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8 months ago




A Clan with a tumultuous past carving out a better future for themselves, StreamClan is best recognised by their unique talent to swim. More often than not, they are viewed as haughty by their fellow Clans thanks to their eye for detain, enjoying spending time grooming themselves and others. Their territory is not easily traversable for the uninitiated, with streams and rivers dominating the land. While the Clan sleeps, they are carefully guarded by their dutiful Rangers, who patrol the night.


StreamClan territory is dominated by streams and ponds, varying from a few tail-lengths deep to merely a pawstep deep. In greenleaf, this territory is rich in prey and healer herbs. No cat has heard of a thin StreamClan warrior; they are always well fed. Cats that live in this territory typically have webbed paws that help these warriors swim, and typically have thick, beautiful pelts. The main prey found here are freshwater fish, minnows, and the occasional forest creature like squirrels and mice. The main predators are foxes, badgers on the outskirts of the territory, and large birds of prey. Predators can be uncommon, however, due to the abundance of water running throughout the territory. Besides swimming, the only way to access this territory is by the dangerous stepping stones found on both sides of the territory. In times of rain, these stones are anything but existent, submerged by water.


StreamClan cats often share tongues as a bonding activity, to help maintain their thick pelts. As a result, they often come off as vain and haughty to other Clans. It's not uncommon to see StreamClan warriors use flowers as a way to help add color to their pelts. Swimming is also another activity StreamClan cats love to participate in, especially during the hot midday of greenleaf. With bountiful prey, most StreamClan cats also love to eat, to the point that cats have the freedom to be extremely picky with what they eat. Border patrols are lax with rainy days, as the rain causes the streams to swell and cover the only way into the territory; only a truly foolish non-StreamClan cat would dare try to swim through those rapids.


Sleek and stealthy, StreamClan’s Rangers were introduced by Quillstar in an effort to stop nighttime attacks on the Clan. Unlike the typical warrior, these cats work primarily alone at night, patrolling StreamClan’s vast marshlands or standing guard at camp. Due to the irregularity of their active hours, Rangers are not required to participate in daytime patrols, but are encouraged to do so if they wish. Rangers are required to know basic herbal knowledge in the circumstance that they, or another Ranger, are injured and unable to be quickly seen by a Healer. For covert missions, Rangers are the first choice, and it is preferable that they are able to be stealthy and able to quickly hide themselves from potential foes for sneak attacks or quick getaway. They are required to work closely with StreamClan’s Leader, reporting their findings for the night and participating in any covert operations that need them. A cat can begin training underneath the Rangers after completing their Warrior’s training. 

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8 months ago




RockClan is most known for their resillience in the face of adversity. Their lifestyle -- living in the depths of boulders and mountainous lands -- is a life that only the strongest can truly thrive in. To water down RockClan to simply tough is a disservice to the family that makes up this Clan. As close as they come, RockClan warriors would do whatever it takes to defend their home. Their land is carefully guarded by their Sentries, cats who are trained to watch and survey for potential threats. 


RockClan's territory is by far the most perilous territory to live in- the territory consists of very mountain-like terrain, complete with large boulders and douglas fir trees. Mudslides and rock slides occur frequently, and it's very hard to traverse the territory. As a result, RockClan warriors are some of the toughest cats you're ever going to meet. RockClan warriors have paw pads that're tougher than hide and are very muscular, making any sort of climbing in this territory a breeze. The main prey found here are voles, moles, shrews, and occasionally an adder or an armadillo. The main predators found here are large birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, and large venomous snakes.


RockClan like to keep up a profile of extremely tough cats. To help keep this image, it's a common bonding activity on patrol to sharpen one's claws on the rocks along the border, for the other clans to see. Whoever makes the largest scratch marks gets bragging rights, and gets to lead the rest of the patrol. From a young age, kits will challenge one another to see who can push the biggest rock in camp. This continues as a competitive activity into warriorhood; this can be dangerous, and has led to injuries, so it is frowned upon by senior warriors and leadership positions. Despite this gruff and tough outward appearance, RockClan is actually very easy going with one another and truly care about each other. They are extremely loyal, and will put aside personal differences to defend their Clanmate from outside trouble. Once a RockClan cat, always a RockClan cat.


With the uptick in trouble caused by rogue and forces unknown to the Clans, the leadership of RockClan decided that it was time for a specialized role in keeping a watchful eye out for the Clan. Sentries are a rank that specialize in surveillance and dexterity. They are expected to hone their climbing skills to perfection to effortlessly scale the mountainous terrain of RockClan. They are typically stationed at high vantage points such as trees and boulders both solo and with their fellow Sentries for day and night patrols. They are known to work closely with the Deputy, keeping them updated with anything concerning or notable they may have seen on their patrols. A cat can begin training underneath the Sentries after completing their Warrior’s training. 

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8 months ago



Deep within the mountains, where the frigid cold wind chills every living creature to their very bones, live a feline community known as the Fjell'byr, who call themselves the Fjell...


The Fjell are a unique feline hybrid mix of the short/longhair feral cat, and lynxes. They live within the mountainous range above the Clans of the Lake, their incredibly thick pelts allowing them to thrive in such a cold environment. Due to how long and thick their pelts can grow, Fjell cannot survive the Greenleaf of the Clans - they are in danger of heat stroke.



1. The fjell display a range of phenotypes in overall appearance, from pure shorthair feral cat (top left image), to a visual mix of a cat and lynx (top right image). They can display a mix and variety of trait combinations appearing above: for example, they could have the build of a feral cat, but the large hybrid head shape, muzzle, and ear length of the hybrid. Another example is having the large paws and long legs, but a feral cat face shape, muzzle size, and ear shape. The range of combinations / visual appearance between the left and right images is essentially limitless.

2. They are on average larger than the feral cat: at maximum height, they stand at 16 inches tall at the shoulder, and with the purchase of oversized, they can be at maximum 17 inches tall at the shoulder.

3. Their legs are much longer, more lean, and less rounded than feral cats. They possess larger claws as well.

4. Their paws are much larger, flatter, and less rounded than feral cats, to allow them ease with climbing such steep, rocky, uneven terrain.

5. A feral cat's spine slopes upwards, in contrats to the fjell, whose spine actually dips ever so slightly.

6. The feral cat's torso is much longer than the hybrid - a fjell will have a stockier, more "rectangular-shaped" torso, comparably shorter in overall length.

7. Their tails are much shorter than a feral cat's - they tend to on average be half the length as a feral cat's tail.


1. The fjell can range from shorter fur like the image on the left, due to having a different, thicker fur texture that is noticeable in touch, or can possess fur as long as the bottom right image. It's more common to possess long fur than short.

2. The fjell are the only cats who can slightly break the "hair" tuft length rule only - eyes may be partially hidden / covered, but please note: the eyes cannot ever be completely obscured/hidden. You could consider the bottom right image as an example of this maximum "hair" tuft length, with consideration to style flexibility.


1. The fjell possess larger, longer muzzles than feral cats.

2. Their ears are larger, and much more pointed than feral cats. Feral cats have more rounded ears in shape.

3. Their pupils are naturally round and large, but can constrict like a feral cat's into slits.

4. The face shape is far more angular, and overall larger, then the feral cat's. 


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8 months ago


WoodClan's symbol
ValleyClan's Symbol
StreamClan Symbol
RockClan Symbol

The Clans of the Lake consist of four feral cat communities,  known as WoodClan, ValleyClan, RockClan, and StreamClan. They follow what is known as the warrior code, living as warriors in the wild.

Their four territories lie next to one another, next to a lake. The terrain and foliage is vast in its variety, with the mountains close by in the north, and ocean not too far away in the south. In between are varied forests, streams, and other varying foliage.

To learn more about the Clans, click the Clan names below!


WoodClan lives in a tight-knit pine forest, the paths among it known only to the Clan itself.


ValleyClan lives among the sloping hills and valleys, next to the large, bustling Twoleg farm.


RockClan lives at the base of perilous mountains, a threat to all but the tough cats who live there.


StreamClan lives surrounded by rushing water, the fish there a steady source of prey for the sleek cats.

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8 months ago



The General Spirit World

All animals when they die become a spirit in the afterlife. Their species, beliefs, and choices in life, will determine their outcome and afterlife residence. Next to the living in the waking world, spirits and ghosts also traverse the land, in a different realm of existence. The Spirit world is all-encompassing, thought to exist in the same reality. Some afterlives are located within the stars, others are in dark regions that only malevolent, malignant beings seeking to harm will find themselves...



The Clans of the Lake believe that when a warrior dies after living their life as authentically as possible following the Warrior Code, their spirit will live on forever with StarClan. Their territory can be found watching the Clans from above, in the starry night that covers the lake, known as Silverpelt. All good Clan cats will find themselves as part of StarClan, regardless of their prior Clan in life. Here, the season is always Greenleaf, and it is a mixture of the lushest, most vibrant nature. Streams and ponds are filled with crystal clear water, crisp and clean in taste, stock full of fish and other prey. The grass underpaw is soft, plush, and always seems to shine golden when the light hits it just right...


The Place of No Stars

Warriors who repeatedly, intentionally, break the warrior code and bring harm to others, will find themselves in The Place of No Stars, also colloquially known as the Dark Forest, after dying. It is a large, dim, wretched place of existence, with only a ghostly pale gray light in the far, far distance serving as the only source of light. The Dark Forest is said to be once ruled and led by its first ever resident, ■■■■■■■...



Fjell'Byr felines find themselves in Stjar'Keld after death. They reside in the skies above the mountains, so that they may watch over their living counterparts. Stjar'Keld's territory is a bit more of a mystery to Fjell'Byr, as living spirits do not visit the territory like a Clan warrior might visit StarClan's territory in their dreams. As a result, their realm is thought to be a bit more ethereal in interpretation, with emphasis on the bright midday sky. Only the residents of Stjar'Keld truly know what their territory looks like...



The Empty is a vast expanse of open, blank rolling fields and open sky in between the realms of the afterlife. The time of day is always dusk, just after sunset, with the stars in the vast distance that define the other realms of the afterlife, such as StarClan, twinkling overhead. There is no prey, water, nor shelter, but none of that is needed: hunger, thirst, and fatigue are not experienced by the spirits that wander the Empty. Wandering aimlessly somehow always leads to nowhere, no matter how far a spirit walks...



Ghosts are active spirits that haunt the living both in the waking world, and in a cat's dreams. They are selected by ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ to become a ghost, and it is completely indiscernable as to why, or when. It does not seem to be based on morality or prior choices in life: only Ether himself knows why he chooses the spirits he does to return to the living once more as a ghost. By rejoining the land of the living, ghosts will lose memories of their previous life. The memories, and the amount, vary, but there is no ghost that can recollect their entire past...

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8 months ago
RockClan's Camp - Rise Of The Clans

RockClan's Camp - Rise of the Clans


RockClan makes its camp among a circle of rocks and boulders. The boulders vary in shape and size, seemingly scattered randomly to form a rough ring. The camp entrance is marked by two large boulders, not hard to miss, making this camp somewhat accessible to outsiders. Once inside, there is a clearing with smaller rocks scattered about, with a few trees to offer shade in green-leaf overhead. These rocks serve as perfect warming and sunning spots, due to the sparse overhead cover. It is not uncommon to catch apprentices and kits playing atop the rocks that border the camp: it is frowned upon for warriors to partake in this activity, however.


The boulders that slope against one another and ring the camp form the entrance to the underground burrows that serve as the Clans' dens. These burrows are rather large and spacious, but pitch dark once inside. During times of heavy rain, these burrows flood and the cats of RockClan must seek shelter above ground, atop the boulders that make up the camp walls. Despite the flooding, the nursery in RockClan is considered the most secure out of all the four Clans, due to the emergency bolthole located between the nursery and the Leaders' Den. This bolthole exits into the RockClan training grounds.

Rise of the Clans will open for applications August 19th, 2024! Click here to learn more <3

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5 months ago




RockClan is most known for their resillience in the face of adversity. Their lifestyle -- living in the depths of boulders and mountainous lands -- is a life that only the strongest can truly thrive in. To water down RockClan to simply tough is a disservice to the family that makes up this Clan. As close as they come, RockClan warriors would do whatever it takes to defend their home. Their land is carefully guarded by their Sentries, cats who are trained to watch and survey for potential threats. 


RockClan's territory is by far the most perilous territory to live in- the territory consists of very mountain-like terrain, complete with large boulders and douglas fir trees. Mudslides and rock slides occur frequently, and it's very hard to traverse the territory. As a result, RockClan warriors are some of the toughest cats you're ever going to meet. RockClan warriors have paw pads that're tougher than hide and are very muscular, making any sort of climbing in this territory a breeze. The main prey found here are voles, moles, shrews, and occasionally an adder or an armadillo. The main predators found here are large birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, and large venomous snakes.


RockClan like to keep up a profile of extremely tough cats. To help keep this image, it's a common bonding activity on patrol to sharpen one's claws on the rocks along the border, for the other clans to see. Whoever makes the largest scratch marks gets bragging rights, and gets to lead the rest of the patrol. From a young age, kits will challenge one another to see who can push the biggest rock in camp. This continues as a competitive activity into warriorhood; this can be dangerous, and has led to injuries, so it is frowned upon by senior warriors and leadership positions. Despite this gruff and tough outward appearance, RockClan is actually very easy going with one another and truly care about each other. They are extremely loyal, and will put aside personal differences to defend their Clanmate from outside trouble. Once a RockClan cat, always a RockClan cat.


With the uptick in trouble caused by rogue and forces unknown to the Clans, the leadership of RockClan decided that it was time for a specialized role in keeping a watchful eye out for the Clan. Sentries are a rank that specialize in surveillance and dexterity. They are expected to hone their climbing skills to perfection to effortlessly scale the mountainous terrain of RockClan. They are typically stationed at high vantage points such as trees and boulders both solo and with their fellow Sentries for day and night patrols. They are known to work closely with the Deputy, keeping them updated with anything concerning or notable they may have seen on their patrols. A cat can begin training underneath the Sentries after completing their Warrior’s training. 

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2 years ago
Welcome Back :) Today I Made A Ref Sheet For A Warrior Named Webstep In My Clan Gen Clan Called ShoreClan!

Welcome back :) Today I made a ref sheet for a warrior named Webstep in my clan gen clan called ShoreClan! (I have also posted the lore for Shoreclan if you are interested, any Shoreclan content is under the hashtag #ShoreClan) Here is more about Webstep...

Webstep is a fierce and aggressive cat toward any cat outside of ShoreClan, however to cat’s inside ShoreClan he is very wholesome and kind toward pretty much every cat in the clan except Flamebush. Webstep was originally from Riverclan and he often thinks back to his past life, Webstep is mated to Squirrelbrook the clan’s medicine cat.

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7 months ago

NEW OC!!! Click for better quality ig

NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig

Close-ups and bonus doodle under the cut!

NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig
NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig
NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig
NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig


NEW OC!!! Click For Better Quality Ig

(left is Frogbounce, right is Yarrowleg)

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1 year ago

SandClan 1/15, Coniferstar 🌲 (small lore tidbit: when she was a kit, she loved to collect sea glass, and she has a small collection in her den 😱)

SandClan 1/15, Coniferstar (small Lore Tidbit: When She Was A Kit, She Loved To Collect Sea Glass, And

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1 year ago

SandClan 2/15, Sparkchase 💨 (small lore bit: sometimes when she's asked to babysit she will hide seashells around camp and hold a scavenger hunt for them 😜)

SandClan 2/15, Sparkchase (small Lore Bit: Sometimes When She's Asked To Babysit She Will Hide Seashells

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1 year ago

SandClan 3/15, Sandfoot 🐚 (small bit of info: he loves to go and collect shells and other things to decorate his nest! 🧌)

SandClan 3/15, Sandfoot (small Bit Of Info: He Loves To Go And Collect Shells And Other Things To Decorate

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1 year ago

SandClan 4/15, Shiveringstripe ❄️ (IRL Info: Daisyfeather was supposed to be her mate until I decided someone else should be his 😔)

SandClan 4/15, Shiveringstripe (IRL Info: Daisyfeather Was Supposed To Be Her Mate Until I Decided Someone

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1 year ago

SandClan 5/15, Daisyfeather 🪽 (ITL Story: Sage called him a homo so out of spite I gave him a wife and kids 🏳️‍🌈)

SandClan 5/15, Daisyfeather (ITL Story: Sage Called Him A Homo So Out Of Spite I Gave Him A Wife And

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1 year ago

SandClan 6/15, Emeraldthorn 💎 (Yippee first/only queen in the clan!! She's Daisyfeather's mate, and a skilled fighter 😋)

SandClan 6/15, Emeraldthorn (Yippee First/only Queen In The Clan!! She's Daisyfeather's Mate, And A Skilled

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1 year ago

SandClan 7/15, Snakepaw 🐍 (Lore bit: He is very nervous when out training, but back in camp he loves to play-fight with his fellow apprentices!)

SandClan 7/15, Snakepaw (Lore Bit: He Is Very Nervous When Out Training, But Back In Camp He Loves To

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1 year ago

SandClan 8/15, Mistpaw 🌫️ (bit of lore of lore ig: she is very curious about starclan and how it came to be. she loves to ask her clanmates what they know and gets upset when they don't have a clear answer.)

SandClan 8/15, Mistpaw (bit Of Lore Of Lore Ig: She Is Very Curious About Starclan And How It Came To

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1 year ago

SandClan 9/15, Sweetpaw 🫐 (small bit of lore/personality: she is obsessed with getting to know everything about everything, and she constantly asks long chains of questions.)

SandClan 9/15, Sweetpaw (small Bit Of Lore/personality: She Is Obsessed With Getting To Know Everything

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3 years ago
I Just Figured Id Do A Map Mockup Of The Territories Before I Post The Next Thing About These Clans So
I Just Figured Id Do A Map Mockup Of The Territories Before I Post The Next Thing About These Clans So

I just figured I’d do a map mockup of the territories before I post the next thing about these clans so there’s some context for where they are. It’s kinda rough and now that I think of it, super weird that there’s just a quarry in a grassland near a very scenic beach area, but stranger things have happened in nature (I saw a thing on TV about sinkholes on a beach and that’s some scary shit). The grass is higher beyond this area, which eventually extends into woodland.

 Coveclan territory encompasses the second cliff and a nearby rocky pool area which is great for finding both prey and interesting items alike. Their cats are surmised to have descended from kittypets, which accounts for their more laid-back nature compared to their dry-pawed counterparts.

Quarryclan territory extends outward into the field area, though they do traverse into the forest for better hunting sometimes despite not technically “owning” it. They’re drawn to the forest since that’s where their cats originated from, though there are whispers that more sinister things lie deeper within...

The two clans are fairly peaceful with each other overall. Their territories don’t actually overlap, which is likely part of it. They are also smaller clans and have less issues as far as prey populations and competing for resources goes. But they weren’t always at peace, just ask Ryestar about the leader that preceded him...

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3 years ago
Back When Ryestar Was A Freshly-made Deputy By The Name Of Ryerush, He Was A Nervous Wreck. This Is His

Back when Ryestar was a freshly-made deputy by the name of Ryerush, he was a nervous wreck. This is his first gathering in his new position and needless to say he is overwhelmed.

Turtlestar (then Turtlebreeze), on the other hand, is basically a chill stoner in cat form. She finds this little dude amusing, though she’s surprised that Barkstar didn’t pick Oakclaw instead since he’s more in line with her ideologies. 

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