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RockClan is most known for their resillience in the face of adversity. Their lifestyle -- living in the depths of boulders and mountainous lands -- is a life that only the strongest can truly thrive in. To water down RockClan to simply tough is a disservice to the family that makes up this Clan. As close as they come, RockClan warriors would do whatever it takes to defend their home. Their land is carefully guarded by their Sentries, cats who are trained to watch and survey for potential threats.
RockClan's territory is by far the most perilous territory to live in- the territory consists of very mountain-like terrain, complete with large boulders and douglas fir trees. Mudslides and rock slides occur frequently, and it's very hard to traverse the territory. As a result, RockClan warriors are some of the toughest cats you're ever going to meet. RockClan warriors have paw pads that're tougher than hide and are very muscular, making any sort of climbing in this territory a breeze. The main prey found here are voles, moles, shrews, and occasionally an adder or an armadillo. The main predators found here are large birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, and large venomous snakes.
RockClan like to keep up a profile of extremely tough cats. To help keep this image, it's a common bonding activity on patrol to sharpen one's claws on the rocks along the border, for the other clans to see. Whoever makes the largest scratch marks gets bragging rights, and gets to lead the rest of the patrol. From a young age, kits will challenge one another to see who can push the biggest rock in camp. This continues as a competitive activity into warriorhood; this can be dangerous, and has led to injuries, so it is frowned upon by senior warriors and leadership positions. Despite this gruff and tough outward appearance, RockClan is actually very easy going with one another and truly care about each other. They are extremely loyal, and will put aside personal differences to defend their Clanmate from outside trouble. Once a RockClan cat, always a RockClan cat.
With the uptick in trouble caused by rogue and forces unknown to the Clans, the leadership of RockClan decided that it was time for a specialized role in keeping a watchful eye out for the Clan. Sentries are a rank that specialize in surveillance and dexterity. They are expected to hone their climbing skills to perfection to effortlessly scale the mountainous terrain of RockClan. They are typically stationed at high vantage points such as trees and boulders both solo and with their fellow Sentries for day and night patrols. They are known to work closely with the Deputy, keeping them updated with anything concerning or notable they may have seen on their patrols. A cat can begin training underneath the Sentries after completing their Warrior’s training.

Fjell'Byr is a feline community that is a mix of feral cats and Fjell. The Fjell are a unique hybrid species of lynx and cat mixed together. They live far away, high up in the mountain ranges that oversee the Clans of the Lake. To journey from the Clans to Fjell'Byr takes several quarter-moons, and is not considered easy to travel. Unlike the Clans of the Lake, they do not insist on borders, and instead welcome all to traverse or visit their community, known as a Byr.
Fjell'Byr's territory is not defined by formal borders: travelers are welcomed to traverse through their territory. The mountains are already dangerous as is, and it is not in Fjell'Byr's spirit to make the wandering traveler's life more perilous. It is cold, and snow is always present. There are trees lower down within the mountains, but as one climbs higher and higher, the skies are as open as the view across the horizon.
Fjell'Byr is a large feline population that spans across the mountains, resulting in a social hierarchy to ensure cooperation and unity across the Byr. There are three main factions:
The Disciples, who take an oath of pacifism and specialize in medical care of Fjell'Byr
The Champions, who battle-train rigorously even as full-fledged Champions to specialize in protecting Fjell'Byr
The Scouts, who are swift with their paws and keen in their senses, who specialize in keeping a watchful eye, and hunting, for Fjell'Byr
Their high ranks are a delegation of representatives from the factions, known as the Circle, as well as six main figureheads:
The Monarch, who is the leader of Fjell'Byr and has the highest authority
The Heir, who is next in line to become the Monarch
The Herbalist, who has final say in prophecies and care for Fjell'Byr
The Head Disciple makes the final decisions for the Disciple Faction, and reports to the Herbalist
The Head Champion makes the final decisions for the Champion faction, and reports to the Monarch and Heir
The Head Scout makes the final decisions for the Scout faction, and is relatively new to Fjell'Byr's hierarchy
Through this social structure, Fjell'Byr thrives in peace and harmony.

Illustration from a Rise of the Clans RP event

The General Spirit World
All animals when they die become a spirit in the afterlife. Their species, beliefs, and choices in life, will determine their outcome and afterlife residence. Next to the living in the waking world, spirits and ghosts also traverse the land, in a different realm of existence. The Spirit world is all-encompassing, thought to exist in the same reality. Some afterlives are located within the stars, others are in dark regions that only malevolent, malignant beings seeking to harm will find themselves...

The Clans of the Lake believe that when a warrior dies after living their life as authentically as possible following the Warrior Code, their spirit will live on forever with StarClan. Their territory can be found watching the Clans from above, in the starry night that covers the lake, known as Silverpelt. All good Clan cats will find themselves as part of StarClan, regardless of their prior Clan in life. Here, the season is always Greenleaf, and it is a mixture of the lushest, most vibrant nature. Streams and ponds are filled with crystal clear water, crisp and clean in taste, stock full of fish and other prey. The grass underpaw is soft, plush, and always seems to shine golden when the light hits it just right...

The Place of No Stars
Warriors who repeatedly, intentionally, break the warrior code and bring harm to others, will find themselves in The Place of No Stars, also colloquially known as the Dark Forest, after dying. It is a large, dim, wretched place of existence, with only a ghostly pale gray light in the far, far distance serving as the only source of light. The Dark Forest is said to be once ruled and led by its first ever resident, ■■■■■■■...

Fjell'Byr felines find themselves in Stjar'Keld after death. They reside in the skies above the mountains, so that they may watch over their living counterparts. Stjar'Keld's territory is a bit more of a mystery to Fjell'Byr, as living spirits do not visit the territory like a Clan warrior might visit StarClan's territory in their dreams. As a result, their realm is thought to be a bit more ethereal in interpretation, with emphasis on the bright midday sky. Only the residents of Stjar'Keld truly know what their territory looks like...

The Empty is a vast expanse of open, blank rolling fields and open sky in between the realms of the afterlife. The time of day is always dusk, just after sunset, with the stars in the vast distance that define the other realms of the afterlife, such as StarClan, twinkling overhead. There is no prey, water, nor shelter, but none of that is needed: hunger, thirst, and fatigue are not experienced by the spirits that wander the Empty. Wandering aimlessly somehow always leads to nowhere, no matter how far a spirit walks...

Ghosts are active spirits that haunt the living both in the waking world, and in a cat's dreams. They are selected by ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ to become a ghost, and it is completely indiscernable as to why, or when. It does not seem to be based on morality or prior choices in life: only Ether himself knows why he chooses the spirits he does to return to the living once more as a ghost. By rejoining the land of the living, ghosts will lose memories of their previous life. The memories, and the amount, vary, but there is no ghost that can recollect their entire past...

RockClan's Camp - Rise of the Clans
RockClan makes its camp among a circle of rocks and boulders. The boulders vary in shape and size, seemingly scattered randomly to form a rough ring. The camp entrance is marked by two large boulders, not hard to miss, making this camp somewhat accessible to outsiders. Once inside, there is a clearing with smaller rocks scattered about, with a few trees to offer shade in green-leaf overhead. These rocks serve as perfect warming and sunning spots, due to the sparse overhead cover. It is not uncommon to catch apprentices and kits playing atop the rocks that border the camp: it is frowned upon for warriors to partake in this activity, however.
The boulders that slope against one another and ring the camp form the entrance to the underground burrows that serve as the Clans' dens. These burrows are rather large and spacious, but pitch dark once inside. During times of heavy rain, these burrows flood and the cats of RockClan must seek shelter above ground, atop the boulders that make up the camp walls. Despite the flooding, the nursery in RockClan is considered the most secure out of all the four Clans, due to the emergency bolthole located between the nursery and the Leaders' Den. This bolthole exits into the RockClan training grounds.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

StreamClan's Camp - Rise of the Clans
The cats of StreamClan make their camp on an island surrounded by water on all sides. The only way to enter the camp is either to swim or to use the stepping stones located on the far side of camp. Reeds and bushes surround the perimeter. On the north side of camp lies the stepping stone path to get to the StreamClan training grounds. A large willow dominates one side of camp; within its trunk, the Leader of StreamClan makes their den. Although this camp is overall really secure due to how tough it is to enter, the threat of drowning is very real for kits; adults are advised to constantly keep watch.
StreamClan cats make their dens among the bushes and reeds that make up the outside of camp. On the inside, there is special care to pad the walls with bracken and branches, to prevent cats from accidentally stepping in water. In times of heavy rain, the Clan sleeps under the willow tree, as the dens are susceptible to light flooding due to the waterline swelling from rainwater.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

ValleyClan's Camp - Rise of the Clans
ValleyClan's camp resides at the base of the only cliff located as a rather prominent dip among the rolling hills of their territory. Marked by a dead tree, the only safe point to enter ValleyClan camp without breaking a limb from falling is a short sandy incline located just among the dip of two bushes. This hard to locate incline serves as the entrance to ValleyClan camp. Once inside, the ground underpaw is smooth and sandy, with very, very sparse vegetation. The bushes above offer a sort of camouflage to the uneducated eye.
ValleyClan cats make their dens among the caves and recesses found along the cliff sides. They're rather large, somewhat deep, and spacious, with a sort of stone floor underpaw. In times of heavy rain, cats are moved from the caves below to the caves above; due to the multi-level elevation of ValleyClan, rain does not flood whatsoever into the top caves.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

WoodClan's Camp - Rise of the Clans
In the thick, tight pine forest WoodClan calls home, there is a single, large clearing that serves as WoodClan's camp. On either side, large thick bushes serve as both dens and the camp's walls. At the end of the clearing, a large, long dead oak serves as the Leader's Den. Sometimes for fun, or to take a nap, warriors of WoodClan will shelter in the large, gnarled branches of the dead oak. Because this is the only place the forest opens up, this is the one part of the territory where sunlight can directly touch the grass underpaw. Because this is the one clearing, it's virtually impossible to locate this camp to complete strangers of this forest.
Giant, thick bushes serve as the dens for WoodClan. While not pitch dark like the burrows of RockClan, the thick leaves and tangling branches of the bushes make these dens very, very dark overall. Cats must be careful not to trip over the large, thick roots: if a warrior's not careful, they're easy to trip over. Rarely, there are nooks and bends in the bushes that make the perfect lofted nests, for the very particular.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

Name: Ether
Name Meaning: Name given by himself
Gender: Agender (he/him)
Age: ???
History: When ghosts began appearing across the Clan territories, ValleyClan healer Clouddancer traveled to Fjell'Byr, bringing Minerva the Oracle in company as well, to seek answers. Minerva began to travel the Empty, seeking answers to the ghosts. Her search came to an end, with a being that introduced themselves as Ether.
Their full conversation can be found here.
+ Amicable
+ Peaceful
= Observant
= Unruffled
- Cryptic
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

Name: Minerva the Oracle
Name Meaning:
Minerva: Long, long ago, before the Clans resided by the lake, twolegs would catch glimpses of this phantom. They began to call her Minerva, after the old twoleg that used to own the fishing shack by the lake. The twolegs claim she is the spirit of the old lady; Minerva, however knows otherwise.
The Oracle: Her title, the Oracle, comes from StarClan and ancient warriors, to indicate her ability to predict future events even StarClan cannot foresee.
Species: Lynx
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: Unknown
Rank: Oracle for the Clans
The Oracle is a prophetic spirit that can perfectly recount events of the past, deliver news of the present, and catch glimpses of the future. These small fragments of time are always accurate, and she can foretell things even beyond the sight of StarClan. She has the power to conjure any StarClan warrior from the past to be among the living, whether the StarClan cat wanted to be summoned or not.
Clan: Not affiliated with any specific Clan.
General Description: Minerva is a large, stark white albino lynx with faint, sparse markings. She has long, bushy fur with a mane of fur wreathing her fluffy cheeks. Her legs are long and sturdy, and she has formidably large sized paws. Her eyes are a piercing, glowing red, with white pupils. Darker tufts of fur outline her eartips, elbows, and ankles. She is slightly transparent in appearance in the waking world; she only appears solid in dreams.
Fur texture: Long, bushy, thick
Body type: Large for a lynx, thick muscles
Scars: None
Minerva was born in the mountains as a young lynx a long, long time ago. It's hard for her to remember her life as a living creature, given it was so long ago. She has faint memories of being both revered and feared; animals far and wide came to know her special abilities. Animals of the forest would come to her, to have her summon a deceased animal for them to commune. Every time she summoned the dead, however, she could feel her soul's grasp among the living slipping away. One day, after summoning the drowned pups of a fox for a distraught mother, Minerva found herself overwhelmed with exhaustion, and her red eyes closed, as she sunk deeper and deeper into a slumber. When she woke up, she found that she was no longer in the physical realm; her body lay before her, lifeless. Without a general direction for what to do next, she descended from the mountains, and found herself in close proximity to four Clans of cats.
Despite being dead, Minerva still found herself able to speak with these cats. Through their healers she learned that these cats had recently lost warriors. Minerva showed them the way to the meteor pool, and taught them how to bring their ancestors present to speak with them once more. Through several practices and rituals, the medicine cats of the Clans learned how to commune with StarClan.
Minerva found through death, she was able to witness the very channel of time that all cats follow. She found, for a short period of time, she could recall the past events of a living cat, or catch glimpses of future events. This made StarClan horribly uneasy: Minerva time and time again was able to accurately predict future events that StarClan had no idea was going to occur. This drove them to such paranoia, they began to tell the medicine cats and leaders of every Clan behind Minerva's back that she was not to be trusted, as was the will of her ancestors. With these seeds of doubt planted, the Clans slowly began to cut off communing with Minerva, until visits to her Hollow completely ceased. With the sudden drop off of Clan cat visits, Minerva went dormant, for many, many moons.
She emerged once more with the exile of StreamClan. The actions of the Clans caused such a disturbance and rift in StarClan, the tremors of the rift were felt by Minerva, waking her once more. She became slowly awake in the Clans once more, watching and taking interest once again in the lives and relationships of the cats by the lake.
+ Benevolent
+ Compassionate
= Unflappable
= Wise
- Cryptic
- Intense Anger
Minerva hardly ever shows her emotions: she is hard to read, with a piercing, hard gaze that is hard to keep for long. She tries to remain unbiased with delivering time fragments, but she is known to withold information or provide guidance to help cats who are going through troubles in their life. While she hasn't been seen outwardly angry, it is well-known not to try and anger this spirit. The few fragments of anger that Minerva has let slipped have been felt with a scorching intensity, discouraging any cats from trying to trick or double cross Minerva.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

In Rise of the Clans, you are allowed two free character slots. With the use of group currency earned through participation, you can unlock up to fifteen character slots, as well as a special active ghost character slot.
The Clans of the Lake and Fjell'Byr are free to join without purchase. Rogues, loners, and kittypets require a purchase from the shop to create!
All LGBTQ+ identities are welcomed and respected. There are no limitations whatsoever. Characters may have any and all disabilities, there will never be a purchase required to implement a character disability. Cats are limited in their vocabulary and therefore cannot name the medical terms for their mental illnesses. That does not mean they do not have them, however: characters are allowed to exhibit all range of symptoms and side effects, provided all portrayals are respectful in nature. No ableism, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry otherwise will be tolerated.
Character designs are meant to be "semi-realistic": cats must have realistic appearances with pelt colors and markings found naturally across the species: no unnatural colors (i.e. neon green, bright blue, firetruck red, etc.), and no completely unnatural markings such as complex or geometric symbols. Slightly unnatural markings and toned colors are allowed within reason, such as “doberman dog” coloration/markings on a cat, blue/purple toning to gray pelt colors, hearts/diamond shaped markings, etc. Genetic accuracy is not remotely necessary, i.e. there can be fertile male calicoes, and all color mutations are allowed without purchase.
Pure breeds and rare mutations such as polycaudal cats are allowed via shop purchases.
Characters are allowed accessories via shop purchases.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

Ghost characters are a unique, special playable character type in Rise of the Clans: they are active, undead spirits that haunt the territories the Clans call their home. It's unknown what compels one's spirit to manifest as a ghost, but there is one being responsible for this happening: Ether.
A ghost will never be able to formally recollect their entire life while alive. It is up to roleplayers what memories are taken from life into death!
Every ghost is tied to a specific location as their "haunting grounds". They can only visually manifest at night. It takes a lot of energy for a ghost to manifest in front of the living: as a result, they will eventually fade from view after being spotted. They cannot interact with the physical world, but they can enter cats' dreams. They are somewhat transparent, with their eyes always "blanking out" into pure black or pure white, with no pupils or irises whatsoever.
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

Nestled far, far away in the north, is a large, flourishing community of feral felines, known as Fjell'Byr. There is sparse vegetation, and snow season-round. This territory is not for the faint of heart...
Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

RotC is set in a fictional region located somewhere in the United States Pacific Northwest! As a result, the area is diverse from twoleg living and marshes, to deserted, harsh, frigid mountains in the north.
RotC is OPEN!! Interested in applying? Click me to learn how to join!

I am the Keeper
I am the Secret
I am the Answer
Introduction art for the Serval Sisters, three new NPCs that bring with them the return of the Dark Forest...
Rise of the Clans is OPEN for new members! Click me to learn more!

Spiderstar and Adderstar, fallen StarClan warriors who have sworn their allegiance to the Dark Forest.
Rise of the Clans RPG is OPEN for joining: click me to learn more!
Rise of the Clan's website is here!

Everything you need to know to join Rise of the Clans can be found here!:

We offer four unique Clans, as well as a fifth unique mountain population, as options for character creation. Through group participation, one may also create a rogue, loner, or kittypet!
Thanks for reading! 💚

Rise of the Clans RP is open for new members! <3

Rise of the Clans RP is OPEN for new members! <3