Quickman - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Got reminded that the quicksilver slime exists so i made this edit

Got Reminded That The Quicksilver Slime Exists So I Made This Edit

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5 years ago

The second numbers as dads


-absolutely not qualified to be a parent but tries his best

-"holy fuck my dad will kill me" or is very open for talking when you've fucked up. No inbetween.

-Always there to listen to you when you're sad

-if he ever catches wind of you getting bullied at school he'll personally make sure they'll never even look in your direction again

-very clumsy so usually you end up having to do cleaning/ cooking

-for your own safety, leave him alone when he's mad


- second worst parental role model, next to crash

-he's the cool dad who hangs out with the chillest people and goes to cool events that you can't come to bc you're still too young

-will definitely try to get you into his interests (racing) by all means, will take you along to watch competitions

-won't admit it but he loves hugs

-definitely cares about you, tends to forget to spend time with you though


-probably the most responsible parent out of all the others

-he's pretty strict when it comes to things like bedtime or going out

-loves you a lot and will show it in form of all means of affection, usually hugs

-often uses terms like "bud" or "sports"

-"we have food at home"

-loves photography, hopes to get you interested as well, will take you hiking or just on a stroll through the woods

-amazing teacher and incredibly smart, will give you answers to all your questions and help you with your homework


-he may look shady, but is actually a pretty cool parent

-hes the reason people don't fuck with you though, he hates violence but if anyone fucks with you they'll probably end up missing

-surprisingly good cook

-dislikes physical affections, but he will show you that he cares in form of his actions

-"i really don't care at what time you come home, just be safe and have fun"

-extremely loose on rules, but still manages to be a good parent and raise a decent kid

-just don't make him mad, if you continuously misbehave he'll find a way to get you disciplined


-will probably give you all the wrong advice, even if he means well

-doesn't care that much about your grades, he only wants you to have a good life

-regular barbeques in the garden

-has definitely torched the house down before

-there's like 10 ac's in the house due to him accidentally making it a living grill

-winter cuddles


-tries way too hard

-he only wants the best for you

-will cry if you hug him


-always makes sure youre doing alright, if you're down he'll make you tea and food and probably watch a movie with you

-not strict enough in fear you'll hate him

-(puberty will be a complete nightmare for the poor guy)

-takes up the bathroom for way too long, has fallen asleep in the bathtub before


-where does he get all his energy from? No idea

-"get off your phone, the weather is great outside, you should go play"

-plant dad, has like 30 different plants and flowers around the house

-doesn't allow pets for two reasons:

They'd mess with his plants, and thinks animals should live freely

-also has a garden where he grows all kinds of fruits and vegetables

-food is always fresh, his cooking is the best, makes sure you're getting a balanced diet

-recycling is a must, he'll whoop you if you litter outside as well

-you once killed a spider and he stayed mad/ sad for the rest of the day


-newspapers and coffee kind of dad

-if you ask him something he'll either tell you to look it up or will talk about it for at least 2 hours, no inbetween

-dont scratch his ego, he takes pride in everything he does

-cleaning freak, will keep every corner of the house dust-free

-"go clean your room" "but i already cleaned it yesterday!"

- he'll try to raise a "perfect" child, might not realize what kind of pressure he puts you under

- in the end he just wants you to do well in the future

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