Queen Sonia - Tumblr Posts

Some TOTK doodles I made during summer break ☀️ I can't draw Rauru Lol
One: This drawing is beautiful! The sheer amount of detail in... everything, is astonishing. Rauru and Sonia both look beautiful and the affection in their eyes is impossible to miss.
And two: MY HEART!

The first King and Queen of Hyrule. ✨
Unwavering resolve.

⚠️LoZ TOTK Spoliers⚠️
Stealing a girl's secret stone by killing her and then getting a damn lot of hair beautiful???? Bruh??? Ganondorf did not deserve that. Lil bitch. 😭😭

queen Sonia!
I liked how she turned out… though her body is a bit weird since I didn’t plan on drawing her body, just her head.
I’m still practicing this new style.

Baby Rauru and Mineru, there wouldn’t be a better beginning to this account

Rauru: Sonia. Sonia look at that face. Look at how she apologizes for every things she does. That is someone who didn’t have stable parental figures in her life. What kind of monster would look into those eyes and not give her a bokoback ride??
Apple picking with dad :}
What about Dragon Sonia, Dragon Rauru and Dragon Mineru? Would they hang with Light Dragon Zelda and the fact that I'm also wondering if Dragon Sonia would be small too cause of being a Hylian and how eerie a Spirit Dragon would be! Sad too with how Mineru was effected by The Gloom in her final moment. 😱😭

HAD to make Mineru look fucked up and weird as the spirit dragon

You, of course, do want to get back to your time.
Sonia and Rauru's Story Edit
*Spoliers* for Tears of the Kingdom Dragon Tears Quest and most memory sequences.
This is the first edit I've made in I think two years now and hopefully more to come. I hope you like it!
The clips are from the channel Zeldavrse who kindly lets people use their clips for edits. And the song is the beginning of Love Story by Indila
In the drawing where Rauru and Sonia get in the pond or lake or w/e,
I have a quick question, how does Rauru dry off all that hair after??? Does Sonia just rewind time to before his hair was wet??? You have burdened me with questions and I must share them with the world
I have thought about ways Rauru can dry off of all that hair! The time suggestion is a good one, so here are doodles of Sonia helping out with her time powers!

I have the other ideas drawn out, but I'll post them later. This will be part one of the ask!