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8 years ago



mom: you never move 



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Dear readers.

I understand there has been quite a bit of radio silence lately, and uncertainty as to why that is.

Apologies. The fact of the matter is that our house has been quite busy of late, and will, indeed, soon no longer be our house.

We are moving.

We will still be in the same city, but our hunt for a new building is over. Our remaining spare time will likely be spent packing.

Apologies for further delays caused by this.


-Simon Blackquill

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6 months ago

((hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for the sudden stop in posting, I know we're in the middle of a story line. My grandmother just passed, and I've had a few other things on my mind. I'm hoping to resume posting and finish out the story soon, but it'll depend on how we're doing over here.))

((thank you for all your patience))

((-Marina, aka Mod))

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