Opinions? - Tumblr Posts
“Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz
While working on my art portfolio to apply for my local art school/university I realized just how much of an aesthete I am or in other words just how much I do things simply for the beauty (and therefore the aesthetic) of it and not for any particular meaning behind it.
After sending my portfolio in, my friend let me look through hers and it’s very creative and beautiful and so full of meaning and feelings and it made me feel a tad bad about myself because my own pieces have so very little meaning besides being somewhat pretty (don’t get me wrong, I’m not an amazing artist but I’m trying my best) and that’s because I never had the intention to give them much meaning. Ever since I started drawing and painting I only ever did it for the feeling I have while creating and the outcome at the end but never to actually put feeling and meaning into it. The outcome has to be beautiful to me and not meaningful (which doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate meaningful art — quite the opposite actually. I adore it and I love to think and talk about it. I just never created anything the like myself).
I always thought of it as a flaw, to be honest. Creating art for beauty’s sake and not for emotion and meaning. But thinking about it some more I start to wonder, why it’s considered such a bad thing to do things just for the aesthetic of it? As long as I enjoy doing it (and obviously don’t harm anyone else in the process) there shouldn’t be anything wrong with doing things just for the aesthetic, right?
It’s okay not to always want to make a statement with everything, right? But to do it just for the pure joy it brings. Or maybe that’s the whole meaning behind it? Or does it make me pretentious? Then again, is it really so bad to be pretentious?
❤️❤️to everybody who has been reading my silly old words, thank you very, very much for all your kindness and support. truly, you all are one of the best people i have ever encountered.❤️❤️
recently, i have posted this story on here. it's one of the few stories that i have written that i think are half-decent.
as far as i've seen, y'all don't seem too favourable toward my stories (you seem to like my so-called 'poems' more).
i do have a personal interest in story-writing and had in mind a kinda sorta developed universe-type thing with Wisteria and Aris. if you answer favourably to this poll, i will do my best and work on this project. if not, i don't want to waste your time or provide you with content that doesn't stay w/ you.
also, please, please, please provide feedback on this story. i very desperately want to improve my craft and i believe that the first step to improvement is constructive feedback. be as cruel as you can, i can (and should) handle it.
and, to all of you out there who take out valuable time on your day to check up on this blog and read the tiny, silly things i write, thank you so very, very much. all of your love, support and care truly makes my day.
❤️❤️to everybody who has been reading my silly old words, thank you very, very much for all your kindness and support. truly, you all are one of the best people i have ever encountered.❤️❤️
recently, i have posted this story on here. it's one of the few stories that i have written that i think are half-decent.
as far as i've seen, y'all don't seem too favourable toward my stories (you seem to like my so-called 'poems' more).
i do have a personal interest in story-writing and had in mind a kinda sorta developed universe-type thing with Wisteria and Aris. if you answer favourably to this poll, i will do my best and work on this project. if not, i don't want to waste your time or provide you with content that doesn't stay w/ you.
also, please, please, please provide feedback on this story. i very desperately want to improve my craft and i believe that the first step to improvement is constructive feedback. be as cruel as you can, i can (and should) handle it.
and, to all of you out there who take out valuable time on your day to check up on this blog and read the tiny, silly things i write, thank you so very, very much. all of your love, support and care truly makes my day.
also, so very sorry for posting this again, my stupid self only just realised that i didn't set the timer for longer, so nobody was able to vote. please, please, please, make sure to vote. i love to hear from y'all, and, i mean, art exists only with its audience. thank you, each and every single one of you, for making mine something a little worthwhile❤️❤️
GAY. something fishy is going on here..

people with dnis that are js like "[perfectly normal and healthy ship] shippers, [villain/antagonist character] defenders" confuse me so much.. like youre on TUMBLR..
i get if it makes you a little uncomfy but also.. that's the most normal thing to do..

This is literally how I feel when someone flips sh*t over an opinion.. And it doesn’t matter if it’s mine or someone else’s.
Here’s your friendly reminder that you don’t have to forgive everybody.
Minor inconveniences and genuine slip ups of course are forgivable, accidents happen and we should grant mercy when we’re able to and pardon the mistakes of others!
But if somebody keeps doing something that hurts you, another person/other people, or even themselves, then you don’t need to forgive them. Doesn’t matter if it’s the first time or the fifth, if it’s harmful then enough is enough.
Forgiveness isn’t something you owe people, it’s a privilege. So don’t give horrible people who do horrible things the privilege of your forgiveness, start holding the people accountable
Hope you get to be among the strongest, Atsuha
Sorry to tell ya, but "the strongest" is one thing I'd rather not be.
Don't get me wrong, I want to be strong enough to do my job well, but... I'm concerned with the amount of pressure and responsibility such a label brings. Even to the point of dehumanizing.
I mean, look at Satoru Gojo. I never met him in my life, but I can only imagine how being labeled like that, and carrying such power and deemed responsibility from birth, affected him as a person... and how he related to other people.
Junpei and I, as well as Miwa's brothers, are somewhat test-drive subjects of this new Jujutsu society; among its goals, is the proper management of these labels, to protect all humans, sorcerers and non-sorcerers equally, and as Gojo dreamed once, to train and raise well the new generation.
Listen-I just think a lot of our problems could be solved if everyone shut the fuck up, took a chill pill, and just had a discussion.
Not a fight. Not an argument. Not even a debate. (Though those last two are still healthy) just a normal discussion.
"Here's my opinion. This is why i think that. I found this evidence that helps to prove my point further."
"I hear your opinion, here is mine and all of my gatherings."
"I'm not telling you you're wrong but that source comes from a blog and doesn't have a reliable source connected to it, do you have a better source? I can't form my opinion without a viable source."
I know it sounds stuffy but jeeze just fucking talk to each other???? It's not that hard????
(This obviously doesn't pertain to every circumstance. I believe everyone deserves rights and such but this isn't about that. It's about unnecessary aggression and drama)
Just sit the fuck down and chill out.
We need to learn from the flaws, not pretend they never existed. People can find value in lots of things, and every game that was mentioned has something of value to find among the bad parts. Yes, even '06, objectively bad as it is (I love Silver and am glad he didn't die with the game). (Edit: also, that "something of value" can be different for different people; you do you fam)
If we sweep all the bad stuff under the rug, all we're going to end up with is unstable footing.
Can you and the rest of the staff stop making references to the bad games like Shadow, 2006, Black Knight and Forces? This franchise needs to be better, and that can’t happen if critics are constantly reminded of this franchise’s miserable failures.
"Bad" is a relative term. I have a close friend whose favorite game in the whole series is Shadow TH; it was there for them at an important time, and brought immense comfort and strength. Sonic '06 gave me my favorite Sonic character, Silver, who was central to me figuring myself out as I came of age. Black Knight tells one of my favorite Sonic stories, and I can't describe the excitement I felt when I heard a traditional English folk song, one I had been learning in my studies of Celtic music and loved dearly, used in-game. We wouldn't have Whisper the Wolf without Forces. And beyond me and mine, there are countless fans finding wonder and meaning in every single Sonic game, despite their flaws. While I agree that self-reflection and critique is essential to any creative endeavor, it can be done without shame. I would never choose to deny the recognition and celebration of their joy, or ignore the beauty to be found in the imperfect.
Assigning too much value to the judgement of others is self-destructive. Sonic fans don't need the Sonic series to be "good" or "respectable" to love themselves, because they are human beings whose worth is infinitely greater than a video game's metacritic score. Be cringe, be free.
Live action movies based on other media is great
I love how the set/costume design gets to be more intricately detailed
and even if the plot or characterization is a fail, I am still endlessly amused by the effort.
The Twisted Wonderland casts make me feel a spectrum of emotions.
i love them because *list downs their characteristics*.
Vil Schoenheit, Malleus Draconia, Jack Howl, Deuce Spade
i love them because they're pathetic and fun to bully (affectionately).
Idia Shroud, Ruggie Bucchi, Sebek Zigvolt
i like them because they look pretty.
Silver, Lilia Vanrouge, Azul Ashengrotto, Epel Felmier, Riddle Rosehearts, Jamil Viper, Leona Kingscholar, Cater Diamond
i like them because they're nice (means they're mid-tier yet more likeable)
Kalim Al-asim, Ortho Shroud, Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Rook Hunt
I don't like them because i know i wouldn't get along with a person who have the same personality as them.
Ace Trappola, Floyd Leech,

"The Boy Not Allowed in Schools"
I grew up without Harry Potter.
Coming of age in a Christian home, right in the thick of the Christian ridicule of the series, it all became extremely taboo. My mom never quite understood WHY things were taboo, other than the vague ideas of “evolution” (Pokemon), “witchcraft” (Harry Potter), and even just “violence” (Power Rangers). She never investigated or researched, or sought understanding. She was just afraid. Luckily for me, she’d forget things she was afraid and/or just loosen up. So, I’m thankful that she wasn’t as blindly ignorant or hateful as many, but, regardless, I didn’t grow up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, as they grew up with their loyal fan base.
I’m now 19, and my soon-to-be-ex (whole different story for another day; simply said, we were two broken people who needed the other to not be broken) blessed my life by letting me borrow the series that summer. I dived into to the beautiful series. I wept numerous times, pretty much every time Harry’s parents were mentioned, or, when someone died (that increases ten-fold in the last few books). I marathon’d the series. Reading them, for the first time, as an adult, provided such context. I could see this whole painful, beautiful journey, start to finish- I saw it whole.
My favourite book this first read-though was The Half-Blood Prince. I adored the context that the memories gave. Everything was starting to make sense. And, the whole end surprised me.
Upon finishing the series, I instantly had beef with the Christian community. Keep in mind, I love Jesus, and, consider myself a Christian. But, I became fully aware that no one criticising the book had actually read it, and, if they had, they needed to get their heads out of their arses as soon as possible, because their heads are so far up there that they could suffocate at any moment. The worst part is the bigotry. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about the struggle of good versus evil magic too, but, since he was a prevalent Christian male, with a cool story, and who helped lead C.S. Lewis to Christ, that’s okay. Don’t get me wrong, I adore both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, but, I feel there’s a double-standard and judgement and bigotry that happened in the Christian community, and still happens to this day. I think if they were still alive, both of those amazing British authors, and many like them, would have loved the world that J.K. Rowling created. And, on top of that, as a free-thinking human, one should be able to simply use an idea as a plot device, even if they don’t quite believe in it. I’m not quite sure how I feel about Evolution; there’s so many questions I have. But, I LOVE Jurassic Park. Evolution is a MAJOR plot device in the two books. But, guess what? I’m okay with that. Books, fiction or not, should challenge you and dare you to think and dream. At the least, you should think, “that’s an interesting view,” and, at most, maybe you’re opinions will change. But, if you’re too childish and weak and stubborn and blind to even respectfully HEAR the ideas and standpoint of others, I pity you- you will struggle and you will hurt others and you WILL offend.
What I saw before me, with Harry Potter, was this beautifully spun tapestry of good vs. evil, sacrifice, love, power, family, relationships, civil rights, and more. The series addresses many of the most important issues we will ever face, and, above all urged you to choose goodness, bravery, and love. “You always have a choice” essentially describes the whole saga. Yeah, Harry Potter is a prat at times, but, understandably so, and, he stepped up when he needed to. What really hits me in the emotional gonads, though, is the support and sacrifice of those around Harry Potter.
Fast forward again to now.
I just finished my second read-through. Of course, lots more crying, and, even more, “OH MY GAWD! FORE-FUCKING-SHADOWING! HOWWWWW?! SEVEN BOOKS AHEAD?! HOWWWWW!!!!”
That woman knows the long-con, and, she knows it well.
I think J.K. Rowling is one of the most notable and inspirational people of our time, and, a fantastic role model.
But, I think I came out of this second read-through with a new favourite: The Deathly Hallows. I’m sure your favourite adapts to what stage of life you’re in. However, this read-through, Harry’s change part-way through the finale really got me. His strength and determination and trust and respect.
I think a lot can be learned from Harry Potter. It teaches people of all ages to be brave, to be good, and to take a stand against injustice.
With the sudden popularity of Game of Thrones, I realise now that we got off lucky. J.K. Rowling had MANY more of our favourites that she could have killed off. Each of her deaths meant something, though. It wasn’t just “sacrifice;” it was never just “death.” It always meant MORE. It meant “being orphaned;” it meant “under-age death and sacrifice;” it meant “losing your other half;” it meant “losing your family;” it meant “losing yourself.” She didn’t NEED to kill anyone else; the deaths that occurred carried so much weight already.
So, even though I didn’t grow up with it, Hogwarts will forever be my home; it will always be a part of me. Just like a Muggle-Born, or Harry Potter himself, I grew up without Hogwarts, and, then, suddenly, one day, it’s real and amazing and everything is different.
And, never forget:
"Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it."
Let it be known that everything I find irritating about humanity expressing its opinion not just within the digital landscape, but within every medium that has ever or will ever exist in society, has nothing to do with the restriction of free speech or the cognitive dissonance associated with an opposing perspective, and all to do with the illogical and poorly constructed approach that most of it takes when doing so.
Humanity has, continues to, and for the foreseeable future, will continue to suffer from the disease that is never reaching a complete understanding of what it means to construct an argument that truly captures the essence of what it means to be human, that is, one which is equal parts emotion and logic.
It's this continued lack of nuance that has created and nurtured two different worlds defined by their respective oxymoronic traits.
One is cold, calculated, sees every relationship as transactional, or as though it were an intense chess match, where everyone is an opponent, and every interaction is an opportunity to climb the ladder in power and position.
The other is soft, warm, and caring, but often lets itself become too pacifist and thus gets pushed over as it lacks the proper insight needed to change systems of injustice. It also has the tendency to get itself caught up in idealized and theorized versions of a better future without doing anything in the present, as though it were waiting for a day to be saved and arrive in heaven.
Talking about Lunter
Someone has definitely talked about this before, but here’s my take on it.
I will say, that I’m a Lumity shipper. I see Luz and Hunter as siblings. But, I can definitely see why the ship exist, and why other people would ship it.
I’m not gonna lie, when Luz got up to Hunter’s face, I really did think they were gonna kiss, which kinda spooked me a little. 😂
But anyways, shipping is supposed to be fun. Threatening people for not shipping something that you ship is not fun.
Ship whatever you want! As long as you’re not shipping a minor with and adult, or a canon gay character with someone of the opposite gender. I guess it’d be okay if the creator was okay with it? I don’t believe Dana said it was okay to ship Amity with a guy, cause she’s a lesbian. So, don’t ship Amity with a boy, and don’t ship Edric with a girl.
There are creators that are okay with shipping characters even with canon sexualities, such as Vivziepop. She might be okay with whoever you ship with her characters, but, Dana isn’t Vivziepop, and she might not be cool with that.
Luz is a bisexual character, shipping her with Hunter doesn’t erase the bi representation like shipping Amity, a lesbian, with any male character would.
Of course, Hunter doesn’t have a canon sexuality, from what I know at least.
If he canonically isn’t attracted to girls, then there would be a big problem for this ship. But for now, there’s no real big problem.
I was also thinking about something. While I do love found family troupes, I feel like if Hunter was a girl, and supposed to be part of Luz’s found family, than most people wouldn’t be so rude about Luz being shipped with Hunter, but since Hunter’s a guy, almost everyone is being rude about this ship!
If you ship Lumity that’s fine! You just see Luz and Hunter as siblings, that’s okay!
If you ship Lunter, there’s nothing wrong with that! You just don’t see them as siblings, and that’s okay! Some people just don’t see other people’s visions and that’s fine!
If you’re a poly shipper and ship Lumiter that’s okay as well, as long as Amity and Hunter are just dating Luz, and Amity and Hunter aren’t dating.
If you’re a multishipper, that’s also awesome! If you like to ship Lunter separately from Lumity and/or Huntric, Whatever you might ship, that’s okay.
As long as you’re not being a jerk about what you ship, then it is okay.
Lumity shippers, don’t attack Lunter shippers. Lunter shippers, don’t attack Lumity shippers. Just shake hands and just agree that you both have opinions and you don’t have to agree with each other.
Everyone has opinions, and as much as it sucks sometimes, it’s the truth.
And people shouldn’t be being a huge asshole to people just because they like something that you don’t.
I think that’s all I have to say. Please, have a good day/night. These are all my opinions, I don’t care if you disagree with me or not, because you have opinions too, and I respect that.
EDIT: I forgot to say, also, not liking Lunter isn’t biphobic either.
EDIT 2: Also, if you’re homophobic and that’s why you ship Lunter and not Lumity. Why the hell? Are you even watching the show? And homophobia isn’t an opinion.
EDIT 3: Please unfollow me or just block me if you can’t respect people’s opinions on ships. Okay NOW I’m going to sleep.
EDIT 4: Sorry, another thing, Luz being 14 and Hunter being 16, it’s not really a big age difference. Steven and Connie from Steven Universe have those same ages and literally no one has a problem with that? 2 years isn’t that bad, that’s all I’m saying.
EDIT 5: And unless Hunter gets canonically adopted by Luz’s family, then just let the Lunter shippers have fun. If they do become canon adopted siblings, then there would be a problem with this ship.
EDIT 6: People don’t have to ship something just because it’s canon.
EDIT 7: I do realize now that all of this doesn’t really sound how I wanted it to, I was trying to sound as supportive as I could with these ships, but at the time that I was typing all of this down, I was really tired, once I got on Tumblr, I jut copy and pasted it all without really reading what I typed in. And then added a lot of unnecessary things (just like this). I will say, that I am not an adult. I’m 15, so….yeah, I understand that the things I say are really off and not exactly what you want to hear. (Or need to hear) It’s actually far from it. I’m not good at wording things or even talking about certain things sometimes, I actually suck at it a lot. I tried to sound respectful and chill, I guess? But yeah, I’m not so good at doing that. I apologize for how odd this all sounds. It is pretty late, so I’m just going to stop now. Please have a good day/night.
(Yes, I’m aware of how stupid I sound.)
EDIT 8: I Didn’t want to add more than there already was, but, no, you guys are right, Dana didn’t confirm Edric being gay, I thought I saw it, but I literally cannot find a tweet from Dana saying that.
I just got finished watching TGAMM. The only real way I can describe it, is….
It’s OKAY.
It’s not bad, it’s not very good either.
It’s just, decent. I couldn’t get myself into it when watching the first episode.
I thought the softball ep was pretty good? But, the rest of the episodes, are okay.
This show isn’t as good as people make it seem. It’s kinda boring in my opinion.
I hope it gets more interesting when more episodes come out. I really do wanna get myself into it.