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The recoms: night owl squad (gone wrong?)
Brown: -recording- Go go go go!
Lyle: -playing dance dance revolution and trying to beat Lopez’s high score-
Ja: Damn Bro Finna break the damn game
Mansk: idek why I’m here
Brown: Don’t care didn’t ask
Lyle: -the song ends and Lyle is out of breath panting like a dog-
Lopez: and you were sooooo close
Lyle: why just why
Brown: y’all wanna find other stupid shit to do?
Ja: hell yeah!
Mansk: im getting tired so I’m gonna go hit the stack night -goes to the sleeping quarters and goes back to back to bed-
Lopez: he just don’t wanna get in trouble
Ja: facts
Lyle: well what else can we do late at night
Brown: I have the perfect idea!
Ja: oh lord i already have a bad feeling
Brown: ok so -explains how they’re gonna try and steal some alcohol from the cafe and play never have I ever but you have to take a shot if you done it-
Lopez: sounds stupid…..IM IN
Lyle: sound good
Brown: let’s do it!
-they end up stealing the alcohol and some shot cups so they could play their game. don’t do this at home kids-
Brown: -pours everyone one shot- ok I’ll go first cause we all know how to play right.
-they all nod-
Brown: ok good so never have I ever slapped quaritchs ass
Lyle: -takes a shot-
Lopez: Lyle wtf
Lyle: he got a dumpy
Ja: yeah no
Brown: fruity but ok
Lopez: ok ok ok Never have i ever told someone that they looked good but they look like shit
-they all take a shot-
Lyle: I don’t wanna make them feel bad
Brown: Sometimes…lying is nessasary
Lopez: Yup
Ja: -Gags- it tastes bitter
Lyle: you never drank before?
Ja: no! I promised my mother that I would have GOOD lungs and HEATHY liver.
Brown:…….that’s a damn lie
Ja: bitch
Lyle: ok never have I ever stabbed myself in the leg
Brown: -takes a shot- ….it was by accident
-moments later they’re all drunk off their asses and end up doing more stupid shit. Warren cue the ad-
Warren: Why don’t people simp for me
-STOP BREAKING THE DAMN 4TH WALL….excuse me I gotta do something-
-ok I’m back so like I said drunk off their asses and they ended up doing more stupid shit because I said so. part 2 maybe?-