Returned Love - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Nine

Punk Harry Series Part Nine

Part 8


Punk Harry: I Love You "No, okay, that is not your shade. You need a deep red, I'm think sin by Mac." You laughed pulling the deep purple lipstick away from Harry. You both had decided for fun you'd do his makeup. But, it seems like he's having more fun than you. "Okay, so, how do we help my dark circles?" He asked, leaning forward on his knees and you laughed, brushing makeup forever foundation on his cheeks. "Well, typically I just need a medium coverage concealer and a little yellow correcting powder to help it set and cover but you. You'll need red correcting concealer under full coverage concealer and then the yellow powder." You said and he nodded, smudging the foundation you were putting on his chin onto his lips. You continued through till you got to his lips. At this point he had a very intense black and silver smokey eye, his contour was so sharp it could give you a paper cut and his eyelashes were so long they made wind when he blinked. It was silent as you were lining his lips with the deep, almost brown, lip liner. You could feel him watching you, but you weren't creeped out. You barely noticed really. "Um, Y/N/N." He said and you pulled the liner away, looking up his eyes, which were already looking into yours. "Yeah?" You asked. "Um, I love you." He said suddenly. You were shocked. To say the least. You hadn’t been in love since your last relationship, and that didn't end too well. You and Harry had been together only six months, was that long enough to fall in love? Then you realized, as you looked at his almost done makeup face, it definitely was. "Too soon?" He asked, before you could even shake your head he was standing up, with his head hung low. He started to walk towards the door when you called out for him. "Harry, babe wait." You said, gently grabbing his arm. "Baby, I love you too." You said and he smiled so wide before picking you up and twirling you around. "Ya." He said quietly as he set you down, you laughed loudly at that. "That would have been really embarrassing, I told everyone I was telling you and if I had to say you didn't say it back, I would have died." He said and you smiled. "Please, you would have died but not for that reason. Baby, your lipstick isn't even finished." You laughed and he ran over to the mirror before groaning. "I almost left the room like this, with only my lips lined. I can't leave without them finished. Quick finish me so I can go flaunt my face." 

Word Count: 459

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7 years ago
(Ok This Pic Has Nothing To Do With The Outcome Of This Part I Just Thought It Was Funny As Fuck And

(Ok this pic has nothing to do with the outcome of this part I just thought it was funny as fuck and super fucking cute so..)

Punk Harry Series Part 12

Part 11


Make Up Harry's POV "So how are you and Y/N?" Lacey's asked wiggling her eyebrows. I wasn't planning on doing anything just staying in my motel and working out all day. But she called and asked me to lunch so here I am, sitting on the deck portion of some cafe in Los Angeles eating some weird salad and talking about my maybe ex-girlfriend. "We're um, we're on the rocks right now." I said, not wanting to really get into it. When I talk about Y/N I get all emotional. And don't get me wrong I'm not afraid to cry in front of a anyone but, I'm head of security for Lacey's band. If I break down and cry in front of her, I could make it look like I can't keep them all safe. "What? Why? You two are perfect together!" She exclaimed sitting forward. "I'd really rather not get into it." I said, smiling to her even though I'd like to crawl into a corner and die. "No, not acceptable, tell me what happened." She demanded and I sighed. "Fine but when I start explaining don't interrupt me, I know what I did was wrong but I’m too nervous and stubborn to admit it.” I said and she sat back and nodded. "About a week ago, I took Y/N to a concert and then after we went for dinner. It wasn't anything fancy just The 1975 and burgers and shakes after. But, Lacey I swear everywhere we went I caught guys and even some girls checking her out. I got jealous quickly. Yeah, I know, she loves me, not them, I'm aware. But, like hell I was thinking like that when I saw some prick go for a feel. I grabbed his hand and yanked him away, but did Y/N see that? No. After that I kind of started to answer for her, kind of hide her away. I tucked her into me, had an arm on her at all times, and when someone asked her something I didn't even give her the chance to answer. She got angry, I called her a whore basically, and then she got out of the car and I left her in the street. I know it was bad, but I was angry then, I wasn't thinking." I said and she nodded. "Are thinking of apologizing to her?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I've just been too nervous to actually do it. I mentioned cheating Lace. Y/N's ex cheated on her, it's her biggest fear, her deepest scar and I just tore the scab off. I reopened that wound and it makes me scared she might not take me back now." I said and she nodded. "Well, why don't you ask her." She said and I looked at her questioningly. It wasn't like she was here or- I slowly turned around to find Y/N, standing on the other side of the fence, she has clearly heard everything. I slowly stood up and walked over to her. "You know that when I commit to something, I don't go back. What is making you think otherwise?" She asked taking my cheeks in her hands and pulling me closer. "Look at you Y/N. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. When I was growing up with all these tattoos and piercings, a girl like you looked at me one time, it was only because I standing in her way. Girls like you didn't acknowledge my existence in high school or even after. And now, here I am, tattoos and all, and there's this smoking hot girl who wants to be with me. That isn't something I'm used to. I guess, I thought that when you saw a guy was interested in you, you could easily see them as better than me." I confessed and she smiled. "I highly doubt anyone other than you could put up with all this for more than a week, and I highly doubt he would run out to get me tea at 2 am because I asked him nicely. Harry, I don't know about you, but if things keep going the way they're going, you sir, may just be it for me." She said and I smiled. "I think you may be it for me too." I said before leaning down and pressing my lips to hers. "One questions though?" I said, pulling away from Y/N. "How did you know she would be behind me?" I asked Lacey and she smiled. "Y/N called me to tell me you two had had a fight, and like, you guys are our tour mom and dad, you can't fight. So I may have taken it into my owns hands to invite you both to lunch, and get one of you to confess. Wasn't all that hard really." She said and I smiled before kissing Y/N again. "Well, I'm pretty glad you did." I said looking at her.

Word Count: 836

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 13

Punk Harry Series Part 13

Part 12


You Meet His Family:

It was Christmas Morning. On a normal Christmas, you'd be with your family, in Massachusetts. But this year, your parents decided to take a trip to the Bora Bora for the holiday, without you. So now, here you are, in Harry's new house. Which he bought last month and you two had finally just finished the moving in process. Today was a big day, for a lot of people. This was Harry's first Christmas in his new home, your first Christmas with harry. And the big one, the day you meet Harry's family. He had flown them all over from the UK for the week and you were spending the whole day with them. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You weren't nervous about them liking you, all your life you'd been a kind, caring person and you've always been very likable. You knew you'd all get along. It was just the whole, if they don't like even one thing, they have the power to easily break up your relationship. That's what made you nervous. "They'll be here in about four hours, so I'll take care of the cooking and cleaning and all that, you just take your time and get ready." Harry said leaning over to you and kissing your forehead. You smiled and nodded before you both got out of bed. You grabbed your rather large box of make up and went into the master bathroom. Harry's house was actually very nice. Three bedroom, two and half bathrooms, and Harry even turned the basement into his own little gym. Of course, your favorite was the master bathroom. It not only had a jacuzzi tub, but it had a built in vanity. You had already taken over that. Your makeup and hair supplies were crammed in there. Of course only the necessities. Most of your stuff was at your apartment. Which was not so coincidentally only a ten minute drive away. You had planned on wearing a black and white collared dress which came up to a little above your knee and for your hair you decided a high sock bun would do perfectly. Then for your make up you did the typically for your face but toned down your contour and highlight because the outfit was rather innocent, you didn't want to have these intensely chiseled cheek bones with that kind of outfit. Then for your eyes you did a slight nude and black smokey eye with winged eyeliner and then a deep red lip. You walked downstairs to see Harry bent over, head practically in the oven as he checked the temperature of the turkey. "Hey, babe." You called and he jumped but managed to turn to you without getting third degree burns. "Fuck Y/N, you scared the bloody shit out of me." He said, with an oven mit covered hand over his heart. "Yeah oops, but uh, next time, try not stick your whole head in the oven. If you want to avoid a trip the the ER anyway." You said and he sarcastically laughed at you. You smiled before walking over and wrapping your arms around his waist. After another hour the dreaded door bell finally rang. While you, slowly and shakily stood up, your tattooed punk boyfriend bounced off the sofa and ran to the door like a little kid on their birthday. You're pretty sure he even giggled a little bit. You smiled as you watched him hug who you assumed to be his mother and sister, harry said only his step dad was coming so you guessed that was the man who was closing the door behind them all. "Um, guys, this is Y\N, my girlfriend." Harry said pulling you over. You smiled and shook all of their hands, you managed to get out a "nice you meet you all." As well. The day went lovely, Anne was a complete sweetheart. She was always helping Harry when it came to the rest of the cooking and she even went as far as getting you a gift as well. It was right then that you thanked Harry so much for signing your name on the gifts he got them all. You would have felt like a complete bitch if he hadn't. Gemma was quiet, but you had a feeling that if you stayed around long enough you'd see her real side. Especially considering what a wild child Harry has described her to be. Robin was a very nice man, you could see how much he loved Anne, whenever he looked at her it was like he was watching his whole life walk right by him. It just reminded you that love really does happen, even for the older generation. Dinner was eaten and Gemma and Harry were talking about old embarrassing memories when you heard Anne call for you from the kitchen. You quietly excused yourself before making your way to her. "Oh stop that, I can take care of the dishes!" You scolded and she waved you off. "Oh no, you and Harry have done enough cleaning, I know you helped him move in over the last few weeks. Let me give you a small break." She said and you sighed but nodded. "Anyway, I wanted to talk to you, about Harry." She said and you gulped. Here it comes, the whole, I think he deserves better, shit you've heard all your life. "When he was about six, he discovered tattoos. From then till eighteen I watched him grow up. I didn't approve of tattoos before eighteen so you can imagine how much he despised me. For those few years it was almost like the poor kid was being oppressed. Like there was this chain around his ankles holding him back. When he got his first one I saw the chain come off and this amazing man just finally walk free. But, Harry also lost something when he got all the tattoos. He lost part of his attraction. Not that he isn't still a handsome boy, because he is. But, Harry has a type. He likes the innocent girls, the girl next door type. But those girls want the clean cut, business man type. Not the, tattooed punk type. I watched Harry struggle through college, he'd always say that he'd have his eye on a girl but then come to find out he wasn't her type. Until he met you. I haven't seen him like this ever. He's never been so happy and the only one to thank is you. I mean, good lord this kid struck out for like five years straight and then here you are. You're slightly off from his type, you have some tattoos and piercings but, you have this good girl aura to you. You seem to just fit him, and him you. Y/N, I am so thankful for you, my baby is happy." Anne said before coming over and embracing you in a tight hug. Harry had mentioned that he had a rough time with girls but never to this extent. Maybe it's just a mothers connection with her son but Anne saw more than even Harry saw. And you couldn't be more thankful that she told you all this. "If anything I'm thankful for you. Without you, he wouldn't be here, and then I probably wouldn't be as happy as I am now." You said and she smiled. "Woah, what did I miss?" Harry said as he walked into the room. Surprised to see you and his mother in such a intimate position. "Just talking." You said, smiling at Anne.

Word Count: 1274

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Fifteen

Punk Harry Series Part Fifteen 

Part Fourteen


Moving In: “Are you like totally sure this is cool?” You could t help but ask again. Harry tolled his eyes and he set the third box of what you knew was probably makeup into his trunk. “You ask me that again and my answer will change.” He joked and I smiled before stepping forward and smoothing my hand onto his back, rubbing the surface of his grey cotton t-shirt. “Listen, I want to move in with you, seriously nothing would make me happier. I just really want to make sure that you feel the same because you know I was the one who suggested it and I don’t want to you to just be agreeing with me. I want you to want this just as much as I do. And I really don’t want to push you into moving into a space of our relationship that you’re uncomfortable with.” I explained and he sighed before turning to tug me into his arms. “Love, I don’t think I ever feel better than when I wake up next to you, or make breakfast with you, or see your toothbrush next to mine. I want that everyday, I love being domestic with you so stop fuckin questioning my love for you.” He said, starting to joke around towards the end and I smiled and leaned up to kiss his chin. “All right then let’s go get more of my shit.” I said before starting for the stairs again and he sighed. “Okay but like how much stuff do you have?” He asked and I laughed. ~ You sighed and you tried to jam another pair of leggings into the dresser draw. This whole sharing a dresser thing definitely started out as a great idea but is quickly dwindling as you’re realizing you both just have too much shit. “Harry, honey, you know you can probably hang your jeans and sweat shirts right?” You asked and you emptied and entire draw of said items onto the bed. You had noticed all of this as you were looking for alternative ways to store your clothes. “Yeah, but I could also put them in the dresser.” He said poking his head into the room from the walk-in closet. “Ok sure, but I actually have way to many clothes that can’t be hung so you’re actually gonna have to hang them from now on.” You said and he nodded coming over to scoop them up from the bed. “So what’s going in the dresser. Give me the layout.” He said, his back facing you as he walked into what was now both of your closet. You liked that. “Uh, so left is your side, right is mine. Top left drawer is the only exception, has both your underwear and socks plus my socks. Top right has my bras and underwear. Then middle is shirts and bottom is pants.” You said and you heard a “mmm-hmmm” in approval.  “Need any help in the closet?” You called and he replied with a quick no. “Alright then I’ll get started on dinner k?” You called as you started to walk out of the room. “Sounds good babe!” You heard him call back and I smiled as you walked down the stairs to the kitchen. You really enjoyed being domestic with Harry so far.

Word Count: 553

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