John Spooky Month - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Storm in a field of flowers. Pt.9 previous part---next part

Ten minutes pass and everyone was laying on the floor, everyone was laughing, and they had two recordings of it. After he regained his breath Radford sat up and leaned against the bed, “Hey, you guys wanna watch a movie?” “I can make popcorn and Ei can help me with the other snacks!” Rai said happily, Elaine let out an offended scoff. The three boys agreed and it was final, they we’re having a movie night. Radford went to grab the two boxes of DVDs, with Roberts help. Roy and Ross were standing next to the kitchen, watching the girls make everything. Ross was listing off snacks to help them and Roy was just patronizing them. Rai was busy making everyones drinks while Elaine was getting all of the snacks on the tray situated.

The first one to wake up was Roy, or so he thought. Rai was gone, he didn’t have a clue where she went, she was asleep in Elaine's arms. So it was odd she left a comfortable position. He slowly managed to get out of his friend's grasp and get off the couch. He heard something knock over in another room, Rais' bedroom. He very slowly went into the hallway and walked down to her room. He stood in front of the door for a moment before knocking. After a minute she slowly opened the door. She looked terrified, she was shaking and crying. She ended up backing away from him, which confused him even more. “Are you okay..? You’re being really weird..” His tone was laced with sarcasm. He didn’t mean it though, and she knew that. She slowly shook her head at the question. “Why aren’t you talking? You love to.” He rolled his eyes, she didn’t answer. She sort of just stared, he was beginning to get a little creeped out. “You…please you need to understand…the feels like it’s still there..doesn’t it..?” She put a hand on her chest, he wanted to lie, but didn’t. He nodded slowly in agreement to the question. “But that would be weird..I mean, it’s not like he was walking around during that-” He was cut off when she grabbed his shoulders. “That isn’t what I mean! It- I- I can’t explain it- but please! Understand me- you have too!” She was shaking him. She didn’t mean to, but she was terrified, he understood that all too well. He stood there for a moment, thinking about what he should do. He took a deep breath and slowly pushed her back, she was scared for a moment until she realized he just wanted her to sit down. So she sat down on her bed, she stared at him while waiting for him to say something. She jumped when he sat next to her and held his hands up. He put his hands on her shoulders and stared her in the eyes. “You need to breathe. Like..i dunno your band stuff. What’s the slowest song you play?” He asked, she thought for a moment. “The…the” He shushed her, putting a hand over her mouth. “Okay, now the..tempo? Is that right?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. “Okay, uhm..get the..tempo in your head and breathe at that pace. What is it uhm..” He mumbled to himself. “Counts? Okay, four counts in, hold four counts, then breathe out for counts.” She nodded and did as told, only the counts were much slower than he thought, so he had to correct her and tell her two counts. After a minute she was breathing properly, but she was still terrified. “Alright, now can you explain what you mean?” His sarcasm was still very apparent, but she knew that was just him. “It..I can’t tell if what i'm doing is because of that..thing or if it’s because of myself. I don’t- do you ever-” She sighed, not being able to get the words right. “ ever feel like you’re a bad person?” She didn’t look at him, but she knew how he felt about that. He agreed with her. “I..I guess I yeah.” He was surprised she felt that way. The only reason he’s surprised is because she doesn’t do bad things. Even if she does, she apologizes or feels incredibly guilty about it. The two sat in silence for a few minutes before Rai spoke up. “..You can talk about it with me. I won’t judge, and I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” “You promise me Railyn?” “Promise you Reynold.”

So the two sat and talked for what seemed like hours, they just talked about everything that was happening in their life. Even including things from the past, which they both cried when they talked about it. Eventually they got everything out of their system. “I…i’m sorry if I was talking too much.” Rai tried apologizing, but was quickly shut down by him. “Quit apologizing! It’s annoying.” He shut his eyes, crossed his arms, and looked away from her. She knew this wasn’t anything bad. In fact, she was happy he said that. It meant he cared. She stayed quiet for a moment before she got an idea. “Oh! Why don’t we go make breakfast for everyone?” She sounded super excited when she suggested it. He just rolled his eyes. “Why should we? What have they done for us?” Rai shrugged, “Just to be nice. Then maybe we can use it against them if we want them to do something.” She said it so happily, it was kind of funny. Either way, he liked that idea a lot. He quickly agreed and the two quietly snuck into the kitchen.

After about thirty minutes everyone else woke up to a burning smell. Everyone was confused, “Where’s the fire?-” Elaine stated as she quickly sat up on the couch. She sighed in relief when she saw the two in the kitchen behind them. “Oh..nevermind they’re just cooking.” She then sat back down on the couch and tried to go back to sleep. Rai silently walked up and yanked the blanket off. Elaine almost fell off the couch as she had done that. “Nope! We cooked for you guys. Now come on- get up.” Rai said while she walked back into the kitchen, making her own plate of food. Roy had already sat down and started to eat. Radford was still asleep, no one woke him up. He would always yell at whoever woke him up. Robert though had practically jumped off the couch to get the food. Ross just walked, though he was excited about getting food. Elaine laid on the floor for a couple of minutes before getting up to get her food as well.

When they all finished they left just enough for the other two in the house if they wanted some food later. For now, they all sat at the table, discussing what they would do for the day. “I want to go around town. But me and Rai don’t have any money.” Ealine stated, “I can pay for everything you know?-” Roy was quickly cut off by Rai. “No! I always end up feeling bad. I still owe you money from that one time.” “You needed food and you were about to pass out!” Robert accused, “Shut up!” Rai yelled as she threw a piece of trash at him. The conversation would continue until Rai remembered she needed to take her medicine. So she left to go take it, when she came back she dropped Roberts medicine in front of him. He groaned, “Why do I need my medicine? It’s the weekend!” “You know the rules, if one of us has friends over we need our medicine.” “But you take yours everyday!” “Well they aren’t my rules! If you’re gonna yell at anyone go yell at John.” Everyone just stopped to listen to their conversation, Robert mumbled something under his breath to mock her. She just ignored him and sat back down. “So, did anyone figure out what we’re gonna do?” “We’re gonna see if Radford will let us borrow his car since Ross has his license.” Roy explained as he leaned back in his seat. “I have my learners permit. Not my license-” Ross tried defending himself but Roy cut him off, “Same difference! If we get pulled over then you can show them and we’ll be fine.” “No we won’t, we need an adult in the car if it’s only a learners permit.” Rai explained, “Plus! There’s not many cops in town. What if our uncle pulls us over?” Robert practically shouted from the kitchen, Rai just pointed his way. Showing her agreement. “Well then what are we going to do?! I don’t wanna walk around all day!” Roy complained. “We could ride bikes,” Elaine suggested, but her idea was quickly shut down by Roy. “Well someone here can’t ride a bke.” He glared at Rai, who got incredibly defensive. “It’s not my fault my dad didn’t care enough to teach me anything!” They all stayed quiet for a moment, they only started talking when Robert sat back down.

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10 months ago

I would explode if you drew John in your style.../nf

I Would Explode If You Drew John In Your Style.../nf
I Would Explode If You Drew John In Your Style.../nf
I Would Explode If You Drew John In Your Style.../nf
I Would Explode If You Drew John In Your Style.../nf

The guy

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8 months ago



cover: Chogakusei

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i spent so long drawing that squiggle on john’s face it’s not even funny (it is)

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It’s crazy what could happen when a meteor hits

it may just be hell to some random guy



a guy, who just doesn’t like musicals


stupid spooky month au jumpscare

Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits
Its Crazy What Could Happen When A Meteor Hits

john is so fugly

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me when my could’ve been boyfriend becomes infected by random blue shit

i physically can’t make serious drawings, what is this

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Grahh My Favorite Father-daughter Relationship
Grahh My Favorite Father-daughter Relationship

grahh my favorite father-daughter relationship

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i thought you hated him?!


love them so much (also probably a headcanon? i like to think john didn’t exactly want a deputy)

 I Thought You Hated Him?!

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everytime you post or respond to something related to jack and john i get so happy

Everytime You Post Or Respond To Something Related To Jack And John I Get So Happy
Everytime You Post Or Respond To Something Related To Jack And John I Get So Happy


@doodle-wvfy Found This Lovely Au Thing That Im Pretty Godamn Sure Pelo Drew (it Has The Watermark) And

@doodle-wvfy found this lovely au thing that im pretty godamn sure pelo drew (it has the watermark) and WE FINALLY GET TO SEE SKID N PUMPS F A C E S, UN-SIMPLIFIED that is all

Yeah I'm completely aware of these!! In fact, if I remember correctly there are currently four (including this one). I remember the other three being the Minus AU, OFF AU and Guilded Crests AU (don't quote me on that though,, my memory is terrible lmao)

I have them on my laptop ready to upload!! I was just waiting to get a few other things out of the way first then I'd get to uploading these!

OH and if I remember correctly, Sr Pelo said that the way Skid and Pump were drawn here without their masks was not canon and should not be taken as such

@doodle-wvfy Found This Lovely Au Thing That Im Pretty Godamn Sure Pelo Drew (it Has The Watermark) And

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peanutsmixedwithjuice - jack
peanutsmixedwithjuice - jack
Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats End Credit Art Concepts
Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats End Credit Art Concepts
Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats End Credit Art Concepts
Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats End Credit Art Concepts

Spooky Month 5: Tender Treats end credit art concepts

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11 months ago
Them, You Cant Tell Me Otherwise

them, you can’t tell me otherwise

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1 year ago

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1:

Word count: 3006

2nd of April, 1984

The wheels of the bikes scraped and scratched against the dirt path as the three boys swerved through the forest in a heated race. Frank, the tallest, who had messy long black hair and a stronger build than the other two, was in the lead, having had a head start from the others by screaming ‘RACE!’ and taking off before they could process what he had said. Jack, the youngest, with short jet black hair and his blue vest wrapped around his waist, allowing his oversized shirt to fly in the wind, was right behind him. He sported a determined look on his face as he approached his older friend, about to take him over. Frank however, seemed more pleased to see him approaching so fast, which confused Jack for just a second before they arrived at a sharp turn.

Jack yelped out as he drifted to break before he could enter the wrong path, making have to fully stop and watch as Frank turned back to stick his tongue out and let John, the shortest one, who’s big brown curls were flowing in the wind, take his place as second. He gave him an amused and playful smile as he passed, making any negative feelings Jack could have had about his predicament leave.

Frank turned back and watched as John was approaching, just about to pass him and take first place. He turned back forward, about to accelerate to try to lose him, only for his eyes to widen as he suddenly pulled on his brakes, almost falling off his bike as a result, although being lucky and skillful enough to drift and stop himself. John, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky, he let out a surprised noise and tried doing the same, braking right behind Frank, but without being able to stop himself in time, he lost control of his bike as he swerved to the side, falling and tumbling to the ground.

“Ow…” The boy groaned as he sat himself back up, looking down at the lollipop he had spat out in the ordeal. Well, he thought, at least he didn’t swallow or choke on it.

“What was that?!” John snapped his head towards Frank, who appeared to be just as in shock at what he did then John was.

“Sorry!” Frank seemed genuinely apologetic, almost stumbling off of his bike as he put his hand up.

“What happened?” Jack asked, having just caught up to them, stopping next to Frank and looking at the two worriedly as John dusted himself off. He picked up his now ruined lollipop, pulling out the paper from his jeans pocket and wrapping it around it, he was probably not going to finish that.

“I don’t know!” John tucked the lollipop in a side pocket of his backpack, to throw it out for later. “Frank just stopped right in front of me!” John gestured angrily towards his friend, frustrated when he noticed that his jeans now had a hole around his knee, which was scrapped as well.

“I told you I’m sorry!” John grumbled at his apology, approaching his discarded bike and inspecting it, glad to see it hadn’t suffered too much damage aside from a spot where the paint had been scrapped off. Frank frowned at his friend’s apparent irritation and pointed his own frustrated finger at the ground. “I was trying to avoid hitting that bird!”

Jack moved his glance towards the spot, followed by John’s angry glare, which turned into one of confusion. There, standing absolutely still in the middle of the dirt path, was a crow, looking completely undisturbed by the accident that had just happened and staying still.

“... Huh.” John approached the other two boys, joining their side and looking down at the black bird.

“... It didn’t move.”

“Do you think it’s injured?”

“Nah, it’s standing just fine.” Frank joined along with their speculations

“Looks like a statue.”

“Well, it’s breathing.” Jack had knelt down in front of the bird, making vague gestures that would have made any other bird fly away, this one stayed completely still.

“Do you think it’s like- blind?”

“Blind and deaf?” Frank questioned with a deadpan look.

“Well, you never know!” John argued back.

“It’s true that its eyes are weird…” Jack added, almost like he was talking to himself. The two boys went down next to Jack and tilted their heads to get a better look at the bird’s face. Its eyes seemed faded and misty, glossed over, they almost looked like a blurry picture of the night sky.

John hummed, stared for a few seconds, before standing back up and turning his head away, looking for any reasonable place that the crow could have come from. Aside from a nest right above it, where two baby birds chirped away for their mother, he found nothing. The three boys stayed silent for a few more seconds, until Frank seemed to be getting bored of this.

“Or…” The other two looked at him as he stood back up. “It’s just a weird crow.” Frank said as a matter of fact, before mounting back on his bike and getting ready to leave. “Let’s just go and leave it alone.”

There was silence between the two, Jack still looking at it before turning back and standing up as well. “Yeah.. You’re probably right.” He agreed, standing back up as well and getting his own bike ready and giving John a head gesture. “Come on, John.” A reassuring smile was thrown his way as he mounted it. John sighed.

“Yeah, okay.” He climbed back on his bike and the trio was off, the race was forgotten, although Frank had silently decided that he was the winner. John gave the bird one last glance before they turned the corner, it had not moved.

The three boys went home, and the bird was all but forgotten about.



3rd of April, 1984

“Frank, come oooon.” John whined impatiently, bouncing on his feet. They were waiting in front of their school, bikes at the ready, the day had ended about ten minutes ago, and John was eager to leave. Frank, however, was still talking to Lila.

''Calm down dude, just five more minutes.'' He gave John a quick glance, barely looking at him before turning back to Lila and continuing their conversation.

John groaned as he rocked his bike back and forth, tapping his foot on the ground, his eyes wandering around, clearly not enjoying having to wait any longer. ''You said that five minutes ago! Even Jack's getting impatient!''

''Huh?-'' Jack had in fact, not been getting impatient, on the contrary, he was perfectly content waiting for Frank as he watched a butterfly rest on one of the flowers against the school's gate. Frank rolled his eyes and Lila gave him an awkward chuckle.

''If you're all in a rush then I'll leave you to it, we can talk tomorrow! Either way, I should probably go as well.'' She gave Frank a smile and a wave. He seemed a bit disappointed but he smiled and waved back at her as Lila left to join her friend, Jaune, who was waiting for her a bit further away. Lila and Jaune were part of the group who left by foot, a bit after Narciso did, in the same general direction as him, Icarus as well, going in the same direction that John and his friends would take today. Many simply went on the bus, but some stayed behind, to play, like Ray and Bastien, or to wait for their parents, like Richard, Dexter or Carmen.

John, Jack and Frank were part of the few who'd come with their bikes if they could, leaving in the same way. Although they were supposed to have a set path, after so long, Frank ended up suggesting they take a detour through a path in the woods. It was definitely longer, but it was much more enjoyable for them. The woods were especially enjoyable during spring and autumn, and their new path allowed them to pass by the fields, crops and animals, which they would sometimes feed.

Frank let out an annoyed groan as he mounted his bike, joining his two friends and avoiding eye contact with John, which only resulted in John giving him an amused smirk. The brown haired boy shared a glance and a chuckle with Jack before they were off. John was in the lead this time, although they were far from racing, it was their usual stroll back home today, aside from the fact that, besides some snickering between Jack and John, it was quiet. Jack, being on the same level as Frank, would turn his gaze towards him with a big dumb smile, Frank tried ignoring it, wanting to give the impression that he was angry at the two, but his frown faltered when he would side eye Jack and see his grin.

Eventually, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling and letting out a snort. “What??” He pressed on, lightheartedly, making Jack giggle.

“Do you like her?”


“Lila, do you like her?”

“Well yeah, she’s nice to me, she’s a good friend.”

John couldn’t help but repress a laugh with Jack, earring an undignified and confused look from Frank towards the two.

“No, doofus. Do you like like her?”

It took a few seconds, but it was like a lightbulb had suddenly turned on in Frank’s head as he realized what Jack was talking about. Turning to give him a glare, he removed his hand from the handlebar to give him a punch in the shoulder, Jack responding with an ‘ow!’ between his giggling.

“No I don’t! I told you, she’s nice! That’s it!”

“Yeah, okay, definitely just nice.”

“She’s just a friend, quit it!” Frank tried to go for another hit, which Jack dodged.

“Just a friend? At this rate you’re gonna spend more time with her than us!”

“What?! That’s not even true! We-... John?”

The friendly banter between the two boys came to an end as they stopped their bikes. In between them, John had stopped as well without a word, looking down at the ground, his expression showing a mix of shock, lots of confusion and a tinge of anxiety. His friends followed his gaze and they joined him in his confusion when their eyes landed on the spot he was fixing.

The same crow from yesterday.

In the same spot.

In the same pose.

It hadn't moved for an entire day.

The three boys stayed quiet as they stared at the animal, each trying to make sense of this scene in their head.

“Uhm… Maybe it’s a different bird?-” Jack proposed, without even really believing his own theory, immediately getting shut down by the other two throwing him a glance.

''It stayed here all night?'' John asked his friends as if they would have actually been able to answer him. Frank hummed as a response, looking down at him and seemingly thinking.

''Yeah, really weird crow… Alright, let's go.'' Frank started pedaling again, going around it and paying it no mind. John didn't follow him, looking at Frank in disbelief while he vaguely gestured towards the bird.

''You're not weird out by that?? I mean- crows don't do that- right Jack?'' He turned towards his taller friend, who was still next to him and observing the two.

''Uh-'' Jack blinked a few times, not having anticipated getting put into the conversation. ''Yea no they don't do that but…''

''It's just a bird, John.'' Frank had shrugged at John's question as he waited ahead for the two. Jack nodded, glad that Frank had filled out the end of his thoughts for him. ''Maybe it has some sort of brain damage or something. I dunno, let's just go.''

Jack hummed, seemingly agreeing with Frank as he joined him forward, leaving John as the last one who hadn't moved yet. He stayed frowning down at the bird a little longer, as if it would eventually let out its secret if John stared hard enough, the crow did not move.

''Weren't you in a hurry? Or should we wait five more minutes?'' Frank said teasingly, which finally earned a reaction from John, who looked up with an offended smile.

''You-!'' The boys chuckled as John started quickly making his way back to them, causing Jack and Frank to take a head start.

The crow was forgotten about as the boys left in a haste, pretending to be in a cops chase.

It stood in its spot, unmoving, staring straight forward.




It was uncanny how blue the sky was, only disturbed by two lone clouds slowly drifting through it, although now wind could be felt or heard. John had been walking for an undefined amount of time, kicking a pebble through the dirt path as he did. He was surrounded by a wheat field, John couldn’t make out if it even had an end, and it didn’t bother him, being in a dream, he didn’t question the illogicality of this place. John paused however, as he had kicked his pebble too far to the right, it hit something, making a small sound that made John look up and take in his surroundings. The field was still the same as before, however, to his left, he could see a crooked tree breaking the repeating pattern of the crops, and to his right, there was the thing that hit his pebble, what looked like a concrete block stood there, looking old and disheveled, as if no one had came to bother cleaning it in years now.

John blinked once before approaching it, he observed for the dirt path, as the shed was a good three meters into the field. The crops being almost his seize, he refrained for now to approach it. He looked at the door of the block, who appeared to be a lot more taken care of than the shed, almost as if they did not fit together. The doorknob was a golden color, a teal glint shining on it.

John squinted his eyes, trying to make out what was making that shining light. Unconsciously, trying to get a closer look, he took a step forward, stepping in the field. The wheat rippled at his touch as if it were water. John inhaled sharply as his eyes opened back up, from the bright field to the darkness of his room. He wasn’t sure what woke him up, he had felt something like an odd wave go through his body and he could see a small blue tint over his vision that quickly went away.

He groaned as he felt a headache come on and turned around in his bed, guessing the light came from his window and tried to avoid it in the future. He pulled the covers over his head and almost immediately went back to sleep, his half asleep mind way too woozy to even begin thinking about this night, The rude awakening would be forgotten about in the morning.




4th of April, 1984

“It’s gone.”

It was another day, and just like the previous days, they went through the same path through the woods, and eventually, the three boys stumbled back into the spot where the crow had stayed for the past few days, only now it was empty. John stared, growing at the ground, while Frank just gave it a hum and a shrug before riding past it.

“See? T’was nothing to worry over, just a weird bird, probably got caught by a fox or something.” Frank looked behind, trying to get John to move and get going.

“But there’s no trace of a fight though…” John mumbled, almost to himself as he scanned the ground around him, the dirt hadn’t been disturbed, there was no sign of any fox or predators having passed through, there wasn’t even any sign the crow had ever been there.

“John, it’s fine, don’t stress over it.” Jack had slowed down next to him to give him a few pats on the shoulder and a smile as he passed him as well, John didn’t move.

“Yeah! Probably just flew away, y’know, like birds do?” Frank gave John a cocky tone as he tilted his head forehead, shaking it, almost like he was calling John an idiot. Jack chuckled as he passed him.

That made John look up, a frown on his face, but he wasn’t angry, maybe a bit irritated sure, but he was smiling playfully. He knew his friend wouldn’t actually insult them, and little bickering like that between these two specifically was a daily occurrence. “Are you making fun of me!”

“Nah!...” Frank shrugged, turning his head away with an exaggerated dumb look. “Maybe, but that doesn’t matter!” John gave Frank an offended look, which made Frank put up his hands defensively.

“Hey come on, look. Some birds are weird, okay? It’s gone now, don’t sweat over it.”

John hummed, his smile faltering a bit as he looked back down. It really looked as if the bird had simply never even been there in the first place. He frowned, maybe they were right, no, they were definitely right. John was making a mountain out of a molehill. Of course there was nothing to worry about, nature was unpredictable, he shouldn’t try to make sense of something that had so little impact on his life either way. A random crow on a dirt path? He saw birds everyday, it didn't matter.

“Yeah, Okay.” He paddled back towards his friends, the event staying in the back of his mind as they left, but he was sure he would move on from it soon enough, it was nothing to worry about. The three boys turned around the corner and continued on with their day.

Unbeknownst to them, one of the two baby birds living in the nest about the path was left alone as it chirped for its mother.

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