Skid Spooky Month - Tumblr Posts
I love this ship :Р (FANON)

wow. I DID IT YEAH. In general, it's like AU! (But I'm not sure) if you don't get it, I'll open your veins with a spoon (just kidding) lol :p

Oh, and it's not my idea related to ignacio.
@eatyourmaker idk, how will you think about it, rather it is not an au, but just as an idea for art :3

Hahahaha, he's so carbon monoxide I can't. I accidentally stopped this freeze frame haahaha
Storm in a field of flowers. Pt. 3 previous part---next part
That night the two had another sleepover at Elaine's house, they never had sleepovers at Rai's house. Elaine never bothered her about it, she knew why they didn't go. “You think we have time to go through candy?” Rai asked, plopping down on the chair at the end of the bed. “I would think, we don't have anything for tomorrow.” Elaine answered, dumping all her candy on the bed. Rai shrugged and dumped her candy out as well. Making sure to keep the piles separate. They spent a while arguing over candy and trading before putting it all back in their bags. “I'm tired, like really tired. Can we go to bed?” Rai yawned, “what? No! It's like- too early!” Her friend answered, she had a lot of energy. Rai sighed and went to her bag. She grabbed some clothes she brought before walking to the door. “I'll be right back, I'm gonna change.” After she went off to the bathroom to change. Elaine took the opportunity to change as well.
When Rai came back she yawned and walked to the other side of the room. She sat down in the corner and shut her eyes. “I'm so tired..but I can't sleep because you don't want me too..” she complained, Elaine looked confused. “You..what? You don't have to do something because I said so. You know that right?” She was now concerned, seeing the confused look on her friend's face. “..what?” She chuckled nervously, Elaine slowly walked over and sat next to her. She didn't say anything, she just sat there. Rai became increasingly awkward. After a few minutes of silence she started to sputter nonsense. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad-” she stopped when Elaine placed a hand on her knee. Rai went bright red and looked at the wall next to her. After a couple minutes Elaine spoke up. “Come on, you can go to sleep. I'll just watch some TV.” Rai quickly nodded and stood up, she waited until Elaine was comfortable before getting in the bed. She fell asleep holding a stuffed animal, Elaine looked over and brushed hair off her..friends face. Hoping for something more.
When Elaine woke up the next morning Rai was gone, only a note she left. Saying she had to leave early. Elaine sighed and started getting ready for the day, wondering why she had to leave. She already missed her, but she didn't know why. A few hours pass and Elaine called Rai like they normally do. They would talk for hours on the phone until one fell asleep, then they'd make fun of the other. “What? Sorry if it sounds bad- I'm busy doing stuff-” Rai mumbled as she answered. She sounded distant from the phone. “Oh, fine with me. It was just time to call, y'know.” Elaine sighed as she laid on her bed. “Time to call?” Rai asked, “Have you been keeping track?” She laughed. Elaine became incredibly embarrassed, “WHAT?! No! Why would I?” She tore off a paper that had a very specific time on it. All that was written was 5:47, the exact time they called. The two would end up talking for hours together. This time, Elaine has fallen asleep first. “Hello? You still there..?” Rai asked, only to be met with silence. “That..that's alright, I'm gonna stay on the phone for a while.” She didn't care that she was talking to herself. She talked to no one for a while, “I..I'm gonna go. I love you Ei, goodnight.” Then she hung up, Elaine has no clue she said it. Little did they know, they were both telling each other every night.
The next day the two met up at the park in-between their houses. Rai was extremely exhausted, she leaned against a tree. “Elaine- i-i need my water-” Elaine stopped and groaned before handing over the water. “Girl come on! We've been walking.” “No we haven't! I've been chasing after you!” The two argued, but Raibegan to cough. Elaine laughed for a second, thinking it was because of her water. But when Rai continued to cough she became worried. She grabbed her shoulders and looked her up and down. Trying to figure out what exactly was wrong. She quickly realized what happened when she saw how pale Rai was. “Did you eat?! You know you can't just not eat then go out and walk!” She scolded, slowly lifting her up. “I thought it'd be fine! I felt like throwing up anyways..” “it's because you didn't eat!” Rai flinched when Elaine yelled, but she didn't say anything after. Elaine ended up taking her home. She forced her to sit down, she then went off to quickly find something to eat. After a few minutes she came back with a bowl of noodles for Rai. She begrudgingly took the bowl and ate slowly. Listening to Elaine scold her for not eating. After a minute she sighed, “I worry for you. A lot. You…you need to take better care of yourself. I mean it.” Elaine sat down next to her, placing hand on Rai's knee. Rai went red and looked away. Elaine looked over, wondering if she'd look at her. And eventually Rai did look back, “I..I have something to admit..” Elaine mumbled, her face now red as well. Rai just stared, waiting for the next part. “I like you..a lot. I love you. If you don't like me back, that's fine. I just- I need an answer.” Rai took a breath, “I'm sorry Elaine..but..” Elaine froze, Rai almost never called her by her full name.
Storm in a field of flowers. Pt. 4 previous part---next part
“I don't know..I mean I like you back! But I'm scared, I-I've never been in a relationship. You have..” Rai looked down, she wasn't wrong. Elaine had been in many relationships. “Well, if it doesn't work out I can promise we'll still be friends.” And that was something Elaine would put her life on. “Promise?” Rai looked up, “promise.” Elaine answered simply. What she wasn't expecting was for Rai to practically jump on her for a hug. “Then yes! I mean- it was a question right? If not then I love you too!” She dug her face into her friend's neck. Elaine hugged her tightly in return, giggling with so much joy. The two sat like that for a while. “But wait, are you gonna tell your dad? Should I tell my uncle?” Rai pondered, she knew her uncle had a husband, but she was still scared of what he might think. Elaine just shrugged, “doesn't matter to me. I know my dad won't care, well, I mean he won't care I'm dating you. He'll be happy.” “I know- I just get know?” Rai didn't know how to express emotions very well. If she told her uncle she would probably start crying. “You don't have to tell him. Or you could just wait.” Elaine suggested, “or, I write a letter!” Rai smiled, Elaine smiled exactly what she was talking about. Whenever she felt too scared or too emotional to tell someone something she wrote it out and gave it to them. She would walk away and let them read it alone.
Elaine nodded, “that's a great idea! I mean, it's what you've always done anyway.” She shrugged. Rai chuckled, “I get scared, if I end up talking to them I start crying. Then they feel bad and it doesn't go anywhere.” “No no I get your reasoning! Makes sense to me.” “Should I send a text now? Or write a letter and give it to them later?” Elaine thought for a moment, “I mean, it's really up to you. I'd send a text right now but-” before she could finish her sentence Rai pulled out her phone and started to write a message. Elaine sighed, shaking her head slightly. The two sat in silence as Rai typed the paragraph. After a few minutes she showed Elaine what it said. Elaine took the phone and began to read, when she finished she gave it back and gave her a thumbs up. “It's really mature. I mean, I can't even write like that.” Rai stared at the phone for a moment, then hit send. As soon as it was sent she sat it down on a nearby desk. “I'll look at the response later. Come on, I think I'm good enough to continue walking.” The two then left Elaine's room, dropping off the now empty bowl in the sink.
They walked until dark, they talked and laughed the entire time. Rai even bought some snow cones for them! While they were walking Rai began to complain about someone in their band. “I don't understand. She has a shower, she has a washer, why not use them?!” She groaned in frustration. “You don't understand how bad it is to be next to her while marching AND while just sitting down playing! She's a senior and she can't even play her damn instrument properly-” she stopped when the two kids she babysits run up, they were yelling. Their yelling caused Elaine to drop her snow cone. “Miss Rai! Miss Rai!” The two cried, “are you going to watch us tomorrow?” The one in the skeleton costume asked, “We want to color!” The one in the Pumpkin costume started after. Rai froze, she looked down at Elaine, who was staring at the snowcone she dropped. “I..I'm sorry guys. But I'm busy tomorrow.” She felt bad for lying, but she wanted to spend time with her lover. The two kids became incredibly sad, causing Rai to cave. “Well..maybe I can find the time to-” “YAYY!” The two kids cheered before running off, almost knocking her down. Elaine sighed, “you need to get better at telling people no.” Rai gave her a look, “You're one to talk.” She mumbled, handing over her snowcone for Elaime to have.
Storm in a field of flowers. Pt.5 previous part---next part
The two continued their walk deep into the night. “I don't understand, why do you go to church? You're not religious.” Elaine questioned, Rai just shrugged in response. “I dunno. It's fun?” It wasn't fun. Elaine knew that, she had been before. “No it isn't- it the priest?” She sounded mad, Rai feared that. “Gregor? What's wrong with him?” Rai tried avoiding the question, but Elaine wasn't letting that happen. Elaine stopped walking, now she stood with her hands on her hips and stared at Rai. “Railyn, what is he doing to you? Is he hurting you? You have to tell me!” “He isn't doing anything to me, he's nice Ei he isn't a bad guy!” “How do you know? He could be horrible! He could be pretending!” Rai was becoming incredibly fearful by now. Scared something might come between them. “Ei I trust him, isn't that good enough?” “No it isn't! I want an actual reason for why you care so much-” “Because he cares about me!” Rai yelled, she never yelled. At least not at Elaine. “He cares about me! More than my dad know what he did to me- I told you what he did! Not many people know because I don't trust them! But he knows, he knows because I told him- because I trust him- because-” Rai stopped, tears fell out her eyes. She crossed her arms and looked down. “Nevermind.” She mumbled, Elaine felt a little bad now. The two sat in silence before the two kids walked up again, but with the priest this time. “We are sorry Miss Rai..” they said in unison, she quickly dried her tears and crouched down to talk to them. “Sorry for what? You didn't do anything.” “We were bothering you, it was mean of us..” the one in the skeleton costume said. “We should've left you don't have to watch us-” she quickly cut off the other kid. “Nonsense! I don't mind watching you two. It's the best part of my day. The two got all giddy, until the priest stopped in. “No, they need to learn. It may be fun watching them, but it's also fun to have some alone time.” She stood up to face him. She had a small smile, which he gladly returned. Elaine only glared with suspicion at him. “Come now children, we still have more people to apologize to.” He called to the two younger kids, they nodded and started walking. She was shocked that they weren't running like normal. The priest put a hand on Rai's shoulder, they exchanged a small smile before he walked off. Rai and Elaine hadn't said a word to each other.
The two girls are still out walking late, they haven't said much to each other. Rai is trying not to cry while she comes up with a way to apologize. Elaine isn't thinking at all, she's just walking. “I-i'm sorry..for yelling earlier I was stupid of were only thinking the best- and I- I was being stupid-” Rai tried to apologize, but she just ended up crying. Elaine stopped and looked down, she panicked. Rai had never cried in front of her before. “Hey- hey wait- you want a hug?” Elaine wasn't sure what to do, but Rai nodded slowly while trying to wipe away her tears. Causing Elaine to slowly and awkwardly wrap her arms around her. Rai held her close and put a head on her shoulder. She wouldn't stop apologizing for, well she was apologizing for everything at this point. Elaine continued to try and tell her not to apologize, but she just felt horrible. Eventually all that was left was sniffles from Rai. “Are you feeling better?” Elaine asked, Rai nodded in response. Her face still dug in Elaine's shoulder. Elaine would think for a couple of minutes, then get an idea.
“Hey, why don't we post something about how cool it is to be outside late at night?” Rai lifted her head, she looked incredibly confused. “What do you mean? Everyone goes around at night.” “Well, just for fun. Plus it'd be nice to have you in my camera roll more.” Elaine giggled as Rai took herself off of her as her face turned bright red. “I..uhm..sure..but it has to be on your phone. My camera sucks.” Elaine quickly pulled out her phone and started recording. “Hold on..oh! Got it!” She pointed the camera towards Rai. Rai just covered her face, Elaine giggled. “Come on! No one will see it. Promise.” After a moment, Rai took her hands off her face. She walked around to be next to Elaine, the camera moved to be on both of them. Elaine kissed Rai's cheek, making her giggle. The two then talked about their night to the camera. They talked for about fifteen minutes before Elaine saw something in front of them. “.hold on..what's that thing?” She flipped the camera, a red blob showed up. It became bigger and more clear the closer it got to the camera. It looked like some kind of demon. Elaine quickly tried to run, but Rai stayed in place. Frozen in fear as the demon ran closer, Elaine yelled for her to get out of the way, but she didn't move. The demon ran up and jumped on Rai, the camera couldn't catch that part. The camera started working again soon after though, Rai looked around like she was looking for something. She now had horns, sharp teeth, and orange eyes. Elaine yelled in fear and just continued to record the phenomen, she didn't know what else to do. Until the two kids and the priest showed up again. The kids run up and go in front of Rai, almost defending her from the priest. Something Elaine could agree with those two for one. The priest runs up and yells, the camera couldn't capture it properly. Elaine started yelling in confusion, “what's going on?!” “Quiet! get- OUT OF THIS BODY MOLOCH!” He yelled before throwing water on Rai. She screamed and threw up some kind of goo. She laid on the sidewalk as the goo would slither away, slowly morphing back into the demon. She stopped recording as she ran up to Rai. Holding her as they ran off. “WHAT DID YOU DO?!” She yelled at the priest in horror as she held her lover.

Tw// blood, knife, wounds,
I did emotion request stuff on twitter, here's the them!! many tags....

Skid, little guy ain't so little anymore
Last one!!!

Hope this is enough food...

the spookiest boys around!!!
Twitter request! Part 1/?

We got
Fem Rick , Butch Ignacio, Jack x Ross's dad, Jack w/ a cat and Jack by himself , streber with his rat(s), Skid dad, & Spooky babies in a bag

I don't think I posted this here.
I made stamps!! :)

New hat
Made this for myself but my sons kindly offered to model it for me

New hat
Made this for myself but my sons kindly offered to model it for me
Woah both of their uncles work together!!

i love when the hatzgang just decides to bond with skid and pump, like weren’t you originally their bullies bro
also stupid headcanon
higher quality recent post because they deserve it
Guess what...?