Ness - Tumblr Posts

*Goes back in time and accidentally kicks a rock*
My Earthbound x Dragonquest drawing!!!

Earthbound (Angels)
Probably the thing I became known for the most in the earthbound circle (well, on Instagram that is)! These are basically redesigns of the main earthbound cast with more cutesy, scifi, and magical motifs (: These were all drawn in 2023.
lol sorry
i forgot how to use this application but if i dont respond then im sorry, i appreciate the shares and comments tho <3 tyyyyyyyyy

Earthbound Enemies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some art of Earthbound enemies I drew from 2023-2024!
Mother 2 enemies
Lucas running from Chimeras
Conducting Spirit
Ninten vs Mother 1 enemies
Most of these were already posted to instagram throughout the years, but the #2 (Centipede) is a Tumblr exclusive and makes its debut here!!! Yay!

Abiblical Lucas drawing!
Some new info about the 4th mother game:
Will be called mother in japan
There will be a protagonist in the game!!!
Psi will make an appearance
There will be a Sapphic female party member who is clearly lesbian but won't be labeled as such
Boy wearing striped t shirt
It will have running!!!

A blast from the past!
This series I did in 2021-2022 of the main Earthbound characters was a time where I was very into glamour and shine. As you can see, I was trying to marry vintage anime, opulence, and JoJo Parts 5-8 in these expressive portraits of the characters. This series was titled "Earthbound (2000)" I don't know why, but the 2000 made it sound more futuristic lmao. Notably, it was one of the last times I would cross hatch and from here on, life got in the way and my drawings would improve, but feature vastly less detail ):
Might reboot this series! I could tell I was having a lot of fun making these when I did, and I still had the spark to create very intricate things (I still do, but in a different way).
My favorite one of these was deficiently Paula, Ana, and Lucas' portraits!
Unfortunately, there are some characters missing! Ness, Boney, Lloyd, and Teddie all had portraits too, but I was unable to locate them; I know for a fact that Lloyd's was my favorite (fuck u google drive) (I HAVE MY OWN LOST MEDIA LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) but yeah maybe I'll revisit this series with all of the time I have!!!!

For the final archive of today, I have something special!
This collection started and finished in 2021, was a crossover titled "Keith Haring x Earthbound" or "KHxEB" for short!
As the title suggests, it was a my view of the earthbound series through the lens of the iconic and influential artist, Keith Haring.
I don't really feel like listing all of the titles here as they are simply numbers, but I can say the first one is without a doubt the first one I ever completed. I think it's strange in retrospect, but still holds up visually. I really couldn't get enough of this series back then, and I still can't today.
It might sound strange to say "back in the day" when this was only 2-3 years ago, but understand that I have lived many lives since then. The person I was when I was 20-21 and making these drawings was largely different than who I am now. But that is a good thing after all!
That being said, my favorite one is the third one! The Starman holds unrecognized influence in the design/gaming world. Their design, sleek, silvery, and menacing influenced many characters we see today (even if they don't know it (; hehe)

i love quirky Japanese role playing games with cult followings.

Hello, here is some new art I did of the original Earthbound Beginnings/ Mother 1 as Dragon Quest characters!
Yes, Gigue/ Giygas looks like Frieza because DQ characters were designed by Akira Toriyama and I couldn't help myself LMAO
I think my favrotie one is probably Ninten or Teddie, but Lloyd's design is always gonna do it for me!

First Archive day! Here are some adorbs scenes from my favorite game ever!!! I drew these back in 2021!
Tanetane Island needle & The jealous bass battle!
They still hold up super well in my opinion! I was planning on doing so many of these, but time escaped me (I'm lazy). I will have to revisit these soon! Those sketches are laying untouched in my google drive! Get ready for a Magicallydeclined renaissance!

Drawing from 2021! Can you guess what I crossed over here?
It's Hunter x Hunter & Mother 3!
HxH is my favorite anime and Mother 3 is my fav game! I was obsessed with these two peices of media.

Am I the only one who thought of Ness and his Magicant were similar to Nemo and Slumberland? Way back in December 2015, I watched this animated film titled Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland a movie based on the 1905 comic strips Little Nemo. While I was watching it, the boy Nemo started to make me think of Ness, the dream world Slumberland reminded me of Magicant, and both heroes had nightmare entities representing their fears/inner demon.
I do know that in the original Japanese version, Ness is naked, as nudity is seen as a form of purity in Japan. While in the international versions, he’s in his pajamas just like he was seen wearing during the beginning of the game. Whoever came up with this censorship made me think if anyone known Nemo, since Magicant is a dream world after all and probably someone came up with an idea to make Ness wear his pjs while he was in Magicant similar to Nemo when he’s in Slumberland.
Even though I don’t think there were any influences of Little Nemo within Earthbound/Mother 2, it’s still pretty interesting to think about it.
Btw there’s an arcade game based on the movie and had some sort of chibi head of Nemo almost resembling to Ness’ face in his overworld sprite. Dunno where it appears though. (Credit to Monfriez who originally ripped the sprites.)

You heard of Felix the нет now get ready for...
Ness the HECC
When you’re ready to beat down a bunch of hands but then Galeem kills your friends

guess who’s got mmd
I’ve been wanting to do this for so long, making renders with certain series I know, in this case Earthbound/Mother and Digimon.
I have a post about my take on EB/Mother characters having digimon partners if you’re curious.
Credit to junk-hoes and GuilTronPrime for the Mother and Digimon models.

The crossover no one (or some people) ever expected... Digimon x Earthbound/Mother.
(Okay, so the logos don’t look good due to the fact the Digimon logo itself is italicized so it looks awkward together with the “Bound” part from the Earthbound logo. The MOTHER version is fine though. For some reason, Tumblr displays the first image with white pixels so I’ll have to link the original two from Imgur if you bother to see the full resolution.)
Here’s my take on if the Chosen Four had Digimon partners, the Digivices I could imagine they have is the Adventure Digivice (the main heroes of Beginnings, and Earthbound) and the D-3 for the characters of Mother 3.
Bold Text indicates the partner Digimon in their current form they normally stay in.

Ninten’s Partner Digimon:
Pururumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Chicchimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Penguinmon/Penmon (Rookie/Child) > Kokatorimon/Cockatrimon (Champion/Adult) > Garudamon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Chronomon Holy Mode (Mega/Ultimate)
Ninten’s partner is Penguinmon since it is mentioned in the MOTHER Encyclopedia that he likes penguins so it’s a obvious choice for him. Garudamon and Chronomon “represent” the Flying Men of Penguinmon’s digivolution line.

Ana's Partner Digimon:
Puttimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kyupimon/Cupimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Salamon/Plotmon (Rookie/Child) > Gatomon/Tailmon (Champion/Adult) > Luminamon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Cherubimon Good/Virtue (Mega/Ultimate)
Holy Digimon are obvious choices for Ana and Paula, although, while they seem to have the same digimon in their Rookie and Champion forms, their Fresh, In-Training, Ultimate, and Mega forms are entirely different. I imagine Kyupimon just skips Salamon and goes straight into her Champion form; to differentiate the two Gatomons, Ana has one with a Holy Ring, while Paula’s is the ringless variant.

Lloyd’s Partner Digimon:
MetalKoromon/Choromon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kapurimon/Caprimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Kokuwamon (Rookie/Child) > Thundermon/Thunderballmon (Champion/Adult) > MetalMamemon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Justimon (Mega/Ultimate)
Like most characters who are nerds that people tend to give them machine-based partners, Lloyd is no exception, the idea of I chose for Kokuwamon’s Mega form Justimon is that Lloyd has interest in superheroes so I thought up of including it in the line as Kokuwamon’s Champion form Thundermon also resembles a superhero.

Teddy’s Partner Digimon:
Punimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Tsunomon/Tunomon (In-Training/Baby II) > Elecmon (Rookie/Child) > Leomon (Champion/Adult) > GrapLeomon/GrappuLeomon (Ultimate/Perfect) > BanchoLeomon (Mega/Ultimate)
Someone told me that BanchoLeomon would fit for Teddy since he’s a delinquent so I chose the Elecmon to Leomon line for him. Similar to Jeri Katou’s Leomon, his partner stays in his Champion form.

Ness’ Partner Digimon:
Shoutmon > OmniShoutmon/OmegaShoutmon
I chose Shoutmon for Ness, mostly that both carry weapons, and since PSI/PK Rockin is known in Japanese as Kiai (Fighting Spirit) which can be interpreted as a battle cry, so I thought Shoutmon would be perfect for him.

Paula’s Partner Digimon:
YukimiBotamon (Fresh/Baby I) > Nyaromon (In-Training/Baby II) > Salamon/Plotmon (Rookie/Child) > Gatomon/Tailmon (Champion/Adult) > Angewomon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Ophanimon/Ofanimon (Mega/Ultimate)
As what I stated above, for Ana and Paula, Holy Digimon is the obvious choice. I like to imagine when there’s no trouble, her partner stays in her Rookie form, but if there is any, she goes into her Champion form Gatomon. Her partner’s line is similar to that of Kari Kamiya, except that Ophanimon’s the Mega form rather than Magnadramon.

Jeff’s Partner Digimon:
MetalKoromon/Choromon (Fresh/Baby I) > Missimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Kamemon (Rookie/Child) > Tankmon (Champion/Adult) > Andromon (Ultimate/Perfect) > HiAndromon (Mega/Ultimate)
I originally intended for Jeff to have the Hagurumon to HiAndromon line, but I realized that’s a line commonly used, so I got creative with his partner to be a Kamemon and since its a Cyborg-type Digimon, it makes sense that it can turn into the three cyborg monsters in its digivolution line.
In a way, I made his partner and its line refer to his weapon of choice based on what they are and their techniques: Missimon, Kamemon’s Armored Arrow, and Andromon’s Gatling Attack/Missiles (Bottle Rockets), Tankmon (Bazooka), HiAndromon (Gun/Ray/Beams, okay I know that HiAndromon doesn’t a blaster or gun whatever but his Atomic Ray counts right?)

Poo’s Partner Digimon:
Mokumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Upamon (In-Training/Baby II) > Tapirmon/Bakumon (Rookie/Child) > Apemon/Hanumon (Champion/Adult) > Gokuwmon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Shakamon (Mega/Ultimate)
It may look odd why does Tapirmon turn into Apemon then to Gokuwmon, as someone recommended me Shakamon would fit for Poo, I made Tapirmon as Shakamon’s Rookie form, but I needed a Champion and an Ultimate digimon to fill in the missing forms, so then I remember Apemon can digivolve from Tapirmon as it is possible in the three Digimon Pendulum V-Pets and mentioned two times in the card games.

Lucas’ Partner Digimon:
Dodomon (Fresh/Baby I) > Dorimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Dorumon/DORUmon (Rookie/Child) > Dorugamon/DORUgamon (Champion/Adult) > DoruGreymon/DORUguremon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Dorugoramon/DORUgoramon (Mega/Ultimate)
Don’t think I choose Dorumon just because X-Evolution and Mother 3 were never released in the U.S, I wanted a digimon to fit the “twin dragons” theme so I chose Dorumon for Lucas and the Masked Man, Ryudamon since the two digimon both possess the Digicore Interface on their foreheads.

Kumatora’s Partner Digimon:
YukimiBotamon (Fresh/Baby I) > Wanyamon (In-Training/Baby II) > Bearmon (Rookie/Child) > Grizzlymon/Gryzmon (Champion/Adult) > Mihiramon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Baihumon (Mega/Ultimate)
Yeah, her partner’s line is a reference to what her name means; her Bearmon’s line is based off of Daigo Nishijima’s Bearmon (with the exception of the Fresh and In-Training forms) with the Ultimate form LoaderLiomon being replaced with Mihiramon instead.
She was the first character that I worked on giving her a partner before anyone else.

Duster’s Partner Digimon:
Pururumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Poromon (In-Training/Baby II) > Hawkmon (Rookie/Child) > Harpymon (Armor)
Jyarimon (Fresh/Baby I) > Gigimon (In-Training/Baby II) > Guilmon (Rookie/Child) > Quetzalmon/Coatlmon (Armor) > Sandiramon (Ultimate/Perfect)
I couldn’t decide so I choose both for Duster, since Harpymon is a thief like Duster and since it armor digivolves from Hawkmon I had to pick it.
As someone told me that a snake digimon would fit to represent the Rope Snake, I use Guilmon as the base form, since there isn’t any official snake Rookie digimon out there and it makes sense Guilmon’s a lizard, after all lizards and snakes are reptiles.
His partners are required to use the DigiEgg of Light in order to achieve their forms, though, I always thought of the Egg of Light reminded me of the DigiEgg of Light.

Masked Man’s Partner Digimon:
Fufumon (Fresh/Baby I) > Kyokyomon (In-Training/Baby II) > Ryudamon (Rookie/Child) > DexDorugamon/Death-X-DORUgamon (Champion/Adult) > Gigadramon (Ultimate/Perfect) > Darkdramon (Mega/Ultimate)
We (or some of us) all know that Ryudamon might’ve suffered a similar fate as you can see in his digivolution line of what has become of him throughout the process.
They may not be partners, but I could imagine the Mr. Saturns getting along with the Motimons due to both creatures are great intellects despite of their appearance.
Template created by citramon from the With the Will forums, modified version by me.