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Analysis here ⬇️ :D
HOLY SHIT IT’S RAD, also here are some references like the beginning Donnie’s staff looks like a ref to both 2012 and maybe rise even , then DID YALL SEE WHEN DONNIE GETS HIS SHELL BEAT UP OMG (likely also a ref to the IDW comics) I think we’re in for some angst here yall 0-0 which is like so rare for him so yippieee and then Leo was falling which might be a ref to 2012 or even rise (he seems to keep falling off buildings lmao) and then those guys Raph was beating up were def the purp dragons and maybe the guy in the middle was Casey? Idk probs not but that would be cool asf, and then I think April dressing up as an alien might be a reference to the fact that 2012 April is part krang
Here are my guesses for each of their roles in the show and how it’s gonna play out:
Mikey: probably most time with April… definitely comedic relief, storyline is more lighthearted compared to his brothers and action is rarely suspenseful mostly silly
Raph: Mostly action focused and cool asf to watch, probably expands the lore the most, specifically with the purple dragons, maybe even with Casey… 0v0
Leo: he’s terrified most of the time but surprisingly competent, likely ends up trying to run away but is forced to face his problems without his brothers and in the end it’s not a massive hurdle but instead a satisfying character ark
Donnie:he’s absolutely terrified and alone and it’s Devastating, gets the absolute shit beat out of him, ends up beating bishop’s bots in some badass way.. BUT- not without a complete breakdown and there’s gonna be so much angst with him compared to his brothers I CAN FEEL IT YALL HE LOOKS SO SAD.
April: Likely just sticks with the turtles at different times to connect their storylines and tries to unite them but unfortunately fails, she’s probably most likely to reason (or at least try) with bishop bc I got a feeling bishop might have a redemption arc (this is Just A Hunch)