Punk Harry - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago

I regret nothing🙈

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part One

Punk Harry Series Part One

How You Meet:

 You sighed as you payed another 20$ to fill up the rest of your car’s tank.

Being a makeup artist wasn't easy, sure you were talented and you had very many clientele. You were well known, and successful and you loved that. You had everything you had ever dreamed of.

You just hadn't planned on spending all your money on bills, gas, food, and makeup.

The bills, gas, and food you had expected. That was what it was like living on your own.

But being a makeup artist meant you had to have the right shade for all your clients. So basically when you found a new foundation you liked, you had to purchase every finish in every shade they had. It was the same with everything, concealer, powder, blush, bronzer, eyebrow kits, and even nude lipsticks. And that cost you a lot of money.

You just got hired by Modest! Management and they had already assigned you to be the head makeup artist for their next touring band, The Giants. You had to go to meet the band and then match their skin to the types of makeup you had. You also had to find out whether they would need a dewy finish or a matte finish. It will most likely be matte even if they have dry skin because the lights. You wouldn't want to be the reason that they shined like a spotlight on stage thanks to your dewy finish foundation.

You finally made it to their hotel in New York City and walked in. You smiled at the receptionist and she smiled back as you got in the elevator.

When you got up to their floor and found their room you were surprised to find a tall, curly haired, tattooed, pierced man standing in front of it.

"Um hi." You said as you walked up to him. Surely they weren't that popular. Right?

"Name?" He said slowly in a British accent that made you smile.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I'm their makeup artist." You said and he smiled.

"Oh right hi, I'm Harry Styles, head of security. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other for the next 8 months." He laughed and you smiled.

"Right." You said and he just continued to smiled at you. You were waiting for him to open the door. You had to get back home to feed your bird and your cat. "Um, may I?" You asked, trying to remind him.

"What?" He asked before you gestured to the door and he smiled shaking his head. "Oh, right sorry. Got a little distracted." He said and you nodded. Walking into the room, pulling your giant suitcase with you.

He's going to be a real pain in your ass that's for sure.

Word Count: 467

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Two

Punk Harry Series Part Two

Read Part One before this!

He Admits He Likes You To Someone Else(his POV):

"Believe it or not, but you've been staring for, 20 minutes now and you actually haven't blinked once." Vince, my fellow body guard said. "I uh, I don't, I don't want to miss anything. You know, it only takes a second for someone to pull a trigger. Could happen any minute yanno?" I said trying to play it off that I wasn't just starring hard core. "Don't lie to me, you've been watching her like a hawk. Why don't you just ask her out? I mean, Y/N's really cool, and I think you guys would do well together." He said and I laughed. "Yeah, right after she stopped hating me. She can't stand me. She literally tenses every time I walk into a room. And I don't like her, that wouldn't be appropriate. We're coworkers, we couldn't. Even if I did like her, which I don't, it wouldn't work." I said and he smiled. "Okay, so why don't you just convince yourself of that before trying to convince me yeah? Also just talk to her? There, problem solved." He joked and I laughed. "Yeah no, I don't think it's my personality she hates. More like the piercings and tattoos." I said and he laughed. "Have you ever looked at her face up close? Or seen the back of her neck? She had her nose pierced and like her whole ear pierced. And she has a watercolor tattoo of a tree on the back of her neck. She'd be a bit of a hypocrite if she didn't like you for your looks." He said and I frowned. "Then why is she so hostile towards me?" I questioned. "Well, I may or may not have overheard her talking with the stylists. I guess she just had a pretty bad break up with her last boyfriend like, two weeks ago. He didn't like the fact that she would be leaving for the tour and he wanted her to quit. But she told him no, because her career is more important. Guess he didn't like that, so he fucked another girl in her bed. And I guess he had looks similar to yours." He said and I nodded, taking it all in. "What a dick. She put her career before him so he cheats on her, in her own bed?" I asked and he nodded. "Guess he told her roommate that she was going to help him rearrange her room as a going away present and he told her to tell him when she came home so he would know. Roommate never even suspected it." He said and I nodded. "So, she's just reminded of him every time she sees me?" I asked and he nodded. "Looks like I'm going to have to change that." I smiled and he nodded. "So, from what I'm hearing, you do like her?" He asked and I laughed. "Wow, what gave it away?"

Word Count: 496

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 3

Punk Harry Series Part 3

Part 1, Part 2 

Punk Harry: He Asks You Out "So, bananas or tomatoes, which is more fruit like?" You asked as you picked at the end edge of the playing card. "Banana is more fruit like, I mean, come on. They're a monkey’s favorite thing to eat and monkeys don't eat veggies. So, conclusion, it must be a fruit." Harry stated as he tossed the hacky sack into the air again. He was laying upside down, his head hanging off the sofa in the hotel room we were cooped up in. The band was asleep and we were assigned watch duty. So here we were chilling in the large living room, doing literally nothing. "My turn, so square balloons, freak of nature or brilliant invention?" He asked and I smiled, looked over at him, then focused back on my card. "Brilliant. Best thing I have ever seen. And the triangle ones. Those are cool. I would kill to get some of those on my birthday." You said laughing and he smiled. "Let's get a little personal now." You suggested sitting up and turning to him. He smirked and sat up straight as well.   "You're on. Bring me your worst." He challenged and you laughed. "Would you rather do all the work, or let her ride you like a pony?" You asked and he laughed. "Yee haw." He whispered and you burst out laughing. "Really?" You asking in between your laughs. "Well, I'd much rather her on top. I mean, this way, she'll enjoy herself too. I won't have to worry if it's good for her and me, because let's face it, it doesn't matter which position, it's good for me. But when she's in charge, it's going to be good for her because, well she's controlling it. It's all about the give and take Y/N." He said and you laughed. "Okay, threesomes, gross or hot?" He asked and you smirked. "Lava." You said and he sucked in a breath. "I mean, with another girl though. Not another guy. That typically means anal and like, no. No thank you. I'd much rather get eaten out by a girl who knows what she's doing then get my anus torn apart by a guy who has no clue what the proper way to handle anal is. Two girls, one guy. That's my kind of threesome." You said and he nodded, completely dosed into space. "You're picturing it aren't you?" You asked and he nodded. He was just staring at you when suddenly he leaned right over and planted his lips right on yours. You say there, eyes wide open for a good ten seconds before you pushed him away harshly. "No, no, no, not again. No." You just kept repeating the word "no" as you quickly stood back up and walked out. 

Word Count: 467

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Four

Punk Harry Series Part Four

Part 3

He Asks You Out Part 2: (I’m going to make up the band members names, honestly don’t think that’s something anyone cares about. If so just tell me and I’ll change it to something more choice friendly. And I’ll put a key too if it really bothers anyone that I’m naming them.) “Um, hi.” You heard the little voice from behind you. You had been sorting out all your make up for the band on the tables. You had Peter’s on the last table on the left, he had a more dark yellowish skin tone. Next to him was Lacey, she was very fair but had a pink undertone. Next to her was Sydney, she was also fair but with a yellow undertone, but with her hair colored jet black you had decided to cover it with a pink undertone foundation to compliment the color. Next to her was Randy, he was basically the only tan one out of the group, so that made your life a little bit easy. 

“Hi.” You pause, before continuing to place down Randy’s concealer. He did a lot of the writing for the group, so with all the late nights he had bad dark circles. He required a lot of coverage with his concealer, which also means a lot of time to let it set. 

“I wanted to talk to you about last night.” He said, you looked at him through the mirror, finally acknowledging Harry’s presence for the first time, he had his hands in his pockets, back hunched, he was also kicking the floor awkwardly. He was nervous.

And strangely, you found that endearing. But, you still didn’t like him like he very obviously likes you. 

“There really isn’t anything to talk about.” You said as you walked over to Peter’s approved wardrobe, starting to pick out his clothes for tonight’s show. 

“Um, I think there might be just a little to talk about.” He said sarcastically.

“Okay, let’s talk. You kissed me. I don’t date coworkers. And you, my friend, are a coworker. Get it in your head, I’m. Not. Interested.” You said turning to him violently. 

“Oh, okay,” He said, his voice suddenly a lot quieter. He sounded like he had just been internally wounded. And you might just feel a little bad about it, but you weren’t about to take it back. Tough love. “I just, I don’t want you to think that I’m only interested in you physically. I realized after you left that it could have come across that way. I wanted to insure you that I’m not like that. I actually am interested you because you’re honestly a great woman. You’re obviously very, very beautiful, so beautiful, you’re healthy, and smart, and funny, and passionate, and so so talented. I get this, weird, feeling in my stomach when I see you. And, I understand that you don’t see me like that, you made that very obvious just now, and I wouldn’t want to push myself on you like that. So, I’ll keep my distance. I hope we can still be friendly though.” He said before quickly walking out the door.  You couldn’t help but notice his eyes starting to tear towards the end, prompting his rush to run off along with the plummeting of your heart. 

You didn’t even have the chance to say anything before the band loaded into the room.

You had let him go, and you couldn’t help but get this feeling like you had just made a big mistake.

Word Count: 587

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 5

Punk Harry Series Part 5

Part 4

Yes: No matter how much you denied it, you had enjoyed Harry's company. You were a smart, quick witted, sarcastic feminist. Generally what you would call "jokes", others might call "inhuman insults". But Harry just, got you. He was never insulted, in fact he would sometimes fire something just as equally rude back at you. So of course you had noticed how he hadn't shown up to watch duty in 3 weeks. Anytime you two were paired with each other for watch duty of the band he never showed. And maybe, just maybe you were feeling depressed about it. Because, despite his appearance he seemed to be the most sensitive, caring and thoughtful guy you had met. And you've been through your fair share of "mr right's". So when you went into Randy's bus to ask him when he wanted to color his hair again and found Harry sitting at the table eating a sandwich and drinking some weird green smoothie you couldn't help but smile. "Hey when do you-oh hi." You said to Harry as you walked on the bus. You decided to sit with him so you walked over and sat across from him. "Hi." He wouldn't even look at you. "Long time no see?" You tried, hoping to get even the slightest reaction. "I've been busy. You know guarding bodies." He joked and you laughed. "Well, I should be goin-" "Wait, I um-" "Hey, you ready?" A girl, who you didn't recognize asked, popping her head in the van. "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec Kenz." He said and she nodded, giving you a questioning look before leaving the van.  "I've got to go." He said and you nodded, still stunned at the gorgeous girl he seemed to be with. You followed him out seeing as randy wasn't even there. "Can you go get the car?" This Kenz girl asked Harry, he nodded then walked away to wherever you were assuming his car was. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" She turned to you. "Oh um, sorry, I'm Y/N." You said as you shook her hand. "Ohhh, that makes sense. He's really into you, you know?" She asked and you were suddenly very confused. "I'm sorry what?" "Harry, he's really into you. I'm his old high school friend and let me tell you, that last time I saw him like this was, well, never actually. This is completely new to me. Anyway, you should give him a chance, he might look scary but he's probably the sweetest guy I know." She said before walking away to somewhere you didn't really care to know about. About five minutes later a red jaguar e-type is pulling up a few feet from you and your mouth just drops. It's a gorgeous car, you were even more shocked when out pops harry. "Hey!" You called to him and he looked at you before walking over. "Yeah?" He asked looking around, probably for his friend. "Remember that thing you did a couple weeks ago that made this all awkward?" You asked and instantly his cheeks blushed and he looked away once again. "I'm aware of it, is there a reason we're talking of it right now?" He asked and you smiled and nodded. "Well, if you ever want to, we can always do it again." You suggested taking one step closer. "Seriously?" He asked starting to lean down but you pushed him away. "Uh, take me out first." You said before walking away. Leaving him with a smile as wide as a Cheshire Cat. 

Word Count: 594

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 6

Punk Harry Series Part 6

Part 5


(Please, if you haven't already been to where they're going on the date just google it, it'll make it easier to understand) You were surprised with how quickly Harry had planned your date. Most guys think they need to wait like 3-5 days before contacting you again but Harry, he had planned it for this Thursday night. You said yes on Tuesday. 

You were actually perfectly okay with this, you liked Harry. And you realized the other day, you not being into him actually meant no one could be into him. You figured that was probably unfair so why not give the kid a chance right?

Harry showed up at your hotel room at 5:00 that night, dressed in his typical black cotton tee, black skinnies, and his worn out brown leather boots. You were glad you had dressed casually seeing as he hadn’t provided any warning for what you two would be doing. You were dressed in a pair of black vans, matching Harry with black skinnies, and a band t-shirt you had liked in high school. Your makeup of course was done to the nines, while your hair was styled for simple beach waves.

“You look good Y/N.” Harry said as you opened the door. You grabbed your over the shoulder fringe purse, you weren’t a purse girl but you need something to put your touch up make up in and it’s not like you could take a back pack.

“Thanks, you don’t look different.” you laughed and he smiled down to you. “So what are we doing?” You asked as you two loaded into the elevator. 

“Well, first we’re going to go to sky zone, then probably burgers or pizza, I haven’t decided which. Probably which ever one offers milkshakes.” He said and you laughed as you walked out of the hotel. 

“Most guys would have told me to wait and let it be a surprise.” You commented as valet brought his red beauty back. 

“Yeah well, I’m not a fan of surprises, don’t want to be a hypocrite now do I?” He asked and You laughed but shook your head. 

The car ride was short, apparently sky zone was only like fifteen minutes away from out hotel. You two went in and were told to take off your shoes and leave your phones with the office lady.

You quickly learned that although his long legs allowed him to walk quickly, they didn’t allow him to jump stably. Multiple times had Harry crashed into you or fell down either onto you or just on the mat entirely. And he quickly discovered you had been a gymnast for 10 years and still had all the skills to prove it. You flipped and jumped and tumbled around the mats like you owned them.

“Wait do that long flippy thing again!” Harry begged as you stood next him, trying to catch your breath. He had been asking you to tumble for fifteen minutes now and you were extremely tired. 

“I literally can’t anymore, my legs and arms feel like they could give any moment.” You explained and he smirked down to you. 

Suddenly you felt the ground beneath you vanish and you realized this giant oaf had picked you up

“What are you doing?” you asked as he bounced you both over to the exit.

“Can’t have my date passing out now can I? I’ll just carry you the rest of the day, forever ever and ever basically.” He said before setting you down on the bench and passing you your shoes before he put on his own. As you put on your shoes he went to go get your phones.

You two quickly found a place about three blocks away that sold both pizza, burgers, and milkshakes. 

The night seemed almost perfect. You were honest sick of the typical, dinner and a movie, amusement park, or museum. Sky Zone and milkshakes was just what you needed. 

Maybe Harry was just what you needed too.

Word Count: 668

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 7

Punk Harry Series Part 7

Part 6


First Kiss: You were in a panic. It was 4 hours to show time and everything was running behind schedule. But that wasn't the end of it. No, Sydney decided she wanted to color her hair. Going from jet black to lilac. Colors on the opposite of the wheel. Which also meant that you had to change up her make up routine to account for this sudden change in her hair color. She has a yellow undertone but with the black hair you decided to cover it with a pink undertone so it would compliment the color. But then she decided to change it and now you have to change everything as well. Of course it didn't stop there. She had also gone to see a speaker at some hole in the wall poet society place and guess she felt as if he changed her life. She said that the aura around her felt natural and green that she now wants to unite the nations with some green bullshit. Basically she now wants makeup that is made with all natural resources and isn't tested on animals. Which is like 3% of all makeup companies in the world. "Hey, how's life-whoa, who died in here?" You heard Harry's voice say behind you. You whipped around, probably looking like an idiot. You could feel yourself sweating, your hair was everywhere and you arms were whipping around like flags in strong wind. "Everything in my life is falling apart!" You exclaimed and he smiled coming over and gripping your shoulders to stabilize you. "What could possibly be going on that could ruin your whole life?" He asked kind of laughing at you. You started to explain the situation of course you were rambling so you were sure he heard less than 12% of what you said. You were half way through explaining how many companies made makeup that went by her requirements when you felt him press his lips to yours. It was kind of perfect. It wasn't too passionate just, skin on skin. No movement or tongue just lips pressed to lips. It was also your first real kiss as a couple. Nothing like that spastic kiss he gave you when you were on guard duty. This was good, this was wanted by both of you. 

Word Count: 384

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Eight

Punk Harry Series Part Eight

Part 7


He Makes You Upset:

You were finally on break. After four months of straight traveling you could finally sit in your apartment with your cat and your bird and your refrigerator. Of course you now had a new friend with you. Harry had been staying with you the past few days. He was here on a working visa and hadn't found a place yet. But he was going out looking tomorrow. Not like you were bothered, you enjoyed having the guy you were seeing stay with you. "I'll be back in about an hour, do you want me to pick up some groceries on my way back?" He asked coming over to you, his hands on your shoulders as he leaned over the couch to kiss your cheek. "Um, sure the list is on the fridge. Where are you going?" You asked, a little surprised he was going out so soon. You had only been on break for three days. "So, with the bands rising popularity I figured I should learn how to shoot so I'm going to a range to learn how." He said smiling as if it was something to be proud of. "What?" You asked, shocked he would even think of doing such a thing. "What's wrong? It's not like I'm going to hurt anyone?" He asked, still not seeing why you were so upset. "That's not the point Harry!" You yelled and he straightened up, just as you stood off the couch to look at him. "Then please enlighten me because it's seems as if you're getting all worked up for no fucking reason!" He yelled back. "The point is you could hurt yourself! Don't you understand how dangerous guns are?!" You yelled and he laughed. "Yeah okay, like you would know anything about guns. And either way I'm going to learn how, I won't hurt myself, I'm a grown man." He stated and you laughed. "I-I don't know anything about guns?" You asked rhetorically. "What makes you think I know nothing about guns?" You asked him, waiting for his lie. You knew a whole lot about guns, of course you never told him how or why, it wasn't something you liked to relive. "You're, you! You're a little girl obsessed with makeup. You don't know anything about guns!" He yelled back. "Tell that to the bullet scar on my rib cage you asshole!" You yelled before storming into your room and locking the door behind you. You weren't angry at him, you were upset. He not only underestimated you, but he resurfaced horrible memories where you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. "Babe, I'm sorry, I didn't know that had ever happened to you. It's kind of understandable why you don't want to be around guns after being shot. Please, just come talk to me." He called though the door. You sighed, knowing that pouting in bed wouldn't get you anywhere. "You're not shooting a gun, ever." You said as soon as you opened the door. He smiled, laughed, and then nodded. "I can live with that. I'll just get myself a stun gun and call it a day, yeah?" He joked and you nodded. "Don't forget the groceries though, we're out of Arizona." You said and he smiled, kissing you quickly before getting the list, waving to you and leaving. You enjoyed him. Even when he was annoying, you enjoyed him.

Word Count: 571

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Nine

Punk Harry Series Part Nine

Part 8


Punk Harry: I Love You "No, okay, that is not your shade. You need a deep red, I'm think sin by Mac." You laughed pulling the deep purple lipstick away from Harry. You both had decided for fun you'd do his makeup. But, it seems like he's having more fun than you. "Okay, so, how do we help my dark circles?" He asked, leaning forward on his knees and you laughed, brushing makeup forever foundation on his cheeks. "Well, typically I just need a medium coverage concealer and a little yellow correcting powder to help it set and cover but you. You'll need red correcting concealer under full coverage concealer and then the yellow powder." You said and he nodded, smudging the foundation you were putting on his chin onto his lips. You continued through till you got to his lips. At this point he had a very intense black and silver smokey eye, his contour was so sharp it could give you a paper cut and his eyelashes were so long they made wind when he blinked. It was silent as you were lining his lips with the deep, almost brown, lip liner. You could feel him watching you, but you weren't creeped out. You barely noticed really. "Um, Y/N/N." He said and you pulled the liner away, looking up his eyes, which were already looking into yours. "Yeah?" You asked. "Um, I love you." He said suddenly. You were shocked. To say the least. You hadn’t been in love since your last relationship, and that didn't end too well. You and Harry had been together only six months, was that long enough to fall in love? Then you realized, as you looked at his almost done makeup face, it definitely was. "Too soon?" He asked, before you could even shake your head he was standing up, with his head hung low. He started to walk towards the door when you called out for him. "Harry, babe wait." You said, gently grabbing his arm. "Baby, I love you too." You said and he smiled so wide before picking you up and twirling you around. "Ya." He said quietly as he set you down, you laughed loudly at that. "That would have been really embarrassing, I told everyone I was telling you and if I had to say you didn't say it back, I would have died." He said and you smiled. "Please, you would have died but not for that reason. Baby, your lipstick isn't even finished." You laughed and he ran over to the mirror before groaning. "I almost left the room like this, with only my lips lined. I can't leave without them finished. Quick finish me so I can go flaunt my face." 

Word Count: 459

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Ten

Punk Harry Series Part Ten

Part Nine


First Time:

You had been in a intense make out session for about five or ten minutes and things were getting heated. You knew this for two reasons. One, he was traveling. From your waist to your bum  and everywhere in between. And second, because you were straddling him you knew he was having a growth spurt. You pulled back, giving both of you enough time to pull off your shirts and of course, get back with the kissing. It was fast, and sloppy and you both knew where it was going and were both perfectly fine with it. You silently thanked God your roommate was visiting her parents in San Diego for the week. "Mm, Y/N" Harry mumbled as he pulled away. His lips going to your neck to suck on the spot just under your ear. You let out a breathy laugh, moving you head to the side to give him more room. "Bedroom, now." You said pulling him off of you. You both got up and started to run/pull all your clothes off on your way to your room. When you got there you were both just in your underwear. You pushed him into your bed, quickly following him and straddling his waist. His hands coming to rest on your thighs. You reached behind your back and I clipped your bra, letting it fall to his chest. He quickly pushed it off but continued to stare at your boobs. "Damn, you’re hot." He said and you laughed as you leaned down to start kissing him again. Next thing you know both of you are fully naked and there is literally nothing stopping you. You got on your knees and held his length in your hand as you positioned him to your entrance. You were kind of waiting for him to ask two questions but when he didn't you just went with it. You sunk down onto him, the stretch new and exciting. You liked being filled to the brink and boy did he get you there. You sat for a bit, just getting familiar with the new feeling when you felt his hips start to push and you took that as a sign to move. With your hands on his check and your knees on either side of his waist you started to bounce. His hips met yours in between, only intensifying the feeling. Obviously neither of you lasted long, you'd both gone without sex for a quite a while, it's like eating chocolate after a long time. Once you start it's not long before the bowl is empty. Only after he came in you did he ask one of the questions you were waiting for. "Wait, shit, I'm not wearing a condom." He said, his hand going to his forehead to push his hair back. You smiled and got off of him, feeling empty once he was out. "You think I'd let that happen without being on birth control. What kind of fool do you take me for?" You laughed and he laughed as well. You could literally see him relax. "Well, I don't know about you, but I say, with my vote, that we do that," he pointing at the both of you,"all the time." He said and you laughed. "Maybe not all the time but definitely very often."

Word Count: 557

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 11

Punk Harry Series Part 11

Part 10


First Real Fight:

"Okay what the fuck is going on with you?" You asked Harry as soon as you two were alone in his car. "What do you mean?" He asked and you rolled your eyes as he pulled into the street. "You have literally been over my fucking shoulder all day. You haven't let me talk to one guy. Not even the damn waiter when he asked me what I wanted to drink. Like what the fuck Harry?" You asked and he laughed. "Yeah well maybe if you didn't dress like that guys wouldn't be all over you. I mean, you practically cheat on me right in front of me." He said and you froze. Cheating was the one thing you hated talking about. It was the one thing you couldn't handle. Your ex had cheated on you with some prostitute in your own bed and it had really fucked you up for the long run. "Did you really just say that to me?" You asked, not even turning to look at him. "Well, look at you!" He asked, not even a ounce of compassion in his tone. You sighed, tears starting to well in your eyes. "Pull over." You said sternly. "What?" He asked confused. "I SAID PULL OVER HARRY PULL OVER NOW!" You yelled and he quickly pulled over. You whipped the door open and jumped out, pulling your cardigan father around you. It was 9:30 at night and there was a little wind, you were already cold. "Fine, fuck you. I'm going home." He said before he shut the door. "Yeah what home? You live with me asshole!" You yelled as he drove off, leaving you alone on the street. You watched as his car sped away. You pulled out your phone went to maps and found where you were before calling an uber and getting yourself a ride home. You were thankful Harry hadn't beaten you there, which of course meant he was probably out doing god knows what. But you didn't care, you didn't even want to see his face then. For all you know, your relationship was over.

Word Count: 356

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7 years ago
(Ok This Pic Has Nothing To Do With The Outcome Of This Part I Just Thought It Was Funny As Fuck And

(Ok this pic has nothing to do with the outcome of this part I just thought it was funny as fuck and super fucking cute so..)

Punk Harry Series Part 12

Part 11


Make Up Harry's POV "So how are you and Y/N?" Lacey's asked wiggling her eyebrows. I wasn't planning on doing anything just staying in my motel and working out all day. But she called and asked me to lunch so here I am, sitting on the deck portion of some cafe in Los Angeles eating some weird salad and talking about my maybe ex-girlfriend. "We're um, we're on the rocks right now." I said, not wanting to really get into it. When I talk about Y/N I get all emotional. And don't get me wrong I'm not afraid to cry in front of a anyone but, I'm head of security for Lacey's band. If I break down and cry in front of her, I could make it look like I can't keep them all safe. "What? Why? You two are perfect together!" She exclaimed sitting forward. "I'd really rather not get into it." I said, smiling to her even though I'd like to crawl into a corner and die. "No, not acceptable, tell me what happened." She demanded and I sighed. "Fine but when I start explaining don't interrupt me, I know what I did was wrong but I’m too nervous and stubborn to admit it.” I said and she sat back and nodded. "About a week ago, I took Y/N to a concert and then after we went for dinner. It wasn't anything fancy just The 1975 and burgers and shakes after. But, Lacey I swear everywhere we went I caught guys and even some girls checking her out. I got jealous quickly. Yeah, I know, she loves me, not them, I'm aware. But, like hell I was thinking like that when I saw some prick go for a feel. I grabbed his hand and yanked him away, but did Y/N see that? No. After that I kind of started to answer for her, kind of hide her away. I tucked her into me, had an arm on her at all times, and when someone asked her something I didn't even give her the chance to answer. She got angry, I called her a whore basically, and then she got out of the car and I left her in the street. I know it was bad, but I was angry then, I wasn't thinking." I said and she nodded. "Are thinking of apologizing to her?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I've just been too nervous to actually do it. I mentioned cheating Lace. Y/N's ex cheated on her, it's her biggest fear, her deepest scar and I just tore the scab off. I reopened that wound and it makes me scared she might not take me back now." I said and she nodded. "Well, why don't you ask her." She said and I looked at her questioningly. It wasn't like she was here or- I slowly turned around to find Y/N, standing on the other side of the fence, she has clearly heard everything. I slowly stood up and walked over to her. "You know that when I commit to something, I don't go back. What is making you think otherwise?" She asked taking my cheeks in her hands and pulling me closer. "Look at you Y/N. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. When I was growing up with all these tattoos and piercings, a girl like you looked at me one time, it was only because I standing in her way. Girls like you didn't acknowledge my existence in high school or even after. And now, here I am, tattoos and all, and there's this smoking hot girl who wants to be with me. That isn't something I'm used to. I guess, I thought that when you saw a guy was interested in you, you could easily see them as better than me." I confessed and she smiled. "I highly doubt anyone other than you could put up with all this for more than a week, and I highly doubt he would run out to get me tea at 2 am because I asked him nicely. Harry, I don't know about you, but if things keep going the way they're going, you sir, may just be it for me." She said and I smiled. "I think you may be it for me too." I said before leaning down and pressing my lips to hers. "One questions though?" I said, pulling away from Y/N. "How did you know she would be behind me?" I asked Lacey and she smiled. "Y/N called me to tell me you two had had a fight, and like, you guys are our tour mom and dad, you can't fight. So I may have taken it into my owns hands to invite you both to lunch, and get one of you to confess. Wasn't all that hard really." She said and I smiled before kissing Y/N again. "Well, I'm pretty glad you did." I said looking at her.

Word Count: 836

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part Fifteen

Punk Harry Series Part Fifteen 

Part Fourteen


Moving In: “Are you like totally sure this is cool?” You could t help but ask again. Harry tolled his eyes and he set the third box of what you knew was probably makeup into his trunk. “You ask me that again and my answer will change.” He joked and I smiled before stepping forward and smoothing my hand onto his back, rubbing the surface of his grey cotton t-shirt. “Listen, I want to move in with you, seriously nothing would make me happier. I just really want to make sure that you feel the same because you know I was the one who suggested it and I don’t want to you to just be agreeing with me. I want you to want this just as much as I do. And I really don’t want to push you into moving into a space of our relationship that you’re uncomfortable with.” I explained and he sighed before turning to tug me into his arms. “Love, I don’t think I ever feel better than when I wake up next to you, or make breakfast with you, or see your toothbrush next to mine. I want that everyday, I love being domestic with you so stop fuckin questioning my love for you.” He said, starting to joke around towards the end and I smiled and leaned up to kiss his chin. “All right then let’s go get more of my shit.” I said before starting for the stairs again and he sighed. “Okay but like how much stuff do you have?” He asked and I laughed. ~ You sighed and you tried to jam another pair of leggings into the dresser draw. This whole sharing a dresser thing definitely started out as a great idea but is quickly dwindling as you’re realizing you both just have too much shit. “Harry, honey, you know you can probably hang your jeans and sweat shirts right?” You asked and you emptied and entire draw of said items onto the bed. You had noticed all of this as you were looking for alternative ways to store your clothes. “Yeah, but I could also put them in the dresser.” He said poking his head into the room from the walk-in closet. “Ok sure, but I actually have way to many clothes that can’t be hung so you’re actually gonna have to hang them from now on.” You said and he nodded coming over to scoop them up from the bed. “So what’s going in the dresser. Give me the layout.” He said, his back facing you as he walked into what was now both of your closet. You liked that. “Uh, so left is your side, right is mine. Top left drawer is the only exception, has both your underwear and socks plus my socks. Top right has my bras and underwear. Then middle is shirts and bottom is pants.” You said and you heard a “mmm-hmmm” in approval.  “Need any help in the closet?” You called and he replied with a quick no. “Alright then I’ll get started on dinner k?” You called as you started to walk out of the room. “Sounds good babe!” You heard him call back and I smiled as you walked down the stairs to the kitchen. You really enjoyed being domestic with Harry so far.

Word Count: 553

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7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 16

Punk Harry Series Part 16

Part 15



You had been nervous for about a week.

It started with a simple off feeling about a month and a half ago. You and Harry had shared a rather intimate moment just before going back on tour and ever since you’ve felt off. You were actually surprised you felt anything at all seeing as you’ve never really been super in touch with your body before. Something about this felt different though, but you decided to ignore it. What could possibly go be wrong?

Then you had realized that you never got your period last month. You were never really very good a predicting when you would get it, you had a fairly irregular schedule. After years of trying to regulate it you finally settled with it came within either the last week of the month or the first week of the next month.

Yet here you were going on month two without a single drop of blood. You came to this realization as you were cleaning up Lacey’s dressing room of all of your products. The band was on stage and you knew that you had to work fast seeing as they had another show tomorrow night in a city that was three hours away. Once the band was off stage everyone was supposed to get on their designated bus and go.

You were doing fine, you had cleaned up all the hair products for everyone and had managed to organize Peter’s makeup back into the suitcase. That may not seem like a lot but seeing as you had one suitcase for all the hair products and then two more for all the makeup it really wasn’t too bad. It was shocking how much product was needed for this band of four. But now seeing as all that could rack your mind was what if you couldn’t concentrate for your life.

You tried to continue and just push it off, you could always find out later at the next venue but you couldn’t shake it.

What would Harry think? Oh, who are you kidding? He’ll be ecstatic. If there is one thing you know about Harry it’s that he loves babies. But how would he actually feel about having one of his own. It’s one thing to be happy for another pregnant couple and to love playing with the little babies and kiddos but it’s a completely other thing to have one of your own.

You two had just moved into together two months ago, and only celebrating your one year anniversary one month prior to that. Was your relationship ready to take on another member? No probably not.

Not to mention you both work all over the place. The road is no place to raise a baby and you could never ask Harry to stay home while you went on tour. You would also be devastated if you knew Harry was off living the dream while you were at home alone with the baby, not to mention you don’t think you could go that long without seeing him.

While all this ran through your head you were shakily placing all the makeup into its designated place in the suitcase. Suddenly you were out of your head and you could hear the band was on it’s last song for the night, which meant in about 10-15 minutes Harry would stop by and help you move all your stuff into the bed of the bus. You took a look at all the stuff you had to put away and you went into hyperdrive. You were moving so fast you could give The Flash himself a run for his money.

Then just as you were almost finished Harry burst into the room, clearly high off the energy of the crowd, scaring the absolute shit out of you while also causing you to drop the last two bottles of foundation.

You watched in slow motion as two 50$ bottles shattered on the cement floor. You felt tears pricking at your eyes, your mouth itching to move into a frown. You knew this was not matter to get upset about, but with everything that you had been thinking about, this felt like an overdue excuse to release some frustration.

“Oh love, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” Harry laughed before walking across the room and grabbing some paper towels, he walked back over and wiped up the mess all without looking up at you. Tears were streaming down your face and inevitably you racked out a loud sob. Harry’s eyes whipped up to meet yours and in seconds his arms were around you, pushing your hair behind your ears and trying to get you to meet his eyes.

“Y/N love, look at me.” He started, his back hunching in order to make eye contact with you, but you couldn’t look up at him, you knew you were about to change his life. “Hon, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? It’s just foundation. We can get more at the next city.” He excused and you laughed, rolling your eyes before finally looking up at him. He smiled as he brushed the tears off your cheeks with his thumbs.

“Harry, I’m late.” You said and he just looked at you confused.

“Yeah I can tell, you’re usually done packing up in time to see the last two songs. If we don’t hurry up though we’re both going to be late but love that's not reason to cry.” He said, letting out a little chuckle towards the end. You shook your head before moving away from him and turning to look in the vanity mirror behind you. You leaned on the table that was now clear off your products.

“No Harry, I’m late. Not for the bus or the show, for my period.” You said and you looked back at him in the mirror to see him putting the puzzle pieces together in his head.

You let him have a minute before you looking back to your hands that were pressed firmly to the table below you, supporting your weight as you leaned on the them. You felt Harry’s hands wrap around your side and come to rest firmly on your lower stomach.

“You’re?” He asked and you sighed. “We’re gonna have a baby?” He whispered in your ear and you shrugged.

“I don’t know, not for sure anyway.” You said before turning to face him, your hands coming to rest on his rib cage, you could feel his heartbeat through his skin. “I’ve always been irregular but I’ve never gone two months without anything. I need to take a test or have a doctor confirm but, I think so Harry.” You said before looking up to see tears rolling down his cheeks almost mirroring you a few minutes ago.

“I could be a Dad?” He asked and you sighed, letting out a little laugh before nodding.

Then, in a few seconds his arms wrapping around your back tight before he lifted you up and squeezed.

“This is amazing!” He exclaimed has he set you back onto the ground.

“Don’t get too excited, babe I don’t even know for sure yet. Not to mention there’s a super high chance of miscarriage within the first trimester so legit anything could happen.” You said and he quickly got serious before nodding in understanding.

But of course the Harry you loved couldn’t keep the smile off his face before it took over what was him pretending not to get excited.

Word Count: 1254 

Tags :
7 years ago
Punk Harry Series Part 17

Punk Harry Series Part 17

Part 16


Y/B/N= Your Brothers Name


You never really were a huge fan of kids. You could never pinpoint your exact reason for disliking them, maybe it was how loud they were or maybe it was how you never really knew what was ok to say to them and what was not. Either way, you weren’t the biggest fan and having a huge family was not ideal.

You always thought that you were probably going to go your whole life without having any. And of course you knew that if whoever you ended up with did what kids you would rethink the decision but for the time being, you were fine with the future of none.

So you knew when you got together with Harry that eventually you would have to talk to him about the whole children thing you just never thought you’d be pregnant before you had that talk. So after the first two weeks went by and the first initial shock of holy shit I’m gonna have a baby passed the two of you sat down and hashed it out. You decided almost everything, this was going to be an open family. No pushing heterosexuality, no gendering anything, no religion being forced onto anyone, open communication, and a judgement free zone. You had grown up in a household where none of that was present, Harry was slightly luckier than you but for the most part your childhood was similar and you didn’t want the same for your child.

Then a few months later you and Harry had a very small wedding in LA. Only Harry’s family, your coworkers, the band, and your brother showed. Your father had insisted that he wanted no part of your life if you weren’t abiding his wishes and, in your mind, well good riddance. You had a small wedding, party of thirty people, and you had a fucking blast.

In all honesty it wasn’t even really a wedding, no one got dressed up. You didn’t even wear a white dress, it was just like a small gathering where you hung out with who you considered your family. A few days after you signed the license and called it a day.

You were reminiscing on that day when Harry burst through the door of the house holding some big piece of wood with at least 12 nails in it.

“How the fuck can I set up one of the most complicated security systems to date but not be able to set up a fucking swing set?” He groaned throwing the wood to the ground and face planting onto the couch next to you, his face landing about two inches from your thigh. You smiled as you paused the movie you were barely watching and forced your fingers through his long hair.

“Do you need some help?” You asked and he sighed and he pushed himself up slightly before leaning forward so his nose dug into your thigh.

“Love, your due in like a week, you can’t be out there helping me put together this ridiculous piece of shit.” He spat and you smiled.   

“I can read you the directions that we both know you tossed aside.” You said and he looked up at you and smiled.

“I guess that would be ok but we’re getting you a chair, you shouldn’t be standing that long. Lord fucking knows we’ll be out there for at least an hour. Fucking, dumb thing.” He muttered as he walked away to go find you some plastic chair to sit in.

Minutes later he appeared again with a white plastic lawn chair.  He came back over to you and helped you up from the spot on the couch, one handed holding the chair in the other hand. His hand was on your back as he lead you out the back door to the very small backyard the two of you had.

In the beginning of your pregnancy Harry was pretty chill about you going around and doing whatever you wanted. You weren’t really showing much in the the first trimester and sometimes you and Harry both almost forgot you were pregnant at all. But as the baby started to grow, so did his nerves. You would be doing the simplest task and suddenly Harry would be there to help you. You tried to explain to him that you were honestly fine, and you didn’t need any help but he wouldn’t hear it. It was literally dumb things that would stress him out and having him jump up to aid you, things like, reaching for a bowl on the top shelf or stepping into the shower. He would insist that he was either there to help you into the shower or you had to get in when the bottom was still dry and then turn on the water. He said it lessened the chances of slipping, which you knew was bullshit but you had decided to humor him. At least he cared, right?

But lately you couldn’t be more thankful for his theatrical worries seeing as they actually helped. The last trimester you had grown to the size of a fucking watermelon. You had jokingly exaggerated with a few friends that some people at the park mistook you for a air balloon.

So when you were struggling to get out of bed in the morning you truly couldn’t be more grateful that you husband was right there to help haul you up.

You smiled fondly at him as you sat in the chair, reading the instructions to him to help set up this swing set.

“So wait, I’m supposed to use this screw?” He asked and not turning to you but holding up what was clearly a nail over his head for you to see. You smiled as you rolled your eyes, you could swear he was smart.

“No baby, there are no screws here, only nails. And they’re all the same size love, no difference. Harry I don’t know what you’re so confused about, there’s five pieces of wood, you nail them together and then put in the swings.” You said and he groaned before dropping the wood in his hands to the ground.

“Fuck this shit, the baby can play with fucking sticks for all I care. Not even born yet and they’re spoiled as fuck already. You know fuck this fucking shit! For fucks sake! I’m calling John, he can fucking build this.” He yelled in frustration.

“Uh Harry.” You tried.

“No this is bullshit! You’re reading the fucking instructions to me and I’m still confused! I have a fucking masters degree in Behavioral Science and Physical Education and I can’t put a fucking swing set together!?” He yelled again as he swung his foot to kick the swing seat to his left.

“Harry, I’m-” You tried again.

“No Y/N fucking listen this is shit! I’m about the be a fucking father and I can’t do this! If I can’t put together a fucking swing set how the fuck am I going to parent someone?” He asked, finally turning to look you in the eyes. He came to you slower, not noticing how uneven your breath had become or how your hands were clenching the arms of the plastic chair.

“I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but love I’m so scared. How the fuck did I go nine months without talking about how scared I was for this? Like, I’m about to actually be responsible for another human being. Well, we are, can’t forget you but still. Y/N I don’t know if I’m ready for this.” He said, kneeling down on the grass in front of you, his hands coming to rest on your knees.

“This is the part where you tell me I’m being irrational and that I’m going to be a great father and this is all in my head.” He started, his eyes looking into yours. His expression quickly turning from playfulness to worry as he saw you were clearly in pain.

“Uh, yeah what you said.” You choked up, his hands coming up to your hands. He knew something was wrong when he had to pry them from the chair.

“Love, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” He asked and you shook your head.

“Uh, no, no I think this is normal.” You said, closing your eyes as you tried to even out your breathing, the pain in your lower stomach not easing up quite yet.

“Oh fuck, are you in labor?” He asked, bending his head so his eyes could reach yours.

“Yeah I think so.” You said.

“Ok, ok fuck. Ok, let’s get you inside and then we can start timing them yeah?” He said as he slowly helped you up from the chair, abandoning it in the backyard, his focus now all on you.

“How long apart before we can go the hospital?” He asked as he set you back down in the couch were you were previously.

“Uh, six to seven minutes apart I think?” You asked, looking up as he spun around, his eyes searching for something in the room. He found a nearby book, the cover your recognized as one the pregnancy books he had bought. His eyes skimmed the pages as he flipped through the book.

“Uh, yeah, five to seven minutes apart and we can go.” He said before pulling his phone out and handing it to you with the timer app up on the screen. He then grabbed a blanket off the couch adjacent to where you were sitting and draped it over your body.

You sat on the couch, awaiting the next contraction while he gathered up the baby bag and everything he thought you would need before coming back to you.

He wormed his way between you and the edge of the couch before spreading his legs slightly and pulling you into his lap. Your side was now pressed into his chest and your legs were draped over his thigh. He sat with one arm wrapped around your back and the other resting on your rather large bump, his thumb rubbing circles into the clothed skin.

The two of your sat for hours on the couch, first calling his family to inform them. You were suddenly very happy that they had decided to fly into town and stay in a hotel only an hour away once you hit nine months. You couldn’t imagine having to give birth without Anne there to give you advice or Gemma there to take artsy pics for your instagram later.

You had debated calling your family for a total of twenty minutes before saying fuck it, you only give birth to your first baby once.

Your brother answered and said he would be on a plane within the hour, your mother said she was happy for you and said she would be out as soon as she could but had to get the time off approved from her part time job first (Dad had finally let her get one after Y/B/N moved out), your Dad answered but said he didn’t approve the relationship, and couldn’t approve of this child either.

You then cried for another hour as Harry berated your father over the phone, following another hour of tears that he then comforted you through.

The next few hours consisted of timing contractions and watching Harry Potter movies.

You were at ten minutes apart when Gemma, Anne and Robin walked in the door.

The next seven hours consisted of everyone but you sleeping. You pressed the stop button when your felt another contraction come on, your eyes then darting to everyone around you, Gemma was on the love seat in the corner of the room, he head knocked back and mouth wide open. Robin had curled into the other couch, his back to Anne. Anne, who was clearly starting to wake up, was weirdly just sitting straight up, you weren’t sure how she was comfortable but whatever floats her goat right?

Harry had his nose pressed into your neck so you wouldn't necessarily look at him, but you could feel him snoring, that was for sure.

“Can’t sleep love?” Anne asked, her voice showing that she clearly could sleep. You smiled but shook your head sadly.

“No, sometimes I’ll doze off but then another contraction hits and I’m wide awake again.” You said as you started the timer again, signalling the contraction had ended.

“How's the pain?” She asked.

“Not too bad, just kind of annoying. Like I can definitely feel it, and I cannot sleep through it, but I’m fine for the moment. It’s getting worse though.” You said and she nodded.

“Hungry?” She asked and you smiled.

“I’d kill for some crackers and water right now.” You said and she smiled before standing to get you what you requested.

You spent the next few hours talking with Anne, asking all the questions that had rattled your mind. Everything from what was really the best diapers (you never trusted the commercials cause all of them say they’re the more recommended one so like who’s lying?) to if your vagina would really rip and they would have to sew it back up (which you guess is actually true and you almost threw up).

Before you knew it you were being helped into the back of Harry’s Range Rover (you said it was a cliche but he said it was family safe and looked sick as fuck). Harry was in the back with you while Anne took the drivers wheel, Robin and Gemma deciding to take another car and follow instead of all cramming into one.

Getting to the hospital was uneventful and in all honesty nothing like the movies seeing as the receptionist didn’t even look up, just told you to sit in the waiting room while they readyed a room and waiting for your OBGYN to be called in.

You waited for another hour before Dr. Williams came in, she smiled as she came and shook everyone's hand before coming to have her hands rest against the sides of your stomach.

“How far?” She asked.

“Uh, five minutes from the last one.” You said your breath fairly uneven seeing as the last one had ended only seconds ago.

“Alright, well, let’s get you into a room and we can see how far you’re dilated yeah?” She said, before allowing Harry to help her in helping you up. She waved over a male nurse who had just entered the room with a wheelchair and helped you into it. Harry walking behind you to take control of the wheelchair from the nurse. You heard him thank him but you weren’t truly paying attention.

Everything passed in a blur as you were lead into a room and helped onto a hospital gown and then helped into the bed.

Gemma and Robin sat outside the door, Anne and Harry being the only ones in the room as you were checked to see how far your were.

“Alright well, Y/N?” Dr. Williams said, trying to get your attention. You looked up to her before nodding to show that she had it. “You’re only at four centimeters, you need to be at ten.” She said and you nodded.

“How long should that take?” Harry asked, his fingers threading through your hair as he pulled it into a messy bun on top of your head.

“Anywhere from twelve to forty eight hours really. Babies like to take their time.” She said shrugging her shoulders as you let out a groan. “And you still want to do this naturally correct Y/N?” She asked and you nodded.

“Natural birth is a beautiful thing and the body knows what it’s doing.” You said, almost in a chant.

“Of course, well, if you change your mind don’t be afraid to call for me. I’ll come back in a few hours to check on your progress. For the mean time, although it may be hard, try to get some sleep. You’ve got a long night ahead of you.” She said and you nodded before she left the room. Gemma and Robin quickly replacing her.

Throughout the whole thing you had this painful urge to push, like you had the biggest shit to take and you body just wanted it out. But you knew that you shouldn’t so you just forced yourself to do the dumb breathing techniques that you had learned in the birthing classes Harry had forced you two to take.

Harry, who of course was being absolutely perfect, was right next you breathing in the dumb way with you. Of course now no one was getting on your nerves more than he was.

You knew that if you got up a took and walk it would help speed along the labor process but the boy wouldn’t let you get up. He insisted that he wanted you in that bed the whole time cause what if the baby falls out on one of these walks?

You managed to convince him otherwise and he followed you around on your walk with the wheelchair the whole time.  

It took a full thirty hours for you to become fully dilated and when you did you weren’t sure if it was the contractions of the nervous butterflies that hurt worse.

You sighed through another contraction as two nurses set up the stur-ups around you. Harry’s familiar face soon gracing your presence, only this time he was decked in a blue hospital gown and poofy hat.

For the next three hours you screamed, and cried, and probably bruised Harry’s hand and ripped his shirt. You cursed at Harry and his semen, then apologized, then cried some more.

And then, the world stopped as you heard a cry.

(I’m crying omg)

Word Count: 2975

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