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2 years ago

Planetary Meditations and Spells

So first, let me just place an thing here that we can use for future reference.

Planetary Meditations And Spells

This is a diagram that displays the invoking and banishing hexagrams of each planet, alongside their own sigils. I will be adding onto this by giving you two main gestures that you can use

Rending the Veil - this is to open up the aethyr in order to let spiritual energy through or to enter into a spiritual state, it is a ceremonial magick thing but can easily be applied in folk magick in order to open up liminal spaces and portals so that one may work with spirits, entities and energies. It is done by placing the hands in prayer position (palms against each other) and then extending them forward into the air, and bringing them apart, like opening a curtain with the proper visualization.

Closing the veil - this is the reverse of the above, the hands are taken to the open curtains and it is closed, hands back with palms together in the centre and retracted.

Furthermore - here are the following Archangels

Tzaphkiel corresponds to Saturn Tzadkiel corresponds to Jupiter Khamael/Samael corresponsd to Mars Gabriel corresponds to the Moon Uriel/Anael correspond to Venus Raphael corresponds to Mecury Michael corresponds to the Sun.

Begin by cleansing the space by method of your choosing. Stand facing the direction of the planet of your choosing

Saturn: North (Black) (YHWH Elohim) Jupiter: South East (Celestial blue) ( El) Mars - South West (Deep Red) ( Elohim Givor) Moon - North West (Silver or a bright white) (Shaddai El Chai) Venus - Centre (Green or a rose pink) ( YHWH Tzavaot) Mercury - East (multiple colours) ) (Elohim Tzavaot) Sun - South (Gold or a bright yellow). (YHWH Eloah Ve'Daat)

Imagining this seal in front of you, say the follows

Divine (Name of Angel) by the Authority of (Name of God that corresponds), I ask thee to open the gates of the planet, N.N, so that, by its virtues, I may (insert task here)

Do the rending of the veil, and imagine a stream of energy opening up in the seal letting forward into the circle. Thereafter, do the working, evoke the spirit, meditate on the energies etc.

Then say

I give thanks to the Archangel (N) (if you have evoked a spirit, such as the intelligences of that planet you will say " and to the Spirit (N) as well), and mostly to (Divine Name) for this period of work. Amen.

Close the veil (closing off the energy, imagine that the energy is cut and that it cannot move into the space anymore), then do the banishing hexagram (then the seal vanishes completely).

Then, finish it with more cleansing (in case this is what you want) and a grounding session.

I have done this with tremendously great results and it sorta ended up in a gnosis and a more conducive space for the evocation later on.

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