Robaire - Tumblr Posts
tbh the only 4*town ship i can see working out is taeyoung / robaire idk why. tae is the youngest of all the members so i would probably put him in the 16-17 range and since we know robaire isn’t the oldest but is the leader, i would put him in the 18-17 range. i just think with what little characterization all the members have, tae and robaire would actually be pretty cute together :)
People shipping 4town members puts me on edge bc like
1.) they’re just a boy band man nothing special abt them really although I love the way it brings mei & her friends together bc I can relate but there is not much to them other than being pretty boys I don’t get it rlly
2.) idk the ages & like if Jesse is at least 21 bc he can buy beer & the others can’t like *fear*
i have reason to think robaire and taeyoung are gay and dating. my reason is i think they would be cute together
guys i really think robaire is from senegal

My favs <3


It was supposed to be "six fanarts"... I ended up doing 15 ._.XD
I was just playing with my brush, and this was the result.
Sorry, bad english
Ok, so you know the scene where it’s meilin vs her mother. Where would the 4*town darlings be during that scene like would they help out Miriam and them or would they be hiding somewhere?
-Hufflepuff anon
A/N: OOU I LIKE THIS!!!! NOW THIS IS SOMETHING I SHOULD'VE THOUGHT OF!! I didn't want to put the whole Panda situation in the fan reader stuff because that was too much typing BUT THIS IDEA IS GOOD!! Instead of doing singular band member, I am just going to do all of them at the same time for the sake of my poor hands. ALSO; Here is the code names for the S/O's: Robaire's S/O-Alpha 1, Jesse's S/O- Omega 3, Tae's S/O-Dove, Aaron Z's S/O-Omega 1, Aaron T's S/O-Alpha 2

The other S/O's had been in the small cafeteria room with all droopy expressions. Tae's S/O had been crying non-stop; her life was taken from her. Jesse's S/O was anxious due to her having no communication with her daughter; thinking only the worse for her. Aaron Z's S/O was slient while staring blankly into space with her mind racing with a lot of thoughts. An bruise was noticeable on her cheek due to Z's rough abuse. She couldn't function correctly and attempted to move the pain away, already knowing she couldn't.
The other S/O's had been in the small cafeteria room with all droopy expressions. Tae's S/O had been crying non-stop; her life was taken from her. Jesse's S/O was anxious due to her having no communication with her daughter; thinking only the worse for her. Aaron Z's S/O was slient while staring blankly into space with her mind racing with a lot of thoughts. An bruise was noticeable on her cheek due to Z's rough abuse. She couldn't function correctly and attempted to move the pain away, already knowing she couldn't.
T's S/O drinks her beverage quietly; still stunned of the situation. It was Z's S/O who suggests the idea; her slamming her palms on the wooden table that caused everyone to look at her. "I can't live like this! I don't know what the hell we are doing! Look at us! We're over here just sitting and chilling exactly how they want us to! and then get raped later?!" Z's S/O rants while gritting her teeth in the disgusting behavior of those pigs on the stage.
Jesse's S/O instantly agree. Practically jolting out of her seat. "Finally! Someone who speaks english!" Jesse's S/O says while standing up next to Z's S/O. "But even if we wanted to get the hell out of here, We can't. We haven't been here along enough than that girl in the room." T's S/O stated while raising her brow at the two women who was standing. "So, we break her out." Tae's S/O answers simply that cause all females to stop and look at her. "You said she dropped the crowbar, right? Let's go break her out and come up with a plan." Tae's S/O continued while tapping her chin with her index finger.
T's S/O gave it some thought as well. "I suppose she could lead us to a proper escape route." T's S/O pointed out while looking at the standing women. "Plus, those assholes are doing their show." She continued to say while blinking rapidly. "Then what are we waiting for?!" Z's S/O yelled while running out the door with the three girls following. "I'll get the crowbar, meet at the door." T's S/O said to the duo that nodded before departing. T's S/O speed-walked down the hall and took a right. Her expression was full of horrification when she instantly recalls of what happened in the same hallway. She grabbed the crowbar from its place on the floor before running back to the girls.
Robaire's S/O was muffled with tape over her mouth. She kept moving her body to push over the chair to make it break. But the bounds around her body was tight. She felt as if her body was burning due to the restraints being on her body was so unbreakable. What else was she supposed to do? Was she going to be stuck like this forever? Even so; Robaire was going to come back and have his way with her like he always does? The first time they had sex, She passed out. She didn't want to go through that again. Her tears streamed down her tighten cheeks while looking down at the ground with a blur. She then heard thumping on wooden door.
Z's S/O was slamming the crowbar on the door with her frustration getting the best of her. Soon; When the door was weak enough, she kicked it down with her foot. "Are you okay?" T's S/O asked while running over to the crying detained girl. T's S/O slowly ripped the tape from her mouth while Tae's S/O was untying the restraints. Jesse's S/O had been on lookout for security guards. "What do you think we should do? You've been here longer." Z's S/O said while taking off her sandals. Robaire's S/O had stood up before panting breathlessly. "The East hallway has an exit leading to the end of Sky Dome; We are going to need to push through the crowd." Robaire's S/O stated simply while cracking her sore knuckles.
Soon T's S/O had gasped while shaking in her boots to contain excitement. "We should have codenames!" She squeals while earning groans from the rest; Z's S/O had approached her. "This is not a movie or spy mission! This is a life or death situation!" Z's S/O scolded while putting her hands on her hips in disapproval. "And plus even if we did want codenames, We don't have any line of communication; They took our phones." Tae's S/O pointed out and looked slightly afraid already knowing her mother could be getting worried sick. "Not all!" T's S/O said while letting out a huge smile that caused the girls to be confused.
T's S/O approached her backpack on the floor and grabbed five walkie talkies. "And You just always keep these on you?" Robaire's S/O asked while taking one. "Now! Code names." T's S/O says while pointing at Robaire's S/O. "You're Alpha 1!" T's S/O said while soon pointing at Jesse's S/O. "You'll be Omega 3!" T's S/O said while pointing at Tae's S/O who was shaking. "You'll be Dove." T's S/O sputtered while pointing at Z's S/O who was crossing her arms. "You'll be Omega 1." She said while soon pointing at herself. "I'll be Alpha 2." She stated while letting out a giggle. "Hey! How come I got Omega and You got Alpha?" Z's S/O argued that allowed the girls to chuckle.
Robaire's S/O looked out the doorway before closing the door. "We need disguises. I think they could recognize us in an instant." She stated while earning agreements from the girls. All snuck on wigs and oversized hoodies. They walk out the doorway and soon sprinted to the east hallway with Alpha 1 leading the group. Soon they all heard commotion from outside. Once; stepped into the sky dome; They saw a large, red panda with angered fiery eyes. "What the hell is that?" Omega 1 said while Dove looked up at it with fascination. "Forget that! Look." Alpha 2 said while pointing at the stage. All girls let out giggles and loud laughter at the sight of their kidnappers dangling from the stage with frightened faces. After their laughing session; they ran over to the crowd who were quivering back in fear.
The S/O's managed to get passed the crowd until Alpha 2 noticed familiar students that ran up to her. "It's Mei!" Miriam yelled while pointing at the smaller sized red panda. "We just need to have faith in her, Miriam." Alpha 2 said while caressing the students cheek before disappearing in the crowd. "There! Up ahead is motor-bikes!" Alpha 1 yelled while Dove had looked fright-end as they all came to a stop. "I-I don't know. Maybe we should walk?" Dove says while twiddling her thumbs. Omega 3 came up and pushed her on the same bike. "Get your scary ass on this fucking bike!" Omega 3 commands while kick starting the engine. Alpha 1 was riding alone while Omega 3 and Dove were riding together, and Omega 2 and Alpha 2 were riding together.
All departing into following Alpha 1 who turned a tight corner. All eyes were up in amazement when 4*Town had been back up and singing Nobody like U, during some ancient ritual. All girls were in the clear before hearing mic feedback. "LOOK, YOU FUCKS!" Tae Young yells while pointing at the S/O's who looked shaken under the gazes. Aaron Z was the first to jump down from the broken stage and ran over to the car with Robaire following him then soon all of the members. "Way to blow our cover, ALPHA 1!" Omega 2 cursed at Alpha 1 who looked back at her with a glare. "Drive!" Alpha 1 commanded while everyone instant followed.
Behind them was three Chevrolet Camaro SS 35th Anniversary Edition's with a color scheme of orange and white. "Guys!" Alpha 2 yelled while looking behind. "Do something useful and distract them!" Omega 2 yelled at Alpha 2 who just scoffed while searching in her bag. Omega 3 looked incredibly serious while drivng; speeding up that caused Dove to grip her waist tightly in the fear of falling off. "Aha!" Alpha 2 yelled while throwing a soda can at the car which instantly fell off. "That's the best you can do?" Dove yelled while looking annoyed. Alpha 2 shrugged. "Omega 3 and Dove; go right, Alpha 2, Alpha 1 and Omega 2 will go left." Alpha 1 commanded while everyone soon departed. The two cars were separated. "There's no way we can outrun them." Alpha 2 muttered while standing up on the bike while wobbling.
Omega 2 noticed this and gritted her teeth. "The fuck are you doing? Sit the hell down!" Omega 2 yelled and soon Alpha 2 just gave her a smile while tears running down her cheeks. She jumped. Leaped into the air and landed on the grass with a harsh hit. One of the cars pulled over while the other one continued to follow. Alpha 1's tears were showable to Omega 2 who just furrowed her brow to contain her anger. "Let's dance, you son of a bitch!" Omega 2 yelled while catching up to Alpha 1 while the car followed closely behind.
The wind blew crazily in their clothes and hair. Omega 3 had been gravely pissed. "I got a kid I gotta take care of," Omega 3 said while tears streamed down her cheeks. "You're a good mother." Dove pointed out with a small smile. "But I don't think we ca-" Omega 3 said before looking at a dead end. Gritting her teeth and cursing under her breath, she gets off the bike before grabbing her taser tightly while Dove put her fists up. Jesse got out of the driver seat while Tae Young got out the back. "Stop, You know your not going to use it." Jesse stated simply while is narrowed eyes had been looking deeply in Omega 3's eyes. Dove's facial expression practically dropped when Omega 3 dropped the taser. She was complying? After everything!
Dove looked over at her. "What are you doing?!" She practically exclaimed with a shocked expression. "There will be no future if we keep running!" Omega 3 says while her tears streamed down her cheeks. Dove gritted her teeth while her shoulders slumped as the two blondes approached. "You're wrong." Dove said while backing into the corner. Then out of no where, both men were on the ground while screaming in agony. Both of the S/O's looked up to see Alpha 1 with a disgusted expression. "How did you both escape Robaire and Aaron Z?" Dove asked while Omega 3 approached Alpha 1 and Omega 2. "Took you both long enough." Omega 3 stated while crossing her arms. "Well, we got tired of waiting for you two to escape on your own." Alpha 1 replied with a slight smirk. "Lets go!" Omega 2 yelled while each S/O got on the bike and drove off.
Alpha 2 had panted while running from T who was hot on her tail. Yet he could catch up due to her having a headstart. She looked back one more time to see Aaron T slowing down and soon Alpha 2 was tackled to the ground by Aaron Z who just brushed his clothing off. Alpha 2 turned her back to see the three towering males with scary expressions. "Tell us where they are and no one will get hurt." Robaire said while Aaron T had Alpha 2 in a strong hug. "I missed you so much, my little nugget! Are you hurt?" Aaron T exclaimed while scanning her muddy face. "But its only fair that my friends get their wives also. Just say where they are and you won't be punished. Much." Aaron T said while letting out hysteric laughter at Alpha 2's frightened face
In the end; The S/O's did ended up get caught. All wished that the outcome to end a bit more better yet it didn't. All were punished and bred. It was no use to escape the flawless singers wrath.
The outside world will never know the pain that the boy band caused for their own sadistic pleasure.

credz to @/tonystarksproperty