you men who tuck. i love you butches and feminine queer men and bears and femmes. i love you genderqueer, i love you nonbinary, i love you transgender, i love you in the closet, i love you still figuring it out, i love you just having fun, i love you

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2 years ago

i love you it/its pronouns users. you deserve to be paid $25 every time someone insists that you you're hurting yourself by being comfortable

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2 years ago

“do it for the vine” = allow yourself to live life in the moment instead of maintaining a facade of normalcy for the enjoyment of not only yourself but of those around you

“commit to the bit” = adhere to the guidelines of an event that will in retrospect be nothing but a minuscule footnote, but continue to execute it for the complex web of happiness it brings you and your collective now

“fuck it we ball” = get the most you can out of life by putting the very thrill of being alive first and everyday occurrences and responsibilities last

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2 years ago

sending love out tonight to everyone who is progressively losing their abilities, whether that's movement, ability to walk, eyesight, or hearing.

it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you can't do things that you used to be able to do. I'll be honest, it feels like you're losing control of your life. it can feel very isolating and hopeless. its scary and overwhelming, and it's so hard to deal with.

you are not less than just because you can do less. im proud of you for still being here, and i wish you ease with adjusting to new ways of life. please take care of yourself, i love you.

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2 years ago

it's okay if you get confused easily. it's okay if you forget things easily. it's okay if you lose track during conversation easily. it's okay if you have to ask for clarification often. it's okay if you struggle to parse information or sensory unit. you're not "playing dumb" or "doing it on purpose". it's okay to be disabled, some people just refuse to be accommodating.

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2 years ago

If you experienced trauma in childhood or had a rough childhood, dude listen to me. Offer yourself play. You were deprived of it.

Keep bubbles in the house, blow bubbles in the yard, blow them in your room, get a coloring book that doesn’t have to be an adult one with mandalas, watch cartoons, laugh at stupid things, dress up as a superhero for Halloween, wear a Santa hat on Christmas and big light up snowflake earrings, lay down on the floor, lay down in the grass, eat eggos for dinner sometimes. It’s not stupid. You’re not childish. You’re giving your inner child what they had taken from them. They deserve it.

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2 years ago

My current plan to recover from my mental and emotional existence is to just go so deep into being insane that I'll come out sane on the other side. Being a chronic people pleaser plagued with impostor syndrome stretched me too thin, and that leash simply snapped and I am now a completely untethered, unapologetic vermin.

Fuck having impostor syndrome, if I'm not entitled to be here they should've barred the doors better. If I'm doing everything wrong because of imaginary rules that nobody told me about, that's their problem, you should have made your confusing system more idiot-proof.

I'm not here to please everyone and do everything right. I'm here to make bad art, chew on furniture, make people laugh, cook awful food and look at pretty landscapes, and piss off the people who don't want me to exist. If I have an unseen infinite debt somewhere that I can never pay back, I'm going to keep running that tab until I die. I'm alive purely because the universe is shit at pest control.

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9 months ago

🥹 Thank you.

Trans bodies are good bodies. Disabled bodies are good bodies. Fat bodies are good bodies. Intersex bodies are good bodies. Your body is a good body.

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