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6 months ago




A Clan with a tumultuous past carving out a better future for themselves, StreamClan is best recognised by their unique talent to swim. More often than not, they are viewed as haughty by their fellow Clans thanks to their eye for detain, enjoying spending time grooming themselves and others. Their territory is not easily traversable for the uninitiated, with streams and rivers dominating the land. While the Clan sleeps, they are carefully guarded by their dutiful Rangers, who patrol the night.


StreamClan territory is dominated by streams and ponds, varying from a few tail-lengths deep to merely a pawstep deep. In greenleaf, this territory is rich in prey and healer herbs. No cat has heard of a thin StreamClan warrior; they are always well fed. Cats that live in this territory typically have webbed paws that help these warriors swim, and typically have thick, beautiful pelts. The main prey found here are freshwater fish, minnows, and the occasional forest creature like squirrels and mice. The main predators are foxes, badgers on the outskirts of the territory, and large birds of prey. Predators can be uncommon, however, due to the abundance of water running throughout the territory. Besides swimming, the only way to access this territory is by the dangerous stepping stones found on both sides of the territory. In times of rain, these stones are anything but existent, submerged by water.


StreamClan cats often share tongues as a bonding activity, to help maintain their thick pelts. As a result, they often come off as vain and haughty to other Clans. It's not uncommon to see StreamClan warriors use flowers as a way to help add color to their pelts. Swimming is also another activity StreamClan cats love to participate in, especially during the hot midday of greenleaf. With bountiful prey, most StreamClan cats also love to eat, to the point that cats have the freedom to be extremely picky with what they eat. Border patrols are lax with rainy days, as the rain causes the streams to swell and cover the only way into the territory; only a truly foolish non-StreamClan cat would dare try to swim through those rapids.


Sleek and stealthy, StreamClan’s Rangers were introduced by Quillstar in an effort to stop nighttime attacks on the Clan. Unlike the typical warrior, these cats work primarily alone at night, patrolling StreamClan’s vast marshlands or standing guard at camp. Due to the irregularity of their active hours, Rangers are not required to participate in daytime patrols, but are encouraged to do so if they wish. Rangers are required to know basic herbal knowledge in the circumstance that they, or another Ranger, are injured and unable to be quickly seen by a Healer. For covert missions, Rangers are the first choice, and it is preferable that they are able to be stealthy and able to quickly hide themselves from potential foes for sneak attacks or quick getaway. They are required to work closely with StreamClan’s Leader, reporting their findings for the night and participating in any covert operations that need them. A cat can begin training underneath the Rangers after completing their Warrior’s training. 

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6 months ago




Living underneath the sun and sleeping underneath the stars, ValleyClan sees the world at its best and worst. Their lands are as vast and free as they come, with rolling hills and fields of flowers. ValleyClan is known for their 'get up and go' personalities, loving exercise and running through their beautiful land. Their specialty ranks of choice, the Sentinels and the Guardians, are trained to guard and keep watch from any incoming threats.


The territory is characterized by large hills. The ground underpaw is half grass, half dirt and sand. The grass varies in length, from dense tall grass to large patches of short but soft grass. Sparse bushes dot the territory; anything larger in vegetation is rare. There are very few trees, save along the borders; any few trees found among the sloping hills are long dead. Out of all the territories, this territory has the most interaction with Twolegs. From a fully functional farm to remnants of past farming attempts, these cats are no strangers to the ways of these strange creatures. The main prey here are rabbits, pheasants, and very rarely, hawks. The main predators that can be found here are coyotes, badgers, and the occasional fox or large bird of prey. The cats that live here are wiry and typically brown-colored, to blend in with their territory.


Having no tree cover, ValleyClan members are typically early birds: they get up at the crack of dawn! These cats typically use phrases that associate with the farm close by; examples of phrases include "soft as a sheep's pelt," "cow dung," and "A rooster's flight away." ValleyClan members have a slight advantage to running then other Clans, due to their wiry builds: they are built for speed. As a result, kits love to play tag and chase one another for games; this love of running continues into warriorhood. Warriors often challenge each other to races for fun, though these competitions can get heated easily for bragging rights. As the competition gets more serious, it's not uncommon to barter prey, and even morning patrol shifts.


Following the invasion of the Pack in ValleyClan’s territory, the new leader, Lilystar, and her deputy instated two new ranks in an effort to keep the fragile Clan sage from future threats. These ranks are the Guardian and the Sentinel. The Guardians act as ValleyClan’s first line of defense, and are set to patrol the perimeter closest to camp. Cats who decide to step into this position must be adept in all sorts of fighting styles. The Sentinels are regarded as the eyes and ears of ValleyClan. They patrol the outskirts of ValleyClan’s territory and report signs of oncoming danger to the Guardians. Sentinels are expected to be quick, prioritising speed over strength in order to be a carrier of information. A cat can begin training underneath the Guardians and Sentinels after completing their Warrior’s training. 

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6 months ago




Fjell'Byr is a feline community that is a mix of feral cats and Fjell. The Fjell are a unique hybrid species of lynx and cat mixed together. They live far away, high up in the mountain ranges that oversee the Clans of the Lake. To journey from the Clans to Fjell'Byr takes several quarter-moons, and is not considered easy to travel. Unlike the Clans of the Lake, they do not insist on borders, and instead welcome all to traverse or visit their community, known as a Byr.


Fjell'Byr's territory is not defined by formal borders: travelers are welcomed to traverse through their territory. The mountains are already dangerous as is, and it is not in Fjell'Byr's spirit to make the wandering traveler's life more perilous. It is cold, and snow is always present. There are trees lower down within the mountains, but as one climbs higher and higher, the skies are as open as the view across the horizon.


Fjell'Byr is a large feline population that spans across the mountains, resulting in a social hierarchy to ensure cooperation and unity across the Byr. There are three main factions:

The Disciples, who take an oath of pacifism and specialize in medical care of Fjell'Byr

The Champions, who battle-train rigorously even as full-fledged Champions to specialize in protecting Fjell'Byr

The Scouts, who are swift with their paws and keen in their senses, who specialize in keeping a watchful eye, and hunting, for Fjell'Byr

Their high ranks are a delegation of representatives from the factions, known as the Circle, as well as six main figureheads:

The Monarch, who is the leader of Fjell'Byr and has the highest authority

The Heir, who is next in line to become the Monarch

The Herbalist, who has final say in prophecies and care for Fjell'Byr

The Head Disciple makes the final decisions for the Disciple Faction, and reports to the Herbalist

The Head Champion makes the final decisions for the Champion faction, and reports to the Monarch and Heir

The Head Scout makes the final decisions for the Scout faction, and is relatively new to Fjell'Byr's hierarchy

Through this social structure, Fjell'Byr thrives in peace and harmony.

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