Repliku - Tumblr Posts

Lost trio but Vanitas and Repliku convinced Namine to go goth with them

I really have no idea of the Replica will ever show back up again but I had a terrible idea for if he did - figured I’d sketch it out kinda quick
Lol! "You sssmell like the ssssuperior"

Some Repliku, Riku, and SoRiku thoughts
Was reading through this article again, highly recommend: (8) Blowing Off Some Steam on Tumblr
And I realized I had some further analysis to contribute to this topic. Specifically with regards to how Repliku fits into all this.

I think it's interesting how Riku gives Way to the Dawn to Repliku. People already pointed out that it's like Riku doesn't need it anymore at this stage of his character arc (dawn has broke, he's embraced his right to exist in the Realm of Light), but Repliku still needed it. He still needed to reach his light in the dark. To reach his dawn. To help the person he knew he could never have a real relationship with, despite her meaning so much to him.

I think Riku empathized with that. I don't think it's a coincidence that both Riku and Repliku make very prominent self-sacrifices in this story.

(Notice the light-entwined-with-dark visual parallels here)
I also think it's very interesting how Riku instinctively knows why Repliku was sacrificing himself, and who for. Namine wasn't a topic Repliku and Riku discussed even once in any of their scenes together. That was always a Repliku/Sora discussion point. Yet Riku instinctively knows there's only one context in which he, the real Riku, would sacrifice himself like that, so he connects the dots almost immediately. Hence why Riku has the endgame scene where he picks up Namine. It's him honoring the last will and testament of his fellow hopeless romantic.

Also, and this might be me stretching a bit, but I feel like this final scene between Riku and Repliku can be read a very particular way. Repliku tells Riku someone else needs the vessel more, and that Riku knows what he means. Riku immediately connects the dots using his knowledge of his own heart and the person he cares about most to figure out what Repliku intended.

And finally, we get the last moment of this scene. Both boys are staring at each other, both are thinking about the person they love most and what they'd be willing to sacrifice for them. It's a long moment of silence, as there's nothing to be said. They understand each other completely. And then, as Repliku fades away, he gives one final sentiment.

You could say this is him saying good luck in the battles ahead, which would be valid, but given the context of this scene, and the long stretch of silent understanding that comes just before this line, I'm inclined to think he's talking about Riku's own love story. Repliku's reached the end of his tale and done all he can do for the one he loves, but Riku's story is yet unwritten. Knowing this, Repliku's parting words are to wish his Other good luck in the pursuit of his happily ever after.
That's my two cents on the topic, anyway.