Rick Spooky Month - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

|[An art trade that I did a few days ago]|

big spoon Rick


Here an alt version that I also like of this drawing :D

|[An Art Trade That I Did A Few Days Ago]|

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5 months ago


Restlessness Pt. 1

next part

It was a quiet night, just like every other night. Rick quit yet another job, it seemed like he could barely make it through a week in one job. Though, a couple weeks ago he finally moved out after saving enough money, he was glad to leave that house. Even if he left some things behind. While he was heating up some old leftovers he heard a knock. He sighed and set the food down, answering the door with a scowl. It quickly changed to a look of confusion and concern when he saw his younger sister. She had a backpack and a duffle bag with her, she was trying to talk but she was crying too much. It all sounded like jumbled nonsense to him, she was always the more emotional one of the two. He wasn’t sure how to handle it so he just brought her inside, sitting her down and getting her a cup of water. She had been crying so hard she was coughing, he tried his best to console her but he wasn’t used to it.

Eventually she was able to calm down, taking small sips of water and breathing slower. She was still incredibly shaky though, her hands shook so bad she couldn’t hold the cup. He still didn’t understand what was wrong, or why she was here. “Why are you here? Did something happen? Is everything okay?” His voice was flat, it wasn’t entirely his fault. She understood though, she heard it like it was filled with emotion. “They just- they told me to pack up all my things- and they wouldn’t tell me why. When I got in the car they just started yelling- and getting onto me- they said things like- i-i’m too childish- and I just need to leave-” She couldn’t finish her explanation, she started crying again. Luckily he understood it enough, their parents kicked her out. They kicked a twelve year old out because she was childish. “I told them that I didn’t know where to go- so they dropped me off here- they said that you obviously cared more about me- so you can watch me-” She felt terrible, she didn’t want to intrude on anything, especially his home life. “I-I can leave if you want! After tonight i’ll be gone I swear!-” She was cut off when he put his hand over her mouth. “You aren’t leaving, you’re staying here with me. Got it?” She wasn’t sure how to answer, shoving his hand away she mumbled, “I don’t want to be a bother, they thought I was why wouldn’t you?” He only heard the first part of the mumble. “Everythings a bother. You’ll be fine.”

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5 months ago

Restlessness Pt. 2

previous part---next part

TAGGING: @mayisgoingnuts

It was a struggle to get her in bed that night, she didn’t want to sleep. She especially didn’t want to sleep in his bed. It was his place, not hers. She’d feel horrible if she slept on his bed while he slept somewhere else. After about ten minutes he managed to trap her in a blanket and sat her on the bed, she flailed around for a few minutes before stopping. He didn’t care that she was mad about the situation, he just wanted her to rest. He stayed there until she was asleep, since she was such a deep sleeper he untrapped her from the blanket, giving her room to move how she wanted. He left the room and put his shoes and coat on, he grabbed his phone and wallet before leaving. He knew where he was going, and he knew what he was going to do when he got there. He got in his car and began to drive. He knew she’d be safe there alone, everyone knew he didn’t have much to steal anyways. Plus, she knew how to stick up for herself, she’d be fine.

He sighed as he pulled up to a familiar house, he hated this house, he hated the memories he had there. Well, not all the memories, but he still hated the people inside. When he knocked on the door he heard the laughing from inside stop for a minute, then the door opened. A woman answered, she had a smile, which turned into a scowl for a moment. Then back to a fake smile, trying to stay on his good side. “Oh! I wasn’t expecting you here tonight.” She said in the fakest voice he’s ever heard, it reminded him of a customer he had to deal with once. He also knew why she wasn’t expecting him. “Don’t worry, she’s safe.” His voice was laced with sarcasm. “You know you can’t just leave her right? What if I call the polce and tell them? What would you do then?” He added quickly, “You wouldn’t call them! We’ll make up a story like we always do anyways.” She was so snarky, after a minute of polite bickering a man would walk up behind the woman, luckily he was more sober than she was. The two would whisper to each other for a minute before looking back at Rick. “You’re not bringing her back. If you do we’ll make a big deal that you kidnapped her and threatened us if we called the police.” The man explained while the woman just laughed. “I never said I was bringing her back, but I hope you realize how childish it was to kick her out.” “She is a unforgivable brat!-” “No she isn’t, you two just didn’t care about her enough. You cared about me too much and now I like to be alone. You haven’t cared about her enough and now she’s attention starved. You act like the child.” Rick quickly cut them off, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with them. “We are great parents! She’s just a brat! She’s spoiled!” “She isn’t spoiled, you’d know that if you actually raised her.” He then walked off without another word, listening as they yelled behind him.

When he got home he didn’t take off his shoes or coat or anything, he just sat down on the couch. Staring at the ceiling he could only think about the situation he was in. He didn’t have the proper lifestyle to care for anyone, he could barely take care of himself. He didn’t want her to go into foster care or anything like that though, he was to worried to leave her alone. He’d have to get better, for her sake. He sighed and got up, deciding to check on her. When he looked into his room she was still fast asleep, which was good. He quietly shut the door and went back to the couch, laying down this time. He was tired, and he had a lot he needed to do tomorrow. He fell asleep with these thoughts, it was hard to even stay asleep. His sister ended up waking up in the middle of the night, she got up and wandered around. She took note of everything, the food, the apartment, everything. It made her worry, when she saw him sleeping on the couch she felt even worse. She went to grab the blanket he trapped her in and laid it over him. She just stood there, she already felt like a burden. She just wanted to run out and leave everyone alone. But she couldn’t, she still had more to do. She had to make something of herself, she needed some importance in life. After a couple minutes of silently staring she’d sit down on the other end of the couch, falling asleep with her jacket as a blanket.


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1 year ago
Her (shot Rick With The Girlie Pop Beam, Oops)
Her (shot Rick With The Girlie Pop Beam, Oops)
Her (shot Rick With The Girlie Pop Beam, Oops)

Her💕 (shot Rick with the girlie pop beam, oops)

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10 months ago
Honestly, Rick Should Get More Attention, He's A Silly Character

Honestly, Rick should get more attention, he's a silly character

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