Tears Of The Kindom Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

I was being silly and decided to draw TOTK link as a Zonai! Or at least, my take on Z!Link. The reason he looks so much like Rauru is because of how he turned into a Zonai- his body was nearly destroyed when Ganon attacked, and so Rauru used his arm to heal him, but he ended up turning into a zonai :P
Short little LU comic under the cut. Z!Wild getting a hold of the FD mask >:)


Link, would you still love me if I were a worm?

im begging y’all do any of you guys know what these “rooms” mean? i’ve found them in all four corners of the map in the depths and in other random spots.
you can use the ascend ability to get up to the surface and maybe thats what they are but i have a feeling they’re something more because the music is so creepy and unsettling??
also ik a similar theme plays in spots by the spirit temple and i have all the sages now and so i brought mineru to one and yet nothing happened so,,, yeahhh.
I know I ain't posted inna hot minute, but like, I'm playing Tears of the Kingdom rn and i'm enjoying it so far!
Also, I've seen some comments on here about Yona and about how she's ugly and whatever.
Y'all, i'm lookin at her and she is so pretty😭 She's literally one of the sweetest people in the entire game! And her and Sidon pair very well together. My only gripe is that she could've been a little bit closer to his size, cuz the height difference is so jarring to me😂.

woah you can go underground in this game? just like underta-

True story. I also needed an excuse to draw my gorgeous vessel that I created to travel the SEA
Also, Here’s the clip with this little glitch 😂
I feel like Link would cry from relief and happiness at the end, just seeing Zelda again after everything. Being able to hold her <3

|〘 ⋇Genre: Drama〙|〘 ⋇W/C:5.2K〙|〘 ⋇ Format: Fic 〙|〘 ⋇Content: 〙 | Yona doubts the authenticity of Sidon’s love after a run-in with a few Hylians suggesting otherwise.|
|〘 ⋇ Content Warnings: 〙This fic is riddled with personal HCS about Yona’s vague home and herself and her relationship with her attendants. This fic has light spoilers from both, BOTW and TOTK Zora Quest line, and general totk. |
|〘 ⋇ 〙 Summary: Yona’s devotion and love for her new home and husband knew no bounds; the pair had been childhood friends but are now being thrust into an arranged marriage. Was it all too fast? The young queen dwells on her doubts, amplified by cruel words.|
|〘 ⋇ 〙 A/N: Hey guys, I’m sorry for dropping out of the plane of existence, I got really busy, stressed and burnt out from writing, school and irl. This is my first Canon x Canon fic ever and I am so freaking proud of it. I cannot wrap my head around this fic being 5.2k words at all, like 😳 jfc. Also!! YONA lovers unite!! She’s very cute and sweet I hope I did our girl justice. Pspsp @enigmaticfossil FOOD. This should go without saying but if you don’t like this couple scroll past. |

"The Zora Domain was once again saved from tragedy by your heroic Swordsman and our beloved King Sidon… I wonder what you might have said seeing your brother and him fighting side by side. While most unproductive, I cannot help that my mind often strays to what could've been, Lady Mipha."
Yona's words swell with bittersweet wonder as she wistfully sighs and peers at the Champion's memorial. Yona's speckled amber eyes searched the tranquil statue's face. What for? She didn't even honestly know herself. Perhaps a sense of relief, or Yona wanted a sign that their demure Champion was watching her brother thrive. What would Yona's childhood hero have said to their union? So many questions that would stay unanswered, the foreign Zora concluded. Her mind wandered to her dear husband, the stars to her night sky.
Despite his unending enthusiasm and carefree air, the Queen knew her husband well to know there was so much more lurking underneath his energetic and hopeful personality. From the outside, it seemed even fear allured him. If only they knew it was the very opposite. Sidon was and still is profoundly affected by his sister's tragic passing, more to say, the fear it caused. Who would blame him for his fear? One hundred years were a blink of an eye for the Zora. Yet time did not heal all. The emptiness in everyone's hearts still aches, just not as much anymore. Everyone can say her name and recount their memory of Mipha with a smile, but her presence would still be longed for.
Finally, Sidon resumed his monthly visits to Mipha's Court, something he hadn't done in a while, even prior to his fight with Ganon. It may be silly for some to speak with a figurine. But this simple action always made Zora fondly smile, recalling days when Mipha would always listen with kind words and a warm aura as she always did before her death.
At the Champion's memorial, Yona recalls an instant from their shared childhood when heavy rains poured down a river they played next to. The torrential downpour rose above the bank, capturing the tiny crimson-screaming prince down the waterway. The foreign Zora was the first to swim after him, willing her smaller verdant fins to move her faster. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she reached her fellow royal. The current lashed the young children, but undeterred, Yona carried him into a small cape. A moment of peace after a hurricane of freight, the water continued to thunder behind them. The tiny child tried to calm the quivering Sidon in her arms while attempting to mend a wounded foot of her own. Then, as all hope seemed lost, frenzied cries welcomed the duo as a frazzled Mipha and royal guards caught up quickly. Mipha soothed their cries, touching their cheeks and promptly healing any injuries.
"My Queen, it's well past the early evening hours. We wouldn't want the subjects, least of all His Majesty, to worry about your disappearance." Webbed footsteps lightly tread behind the Queen as Khira stirs the royal to the present, her voice woven in respectful concern for Yona. Her attendants always stayed close to each other and their Lady out of duty and fondness for each other's company.
Even if Chroma's youthful airheadedness got on the latter's nerves, it was still a comfort brought to the Domain.
Their homeland was nearly unattainable to those who couldn't breathe and tread water as swiftly as the aquatic race. In contrast, Zora's Domain flourished to the elements. While New Bay seldom had hazardous weather. Their home had air pocket caverns filled with seashell shops nestled deep into the sea's safe tides and swaying colors, hidden from the land and its residence—a true secret treasure amongst the merpeople.
"Yes, yes. Of course, I wouldn't wish for Sidon to worry. My apologies to you both. It is late, Chroma, Khira. You did not have to accompany me to the Court. No monsters have dared step foot after that Sludge Like." Yona turns, smiling at her loyal, protective attendants. Her golden headpiece jewelry gingerly clinks as she steps down the stairs; verdant hands glide down the polished handrails. The Caregiver knew full well her guards knew their way around the weapons and their water magic, but still, she felt bad for her friends staying with her so long. Yona was no stranger to marksmanship or training herself in purifying wounds and tainted water.
"Please don't worry about it, Lady Yona! We like looking after you; you're our friend, plus his Majesty asked- Ow!" The youngest Zora cheerfully bubbles, and the older guard swiftly jabs her. The new Queen tilts her head, sighing to herself. Even now, Sidon's still quite protective, isn't he? But still, a loving gesture all the same that makes her heart flutter and cheeks warm.
"Hush you! Do you not know when to flap your lips and when not to? On that note as well, how many times must I lecture you? It is Queen Yona, no longer 'Lady.' Have you no respect or idea of the importance of these titles? My goodness, do my words fall on deaf ears?" Exasperated, Khira shakes her head while glaring at her fellow attendant. The trio starts their short journey home as Yona's muffled laughter spills from her lips, watching her dear friend's antics. The young women stare down the waterfall leading down Lulu Lake.
"Please, be nice. Any more of your reprimands, and I'll go deaf." Squeaks the distraught retainer, dark gray eyes pleading to their Queen for help as they descend through the waters.
Even from an immense height, the radiant city's glow softens the carved-out cliffs, and the bright ore deposits dot the wet landscape, becoming a beacon of beauty and splendor. The sun's wonderous warmth far retreated past the Domain's reach, a touch of cold breezes caressing Yona's skin. Coming to the halfway mark, the Caregiver answers her friend's silent pleas. Standing before the marbled platform, the Zora Queen shifts her attention to her bickering friend.
"Khira, come now, I believe that's enough, we wouldn't wish any harm, and it is only the three of us. You can indeed allow one moment of reprieve. I need not worry about titles, my precious friends." Yona coaxes her friend's long-winded lectures, seeing the elder Zora sigh in defeat and allowing this rare moment of informality, much like the old times. Marching down, Khira and Chroma flank their Queen's side, scanning every direction for any monster or Yiga sneak attack. The clansmen weren't interested in the Zora royal line, but being cautious with the newly crowned royalty never hurt.
Their serenity shatters as a high-pitched undignified whine carries through, cutting into the air as they swim down the final waterfall. The young guards perk up and quickly unsheath their weapons, pushing their Queen further near the falls, providing a swift escape. "Your Majesty, Chroma, stay here. I'll go investigate." A hushed command tumbles from the dark dolphin Zora's lips, eyes narrowing and head tucked down for intimidation.
The royal guard crawls out of the pool, spotting a cluster of thick foliage suitable for an ambush. Rushing to the forest green bushes, Khira ducks down to spy on the ruckus while Chroma guards Yona with her spear, guiding her safely away from the unseen danger. The new ruler braces herself, summoning water to snake around her sharp claws.
"I can't believe Sidon's married already! Come on. He's hitched to some random Zora girl we've never heard of? It doesn't sound like a union from love, y'know? And that, too, he doesn't talk much about her. I don't know; it sounds so fishy. That wasn't supposed to be a pun, by the way." A brown-haired Hylian woman clad in some strange mushroom hat walks into sight, and it seems she isn't alone. The woman's other companions stroll by, a pair of other Hylians complain, and another person in glasses fiddles with their leather satchel.
This group seems relatively young while they remain unabashed, glad to blabber, Khira thinks. Anger wells up in her as the group's voices had no intention of stopping with their ill-meaning talk. She knows that Yona could hear this noise. How could she not? Even a Bokoblin would understand their mad rambles.
"Well, I mean, Khole, we don't know much about Zora's politics, so I don't know if it may be an arranged loveless wedding," The glasses wearing sheepishly, state as they twiddle with short brown hair looking back at their friends. It seems this group was returning from visiting the East Reservoir.
"Amia, you're talking as if we know about our own. After all, our Princess had up and disappeared. Only Hylia knows where she is. Of course, she's nice, but if she were our Princess, she would try to reinstate the crown rather than twiddle around in Hateno. We've been in shambles for a hundred years, and only now are we starting to come back. If my great-grandparents could see how this panned out, they'd give Zelda a big lesson about responsibility. I know they lived on the outskirts of Castle Town. They saw she didn't put her all into protecting us from the Calamity." Another crude voice cuts into the cloud of gossip, and the tallest of the group groans. This one must be Khloe, according to them.
"Khloe, that's not nice. She does some things like building the school. I appreciate that, and even the fact she's somehow alive makes the older and more devout folks more invigorated." The shortest man answers the group, trying to reel in their chat, eyes darting around the wandering travelers.
"I like that she made the school too, but that's all our Princess does; twiddle around, now poof! She's gone along with her silent little knight throwing everyone in all corners of Hyrule for a loop," The mushroom-wearing Khole snorts, not taking the hint and wrapping her arm around the small man.
"Besides, there's only so much teaching can do if they don't know how to fight; you're dead. But I don't even know if this royal has done anything substantial to this, 'Zora Queen.' She appeared out of nowhere too, and I heard the women who had their little fan club are still reeling." Yona has had enough of this slander, slashing into the dancing streams around her hands, instantly dropping into the tide. The young Queen knew their last statement wasn’t true in the slightest, reminiscing the many moments the club members loudly fawned over her and the coupling.
The Zora, as she evades Chroma's eased guard, at brazen conversation in their Domain where these Hylians should be more mindful. These ignorant speculations about their Princess; they didn't see how Zelda collapsed to her knees, too choked on her grief to properly beg forgiveness from former King Dorephan and the royal line. When she emerged from the ruins of Hyrule Castle alongside Link, they didn't see the solemn strength and wisdom that welled behind those teary eyes, renewing her vow of protecting everyone no matter the cost.
But what pained her more was that, deep down, their prodding at the royal coupling hit a sore spot in her heart. The optimistic prince and herself had no say in their engagement. Of course, they had visited each other's kingdoms as young teens. Her heart never wavered in her affections for him and his people, but she often wondered what he felt when King Dorephan told him. The royals scarcely had time to talk and be with each other in private, away from others, along with helping the ill-stricken Zora from the sludge, repairing the Domain and Sidon becoming the Water Sage, and finally helping Link defeat Ganon.
Years after the Calamity and its sting aftermath, they grew dearly fond of each other. He changed, his glowing with unending enthusiasm and the occasional naivete all genuine. But he seemed to hide his deeper emotions from the public, even with his dear father. Either for fear that it would make him seem inexperienced or because he wished to truly earn the crown, Sidon's grown used to hiding his whole heart even now. Yona hoped she'd prove herself to him and eventually be blessed to reach those parts of his soul, knowing he was safe with her.
They've had many conversations about their situation and the future after Link helped Sidon slay the beast that floats in the sky. But old habits formed from grief and feeling inadequate die hard. The King still hides from the outside, so much so that he loathes to admit it. After the kingdom's announcement, she doubted if he truly loved her the same way as she did him as the century passed and their visits grew prevalent. Throughout their youth, they eventually graced each other with the title of a beloved friend.
Did his heart worry for her out of genuine care or for appearances or necessity? Did he yearn to have her beside him as his bride, Queen, and equal because he loved her? Would there be a day that Sidon would smile and proudly show his love to the world like Mei and Fronk?
Yona understood betrothal gifts were essential to the Hyrulean Zora culture, but she wasn't taught that way. Only learning how to mend the armor from other fish scales, her people learned a sacred courtship dance to show their interest. Yona summons her rapid heartbeat to the clearing out of the pooling water, allowing them to see her. Chroma whispers for Yona to stay but emerges from the pool trailing her Lady.
"Enough of your useless babble," The zealous guard seethes, lunging at the group from the overgrown shrubs. Jumping out of their skin, the rowdy quartet leap into each other's arms. They shudder like leaves, eyes firmly screwing closed, far too absorbed in their well-being.
The Zora spear inches away from the supposed root of all this meaningless noise, "You have shown an inexplicable disrespect and regard for both your Princess and our Queen. Your prattle proves nothing among you and your ilk. Your eyes will never see the true nature of these critical figures, and perhaps that is not your desire," Khira grits her sharpened teeth, even the air around them stilled in anticipation.
The grip on her spear tightens with every passing breath as the group hesitantly opens their eyes. The spear aimed at the frightened woman pulls back, and the guard's posture loosens, showing a reluctant sign of mercy and growling while pulling her weapon back. "But I will allow you this grace as well as one warning. You will not sully any of the royal's names here—especially Queen Yona. One would think that Princess Zelda's diplomatic nature would pass for all her subjects. Consider yourselves lucky. I want to avoid pushing more work on their Majesties, so relieving the burden of taking your tongues is out of the realm of possibility."
"Khira! Enough! Stand down." Yona calls out to her fearless attendant; in her mind, she notes how uncharacteristically aggressive the Zora woman is and how strange it is to see her threaten visitors. The Hylians take shaky steps back, looking at the emerging figure. Startled gasps erupt as the attendant glances over her shoulder. Faltering in her angered resolve, seeing the smaller Zora's displeased face. Lifting the sharp spear away, the Caregiver walks in front so the visitors can see her, bowing her head to the cluster of people as they stay silent. The royal could feel their pensive eyes staring into her as if trying to figure her out by tearing her apart.
"I sincerely apologize for my attendant; this is the first time I've seen her act out in such an unsightly manner. This will not go unreprimanded, while this flagrant threat does not deserve quick forgiveness. Please do not think lowly of us. I seem to have pushed my guard to the brink of exhaustion, so much so that one believes violence would be the answer if I can do anything to appease you. You need only ask, and I will do it. But know that I am Queen Yona." The Queen steadies her breath as she lifts her head, jewelry gently clinking. Scanning their faces, Yona watches the group hastily cover their jabber. However, their words have done their damage making Yona feel miserable but still overwhelmingly riddled with uncertainty.
"O-oh, no, no, no, we're sorry. Uh, you don't need to do that. It was immature of us to talk like that. Sorry, you heard that, but you seem nice, but we're just going to go."
The group leader nervously chirps up as she eyes the serious Khira. Another ally of Khloe's speaks up, nodding and clinging to each other's arms. "Thanks for not hurting us. Bye." Making their escape, crossing the connecting bride to the city. Yona's forlorn eyes linger on their retreating forms.
"What was that? That wasn't an apology at all! And Khira, what in the world got into you." Chroma scoffs as she perches her weapon on her back, eyes frantically scanning her two friend's faces trying to understand them. The younger guard pouts to herself and quietly mutters, "And you always get after me for not bringing shame to the Zora name..."
Despite the rowdy crowd's departure, the young women felt the air thick with tension. Meekness gnaws at Khira as she ducks her head down, too ashamed of her reckless actions and making Yona speak for her. She would indeed badger the younger guard, but to think she would act so brutishly was beyond hypocritical.
"I am profoundly ashamed that you had to see that, your Majesty. But saying I feel guilty for silencing their larks would be a lie. I will not tolerate such belligerence towards you and things they don’t wish to comprehend." The Zora grits her teeth, spitting out a response, rising to look at her liege's back. The young woman partially turns, sapphire flecks eyes glance at her taller lady-in-waiting, Yona dutifully declares.
"Allowing emotions to cloud and open the way to conflict isn't like you, and I understand your reasoning. I find myself appreciating the wild gesture, but I will not tolerate any of your outbursts. Lest you want to stay in my service, being the head of state, is to preserve the peace to all that come and go from Zora's Domain, even to those without respect. We must rise above and show kindness," Light Green's side fins sway as she shakes her head. Yona's hand waved for Chroma and Khira to follow suit. She swallows the biting taste in her mouth, cupping her hands before her chest. She absentmindedly picked at her claws; the sound of clicks enveloped the girls as they fell in line, resuming their protective flank. Exchanging worried looks between each other.
"This should go without saying, but please don't tell Sidon. He's been busy, returning from his valiant battle alongside the other sages protecting the land and handling a kingdom. Something so small should not plague his mind. I'm certain I will forget this soon enough." Yona sharply inhales as she tries to lift her spirits, but her words drip despondence. Her heart twists in painful knots, knowing she's going back on her promise of being truthful and open to her love.
"We won't breathe a word." The duo candidly answer as they make their way across the pristine bridge. While a robust familiar figure happily waves in the distance, welcoming them blissfully unaware of what occurred.

The sinking feeling did, indeed, not disappear from Yona's mind. Their words echo in her head, and the festering sense of inadequacy and insecurity lurks in the corners of her mind. It had been a few days since her encounter, and she knew allowing such heated words to get to her was folly. Yona couldn't help her mind slipping into the depths of her doubt. Even to the point, her melancholic air alarmed the elderly councilmen and Exalted Dorephan. The new Queen lacked her signature sweet nature, replacing her charming aura with an absent mind.
While busy creating safe pathways and removing the debris strewn along the narrowing passage from the mainland to their Domain. Sidon grew worried for his Yona. It's been hard not to notice his citizens concerning whispers about her well-being circled the Domain, and his dearest barely stayed by his side after she visited Mipha Court. She seemed off-put and fidgety whenever he was near her. Even the little ones seemed fretful with Yona's unusual behavior, and her attendants acted peculiar, seemingly hiding something.
The warm afternoon sun beams down on Zora's Domain, an occasional breeze passing through his magnificent home. It's almost ironic that the weather contrasts the new King's worrisome thoughts.
"Naydra's eyes, What am I missing?" Sidon mutters, standing before the pristine balcony overseeing the Domain. His sharp eyes longingly linger on Zora's soft green form, watching her speaking with the fisherman, Mei. He was beyond glad the forgetful citizen returned from the Floating Fish Island. Admittedly busy, ensuring his best soldiers to Lookout Landing returned, Sidon remains steadfast in giving his people protection and grace as those before him. He was dutiful in looking after his people's well-being.
So many things happened in a whirlwind of events; first, it was the Upheaval, then the vile sludge desecrating his home, and finally, his unexpected coronation and marriage to his beloved, then assisting Link in his fight against Ganon. The royal Zora ponders if it was as overwhelming to her as it was for him. The young King certainly has no regrets, but the stress of it all tends to invade his mind even when the epic battle has ended.
Rambunctious giggles erupt from below, stirring him from his daze. His sharp eyes flicker between Mei waving to the young King and his darling Queen, now turned up to see him. A magnetic force pulled their eyes to meet, and he could feel his heart stop, breath hitch in his throat when a ghost of a bashful smile graced Yona's lips. Her golden adornments shine, accentuating her beautiful features. His cheeks flushed against his cold skin, and a heart-stopping smile painted his face. It could be only them in the world.
The moment broke too soon for his liking as Yona shyly averted her gaze. It looked like the floor was more enticing to her now; soft laughter rolled from him, uncaring of the whispered swoons and muttering about young love. Unable to tear his gaze away from Yona as the giggling fisherman bows and parts from the royal Zora. Nodding to something Mei told her, the young woman walks the stairs. Sidon's eyes follow her each step, and soon she stands by his side, making the void of her absence the past few weeks far more prominent than before.
"May we speak in private?" Yona's soft, tantalizing voice asks, her eyes peering up at him with sorrow and meekness clouding her usually cheerful aura. Sidon observes her expression, questioning what caused her heart such sadness.
Nodding to her request, he pauses, thinking of places for a private conversation. He knew the open grandeur of the Domain wasn't much for a solitary chat, so they had to travel somewhere close in case a danger arose but far enough so no curious ear listened. Coming to a solution, the crimson Zora answers, nodding to his Yona. "Of course, I'll have the guards notify my father if they need us."
The couple stroll beside each other to young Zora guarding the stairs to the Throne room. "If anything arises from my absence, find Queen Yona and I atop the Veiled Falls. Please tell the Exalt, thank you." Sidon instructs, giving them a polite smile and watching the faithful sentries obediently comply. In the corner of his peripheral vision, he hears the young woman's gasp. Yona’s eyes widen slightly at his chosen place.
"Now, shall we depart, Yona?" Sidon looks to his side. She doesn't meet his gaze but nods all the same. 'Still absorbed in her thoughts. I wish to know what's plaguing you so, my love.' The perplexed Zora thinks to himself, making their short journey to the Falls.

The two sit on the edge of the Veiled Falls. Sidon surveys the landscape before them, the glistening architecture proudly towering as his head turns. An overwhelming sense of pride and wonder swirls in him, overlooking his gorgeous home. The loud water tirelessly tumbles down the Falls, creating white noise and protecting them from potential eyes and ears, allowing them to speak as they please. The extroverted man feels the atmosphere melt away into a reflective air. His sweet empathic nature shines through, but so does a familiar nervousness, worrying he may say something unintentionally unkind. It's truly a marvel how Yona's mere presence reduced him to his shyer, composed side like they were still children.
"I know that I have been busy and thus haven't been with you by becoming crowned king, but it doesn't allow me to negate my husbandry duties… Now love, what plagues you so?" He tenderly questions his wife, seeing her steady her breath, and comes to terms with whatever tortured her.
"My King," Yona starts to wonder aloud, trying to gather the scramble of words in her mind. Her hands are cupping each other in her lap tense, and her shoulders tighten. While Sidon's brow furrows, she never addressed him formally like that before, not even when they were little ones. "I find myself wondering, has our union been too hasty? Am I truly the one you want besides you? Surely someone far more courageous would be a better match." Concern coupled with mere shock overtook him. His eyes widened, looking at her words. He desperately wants to cut her off and ask her, but he holds his tongue, wanting her to feel safe with him. 'Where in the world did this come from?'
"Those days ago, my attendants and I came across a group of people that brought up the validity of our union. I know it's foolish to listen, and in hindsight, it’s minuscule compared to the intrepid battle you returned from only months ago, but I want to be truthful about it." The woman explains. Yona stops turning to look at him. Vulnerability is etched on her face as he patiently waits for her sign to speak.
"If this has made you worry for this long, it’s no small deal. So that's what you've been dwelling on. Do you doubt my feelings?" He politely utters out, the sick tightening in his chest as he waits in anticipation of her answer. Yona says nothing, in silent agreement. She scolds herself for hurting him so much as he rises from his spot, holding his crimson hand for her. The young woman reaches for him as they stand together.
"You recall the importance of this place, yes? This was the last time I saw my sister alive. Days after, we came to mourn after being informed about my sister being trapped in Ruta. I ran to this place to drown in my tears, where no one could hear me. My desperate attempts to swim upstream, this mighty Fall, fell flat. Then miraculously, you came. You found me in the pool,"
"Crying together in each other's arms, I remember. I asked where you were, and I found you here trying to hide." Sidon's large hands engulf Yona's as she jumps in. The young woman knowing this story well, caressing her thumbs around his palms.
"Yes. At that moment, I saw someone I could call a friend. I discovered someone who could see all of me without fearing judgment. Someone that looked at the depths of my sadness and allowed me to grieve unashamed. Someone that I could share my accomplishments with. We were arranged to marry, but I was elated when my father informed me. I could not imagine anyone else by my side. You've continued to be a beloved companion. I fell in love with your compassionate, intelligent, selfless nature. Your ability to know what's troubled me among countless others made me want to return the favor tenfold," Sidon tenderly divulged, finally noticing Yona meet his eye.
The pure warm adoration in his remarks left the doubtful royal speechless. Strings of wispy white clouds pass overhead, shading the two. "I want to continue growing alongside you as the years pass. I want you to know that I will always love you. You, Yona, Are the only one I want to have on my side. I love you with all my heart." Sidon slips his hand away and brushes underneath her side fins, cupping her cheek and stroking her face as if trying to dispel all her worries from her mind. The smaller Zora nuzzles into his calloused hard-working hand, feeling at peace now unyielding to keep her gaze away from his steady eyes.
"I-I should not have allowed a stranger's words to cause such dismay. I'm sorry for doubting your devotion," She pauses, golden eyes fluttering closed, smooshing her cheek into his hand, angry at herself for significantly impacting how she acted towards him and those in the Domain.
"Will you forgive me?" Shame and relief wash over her, watching Sidon nod at her inquiry. His arm snakes around her waist while tugging her close to his chest. She hears the rapid pounding of his heart, feeling tears threaten to spill from her eyes. Willing them away momentarily, she peels from his broad chest, tugging at the gleaming silver prince his chest piece down.
Standing on her tippy toes, Yona wraps her arms around him, leaning into him while Sidon's finned arms securely encase her body in his. They share a sweet moment, their eyes slowly shut, and their lips collide in a kiss. Sparks fly across the two as Sidon deepens the kiss leaning toward her soft lips, wishing to melt into her touch. Quicken groans and gasps escape their lips, and hot puffs of air roll onto their mouths as they kiss again. It felt like gravity pulled them together again, as if it was torture to stay apart for even the air.
Savoring the taste of salt on their tongues, their lungs burn, taunting them to breathe momentarily. Begrudgingly, Yona pulled away. First, labored rasps heave from her petite frame, now noticing that Sidon lifted her from the ground pressing her close to his chest and sitting in his arms. The loud drumming of their hearts pounds in their ears as they silently look at each other. The noisy waterfall downs out their unsteady breaths as they slowly feel a smile perk on their warm faces.
"That wasn't an answer, my love." Mischievously scolding her loyal husband, Yona laughs to herself as he feigns cluelessness. She doesn't want to let go, reveling in his arms and in the love he gave her. "It wasn't? Well, I might need more time to convince you then." Sidon releases a husky chuckle, his voice a tinge of playfulness and desire, his eyes crinkling as his charming smile shines down at Yona, bringing her close again to steal another kiss.

Tagging: @hey-its-cweepy, @millybesippin, @twistthenoches @luvielle @millybesippin @rrasado @cxlemon
Sherbet Shark© all rights reserved. do not copy, modify or repost any of my works - please and thank you

Getting all the sages in TOTK

dragon gf>

Link By Hikari Toriumi, a story artist at Walt Disney Animation Studios
Sonia and Rauru's Story Edit
*Spoliers* for Tears of the Kingdom Dragon Tears Quest and most memory sequences.
This is the first edit I've made in I think two years now and hopefully more to come. I hope you like it!
The clips are from the channel Zeldavrse who kindly lets people use their clips for edits. And the song is the beginning of Love Story by Indila