Riff X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Riff x artist!reader

Notes: hey yo Friends, i m back. Took me Long enough. Here you have a ff that nobody asked for. Lol. This is just the First Part of a series. Hopefully i can finish it this time. Also pls don’t be angry Riff isnt really in this Part but he for sure will be in the second Part of this Story, so this is more like a prologue. Kinda. I take requests. And you cure my depression ( at least a tiny bit ) if you text me something nice. Hope you like it. Love, Mai 🍄
Warnings: none, capitalism?!, not perfect english
Summary: Reader likes to draw buildings and her ever changing neighbourhood. After she meets a certain Gang leader, she now really wants to draw the mysterious guy with the beautiful eyes.
The warm afternoon sun was shining on my skin as I walked through the streets of New York's West Side. A thick sheet of paper in one hand, my watercolor box in the other. I ran excitedly to the next street corner, trying to avoid the shadows of the buildings. It was the beginning of spring, so it was only really pleasant in the sun. In the shade, however, I felt like I was freezing to death in my thin dress. I had begged my overprotective brother not to have to wear the thick winter clothes. He had first been of the opinion that I would catch cold in this weather, but then had agreed after he saw the first rays of sunlight shining through the large window onto the fire escape. After that my face was radiateing like the sun, „it is almost a competition“he said, whereupon he could only say yes to me wearing my favorite dress.
It was Sunday and I had gotten up early to set up my drawing supplies in front of a nearby church in the neighborhood and then to be able to paint when everyone would go to mass. I had only started a few weeks ago with the painting of people. I had seen a young man in the subway. He had the most beautiful blue eyes. I had wished very much that I could have drawn him right at that moment. But as soon as he got off the train and jogged down the stairs of the station, I had forgotten his face.
With a building this would never have happened to me. Ever since I was little, I had memorized the windows, towers and facades of the buildings around me. They were burned into my brain. So it was easier for me to later bring the straight lines and dark colors perfectly on paper. Since I had seen the young man, there was a new need in me. I wanted to paint something that was not rigid and straight like the skyscrapers of the West side.
That's exactly why I had tried to draw the people going to church that morning. But somehow I didn't quite succeed. I was dissatisfied with my painting. Nothing looked the way I wanted it to. The happy faces of the young girls in their pretty Sunday dresses looked lifeless and gray. The old people leaning on each other to climb the stairs of the church together did not look lovingly and kind but rather as if they were arguing in front of the house of God.
My newest plan was to draw the small Irish pub on the next street corner. My brother went there often with his friends. He had told that even in the afternoon the small tables already were filled with empty beer bottles and some drunkard even spend sunday not leaving his seat.
I set my things down next to me while I studied the building opposite me carefully. I had no problem drawing the masonry in a few strokes. As I was about to start detailing the dark green front door with the blurry windows, I was disturbed by an unwelcome shouting. A group of young men had gotten into a fight with the owner of the pub. Something in me felt the need to draw the event in front of me. But before I could think about whether it would be morally compatible to draw a possibly escalating fight, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Y/N? What are you doing here. Come on, we shouldn't be around when the jets are doing something illegal," the voice said, matching the hand on my shoulder. It was Tommy, my brother John's best friend. If Tommy was here, my brother couldn't be far either. I didn't like it when the two of them came together. I always have the feeling that my brother wants to bring me and Tommy together. I'm surprised because John still doesn't accept that I've been a grown woman for a while now. He always sees me only as his little sister who definitely should not waste any thoughts on boys and relationships. But with Tommy he was different. Tommy was the only son of a rich merchant from Manhattan. He and John knew each other from college. John probably wanted me to marry him so that I would have a secure life. Definitely not the plan I had for myself. It's not that I didn't like Tommy, he was usually friendly and always had a compliment for me. But he was a coward. The only conversations I had with him were about the fear that someone might steal his expensive new watch or about how his favorite topic in the world was finance.
Not really what I was interested in. He probably thought he could impress me with his father's money. But what I would have been really happy about would have been a few words about my paintings or if he admired New York at sunrise as much as I did. But he had not answered either one and had returned his attention to the fortune on his wrist.
He also wore the watch today, it was cold on my shoulder. I was still thinking about what to answer when John also entered my field of vision.
"If it isn`t my baby sister. How many times have I told you not to go down this street. It's not for young ladies like you. And look at you. Your hands are full of charcoal and paint. What will people think? Come on, let's go, see you tomorrow Tommy" instantly he had pulled me up from my seat and ran with me in the opposite direction of the pub. I quickly grabbed my art supplies. "Walk faster Y/N , dad will be upset if he sees you like this so you better hurry so we get home on time.
I know my brother was only strict with me because he was afraid something could happen to me. Our father had taught him to be strict. After our mother passed away, there wasn't much warmth in our family. And John was always under observation. Father was almost never at home because of his job and sometimes I didn't see him for several days. John, on the other hand, was always there for me. When we were alone he was very caring and loving to me, but as soon as other people were around he showed his strength and severity. Too big was the fear that someone could confess to my father how soft and loving he had been.
When I arrived at our apartment, I immediately ran to the bathroom and began to wash the stains off my hands. The paint came off easily, but the charcoal stains on the back of my hands just wouldn't come off. Only now I noticed that there was also a small spot of blue paint on my light dress. I mentally cursed myself. Why hadn't I been more careful? For me, but also for John. I couldn't imagine what his punishment would be if father found out that I had been hanging around painting all day instead of sitting at the sewing machine or standing behind the stove. He had very old-fashioned views about the place of a woman. But still I could not be angry with him, he was my father after all and only thanks to him I could have the money to paint and the beautiful clothes I loved to wear.
But although me and John waited all evening long for our father to return, he did not come back to the apartment that night. And even though I had struggled all evening, I decided to paint again the next morning while lying between my silk sheets and slowly falling asleep.
Riff x artist!reader Chapter 2

Notes: hey Part twoooo is here! 🍄
Warnings: just bad writing, swearing
The morning sun was shining through my room as I packed my bag. John had told me in the evening to not draw again today. But he certainly couldn`t say anything against the fact that I wanted to go and buy things we needed. So I hid paintbrushes and pencils between the shopping list and money in my bag. My plan was to run as fast as possible to docs, then I had about ten minutes for a small sketch, After that I could do the errands and paint a little in the store while I talked to Valentina. After all, my brother could hardly object if I talked to another woman and was therefore a little late. Convinced of my plan, I ran to the apartment door and quickly said goodbye to my brother. I almost jumped down the stairs to the next floor. Hopefully the neighbor Mrs Murphy wouldn't stop me. She was always interested in the latest gossip from the block. Several times she had asked me if Tommy and I were going to get married soon. Why did everyone think I wanted to?
It wasn`t a long way to docs. I had been going there since I was a little girl, most times to look at the colorful candy. Once or twice valetina had given me a little chocolate. I had been overjoyed. Since her husband had died a while ago, I went at least once a week. Even if I had nothing to get from the shop. I just loved the little store and its cheerful owner. But my father had forbidden me to visit the store that often. "Too many bad young guys are going there " he had said. So i didnt visit Valentina regularly and if i was then only in the mornings. My father had said that it was the only time I should be out and about in the neighborhood, since the Jets were probably not up at that time of day yet.
I only had a few minutes to unpack my things. I sat down on a bench across from docs and started drawing. Quick strokes on the bright paper. It took only a few moments for the outline of the building. Then I got down to the details. The windows, the small display and the sign that hung above the door. The next time I looked up, I saw him. I thought I was dreaming, but in front of the store stood the young man from the subway train. He argued with Valentina.
"Hey, come on, just two minutes. I really need to talk to Tony.“
Could it really be him? And what was he doing here? Why was he arguing with Valentina?
Too many thoughts were in my head at once. I needed to draw. This time I was not interrupted. I couldn't help it and started sketching what was in front of me. More importantly I started to sketch him. His lean body, his paint-stained hands, his long fingers holding a cigarette. The brown tousled hair, the cheeky grin and those beautiful eyes. Everything was suddenly in front of me on the paper. Too big was the fear to forget him again.
"Fuck come on. I swear I won't steal anything."
"Well, maybe not this time. You've always stolen from me boy, don't think I'll let a criminal like you in my store again." Valentina's voice grew louder. It seemed to be very important to her, she was not someone who just raised her voice. But instead of worrying about Valentina, my thoughts were only filled with the man in front of me. She knew him, and that must mean she probably knew a name to that face. How much I would like to know his name. How much I would like to look at him from up close.
„Y/N "All at once I was torn from my thoughts. I had forgotten what my real goal was. I was running out of time.
"Y/N, sweetheart how nice to see you. Come on in. You don't have to be afraid of him anymore, I successfully chased him away. Come here and sit with me." she pointed at the chair by the window. "I haven't seen you for so long. How can I help you?
I gave her my list. She went right out and started looking on the shelves.
I chewed on my lower lip. Should I ask her? But she shouldn't think i was interested at all, otherwise it could lead to big problems. Besides, she had called him a criminal. That wasn't exactly a positive description.
"Who was that?"
"What do you mean, child?"
" the young gentleman you had a fight with? What did he want?"
Before she could answer, I heard footsteps and then the door to the basement open. Tony was standing there. I didn't really know him, we had only spoken once or twice. He worked and lived with Valentina. I think she saw him kinda as a son. He was tall and muscular. Most of the time he helped her with the heavy boxes from the warehouse or climbed up the ladders when something was needed from on top of the cupboards. Most of the time he looked a bit sad but still smiled friendly when he saw me in the store.
"Hey, what's this about? Who were you fighting with Valentina?" he looked worried at the woman in front of him, before giving her a kiss on the cheek to continue carrying boxes.
" your annoying friend was here again, asking for you"
"You mean Riff? I'm sorry he was here again. I told him you didn't want him here."
"If only he would listen. That boy is nothing but trouble."
Attentively I stood there and listened to the conversation. Riff? What kind of name was that? Somehow I had the feeling that I had heard this name before.
I looked at the clock above the door. It was already 10 minutes past the scheduled time. So I had only about 3 minutes to get back to the apartment in time. I had just spent too much time in front of the store. I paid and took the bag with my purchases from Valentina's hand. "Thank you very much. See you soon. I have to hurry or I'll be late. It gushed out of me before I heard the door close behind me. I ran to the next street corner and then started walking regularly. No one should notice that I had run all the way. That wouldn’t have been really ladylike. And Mrs Murphy would certainly ask me about it later or would gossip with the other neighbors. They definitely shouldn’t know I was that excited about a boy.
Fortunately John was in a good mood. He didn't say anything else about me being late, even though I got a slightly annoyed look when I stumbled through the door. But thanks to the good weather, he seemed to forgive me.
In my room I had the first chance to remember what I had experienced. And quickly I disappeared into a daydream about the mysterious man to whom I finally had a name. I thought about how it would be to run through his hair or touch his hand. He had had paint on his hand. Maybe he liked to paint too, I thought dreamily.
Wait. Paint. Painting…Painting ! "Crap" more swear words wanted to burst out of me but I thankfully remembered that my brother was sitting in the room next to me.
I couldn't see my drawing anywhere. I started to panic. Maybe I had lost it while running home. Or even worse, maybe I had left it with Valentina. I could not believe it. This could be horrible. If someone saw it… I wouldn’t know what to do.
I had to think of something as soon as possible, so that I could return to doc's store. And hopefully find my drawing before it might fall into someone’s hands.
Riff x artist!Reader Chapter 3

Notes: sorry guys.😭 I wasnt feeling that great in the last weeks, thats why it took me so long to write a new Chapter. I m trying my best, Friends.✨Hope you like it. Stay Hydrated, love Mai💗
Warnings: bad grammar
Desperate about what had happend to my painting, I sat on the fire escape and pondered. I had to find a plan as quickly as possible. Preferably one that could still work out today. It was already in the afternoon. The sun was shining between the skyscrapers of the city. I saw mrs Murphy lugging her groceries across the street, talking to the janitor of the building across the street. She was probably spreading the latest gossip she had heard at the market. I found myself thinking about Riff again. I had heard his name before - I was convinced of it by now. Maybe mrs Murphy had talked about him once. I thought about how she would spread gossip about me and Riff. I would much rather have that, than stories about me and Tommy of whether or not we were engaged.
Only now the stories about me and Riff were not even that unrealistic. I thought with horror that Mrs Murphy could have found my drawings. If that had happened, then I was as good as dead. My father would probably lock me up in our apartment for months and John would lock up my stuff, or worse, throw it away.
John couldn't stand it if I had feelings for a jet. Or any gang member. He's dreamed of seeing me and Tommy together for too long. Nothing could stop him. Sometimes I think about what I would do if women had the same rights as men. I wouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I would travel around the world, or wear pants. But these kind of thoughts were pointless.
I thought I had reached a new low point of the day, when suddenly I had an idea.
John really wanted me and Tommy to get together. That was for sure. So what if I just played along.
"Brother, I have a question. I know I've already been to docs once today. But is there any way I can go there again real quick? I'll be back in 15 minutes I promise."
" I don't think so. I don't like you spending so much time there. Those gang boys hang out there a lot. That's no place for a young lady like you."
" I know, I know John. But you know I've been thinking about it and...I'd like to ask Tommy out.“ i tried to sound as honest as possible. „ And he's coming to see you tonight. So I thought it would be nice if I got him his favorite chocolate from Valentina. He really likes it and I would love to have a present for him. He is always so generous to me. Please John."
"If that's the case, then thats fine with me. I'm glad you finally fancy him. I've always said you'd make a beautiful couple. But be back in time."
I really hoped he didnt notice my fake smile. The idea of me and Tommy as a couple was too horrible. Nevertheless, I could not help but rejoice. If I was lucky, the painting was still where I had lost it.
I walked through the noisy streets of new york. Past the paperboys on the street corner. A confident look on my face. A bag in one hand. The other one was nervously playing with the hem of my skirt. A habit since childhood. Father had always hated it. He said that my insecurity could be seen from miles away. Besides fidgeting was nothing what a young woman in my social rank did.
Fortunately for me, Valentina had not yet closed. Without thinking further, I went into the store. At first glance it was dark and no one was to be seen. But I heard voices coming from the basement. It had to be Tony and Valentina.
"They will be with me soon," I thought. I was overwhelmed that I was so lucky again. There was no one in the store, which meant I could search intensively for my picture. Without having to find a stupid excuse like "I dropped my pearl earrings" . This thought made me smile.
I went to the table where I had been sitting in the morning. This was the last time i Hand Seen my painting. But instead of my drawing, there was only a pack of cigarettes. The box was almost empty. Only one cigarette was still in it. Dark blue paint was stuck to the side of the box. I took it in my hand to have a better look. Even though my brother and father had the habit of smoking, I had never held such a pack in my hand before. My brother said it was not something suited for me. Just like alcohol.
I had always kept to the rules of the two men, but in this moment the feeling of curiosity overcame me for the first time. What would happen if I would not keep to these rules. But before I should continue to think about whether I should dare to smoke a cigarette or drink a sip from the gin bottle that stood on the top shelf of the kitchen, the door opened behind me. Without giving it much thought, I put the pack of cigarettes in my pocket.
Standing in front of me were Tony and...
Not Valentina. It was Tony and Riff. The two were still engaged in their conversation. Neither had noticed me.
"Come on Tony, it will be fun for you to dance again. And please let me know if you find out anything."
Nervously I started playing with the hem of my skirt again. I wanted to stare at the floor but instead I looked at him again. As if we were the only two people on this planet. He had a beautiful laugh. One of those laughs you always want to hear. His whole face was beaming.
He turned his head a little to the side. With his left hand, unnoticed by Tony, he reached into the bowl next to him.
"Would he look at me? Would he know it was me who had drawn him like a madwoman in front of the store. Maybe he'd say something to me..."
The thoughts just bubbled in my head. I had the feeling of completely losing my mind. I didn't even know this young man! What was i thinking?!
„Yeah, we'll see. And hey, Riff! Don't steal milkyways again." Tony tried to take the candy out of Riff's hand. But Riff was faster, he turned around and ran past me without giving me a glance. I didn't realize what had happened until the door had closed behind him and Tony had said my name out loud several times.
The rest of the day felt numb. I bought the chocolate for Tommy and asked Tony as uninterested and normal as I could about the drawing. But Tony just gave me a knowing look and told me to ask Valentina about the drawing. Tony definitely knew more than he wanted to say. He had probably found the drawing himself. Normally I would be freaking out now. Or start asking Tony about every detail he knew. But the disappointment that Riff hadn't even noticed me, had already triggered a different feeling.
Lost in my thoughts, I walked home. I hadn't been feeling this low in a long time. Now I had to go on this stupid date with Tommy. And my excuse was pointless. With my head down I walked along the street. Not knowing that on the other side, across from docs, an excited young man was walking up and down the road. In the small pocket of his ripped shirt, was a carefully folded sheet of paper.
I just saw ur post where u answer to someone who requested a dodge x reader
And literally I agree with them your writing I actually so good I’ll be honest I didn’t feel good yesterday I was a bit sad and I saw ur Connor x reader and it made me actually better so I love it so much plus you’re a really sweet person like I mean it and stand by that you’re such a good writer (and btw I’m the one who requested connor while the reader is on their period😭) and yeah just thanks you so much for making me feel better ❤️
okay now i'm crying you guys😭😭
i'm literally not used to this kind of attention to anything i write because people around me either get tired of my long ass fanfictions, the way i have a new wip idea every week or i guess they just don't have the time for it </3
i literally came here writing some short ass things because i wanted to tried out writing here for a while now and now i'm getting a few reblogs, some requests, not every day but more requests than i expected, and likes every day and that's just... wow. i've been working so hard and for so long to get my writing to a decent point so i could make people like me happy with their beloved characters and to make me in the process happy, either by fics or just short shots like everything i have posted here. i have so many projects and ideas and i would like to start posting long ass fics in here and go back to wattpad and get seriously started in ao3.
and you, thank you for requesting, especially that headcanon because I WAS ALREADY THINKING ABOUT IT IT WAS SO COOL HAVING ANOTHER PERSON TO REQUEST IT, and i hope you liked it and thank you thank you thank you for your support and love and good comments. it means so much to me for you and for anyone to criticize and tell what you're thinking about my writing and it really encourages me to keep going, so again thank you and i love you so much. like, i've only talked to you once and you were so nice and your pfp is great and i'm waiting to read your dodge fic! thank you for making me feel better and for giving me this opportunity of doing what i love, hope everyone keeps requesting because it truly makes me happy, because anyone can request as many ideas as they want, i'll do them!
right now i have a dodge request ready to come out in some hours and a riff request that will take me longer because i want to do that one right because riff omg you complex motherfucker.
thank you for giving artist this opportunity and praise. have a good day/night!!
i thought i would have my riff request posted today but it won't be possible, i'm so sorry. there are approximately more than 5000 words to it but i still have more to write and i want to write it right, so i don't know if i'll have it post it for saturday or sunday. again, i'm sorry to anyone who was expecting it soon and to the anon who requested. on compensation i'm working really hard on it! lots of love <3
Hi! “I’m right here” anon again. Just had an idea. So I’m half white and half Latina. I had this scenario where Maria’s cousin walks in on Riff and Bernardo planning the rumble and just GOES OFF scolding them, especially Bernardo, for being short-sighted and pointing out how stupid the conflict is and how their different backgrounds actually have a lot of similarities. Bernardo believes she’s right and decides it isn’t worth his time. Then Riff being left feeling conflicted and… impressed? Before having that “come to Jesus” moment Mike talks about. Maybe he ends up respecting the reader and watching out for her (secretly) before realizing that he’s sweet on her because she stood up to him and Bernardo simultaneously.
Whew. That was really long and detailed. Anyway, I’m just a sucker for a decent redemption arch. Would you like to write something with that sort of dynamic between the characters? I totally get it if it’s too much. I just really like your writing! Thanks
Riff x Latina!Reader: She knows.
Words: 7665
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Warnings: period sexism and racism, light 2022 vision of the world, reader ahead of her time, riff, non-canon riff, elimination of the original plot, slurs, everything west side story had, really.
edited: no, unedited.
Author's note: HI SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG. thank you for requesting, this request was great and so fun to make. as you can see i really went off with it, but i think ut's worth it because i really tried make it as close as the real riff as the request allowed me. all the dialogues in spanish can be found translated on the comments, were i'll put the translation. also also this is divided in three chapter, under the cut!
( Chapter 1 - Fearless)
You twirled around the gym's floor, smiling wildly as you switched constantly from dancing with your date, that Alberto boy your cousin Bernardo had gotten you for that night, to spinning on your own surrounded by the girls you had either met that very morning or knew already from when you all were in the same neighborhood back in Puerto Rico. The lights, the colors, the music… Everything seemed brighter, jollier. If that was New York, if that was what America truly was, you wanted to stay forever and never leave.
Astonished didn't even bring justice to how you were after walking through your new neighborhood for the very first time. It was all so beautiful, even better than in your dreams! You got to live next to your two cousins, Maria and Bernardo, and you were meeting kind and fun people, surrounded by a pretty view if you ignored those buildings that were being demolished.
Anita had noticed how excited you truly were, the kind of excitement she had suffered back when she had come there for the first time. The kind of excitement she had lost because of the gangs, the violence, the hate, but still the one she, from time to time, had again so she could fight against Bernardo's cruel pessimism against America and americans.
That's why Anita had tried to warn you. Lightly, so it would scare you off because that would be the last thing she would want to do, but Anita had quickly told you about the Sharks and the Jets. She had told you to stay away from the americanos, because they only cause harm, mi niña, and so you did, because you were no one to disobey the friend who was just trying to keep you safe. You were still determined to make sure nothing would ruin New York for you, even though the little fight the Jets had against the Sharks right when you had entered the gym almost made you wonder if something was really going to ruin it. But as the fight evolved into an inoffensive dance off, you relaxed… until now.
The sound of Bernardo's shouting didn't trigger any alarms in your senses, you knew your cousin well enough to know he was keen on raising his voice too often about the littlest things. But as the noise grew bigger and bigger, and some friends of yours stopped dancing, you did as well and approached Anita, who was watching carefully what was happening.
"Ya, tranquilo," was saying Anita to Bernardo, resting her hand on his shoulder and making him step away from a boy you recognized as a gringo, one of those Jets. Bernardo looked mad ", que no pasó nada"
You grabbed Luz's arm next to you, leaning closely to her so you could whisper "¿Qué pasó?"
"Maria," Luz said softly, her eyes glancing at your cousin ", Maria was behind the bleachers with that Jet…"
"And why is that a problem?" you asked as softly as you could, brows frowning, but Luz never got to answer.
A blond boy, tall and slim, another Jet boy, rushed to walk to the other Jet and pat him on the chest to keep him from making a mess. Another blond someone, this time this girl that looked really mad, followed the blond boy.
You shot a glance at Maria, next to Chino but staring at the brunette Jet boy who Bernardo was killing with his glance. You felt Alberto behind you, his hand on your waist, and you shifted uncomfortably. He never took his hand off of you, though.
"I wanna dance, goddamit!" said the blonde girl, directly talking to the blond boy, who looked at her with a raised brow, somewhat between amused and thinking she was going feral for a little thing. You saw a police officer getting closer to where all of you were "Goddamit, Riff! You swore to me you wasn't startin' nothin', you promised we could dance first and then you was only gonna challenge 'em peaceable to a…"
"I'm here to dance, girly girl," interrupted that Riff boy, lazy smile on his lips, hands all over the girl to convince her to calm down ", ain't that what we been do—"
"Challenge who to what?" The police cut him off, hands on his own waist and brows raised suspiciously, staring at the girl, who noticed she had talked too much.
The girl scoffed, rolling her eyes. You decided to keep your attention in the Jets rather than in Maria, Chino and the other boy "Like I know? Like he tells me anything? Like I give a…"
Your attention then switched to the boy and Maria. He was the one talking "Sure, I mean, thank you for the dance and for…"
From the corner of your eye, you saw Bernardo ready to jump onto the boy again. Using your good reflexes, you put an arm on his chest when he tried to go past you. You were surprised the blonde, handsome Jet boy had reacted as fast as you, standing in front of the other boy to protect him from Bernardo. The other girl was working wonders with the officer, distracting him from the boys.
"Bernardo, Jesús, stop this" you asked, unable to keep your eyes off of Riff, who grinned at you, noticing.
"Yeah, Bernardo, Jesús listen to the señorita" mocked Riff, making you narrow your eyes at him. Then he looked at Bernardo, forgetting you even existed "What say… what say we visit the head? A little pow-pow, friendly-like? You, me, and…" his eyes went up and down your body as he paused, his arm sliding behind the other boy's shoulders. Bernardo tensed at the look he gave you "... my trouble-making friend?"
Your arm fell from your cousin's chest, once you were sure he wouldn't bite them. Bernardo nodded to the Jets and then looked around for Quique and Braulio. As they all dissolved like nothing had happened, Anita forcing Maria to walk away from there, you decided to again approach Luz with the confusion written in your face, also taking advantage of the situation for escaping Alberto, who was nice but you did not like as much as he liked you. Last thing you needed right now, after coming to New York, was men.
Luz almost laughed at you when she saw your confused expression, and she took your hands as she twirled you around her, making your red dress's skirt make beautiful circles. You forced her to stop dancing, glancing at the door where Bernardo and Riff had left. Your heart pounded against your chest.
"¿A dónde se fueron?" You asked, squeezing her hands.
Luz shrugged "To the bathroom, creo. They'll be back soon, no te preocupes, boba"
"But," again glancing at the door, you licked your lips ", what are they going to do?"
"No te metas, Y/N" warned you Luz, catching where you were going with those questions, knowing you too well for you to act like you were just curious.
"Luz, answer"
She sighed "I don't know for sure, but that rubia tonta implied they will plan a rumble" she muttered, giving in. Worry washed her face slowly.
You frowned "A rumble?"
"A pelea, niña"
"That's dangerous"
"That's the point" Luz watched alarmed how you let go of her hands, a serious shadow on your face "Y/N, ¡ni se te ocurra!"
"I'll be right back, Luz, I promise" you said, too worried to look at her so she could make sure you were telling the truth "You just distract Alberto, okay?"
"Fine! But if Bernardo gets mad don't tell him I helped you"
Nodding, you headed to the doors. You knew how those rumbles were and overall, you knew how Bernardo was. Wild, angry, furious… Eager to find someone to blame, someone who he could use as a way of letting his anger against the world come out. You knew how that rumble was going to go. Probably, your kin will get harmed. And the Sharks were the closest thing to family you had now, you couldn't lose any of them, especially not Bernardo. Your bright future in New York wasn't going to be ruined, not if you could stop it. You had to stop that. It was almost an anxious obligation.
Without thinking it twice, you opened the boys' bathroom door and stepped inside, making the six boys—Riff and another two Jets more, Bernardo, Quique and Braulio—interrupt their conversation in a blunt way.
All of them stared at you and you felt tiny under their glances, but you still straightened your back and moved slightly, to avoid the Jets and join the Sharks.
"Get out, ahora mismo, Y/N" ordered Bernardo, rage through his body, as soon as he was able to react. None of them expected a girl, a Shark girl, to walk on them planning the rumble.
"No, you all listen to me, pendejos," you snapped back, your chin going up in dignity, your index finger pointing first at the Sharks and then at the surprised Jets. The Jets raised their brows at how stupid you were for not being like the others and just stay out of it. Riff, though, did not think you were stupid. Reckless? Yeah, maybe. But stupid? Not at all ", ustedes son idiotas si piensan que van a arreglar algo con peleas estúpidas"
Riff scoffed contemptuously, directly at you, putting his hands on his hips "Hey, muchacha? I don't speak fucking cucaracha, so yer better—"
"Stupid fights won't solve things if you don't see the stupid problem" you cut him off, practically barking back at him, crossing your arms. In the end, you weren't as fearless as Riff thought you were, but he didn't have to know that. You did feel kind of intimidated by all of them, even the ones that were your friends. But what it mattered was how confident you looked "And none of you pendejos know the fucking problem, now, do you?"
"Y/N," Bernardo's fingers wrapped tightly against the skin of your arm. If it had been tighter, it would have led to a mark ", leave. No voy a repetírtelo, no tienes ni idea de lo que te estás metiendo…"
"No, Nardo! You're so short-sighted, por Dios, there are other ways of fixing this!" you moved away from him, to keep his fingers off of you, accidentally getting closer to the Jets, so close your shoulder brushed Riff. He smiled at you, dangerously, and you then got away from him, feeling like an idiot. You were losing confidence, and their attention "You listen now. Why can't you see you're fighting for something stupid? Streets aren't property of no one—"
"This street is ours!" exclaimed one of the Jet boys, almost jumping.
Riff snapped his fingers, his smile growing bigger "Action's right, señorita"
"Let me finish, you gringo," you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him. Both Action and Ice were surprised he didn't slap you for talking back to him ", what I mean is that is pointless. This street is being sold to richer people. The problem isn't us— or you. It's the rich people. They are taking our homes away from us"
"Last time I checked your ugly island wasn't fucking here" bickered Ice, making you sigh.
"Tu madre sí que es ugly" said Braulio, a shit-eating grin on his face.
You shook your head "You don't get it! You're all so dumb you don't see how they are trying to make us kill each other so they don't have to kill us"
"They?" muttered Bernardo, his attention to you talking growing bigger. Little did he know Riff was feeling the same way. He was even watching you with shiny eyes.
"Sí, them, Nardo" you relaxed when you realized someone was actually listening to you "The rich people. The cops. That cop out there, the one who stopped me today on my way to work—"
"Lieutenant Schrank" spat Quique, and you nodded.
You turned to face the other boys, the ones that weren't convinced by what you were saying "I don't know you, and I'm not sure I want to know any of you," you said sincerely, which made Ice straighten his back and take a step closer. Riff made him stop ", but it's obvious we are more similar than what we can see at first"
"How's that, girly?" asked Riff, his mocking voice still on.
"Isn't this street the only home you have? Isn't it the place where you have all the people you love? Don't you want it to stop from being sold to richer people, from becoming a luxury complex for super rich people?"
The silence allowed you to take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. You were doing good. They were thinking, they were all thinking about what you were saying. Bernardo was looking at you like he had never imagined you could talk like that, Riff was staring at you like he wanted to figure you out.
"They are not our enemy," you continued after that short break, turning your head to look at your friends. You then turned to Riff ", and we are not your enemy"
"Oh, yeah?" said Riff, that smile sliding into his lips, one corner of his lips raising more than the other. Danger. He took a step closer to you, but you didn't move, even though you were intimidated by how tall he was compared to you "And who is our enemy then, bonita?"
Bernatdo tried to get closer to protect you, to make him back down, but you stopped him with a gesture of your hand. The weird thing is he obliged, and only then you realized the power you had over both men in that very moment. That's what made your head lift up, facing Riff like you weren't doubting about taking a step back or not, the tiniest smile sliding into your own lips.
Riff was, to put it bluntly, impressed. Even though you didn't know him or what he had done, you weren't scared of him, and if you were you were hiding it pretty well. You were fearless, and that was worthy of his admiral. After all, you were just some girl, some girl who had had the balls to talk to all of them like that, to try to open their eyes.
"The same ours is," you said, taking your time to reply. Bernardo was impressed as well ", them. The cops and the rich people. Those should be our objectives"
Action scoffed, taking a step closer to you. Riff didn't stop him "You're just some dumb broad! Why should we listen to you?"
"You already are. And because you know I'm right, cariño" you glanced at Action and then at Riff "Am I right? You both know they are who fomented your hate against us, and they are who forced us into hard ways of living, and then hating y'all back for what you do to us"
Braulio grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to them, not liking the way Action was getting close to you "So what, you think we're all gonna be amigos just because you say so?"
"There's no need to fight" you insisted, a shot of hopelessness sliding in your tongue and your eyes. Nobody noticed, except for Bernardo a Riff "Nardo— don't fight. Piensa en mí y en Maria, y por Dios, en Anita. Fighting is unnecessary, the alliance, or at least peace, is necessary"
Bernardo crossed his arms. He glanced at Riff, finding he was already looking at him "Y/N…"
"If you were real men you will solve this the right way, Nardo. Not with stupid fights"
Braulio let go of your arm and Quique shook his head, sighing. Quique would be lying if he said he didn't agree with you "I think you should leave, Y/N. Now we have to talk"
You desperately looked at Bernardo, asking him with your eyes to stop that. To make him think about everything you had said. You looked for the last time at Riff, longer than what you had expected. You couldn't quite figure out what was going through his head at that very moment, and his eyes were so cold it got hard to breathe for you. And then, in silence, you left the bathroom, praying in all the languages you knew for the rumble to not be a thing and for the gangs to stop doing all those awful things to each other so you could all live in peace.
"Some wildflower, uh?" chuckled Riff as soon as the door closed behind you "Maybe you should teach your girlfriends to mind their business. We americans don't like people messing with our things, our deals… you Sharks make like the rats and skedaddle, no wonder why—"
"You wouldn't stop running your mouth even if they paid you, would you, pendejo?" snapped Bernardo, still with his arms crossed. His muscles's bulges were visible through his jacket "My cousin is right"
"What?" said Ice, breathlessly.
"Don't you know English now, gringo?" laughed Braulio, a grin on his face.
"Well, I'm sorry, your mouth is just so full of shit that your stupid, ugly accent is practically little understandable"
Quique stopped Braulio from trying to lunge into Ice, and so did Action with his friend. Meanwhile, Riff and Bernardo were holding a staring contest, or that's what it looked like.
For Bernardo, it was evident Riff was conflicted. He understood it, what were they both supposed to do now? They had been so busy fighting and hating and throwing punches they had never tried to see beyond them, to see what Y/N had been able to see in her first day there. And now they had the solution, right there.
"So no rumble?" insisted Bernardo, knowing Riff wouldn't say anything first, and deciding to take that matter into his own hands.
Riff felt how Ice's and Action's eyes burned a hole to the back of his neck, waiting for an answer "Really?"
"It's not worth my time chase stupid Jets around," Bernardo clicked his tongue, impatiently ", and my boys don't have the time either. We have jobs, you know. And a future. No rumble?" Bernardo held his hand out for Riff to shake. He stared at his hand, standing still "Yes alliance?"
And then, Riff decided "Fine"
( Chapter 2 - Sweet )
It had worked. You weren't completely sure if it had been your speech or God, but there was no rumble and things and attacks between the two gangs had stopped. For people unaware of what had happened at the bathroom, it was almost like a Bible miracle, a Christmas sign of magic, or just an strategy for them all to keep fightning after some calm time. Cops believed the last one, they were completely puzzled.
Bernardo hadn't explicitly told you there was some sort of a peace treaty going on, he hadn't explicitly told that to anyone at all except for Anita, but it was more than evident. Jets' sabotages against Puerto Ricans and their properties had stopped and the reign of terror had stopped.
The Sharks weren't friends with the Jets, but when Officer Krupke and Lieutenant Schrank had tried to blame some innocent Jets for breaking a traffic sign, the Sharks had surprisingly stepped in and protected them like they were part of their crew, like they had been friends for forever. Everything was obviously getting better and you couldn't be more happy about it. Violence on your street had decreased, Anita wasn't that worried about you coming back late to home after work, and Maria was seeing that Tony boy she had met at the dance at the gym. You were finally achieving that dreamed life of yours, even though there was still a long path to walk. Because being a waitress at a bar, at a pub, was not certainly your dream job.
The bell on the door that indicated someone had entered through the pub's door sounded while you were cleaning one of the tables at the back, all disgustingly sticky and stained by drunk men who couldn't drink a beer without spilling it. They had all left the pub just some minutes ago, so maybe that one wasn't exactly a customer but a man who had forgot something.
You turned around to look at the customer, probably the last of the night because the closing time was approaching, and you kind of froze when your eyes met Riff's. Your brain instantly told you to get out of there, Riff was dangerous, he was the leader of the Jets and he only caused trouble. But, then you remembered you had no reason to fear him, because he had no reason to harm you.
First, the peace treaty, as far as you knew, was still something. Which meant he couldn't—more like shouldn't—harm you. And second, you knew he had been watching you. Not in a creepy, scary way but more like a protective way. When you were crossing the road, your hands full of groceries bags, he watched you cross. One night you were walking home after work when you crossed paths with him. He crossed the road to not be on the sidewalk you were on, but he still walked towards wherever you were walking to, and when you found some creepy guys that weren't Jets nor Sharks, he entertained them and you got home safe. His actions weren't something you could easily ignore, especially because he hadn't tried to hide it either. So, whatever his reasons were to kind of look after you, he did have no reason to hurt you, right?
Riff at first couldn't comprehend those stupid things he was doing for you. He didn't like the way he had spent a whole noght thinking about how your name sounded, or the way he couldn't take his eyes off of you when he saw you, or how he was able to recognize you by the way you wore your hair or by your dresses.
He didn't care for you, did he? No, that was nuts. Then why was he looking out for you? That was a mystery he was sure he wouldn't figure out in a million years. It actually took a bottle of tequila and one of those soft, heart-warming talks to Tony for him to figure it out—he was being nice to you because you had stopped the suffering. You, on your own way, had tried to protect both Bernardo and Riff from killing each other. After the way you had scolded them, trying to open their eyes, Riff felt like a scared child. And after all, he was a scared child who had done awfully wrong things out of a pure hatred he didn't feel anymore—he wasn't able to see the point of it now. Riff had entered the biggest crisis of his life after the peace treaty, realizing how many things he had done, so terribly wrong, so many he hadn't even tried to start making things up for it, because how could he? Riff had been a terrible person, he couldn't be forgiven and because of that he sometimes wanted the rage to come back, so he could know what to do. Now, he was just lost.
"You're not gonna to take my order or what?" Riff forced himself to snap out of his own reality and his haunting thoughts, those who made him so anxious, by grinning and teasing you.
Your brow raised, like you didn't believe his rough boy act "You're not old enough to drink, and in here there is only alcohol, Jet boy" still, you took your place behind the counter.
"You're not old enough to serve drinks either, señorita" he shot back, mimicking your brow's position cruelly.
"Well," you shrugged, "a job is a job. And men like a pretty girl, am I right?" you knew that was the reason why you had been admitted into the job.
The pub owner was this Spaniard man in his late forties that liked practicing his Spanish with you and who had actually told you he was hiring you because every good man likes to see a pretty, young face while they drink. The customers came either for you or for the alcohol. You didn't like it, but it brought needed money to your pocket and nothing inappropriate had happened, and that was what it mattered.
"Where's that pretty girl, uh?" chuckled Riff, his light laugh telling you he was just joking.
You played with the pockets on your aprons, holding a smile back "Hum. American humor. Very funny"
"How's Puerto Rican humor?" he grinned at you.
"In Spanish" you deadpanned, your brows twitching slightly when he pointed a beer bottle behind you with his sharp chin. You sighed, but still turned around to get it "You're going to have to pay for that, espero que lo tengas claro"
"I've already told you I don't understand… Spanish" Riff said, cautiously, his hand wrapping around the bottle as you took off the beer's cap. You hummed slightly, noticing how he had taken his time to say something other than cucaracha, or one of those insults they had reserved for your culture.
"I didn't say anything important, really" you assured, leaning back against the cupboard behind you, as you watched how Riff took a long sip out of his beer "Can I ask you a question?"
He scoffed, like he was suddenly annoyed by your presence there, like he hadn't walk in there on his own feet on the first place. Riff eyed you out of the corner of his eyes "Aren't ye already?"
"What are you doing here?" you asked anyway, not caring about his permission, your arms slowly crossing above your chest.
Riff clicked his tongue "I didn't know I couldn't enter a fucking pu—"
"What are you doing around me?" you interrupted him, deciding to rephrase your question, because it really wasn't concrete enough, especially for someone who rambled as much as he did.
You noticed the way his eyes shone as he stared at you, a dangerous glimmer appearing for some short seconds on them. You didn't flicker, nor did you looked away when he took another sip, without looking away from you.
"What, you think I have some special interest in you, uh?" he bitterly asked back, now that making you look away. That was exactly what I thought. Riff almost laughed at himself when he realized he did had an special interest for you "I think you think I'm more sweet than what I really am"
"Oh, believe me, you have no idea about what I think about you," you bickered, as bitterly as he did first, again meeting his gaze ", and you don't want to know"
Riff raised his eyebrow at you "Talk dirty to me, señorita," he dared you to speak, showing you his teeth ", tell me all those pretty things you think I am"
"You're an asshole" you snapped, without realizing that was what he wanted. Riff wanted to push your buttons, and he was getting what he wanted, like he always did. But most of all, Riff wanted you to shut him out of your life, to not give him the opportunity to enter. Because he certainly, for some reasons that escaped him, didn't trust himself around you "You think you're so cool and witty, carajo, te piensas que eres el mejor y que nadie puede tocarte"
"Love it, darlin', tell me more" he encouraged with a loving voice, without stopping from taking occasional sips from the beer.
Riff was getting what he wanted. Oh, no, you couldn't allow that "But…" he watched surprisingly how you let your words linger, like you had fallen into a mixed feelings thought. It was certainly a thought you had about him, and mixed as well "... there needs to be something more to you, ¿sabes? You are sweet, especially if you want to, aren't you, Jet boy? You're a tragedy… you are good, you have to be"
An unsatisfied laugh came out of his mouth as his face slowly grew more serious, letting you know you had turned the tables and you were now the one in control again. Riff looked away to escape from your heated glance, and you ended up looking at your shoes, uncomfortable with the silence. Why did he always have to be an asshole? You hated talking to anyone like that, even if it was him.
"You're wrong," he said when he was able to form his words.
"Am I?"
"Yeah, especially with something you said the other day," slowly, his grin came back to his face. It made you raise your brow, his mood switch had been to fast for you to answer ", you see, you said some things that made sense, but there's this thing— I don't know, girly, I think you're wrong because…"
"Jesus, you never shut up, do you?" you murmured, knowing he was still talking for you to interrupt him. Riff grinned at you "What thing are you talking about?"
Riff tilted his head, staring at you with hungry eyes "You see, you said you didn't want to get to know me"
You shook your head "Don't you have a girlfriend to bother instead of me?"
"Not anymore"
"Well. I'm still sure I didn't say that specifically about you—"
"There's nothing better you could do other than doing me," Riff continued, cutting you off ", I don't think you will ever regret it"
"Oh, yeah?" it was easy for you to mimic the way he had talked to you back in the bathroom, when he was facing you. You even took a step closer, pressing yourself against the counter, leaning in "And why is that, Jet boy?"
"I mean, what's better than an Americano?" said Riff, smirking at you. You didn't flinch when his eyes stared at your lips "It's the best you could ever have, especially better than—"
You shook your head, stopped leaning in and took some steps back from the counter, rolling your eyes "You were doing so good, Riff, but you just screwed the whole thing up"
Riff didn't understand what you were talking about. Then he realized his choice of words hadn't been the best, in fact, they had been pretty unfortunate. He was referring to PRs. He was so used to talking like that, he hadn't even thought the whole thing twice.
"No, wait, fuck—I didn't mean it that way" he said, like he could make you lean against the counter again.
You shook your head again "Yeah, whatever. I'm tired and I'm closing this thing up. Leave, vale?"
"C'mon, don't be like that, señorita," he whined, narrowing his eyes, a smile that tried to ease you on his lips. It didn't fully work. "We were doing so good, weren't we?"
"Out. Ahora"
Riff scoffed at you, like an angry child who couldn't get more cookies. He took the bottle with him, not leaving the money that it cost on the counter, slamming the door shut behind him and really not allowing you to go after him to confront him about the money, which made you sigh.
"Pendejo" you muttered to yourself, trying to bury those conflicted, mixed feelings on the back of your head. Riff was plain evil, that was it. But it didn't mind how much you repeated that to yourself, you didn't believe it.
( Chapter 3 - Trust )
Even though things had changed for all of you, Anita wasn't still allowing Maria to go alone to some specific places—she was too young—, and that's when she didn't even know about her and Tony and how they saw each other on the fire escape suits outside her bedroom.
What was important was what Anita knew, and Anita knew Maria wanted to go to the dance organized at the gym—Glad Hand had been encouraged to organize another dance just a week later because of how the Jets and the Sharks had grown closer in the last week—, and that she wouldn't forgive her if she didn't allow her to go. Letting her go alone was a big no, and she herself didn't want to go because Bernardo and her had activities already organized for that specific night, and she was pretty quick convincing Luz and you to go with Maria to the dance.
Luz was, ironically, full of light and energy and the need to dance—and she also had a partner who she could dance with. You, on the other hand, were pretty tired, had no date because you had refused Alberto's offer to go with you, and if you were there it was because Luz had practically dragged you out of your flat so you could have some fun. You deserve it, mi niña, she has said, but now you were sweating on the bleacher, elbows on your thighs, head on your hands, dressed with that red dress you had already worn, because you didn't have as many dresses as the others had.
You watched how the girls spinned in their skirts, how Maria laughed with Tony, in the center of the gym, dancing slower than what the music indicated, all the other couples dancing at the right rhythm. The girls smiled as they danced with their boys, and when you saw Luz's smile, you couldn't help but smile.
Maybe you shouldn't have turned Alberto down—he was a good man, and he liked you. But you didn't like him one bit, yes, he was a friend and one of yours, but that didn't mean you were romantically attracted to him, and he certainly liked you too much for your dry liking of his. You didn't want him to think you were interested in him.
Luz had laughed at you when you had answered with all that to her question about why you didn't accept the boy's company, and she had told you something about boys and girls that you hadn't quite understood.
Riff watched from one side of the gym how you got up from the bleachers, and the fear of you leaving appeared on his whole being like a tight pressure on his chest he wasn't able to get rid off, even if he wanted. His body reacted faster than his mind, and before he knew, he was reaching out for you in a fast pace.
You were heading towards the tables that had those little water glasses when Rifd appeared from your left and stood in front of you. He looked as confused as you as he stared at you, not quite knowing what he was supposed to do now. You decided to help him start the conversation.
"Jet boy" you greeted, softly smiling at him.
Riff snapped out of his confusion "Hey, señorita," he smirked, tilting his head, taking a look at you from your head to your shoes, not missing one bit ", ya look kinda bored"
"And you're here to change that?" you teased, and eyebrow raised while you dodge him and continued your way to the drinks table.
"Maybe, if you wanted," he said, following you closely, and you had to turn your head a bit to look at him ", you know. You could teach me some of that mambo"
You shook your head, chuckling "This is salsa, chico"
"Isn't it the same?"
"You're being dumb again" you warned, taking one of the water glasses from the table.
Riff was fast to take the glass out of your hand, drinking it all fast in a quick sip that had you between annoyed, surprised and amused "Thank yer for that, sweetheart, I was so thirsty"
"You're unbelievable, Riff"
"Oh, so you do know my name?" Riff's brow shot upwards, staring at you.
"Why wouldn't I know your name?" you asked, taking another glass and this time drinking it yourself.
"Dunno," he smiled. It was a smile, a sweet smile, not his teasing grin ", since you always call me Jet boy?"
You shrugged "You always call me señorita"
"Not the same"
"Why wouldn't it—"
"So," Riff cut you off abruptly, looking around him like he was searching for someone ", did you come here with a date?"
You looked away when he stared back at you "Why do you care?"
"I don't, really," he said, chuckling. You looked at him, every second understanding him less and less "Just wanna know if I'll get my ass beat if I ask you for a dance"
You definitely understood him less and less with every second passing. However, his words made you smile softly, forcing you to look down at your shoes to try and hide that dumb smile.
When you looked up at him again he was still staring at you, smiling down at you with that sweet, new smile you had been able to discover.
"I don't think someone beating your ass will ever stop you from doing things" you said, not answering his initial question, which he noticed.
He stared at you with an intensity that didn't exactly make you uncomfortable, but rather awkward. And then, he frowned "Wait, so you do have no date? I ain't believing that! No way!"
He wasn't insulting you but you felt like he was by the way he was saying it. Your smile dropped and disappeared from your face, getting all defensive "Fuck off, que te den" you started walking away from him.
"Hey, hey— Wait, Y/N!" Riff rushed again to follow you, but you did not stop when he reached you. He had to grab your arm to get you to stop walking "I wasn't laughing at you, really. I just find it hard to believe you have no date, that's all"
You stared at him, now feeling dumb for misunderstanding his words, and eased by his new ones "So you do know my name"
"You just said my name," you said, a corner of your lips rising in a sided smile ", I thought you didn't know it"
Riff smirked "So. Am I gettin' that dance or not?"
He held out his hand for you to take, letting go of your arm. You stared at his white hand, waiting for yours, and then glanced back at his eyes. Riff was looking at you softly, like he didn't want to scare you off. He really didn't want to.
You were starting to raise your hand so you could take his when Luz appeared by your right side, twirling, and grabbed that hand you were already raising, then shout ¡Baila, Y/N! before dragging you away from Riff, making you spin with her and leading you to the center of the gym with the other girls, so you could dance to the new, more energetic and familiar as in latin-like music.
Even though at first he felt completely pissed off by that girl interrupting you two, Riff watched how you started dancing with your friends, forgetting about him and deciding to have a good time for once, and it almost made him smile.
He watched how that girl made you dance with her like you were a couple, and how you later made Maria join you all, making all the other girls laugh as they danced. Maria made Tony dance with them, and slowly the girls started to force their dates to dance with them back again. Some brave Shark girls dared to invite Jet boys to dance with them—and thanks to the treaty, they accepted. Riff grinned when he saw you coming for him, a wide smile on your lips.
"What are ya doin'?" he asked you, almost giggling, when you slide your hands into his, dragging him back to the center of the gym.
"Baila, Jet boy!"
And boy did he dance. He was better at it than what you would have imagined, his hands on your body felt like something that just belonged there, on your waist, on your hand, on your hip, sometimes maybe even on your leg when you two got too bold with the kiks and the turns, and the getting too close to each other.
You found yourself unable to stop smiling during the whole dance, and Riff found himself enjoying the way your face lit up every time your smile covered your face. He made it his personal goal to make you smile through the whole dance, bonus points if he could get you to laugh.
Neither of you had realized how passionately and energetically you had danced until, when the music slowed down, letting a romantic, slow piece for the couples in love, and you leaned against his chest, resting your head on his chest. Riff leaned you even closer, his hands resting on your waist as your head brushed his cheek. You two breathed against each other, trying to get your normal heart rates back.
You felt Riff's heart pound against his chest, and only then you realized you were almost over him, like all the other romantic couples were dancing. That made you nervous.
"I think I need some air," you muttered, taking a step back and leaving his shoulder naked without your forearms there.
Riff nodded, realizing the image you two should be giving for the people looking at you "We can go outside, if you want?"
You didn't move when he took one of your hands on one of his, and you two went outside like that, you not quite figuring out why would he ever want to hold you hand. You couldn't already try to think a reason for why he would ever want to dance with you, you, a Puerto Rican, someone he had hated and chased.
You two leaned against the brick walls outside the gym, letting the cold air hit against your faces, him on your left, silence between you, a silence that wasn't awkward but wasn't comfortable either.
You shivered when Riff turned his face to you, his fingers catching your chin. His eyes shone softly, warmly. You didn't have time to react, his grip pulled you closer and way sooner than later, his lips were kissing yours, way softer than you would have imagined his lips to be. Wonderful, that's how his kisses were. It took you some seconds and all of your mental strength, but you were finally able to react, putting your hands on his chests and gently pushing him away.
"No, Riff" you whispered, shaking your head.
He grimaced, not liking your reaction, but keeping his distances "Right, fair enough"
"I just don't understand you" You sighed, frustrated, avoiding his look "Not even a week ago you were willing to kill us and now—"
"Hey, I ain't killing nobody, not now not yesterday" he snapped, staring at you coldly, unlike how he had looked at you before.
You shook your head "Don't play indignant with me, chico, you knew what I meant"
Riff shook his head, and then sighed. You hadn't realized how exhausted he looked until now. The wrinkles under his eyes were big, almost as big as Bernardo's were. How much pressure had a gang leader on his shoulders? You didn't exactly know, but it was probably too much…
You would never know either that Riff had spent days arguing with the most rebellious Jets, those who didn't understand his decision of stopping to chase the PRs. He was forced to shout, curse and slam his fists against tables and walls, to make them listen to him. Who would have told anyone peace was so complicated?
"Look, ye already said it, girly," he said, rolling his eyes, making you look at him ", we've only known this street. Y'all started coming and coming…"
"You had no right to do anything you did," you interrupted, that fearless look in your eyes. He opened his mouth to talk back, but you didn't allow him to ", don't do the whole speech, Riff, 'cause I won't buy it. I know better. We've had it rough too, vale? It's no excuse"
Riff clicked his tongue, not taking his eyes off of you "Then what the fuck do you want me to do? Uh? I ain't good, and I'm not being forgiven, and I can't go to the past"
"Tell me the truth, then"
The way you faced him almost made him lose his breath. Your eyes shone in a softer bright, one different from your fearless look. It almost made him soft.
"What truth?" he whispered, intensely tearing back into your eyes.
You blinked "The truth. If you could go back, would you change what you did?"
Riff raised an eyebrow at you "And how do you know I ain't lying to ya?"
"You want me to trust you or not, bobo?"
Riff stared at you, not understanding you or the shine in your eyes, which encouraged him to trust you, encouraged him to open up like he never had, a shine that was absolutely driving him crazy.
You were already thinking he wasn't going to answer, that you would have to go back into the gym realizing you were wrong about him, when he slightly smirked.
"I would," Riff cleared his throat, his voice suddenly hoarse and lower than usual, looking away ", yeah. I would change things"
Your gaze softened at his words "For real?"
"Yeah" he said, nodding "For real. I guess"
You searched for his hand, locking your fingers together, feeling how rough and calloused they were against you. Is not like yours were exactly velvet but still.
His fingers brushed gently against yours and your head tilted back so you could look up to him, your lips pursing together as slowly as they could.
"Te creo" you murmured, not taking your eyes off of his.
"Does that mean kiss me in spanish?" he asked, slightly grinning, taking a step closer to you.
You felt his hand going to your waist, and you grinned back "Try me"
tagged;; @hellomikefaist
Riff anon here. HOW THE HECK ARE YOU COMING OUT WITH QUALITY FICS SO FAST!! Are you eating, sleeping, drinking water? How do you have the time?! That fic was so PERFECT, you don’t even understand!! You did justice to the concept, gave it realistic pacing, and kept to riff’s character which is already so hard! You are amazing! Please, for the love of God, keep doing what you do! I didn’t want it to end! Are you thinking of continuing the story? I totally get it if you’re done! I just… don’t know what to do with myself now that I reached the end of it. You wrote it all so clearly I don’t want to go back to whatever it is I’m supposed to be doing! I love you, keep doing you, you’ve got a dedicated reader now. Bless!
hey, riff anon. i just woke up and to be honest, this message was something nice to wake up to. i'm really happy and proud you liked it, i did take a longer time to write it because as i said, i wanted to do it right.
to be honest, i felt like i took too much time writing it, and well, in a way i did take more time than usual with the request i always get, and that was because i wanted to get riff right and make it worth it for the reader to, you know, read. i am drinking, and sleeping - hardly tho lol - and eating, thank you for asking because i do sometimes forget heh. i won't lie to you, i wrote several parts of that fic while i was at school and the request found me in good timing because i didn't have important finals or exams, so i had more time than usual to write and rewrite.
thanks a lot for your feedback, although when i finished it i had a satisfied feeling inside me, i was still somewhat scared i wouldn't have portrayed riff fairly, that i would have let his evident, not-acknowledge racism in the air without being uhm, what's the word, addressed. so you letting me know the concept was well developed and with good pacing leaves my worries much more calm. if someone likes this much what i write, then my job as writer is done, especially if it's the person who has requested the fic.
thank you for encouraging me to keep writing. how much you support what i do is leading me to a happy place i've never been to, and it's giving me a confidence i didn't have.
about continuing the story, i don't think i will. i mean, i enjoyed it and i really really like writing for riff and i hope some people will start requesting more for him, but i think that specific story has touched an end. if another person read the story and found a way of continuing, and if they would tell me which way that is, i would probably write it, but i don't think i would be capable with that stranger's eye that could say "here, as a second part you can do that".
i encourage you, riff anon, to please keep requesting whichever idea appears through your mind, especially if it's for mike's characters, now that you say you're a dedicated reader. all your request i've written them enjoying them a lot, so i would like to keep writing these kind of things.
thank you for everything, i love you a lot <3

the theater kid temptation to write a fic where reader confronts riff with these exact same words. LIKE I SWEAR- i'm not even kidding anymore.
Riff anon again! I just read the fic again and kind of had to laugh. I really love it and it bothered me because something seemed really familiar about it. Then I realized I basically asked you to write the reader as a Puerto Rican Pocahontas! 😅 It was and is one of my favorite Disney movies so I guess the concept kind of stuck with me. You did such a great job though. Just thought I’d share the realization. Thanks again!
hey again! you and your messages are really lightning my day up!
we love pocahontas! i just wished they had made her more accurately wait does that mean i did reader not accurate too lol sorry
thanks for the compliments! i've already seen your other request, riff anon, and i'll promise i'll get to it as soon as i finish a dodge mason shot and 1 list of headcanons for another character. but have in mind it will take a longer time than usual because is a big concept and is riff.
thank you so much for requesting for riff, your ideas are so fun to write and i think this one is going to be good! have a great day/night, i love you <3
if requests r still open i would love to request some jealous riff from west side story headcanons! Just some simple stuff of riff meeting genderneutral!readers ex lol. ty for reading <33
Riff Heacanons: Jealousy.
Warnings: Swearing lol
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Just some headcanons with our little boy Riff.
Author's note: again, sorry sorry sorry for taking so long to answer :( i've been busy and unmotivated. i feel like this is very short, sorry again, but i hope you like it!! criticism is appreciated, and request are still open.
riff is a jealous dude.
it's not that he doesn't trust you --- he does, especially if he's daying you for real ---, it's more like he doesn't trust other people around you because, for him, you're everything good in this world, the hope he had lost.
but he still trusts you to tell them to fuck off if they try to make a move.
he's very physical, not only when he's jealous, but when he is you can bet he's gonna have an arm around your waist or directly eat your face out in front of whoever you are.
he's the kind that watches from a corner that interaction he thinks it's shady, narrowing his eyes and with his jaw tightly clenched.
barging into your conversations like that has always get him in trouble with you because you love him but you like your bondaries and the trust, but he swears it's because he loves you.
poor baby is so scared you'll find someone better than him (in his opinion, this is incredibly easy) and leave him.
reassuring is something you had never imagined you would have to do with him, but it's very common for him to end up going mute as you try to tell him there's no one that could steal your attention like he still does everyday.
anyways, going to the point,,,
let's say that your ex isn't part of the jets (not of the sharks, either), and neither are you because that would include a whole shit ass explanation of why you ended up with riff --- you just did, alright? :D
okay so let's say you're going on about your day in the jet part of the neighborhood, running some errands, knowing that riff is watching you from the corner of the street where he's at with his boys.
you've grown very fond of his attention, little gestures like those --- he watches over you from the place he's at, so he doesn't overwhelm you contantly with his bubbly persona but showing he still cares.
and uh-oh, now you're facing your ex.
things didn't end up great between you two, although it wasn't too bad either. still, you would've liked to run away from that situation, but before you can turn around and act like you haven't seen them before they lay eyes on you, they wave their hand at you and you're doomed to make some small talk with them.
your ex has always been a very charismatic and friendly person, which leads into you two talking probably more than what you've expected.
and riff noticed this from his place in the street.
he's able to wait for ten solid minutes before he pats diesel in the shoulder and he starts walking towards you two, unbothered face but a strong glimmer in his eyes.
you know it's him as soon as he rests his calloused hand on your waist, squeezing lightly --- the kind of squeeze he gives when he gets jealous.
the signs of him being jealous are easy to pick on, but you still look up to him when he reaches you, watching amusedly how serious yet cool he looks --- he tries too hard, you'd notice even with a blindfold.
"hey, buddy boy."
that's the cue for you to put your hand on top of his, to keep him grounded from saying something too harsh.
it makes him relax every time, that touch of security that let's him know he still has that special connection with you he can't describe.
your ex is a nice person and them doesn't notice that riff is jealous, and you're smart enough to instantly introduce riff as your boyfriend.
the thing ends happily, like it usually does.
sometimes, though, riff would go a bit out of leash when the person talking to you is shamelessly flirty to you with him still there.
he has never throw hands because he knows you don't like violence, especially not when it's about you.
but sometimes his snarky remarks annoy you a bit.
you always forgive him, though, because he ends up apologizing sooner or later and you'll always work things out <3
— micaela's january recs

ty to all these amazing writers who have left me with butterflies in my stomach and/or tears rolling down my face, much appreciated <3

— anthony bridgerton.
a long, long time by @romeomontaague
enamored by @dreamwritesimagines
— benedict bridgerton.
they're not the only ones by @maximoff-pan
garden of secrets by @dreamwritesimagines

— jon snow.
nobody by @ichorai
— aemond targaryen.
in the still of the night by @saltywritings
say you love me by @milliesdiary
↳ bent, but not broken
i won’t fall for someone who can’t misbehave by @lauraneedstochill
↳ can't help falling in love
↳ my first choice
— aegon ii targaryen.
the road not taken by @jasonsmirrorball

— miguel diaz.
good news by @kaicobras

— nick "goose" bradshaw.
that lovin' feelin' by @duchesstypewriter
— bradley "rooster" bradshaw.
a glimpse of them by @bradshawsbaby
rainfall by @vintagemulti
can i kiss you? by @melwilson
↳ flustered and bothered

— peter parker.
one in the same by @finnwrld
— druig.
only you by @lovetaints
sunshine by @itsapeterthing

— din djarin.
kar’taylir by @the-archxr

— riff.
hey there, dollface by @riffaist
↳ innocent
↳ the five times riff kissed her. (and the one time she did it)

— neteyam.
just a human by @moongumi
eternity by @qwertyluverz
running wild by @jeojake
i've got my eye on you by @urlocalfeiner
↳ is it selfish to want you?
the relief of destruction by @ngayawneluoer
↳ heaven in hiding
↳ eye on you
the heart that binds us by @loaksky

— connor stoll.
unwind by @chasingpj
— percy jackson.
hush-hush by @chasingpj
talk to me by @enviedear

— zuko.
please keep loving me by @biqherosix

— spencer reid.
twisted by @dreamwritesimagines
a test of faith by @dingusfreakhxrrington
out of the spotlight by @sometimesiwritebadly

— poe dameron.
golden age by @ichorai
↳ working in the dark

i made this and i know other people will love it too so enjoy 😊