Rip George Floyd - Tumblr Posts
Okay originally this was gonna be WAY fucking longer cuz I like to be efficient in my ramblings, however I accidentally posted it unfinished, panicked, and deleted it
So take 2
I'm scared of posting this, not because I'll be hated for saying my beliefs but that does play a small part in it, I'm scared of the possibility I wont be taken seriously, and that I will just cause more harm than good in telling the internet what's on my mind.
However people r saying not to be silent, so I won't
George Floyd was a man whom was killed during an attempted arrest for attempting to purchase goods with counterfeit money by officers, one of which knelt on his neck while he was handcuffed. Though it is being investigated on whether or not he was killed due to suffocation or toxins in his system due to alcohol consumption or allegedly drugs, the officer played a part in his death due to his reckless and stupid stunt, more info can be found here, though if this is not sufficient will gladly scour the internet more for more info. But as we all know his tragic death caused outrage.
At first the protests started peacefully as per usual, but six days after they started a man was killed by national guard when involved in a angry confrontation, in an attempt to disperse the crowds. Again this goes into a little more detail.
Now this is a very gross simplification of the problem at large, and while I'm sure most of us know about it I just like to lay down the issue before getting to the meat and potatoes of this post, the views and opinions of the poster.
Honestly? I'm conflicted, I tried, I really did try to just choose one side (BLM) because my usual neutral stand may not actually do anything at the moment. But I couldn't, there's too many factors on each side to consider, and while I'll admit I'm very biased and mostly agree with the views of BLM, I also didnt like the idea of writing the officers off as,, well officers.
I think police should be held up to their actions like everyone else, I think their definitely needs to be some changes to the organization at large, but I dont like dehumanizing every officer and just saying all of them are ruthless pigs. Whether we all like it or not those are people too, good and bad, and generalizing them, to me, doesnt really contribute anything positive to the problem at hand.
But I get why were doing it.
Were angry, and tired, and just upset that this kind of shit just keeps fucking happening, hell I'm fucking pissed at then myself, I trusted this power to uphold its word and be an agent of justice for us all and it betrayed me, AGAIN. Of course I'm fucking pissed.
But I'm scared too
I'm scared that the police will just keep following their orders and just keep acting on the offensive, I'm scared this will turn into another bloodbath due to racial tension, I'm scared because I want to believe that we've learned from those incidents and want something better.
And I do
In my point of view, humanity IS the world, we all made it and we all change it and ourselves with it, at the moment my world is America since I live here and I've never had an opportunity to go anywhere else. But I want to believe in us and so I do, I'm not trying to be holier than thou, and like I said I dont have an answer for this, I'm only one person.
So that does beg the question on why I made this dumb little tumblr post
My personal beliefs are over all neural, I get it, they dont particularly contribute to anything but their mine, and i wanted to say something about this kinda shit for once.
This has probably been all over the place, and I apologize if it makes little sense, I dont like to say one thing about a big issue like this so I tend to ramble. If there are glaring problematic issues with my point of view feel free to say so! I dont expect you guys to agree with me, but I do appreciate hearing your guys view on the matter as well!
Afterall, if anyone can change the world its the world, and that means everyone of us
Rest In Power, George Floyd.
Black lives have and will always matter. I’m tired of seeing black people being mistreated and murdered by the police. I’m tired of the “justice system” letting “cops” get away with assault and murder. This needs to end now.
Rest in Peace George Floyd
Sign this petition to help bring justice for not only George, but his family and the black community in Minneapolis
Memorial murals around the world for George Floyd, whose murder by Minneapolis police on 25 May 2020 sparked uprisings in cities around the US, and protests against police racism in various cities around the world.