Redemption - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago

The LORD has anointed me … to proclaim the favorable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God

--Isaiah 61:1-2

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11 years ago

Initially, it is not the death of Christ that saves us, but our belief in it. Yet our faith in the promise of Christ's salvation through his death and resurrection must have a true basis; otherwise our faith is in vain. That's why John says, 'For whatever is born [or reborn] of God overcomes the world; and THIS IS THE VICTORY that has overcome the world—our faith.' --1 John 5:4. 'By faith Noah, being warned by God about things NOT YET SEEN ... became an heir [was saved] of the righteousness which is according to faith.' --Hebrews 11:7. This is why we are reminded that faith is not of things already witnessed, but of things to come: 'Now faith is the assurance of things HOPED FOR, the conviction of things NOT [YET] SEEN.' --Hebrews 11:1.

--Eli of Kittim

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10 years ago

On Purim (Monday March 17th), Rabbi Moshe Shternbuch, Head of the Rabbinical Court of Jerusalem, allowed a secret to slip out. He peeled back the curtain and offered a peek into a tradition handed ...

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10 years ago
"Summed Up In The Context Of All Human History." Eli Of Kittim, Author Of The Little Book Of Revelation:

"Summed up in the context of all human history." ― Eli Of Kittim, author of The Little Book of Revelation: The First Coming of Jesus at the End of Days

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10 years ago

He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together [subsist].

Colossians 1:15-17

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3 years ago
Are The Four Living Creatures Of Revelation Alien, Human, Or Angelic?

Are the Four Living Creatures of Revelation Alien, Human, or Angelic?

By Author Eli Kittim


Ezekiel’s Account

In the Old Testament (OT), Ezekiel’s book describes the prophet’s “visions of God” (1.1), especially those of four living creatures. Ezekiel recounts it as follows (1.4-5 NRSV):

As I looked, a stormy wind came out of the

north: a great cloud with brightness around

it and fire flashing forth continually, and in

the middle of the fire, something like

gleaming amber. In the middle of it was

something like four living creatures. This

was their appearance: they were of human


What Ezekiel saw were not actual creatures or beasts but rather figures that resembled them. He describes seeing the “likeness” or “similitude” (דְּמ֖וּת də·mūṯ) that resembled four (Heb. חַיּוֹת ḥayyōṯ) living creatures or beasts. Then, the prophet begins to describe their appearance (מַרְאֵֽיהֶ֔ן mar·’ê·hen). Ezekiel 1.5 says that they had the likeness of ’ā·ḏām (i.e. of a man or a human being). Ezekiel 1.6-7 further describes them as follows:

Each had four faces, and each of them had

four wings. Their legs were straight, and the

soles of their feet were like the sole of a

calf's foot; and they sparkled like burnished


Ezekiel’s narrative doesn't appear to describe human beings but rather some kind of extraterrestrial (or transhuman) creatures or beasts (1.5). Furthermore, no human being has straight legs or “the sole of a calf’s foot” (v. 7). However, with regard to these physical descriptions, including their feet that “sparkled like burnished bronze,” I have tried to show elsewhere that this imagery may be associated with Jesus Christ (cf. Rev. 1.13-15). See my article, “Christ The Terminator: Half Man Half Machine”:

Christ The Terminator: Half Man Half Machine
Eli of Kittim
“I’ll Be Back” By Author Eli Kittim End-Time Visions of the Messiah’s Robotic Enhancements What if Jesus paid a steeper price for our sa

Ezekiel also mentions that “they had human hands” (v. 8). Then, in vv. 10-11 he says:

As for the appearance of their faces: the

four had the face of a human being, the

face of a lion on the right side, the face of

an ox on the left side, and the face of an

eagle; such were their faces.

This symbolism is reiterated in Revelation 4.6-7. As we will see, Ezekiel’s “creatures” of the tetramorph, which are depicted in animal forms, appear to be different portraits of the Messiah, even though in the Book of Revelation they seem to be completely separate from him.

The 4 living creatures are depicted as winged figures, which are archaic symbols of divinity. The lion seemingly represents Christ (Rev. 5.5), alluding to his royal stature as conqueror! The ox appears to illustrate Christ’s sacrifice. In Mt 11.28-30, Christ wants us to heed his warning so as to be equally yoked:

Come to me, all you that are weary and are

carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you

rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from

me; for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls. For my

yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

The wooden yoke or beam that is typically used between a pair of oxen seems to represent the cross of Christ as well as the injunction to take up our cross and follow him, and to unite ourselves to him (Mt. 16.24). Finally, the eagle depicts the divinity of Christ (cf. Rev. 8.13).

An alternative but Christ-based model of the tetramorph is the patristic interpretation, which depicts the four living creatures as symbols of the 4 evangelists’ accounts of Christ. There are different versions but most follow the description of Epiphanius’ (310-403) account:

Matthew’s gospel portrays the man.

Mark’s gospel depicts the lion.

Luke’s gospel represents the ox.

John’s gospel symbolizes the eagle.

Notice the OT description of the four living creatures in which “all four were full of eyes all around” (Ezek. 1.18). Compare this verse with that from the New Testament (NT) concerning the Lamb of God “standing as if it had been slaughtered, having seven horns and seven eyes” (Rev. 5.6). In fact, Ezek. 1.28 clarifies and summarizes the aforesaid vision by making the following declaration:

This was the appearance of the likeness of

the glory of the Lord.

So, from a Christian perspective, this sounds very much like Christ the Lord!


The Apocalyptic Vision of Revelation 4 through 6

In the NT, the four figures of Rev. 4.6 that are “full of eyes in front and behind” (cf. Ezek. 1.18) are called animals or creatures (τέσσαρα ζῷα), not angelic beings. As for the “twenty-four elders” of Rev. 4.4, they are discussed at length in my article “Who Are the Twenty-Four Elders of Revelation Chapter 4?”:

Eli of Kittim
“Around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and golden cr

The Book of Revelation gives us additional information about the function of these four “creatures” and what they actually do. Apparently, they act as models and influencers of worship (Rev. 4.8-11), while crying a triple invocation of holiness:

Day and night without ceasing they sing,

‘Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty,

who was and is and is to come.’ And

whenever the living creatures give glory and

honor and thanks to the one who is seated

on the throne, who lives forever and ever,

the twenty-four elders fall before the one

who is seated on the throne and worship

the one who lives forever and ever; they

cast their crowns before the throne, singing,

‘You are worthy, our Lord and God, to

receive glory and honor and power, for you

created all things, and by your will they

existed and were created.’

A major difference between the Ezekiel account and the one in Revelation 4 is that, in the latter, the living creatures are completely separated and distinct from Christ!

The similarities can be explained by the principle of “expositional constancy.” This principle is based on the notion that an image or idiom is employed in the same way (consistently) throughout the Bible. The fact that the same symbols are used both for the Messiah and the living creatures suggests an intimate connection between them. Thus, the images of messianic typology in the OT seem to be related to those in the NT.

Moreover, notice that the living creatures are explicitly described as “animals” (Gk. ζῷα), not as part of the angelic host. Any inference on our part to associate them with the cherubim or any of the other orders of angels is unbiblical because it cannot be substantiated. In point of fact, no angel has ever been described as an animal (Gk. ζῷον) in the Bible! However, a living being, such as a human being, can also be defined as a creature. In fact, in his work entitled “Politics,” Aristotle says that “man is, by nature, a political animal.” Thus, the NT references to ζῷα or creatures may be allusions to human beings, and especially to the humanity of Jesus.

In the Abrahamic religions, the seraphim are considered to be heavenly beings with either two or three pairs of wings and functioning as throne guardians of God. They’re traditionally known as the burning ones who praise God night and day by means of the Trisagion liturgical hymn (i.e. Thrice Holy): “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3). In Christian angelology, the seraphim are considered among the highest-ranking heavenly beings, comprising pure light, who seem to have direct communication with God. Some think that they’re an exalted order of angels aka cherubim. But despite the cherubim’s proximity to the throne of God, there are notable differences. For example, the cherubim have 4 wings whereas the seraphim have 6 wings, and the latter fly overhead whereas the former do not. Therefore, these disparate Biblical passages do not seem to depict the same phenomena or the same living creatures. For instance, in Isaiah 6.2 these celestial beings are called śə·rā·p̄îm (Seraphim), not beasts. Similarly, the cherubim are called hak·kə·ru·ḇîm (Gen. 3.24), not creatures (cf. Rev. 19.4 where the 4 living creatures are called ζῷα or “animals”). So, even though the 4 living creatures are, in some respects, reminiscent of the seraph in Isa. 6.2-3, they have vastly different depictions.

Are the Four Living Creatures UFOs?

Given that Ezekiel’s account has sometimes been interpreted as a UFO sighting, the animal-like “creatures” that are neither fully human nor decidedly angelic could therefore qualify as “aliens,” according to the Ancient astronaut theorists. This is the pseudoscientific hypothesis that intelligent, extraterrestrial beings from other planets visited the earth in prehistoric times using technologically advanced spaceships. In this instance, they’re basing their theory on various Biblical accounts, such as the one in Genesis 6.2 in which “the sons of God” made contact with human beings who gave birth to giants (called “Nephilim”). These events occurred “when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them” (Gen. 6.4).

But the Ancient astronaut theorists are especially interested in the extraordinary account of Ezekiel chapter 1. Ezekiel 1.13 seems to be suggesting some type of spacecraft propulsion, including “something like a wheel within a wheel” (v. 16), not to mention various other references to “wheels” and to *flight* (vv. 19-20), as well as “something like a dome” or a sphere on top of them (v. 22). These descriptions seem to indicate some kind of advanced alien spacecraft. Not only are the images reminiscent of a UFO but also the “creatures” themselves appear to be alien in that they’re neither human nor angelic in nature. So, the question of their origin deserves a legitimate biblical investigation.

However, Ezekiel clearly states that he had a vision (1.1), not a close encounter of the third kind. Ezekiel’s account, therefore, comprises a spiritual experience, not a physical contact with aliens. In fact, Ezekiel heard audible voices from heaven and describes the experience as “the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord (1.28). As for the “creatures” themselves (based on the imagery that is used), they seem to be identified with Christ to such an extent that it is difficult to separate the two. That’s because the living creatures are the royal emissaries of Christ! As you will see, they’re part of the exclusive elite group that governs heaven. And they’re part of the glorious throne room of God. Here’s an example. In the midst of the throne——between the 4 living creatures and the 24 elders (the inner circle of God)——is Christ (5.6). Revelation 5.8-10 reads:

When he [Christ] had taken the scroll, the

four living creatures and the twenty-four

elders fell before the Lamb, each holding a

harp and golden bowls full of incense,

which are the prayers of the saints. They

sing a new song: ‘You are worthy to take the

scroll and to open its seals, for you were

slaughtered and by your blood you

ransomed for God saints from every tribe

and language and people and nation; you

have made them to be a kingdom and

priests serving our God, and they will reign

on earth.’

Notice, the text doesn’t say that by his blood Christ ransomed for God extraterrestrials from the multiverse, from every solar system, planet, and alien life form. On the contrary, it says that those that Christ redeemed “will reign on earth.”

The 4 Living Creatures Have a Surpassing Knowledge of God Which Raises Them to Divine Status

And when Christ took the book, the 4 creatures and the 24 elders prostrated themselves before the Lamb and sang a new song of praise and thanksgiving. It appears as if these holy congregations are presided over by these high-level government officials, as it were, who appear to be the highest-ranking officers or high priests in God’s inner circle. They have direct access to God. They seem to be next in rank to Christ and are, perhaps, empowered to serve as ecclesiastical authorities in his absence. The 4 living creatures are God’s elite group who lead the myriads of angels in prayer (5.14), who preside over the dissemination of prophecy, including the dispensation of judgment, as in the breaking of the 7 seals in Revelation 6.

Notice the chain of command. Christ opens the seals and the 4 living creatures, in turn, make the official proclamations. For example, during the breaking of the first seal, the first living creature summons forth, “as with a voice of thunder, ‘come’ “ (6.1). The second creature also commands “come,” in relation to the 2nd seal, the red horse (6.3). The same thing occurs with the 3rd seal (6.5). Then, in Rev. 6.6, the 4 living creatures pronounce the judgment! And, once again, the 4th seal is announced by the 4th creature (6.7). Based on their function and position, the four living creatures appear to be the highest order of celestial beings in the upper echelons of God’s government.

But it remains enigmatic why they are referred to as creatures. Given that they are the highest form of life, they might appear to us as strange and, perhaps, even terrifying creatures. Let’s not forget what God says in Exod. 33.20:

you cannot see my face; for no one shall

see me and live.

After all, God, the Son of God, and the four living creatures are all extraterrestrials. They are not human. Christ is the only extraterrestrial who becomes human in order to redeem humanity. But he, too, like Superman, “is not from this world” (Jn 18.36). The Matthew Henry Commentary on Revelation 4 says that by mentioning the many eyes of the living creatures, scripture is denoting their “sagacity, vigilance, and circumspection.” In other words, they seem to possess powers that are close to those of God!

As to the identity of the 4 creatures, John Gill’s exposition of the Bible (Rev. 4.6) mistakenly says:

the angels cannot be intended, because

these four living creatures are said to be

redeemed by the blood of Christ, and are

distinguished from angels in (Revelation


Although the angels are certainly not intended to describe them, nowhere is there any evidence that the four living creatures were redeemed by the blood of Christ! But Gill’s commentary is correct in refuting the notion that the 4 creatures represent the evangelists, because “it makes John to be one of the four creatures which he saw.” John Gill’s commentary also understands the important administrative functions of the 4 living creatures with regard to Judgment. It says:

and one of them is said to give to the seven

angels the vials of wrath to pour out …

(Revelation 15:7).

John Gill’s exposition of the Bible (Rev. 4.6) correctly states that the four living creatures cannot possibly be the tribulation saints:

these four living creatures are distinguished

from the hundred and forty four thousand

on Mount Zion, in ( Revelation 14:1

Revelation 14:3).

Thus, the four living creatures are neither angels nor men.



According to the Genesis 1 creation account, God’s focus is predominantly on the earth, not on other planets, solar systems, or galaxies. What is more, in Colossians 1.16, the author——most likely Paul, since the letter’s authenticity is still staunchly defended by many credible scholars——gives us a short briefing on “all things in heaven and on earth [that] were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers.” The only other classes of beings that are mentioned, other than humans, are the spiritual beings which have been traditionally grouped into three celestial orders (from highest to lowest): the Seraphim/Cherubim & Thrones; the Dominions/Powers; and the Principalities/Archangels & Angels. No other life forms are mentioned.

In fact, Revelation 21 shows that the destruction of the universe is associated with a recreation of “a new heaven and a new earth” (v. 1). But this is all done with humanity in mind (v. 3):

And I heard a loud voice from the throne

saying, ‘See, the home of God is among

mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be

his peoples, and God himself will be with


The text doesn’t say that all life forms will eventually unite and live on earth. It only mentions mortals (Gk. ἀνθρώπων). In fact, there’s no Biblical evidence that God created any other alien life-forms. Those who claim that Hebrews 1.2 refers to many worlds are in error because the Greek term αἰῶνας refers to ages or cycles of time, not to physical worlds. It’s a mistranslation. Moreover, Christ redeemed humans, not aliens. He himself became man (Jn 1.14; Phil. 2.7) and will one day resurrect *humans* (not extraterrestrials). God's plan of redemption (Eph. 1.7-14) is exclusively for human beings. In fact, the entire universe will be destroyed and remade so that redeemed humans (not aliens) can inhabit it, according to the text.

At any rate, God “is not from this world” (Jn 18.36), and neither are the 4 living creatures. So, although there is no evidence of physical extraterrestrials roaming around on other planets, the invisible kingdom of God is itself of extraterrestrial origin. And since the four living creatures are deeply identified with Christ, and are neither angels nor men, they might be the highest form of life ever created by God, ranking above the angelic host, second only to the Trinity!


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9 years ago

Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month

Hello All, It's that time of the month for the "Jewels of Truth Statements & Favorite Quotes of the Month" by other notable sources. Today's trio of spiritual wisdom statements topics are: Love, Lovers, and Redemption. In the series long count of #1084-1086 however also included in my published Volume 3 book of "Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues". For those of you who are first time readers thank you for visiting. My work is that of an Angelic Oracle or Channeler utilizing the technique of clairvoyant automatic writing for the past 20 years now. My / Our Angels teach and advise through me for the benefit of all people using a sage like mystical wisdom. There are 455 freely available spiritual wisdom statements on this blog site of "Atrayo's Oracle" for your benefit. You'll just need to hunt and peck by calendar date to locate them since there's no index. Otherwise purchasing a Book, Kindle or Nook edition goes a long way to support my work. :o) So please enjoy and may these statements entice you in your own personal faith tradition whatever it may be in a beautiful grace. ========================= Love: 1084) A great Love is always timeless in how it is given and received by those with the capacity to notice its fullness. Such a true love is not superficial it is often filled with ardent sacrifices exchanging what is here now. For what may come later if it is willed strongly enough under a decisive discipline in compassion. Those lovers and saints of pristine character of the heart, mind, and soul are a true personification of what it means to live with a thoughtful purpose. Not to be easily dismayed by setbacks and not truly in denial of the reality of any given situation. What may come, will come but with a prepared mindset of strength in this life. For walking such a route one is never truly traveling alone in the "Holy Spirit". The Love as a great love nourishes everything with the bumps and bruises all along the way. Such an unconditional love as a graceful discipline instills gratitude for all the achievements and blessings encountered throughout one's experiences. No matter the scale be it the big to the tiniest, the ordinary into the extraordinary in fullest expression. It is all a grace from God(dess) to be alive no matter how it has been defined. It is a thing of beauty in spite of the difficulties. Just because we can love nearly like God in an unconditional fashion once more in eternity as living mortals. Amen.                                                     ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Lovers:

1085) When lovers catch each other in sweet tender embraces of the heart by sharing each other's bodies in bliss. Often it is built on a set of undisclosed assumptions of what they seek in the other lover. Such attributes of character may or may not be present in truth. Be it in any sexual satisfaction and surely the passions to follow in being together for a time. The joys will only last if the love is built on solid ground with open expectations communicated by both. The reality of the ordinary will shift the passions into another streamlined awareness in living together as lovers. Initial assumptions of your partner will begin to fade as all first impressions recede into the background of each other's lifestyle choices.

Here is when romantic partnerships are tested the most severely. It is in the consequences of what is expected and what actually occurs in truth. Only a true love will reconcile the faults in another’s behavior with acceptance and forgiveness. Humor in good taste will often go a long way to mend emotional sadness experienced together or alone. Whereby what is accepted doesn't force the other into a shape they aren't truly as themselves in conduct. All lovers’ folly begins in making the first wave of wishes into eventual ultimatums of your romantic partner. Badgering your lover into submission is a recipe of heartache and sorrows in any relationship. Both lovers must be willing near equally to be attentive to the other in needs and wants within reason. Otherwise one will surely drift away like flotsam on the open tide from your heart and eventually from your life as a whole. Compromise followed by compassion in respecting each other's boundaries in order to be rejuvenated for the other in life. This will guarantee "What Is" will continue "To Be" in togetherness as the trials and joys will cross your path time and again in this life.                                                                                 ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Redemption:

1086) To lose oneself with abandon in a sense of much needed responsibility is reckless indeed. However to lose one's ego is to regain your authentic self by all that is blessed in nature. In all mannerisms that allows you to shine a light upon your worthy soul. This is the holy light of redemption upon the rock of an ever present faith in your goodness. All goodness shall set you free to pursue what are your solemn gifts in this one life. Where prior you lacked the courage to move forward with confidence due to fears of rejection or failure. This divine light will shine within you a revealing glow filled with a truth in a compassionate manner. With a compassion that will lead you away from the appearances of petty differences of circumstance. Into a greater picture of what it means to succeed not just with a material abundance but in a sublime grace as well. This will become part of your spiritual vision understanding that life is a spiral of indirect consequences influencing your direct results.

Living with an unconditional love as an outlook will only give you the resolve to keep on when you otherwise just want to quit. This sacred love will fill you with the "Holy Spirit" each time teaching you the renewable resource of God's Spirit. It is all around you as your energetic soulful self in divine principle. This is the love that caught you when you first took a leap of faith long ago and continue to do so each time as needed. Be well, live past your ego well into your spiritual self as your eternal essence has become real before your very eyes. Amen.                                                                                                ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 20 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the angelic host. Ivan is the author to the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 10 years plus existence online. 


Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.                                                                ---Brene Brown.

Busyness is not a reason for not getting other things done. It is an excuse for not claiming your true priorities.                                         ---Alan Cohen. 

Your painful emotions are designed to bring your attention to the parts of your personality that you were born to challenge and change, so that you can transform yourself from an angry, jealous, avaricious, or even vengeful person into one who is compassionate, wise, and grateful for Life.                                                                                        ---Gary Zukav.

Everywhere you stumble, your treasure lies. ---Norman Lear.

Everything in the world makes sense and is wonderful if viewed through open eyes.                                             ---Jose Ortega y Gasset.

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3 years ago
Weve All Seen A Police Drama Where A Criminal Is Brought Into An Interrogation Room With The Hope That

We’ve all seen a police drama where a criminal is brought into an interrogation room with the hope that he’ll admit to the crime he committed. After hours of questioning and presenting evidence of wrongdoing, one of two things would happen. Either he’d adamantly continue to DENY that he was not at fault or finally break down and CONFESS that he was guilty.

The word “Confess” has an interesting etymological origin in that it is composed of two words of “con” meaning 'with' and “fateri” meaning 'acknowledge, know, declare or admit the validity of' something. So when we confess we are saying that what we have done is wrong

As today’s verse tells us, we need to admit — that is CONFESS — before God that we are guilty of our sins, and for certain we ALL are guilty of something! However, unlike those that admit their crimes to the police will certainly go to PRISON, those that confess their crimes before God with a contrite heart go to ETERNAL LIFE because Romans 10:10 promises us that “with the mouth (your) confession is made (becomes your) salvation.”

At this point your CON-fession then becomes your PRO-fession, because just as Christ declares you before the Father:

“Whosoever therefore shall CONFESS me before men, Him will I CONFESS also before My Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32

Likewise as a result of our CONFESSION, “let us (likewise) hold fast our profession (of faith)” [ Hebrews 4:14) ] When you do that, you the will go from CONFESSION TO PROFESSION not just before God, but also before others.

When it comes to YOUR standing before God and the world, are you CONFESSING or DENYING to Christ in your life?

God Bless Your Day, Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Did You Know That Everything We Do Outside Of Gods Will Leave A Black Mark On Our Soul,but That The Good

Did you know that everything we do outside of God’s will leave a black mark on our soul, but that the good news is that every single mark can be erased with the blood of Jesus?

Maybe you are asking how can the blood of anyone erase these marks? Well, the answer my friend is that the blood of Jesus bled out for you long before you were even born. He died 2,000 years ago on a wooden cross so that you would not have to wear those marks of sin and took all your sins upon Himself so that you could live eternally in heaven.

The blood of Jesus is pure and holy. When you come to know Jesus as your LORD and SAVIOR He washes all those marks of sin completely out of you and wipes every mistake of your life OUT just as if you never had them! When you receive this gift and accept what Christ has done for you, you will know deep inside that they are gone and you will have no desire to mark yourself in sin again.

There’s a wonderful old hymn called “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” that says: “What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make me clean within? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! Oh, precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

If the world is pulling you and drawing you into sin that keeps continuing on and on in your life, stop right now and ask Jesus to come into your life. Come with all your heart and just say:

Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I surrender myself to you.

When you take that step and confess your sins to him, he will lead you to a fulfilled life. Allow the Lord to erase those marks you’ve been making on your soul. Give them to Jesus and Let Him Erase Them ALL...and He WILL!

The Apostle Peter wrote:

“Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as a lamb without blemish and spot.” 1 Peter 1:18

When you read the Bible, ask God to give you a deep desire to read, retain, and apply His WORD in your life. Then thank and praise God that He has made a way for all your sins to be forgiven. God has a better plan of hope, love, provision waiting for you when you decide to receive God’s forgiveness, and experience His love. Come and follow Jesus. Apply the SIN ERASER to your life!

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
getnotesonlife -

This is the 666th “Your Daily Note” and it is fitting that this message is dedicated to this well known, but still mysterious and ominous number.

Most people recognize 666 as something evil and sinister, but as this verse instructs, one is advised to search out and recognize what this means as it will have immense future ramifications one day (soon?) on all people in the world.

Biblical prophecy — and by Jesus himself — says that the world will enter a time of trouble greater than any in all of history. It will be marked by war, famine, pestilences, and great natural disasters, all of which will increase in frequency like pregnancy birth pangs in a seven year period called THE TRIBULATION. It will begin with a 'great reset' of the peoples of the earth to culminate into a one world government led by one man called THE ANTI-CHIRST who will control all activity.

Despite our best efforts, no one knows exactly what 666 precisely means, nor can we determine who this 'BEAST' and “Son Of Perdition” is today, but given the signs happening in the world it is clear the time of the Anti-Christ and the MARK OF THE BEAST OF MR. 666 is coming Soon.

The Bible says in Proverbs 21:31 that “The horse (i.e. money, power, provisions, 'prepping') is prepared (in vain) against the day of battle (i.e. trouble or tribulation) but SAFETY is of the LORD.“ The WRATH of the evil man of 666 will come upon the world, and the only REAL safety from him and the Great Reset, New World Order, and Mark of the Beast of 666 is in Jesus Christ.

Friend, the world is spinning faster and faster out of control. The warning signs of evil are growing daily. Turn your life to Christ and receive this promise:

“For God hath not appointed us to WRATH, But to obtain SALVATION By our Lord Jesus Christ” - 1 Thessalonians 5:9

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
getnotesonlife -

An artist friend and I once were in a little country antique store. From floor to ceiling were interesting items from home, farm, and field. As we walked through there on a hot, humid afternoon, she suddenly stopped at one picture that was not hidden behind piles of junk. It was a painting that she had created many years ago that had become LOST over time into the world but now was FOUND, and she immediately REDEEMED it, joyously bringing it back to herself.

Likewise, we are like that lost painting! We were made by our creator, LOST in this world, but have always been a precious picture in God’s eyes. Just like my artist friend, God also delights in finding and redeeming us back and does so with something far great than money, and that is the Blood of Christ which was paid for our redemption.

Friend, the Bible tells us that Christ came into this 'store of the world' to “To seek and to save that which was LOST.” [ Luke 19:10 ] There’s just one catch! Don’t be hiding behind the junk of this world, but be open to being found!

While God is seeking you, you ought also to be seeking Him.

Are you open to being found?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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2 years ago
Just As Eggs Go With Bacon, Peanut Butter With Jelly, And Hot Dogs With Beans, The Pair Of MERCY & GRACE

Just as eggs go with bacon, peanut butter with jelly, and hot dogs with beans, the pair of MERCY & GRACE also go together and are God’s gift to all that want to receive it. Here’s why.

The Bible says that our sin is a debt (with compounding interest!) that we acquire in our lives that we can never pay back. The consequence for this liability is that every one of us deserves punishment and separation from God for our sins, but God has given us a 'Get Out Of Jail Free Card' that exempts us from the punishment we deserve! You see, the FINE of our sins has been paid for through Jesus Christ who took our sins upon Himself. He didn’t just pay a 'Bail,' HE PAID THE FINE! with this dual pair of MERCY & GRACE.

You see, it’s very simple!

MERCY Is NOT getting (the punishment) that we DO DESERVE (and) GRACE Is getting (the blessings) that we DO NOT DESERVE Friend, you can receive the 'Mercy & Grace' card simply by confessing with your mouth that you are a sinner, believing in your heart in what Christ did paying for your sins and rising from the dead, and start living your life for Him by HIS standards and ways - and not your own.

If you have not done this would you do this right now? Otherwise, TOMORROW is another day of compounding interest on a debt that Jesus has already paid. All you need to do is draw the MERCY & GRACE CARD and your sins will be forgiven.

Will you choose that card today?

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
If There Is One Thing That People Say They Want Most In The World, It Is PEACE, But What Is Peace?

If there is one thing that people say they want most in the world, it is PEACE, but what is peace?

Popular perception is that 'peace' means 'Lack Of Conflict' and while that is true, a deeper definition of peace is WHOLENESS.

You see, the opposite of PEACE is PIECES, so just as conflict divides people, true peace brings people together into WHOLENESS, and this is what Jesus meant when he said:

“I am leaving you with a gift— Peace of Mind and Heart. The peace I give is a gift The world cannot give. Do not be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

This is why as today’s scripture verse says we must pursue and seek peace for the sake of people and the entire world, and that True Peace is only found from heaven above and not from earth below. That’s why Jesus said two verses earlier in John 14:26 that He would send the Holy Spirit and that He Will TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and that message is teaching wholeness to people and to a divided, broken world.

Friend, seek peace and pursue it, because the wholeness that His perfect peace begins in you will bring you from this life to the next...and will also help bring the TRUE PEACE of WHOLENESS to the world.

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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1 year ago
By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

By Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

Have you noticed that people these days don’t seem to use the word 'SIN' or even recognize that it even exists? The truth of the matter is that Sin Does Exist and the Bible says that sin is any action, feeling, or thought that goes against God’s standards of unrighteous. [ 1 John 3:4; 5:17 ] Sin, quite simply, is simply failing to do what is right.

All of our sins – be they acted out or nurtured secretly in our heart are born out of a belief that by doing the sin will make us happier or make our life easier than obeying God. Nobody sins out of duty, but instead out of SELF.

A good example of this was Adam and Eve. While God told them not to eat from the tree of good and evil, the snake tricked them into believing that “Their eyes would be opened and be as gods, knowing good and evil.” [ Genesis 3:5 ] Satan’s deceitful spin on this tricked Eve into believing that she would be better off if she ate the fruit, and that is exactly what sin is — a deceitful idea that is acted out, but in the end it is never how we’d like it to turn out.

The continuing problem with sin is that one sin usually leads to another. When we are caught in an addicting, habitual sin, we are held captive like a ball and chain in a deceptive belief that it will make us happy, yet it is not only difficult - but destructive - to ourselves, and often times to others. We may even loathe our sin in certain ways, even feel shame over it with a sincere desire to be free, but as long as we allow it we are chained to it.

If that sounds familiar, the secret to cutting that chain is instead realizing that the better promises God has made by following His path and this ALWAYS leads to a better end than “enjoying the pleasures of sin for a season” [ Hebrews 11:25 ]

Is this easy? Honestly, it’s hard because you have shaped your perceptions and behaviors for a long time, and you need to RE-SHAPE your mind into God’s thinking…and this is at the heart of the deep meaning of the word REPENT. To truly repent means to Change One’s Mind. To break free from the chains of sin you have and cut the chain that ties you to old thinking. It cannot be halfway! Either you remain tied or you Cut The Tie.

Friend, unless you become convinced that this is true, your old way of thinking will keep you tied to your sin. Starting today, CHANGE YOUR MIND and “Cut The Chain That Binds You To Sinful Thinking” by “Having the Mind Of Christ.”

God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You

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4 years ago

He could’ve had a whole Zuko like redemption arc 😭😭



His character development would have been the best in history tbh

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1 year ago

C R E E K.

We have had sibling reactions, but how do trolls like Poppy and Viva (or Brandi) react to JD. I know they are not close to him but they are very close to Branch, Clay, and Bruce.

Also you said Poppy had a hit on her? What’s up with that?

Poppy and Viva are,, wary of John Dory.

Especially Poppy since she finds out he only came around to kill her?? Like who does that!!

But I think the more she learns about him the more she just,, pities him.

But also she sees how nervous branch is around the guy and it makes her feel protective!! like “hey! back off my girlfriend” type.

Viva.. is a little more understanding i think. she comes around quicker than some of the others. she’s never killed another troll, and at first is furious. but the second she hears about jd doing it for his brothers she cant help but kinda forgive him.


We Have Had Sibling Reactions, But How Do Trolls Like Poppy And Viva (or Brandi) React To JD. I Know

im ao happy you asked

I’ll give you one hint on why poppy has a hit on her. It starts with a C and ends with reek.

THATS RIGHT. My plan all along 😈

Genuinely though, this au started with the idea of Creek putting a hit out on Poppy and I have been holding back on it this entire time cause i am nothing if not an enjoyer of big reveals

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4 years ago

He could’ve had a whole Zuko like redemption arc 😭😭



His character development would have been the best in history tbh

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8 months ago

how i feel abt u based on your favorite lis2 ending

blood brothers = ur so real 4 that ily (platonically) parting ways = I will have a long discussion with you about why it's good and how I understand why its your favorite lone wolf = WHAT. redemption = I will have a long debate with you about why its your favorite and if you think its fair or not and why. BONUS : whats ur favorite ending?? (poll)

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1 year ago

I wrote an angsty fic about Chloe and Sabrina meeting twenty five years after the events of Revolution a while back, and I recently posted it to Wattpad. Sabrina hasn’t forgotten, and she’s in no mood to forgive Chloe, even if she has grown up and changed. Go check it out!

Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance  - Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance
Read Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance from the story Sometimes Goodbye Is A Second Chance by madamefeu with 0 read...

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