Romantic Relationships - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
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Remember, You Can Get A Same Day Reading! Check Out My Other Listings For More Readings
Remember, You Can Get A Same Day Reading! Check Out My Other Listings For More Readings

Remember, you can get a same day reading! Check out my other listings for more readings 💖

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8 months ago
💕This is a written reading. Readings will be sent within 24 hours of ordering. Please ask one question and give any context you think will b
Remember, You Can Get A Same Day Reading! Check Out My Other Listings For More Readings
Remember, You Can Get A Same Day Reading! Check Out My Other Listings For More Readings

Remember, you can get a same day reading! Check out my other listings for more readings 💖

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1 year ago

HEY, Romance Writers!

A few followers have asked for tips on writing romance into their stories or as the basis of their stories. Here’s a masterlist of sources that may help [UPDATED].


What Defines Romantic Love?

How to Plot a Romance Novel 

How to Build a Romance Thread in Your Story

How to Write a YA Romance Without Cliché  

Writing Healthy Couples in Fiction

9 Romance Writing Mistakes to Avoid

An Antidote to “Love at First Sight”

How Attractive Should Your Characters Be?

6 Ways to Get Your Readers Shipping Like Crazy 

3 Great Ways to Show That Your Character Is In Love

Seven Great Sources of Conflict for Romances 

20 Tips for Writing Lovable Romance Novel Heroes

Six Steps to Stronger Character Arcs in Romances

How to Write a Kissing Scene in a Romance Novel

List of Ideas to Keep Romantic Tension High 

100 Questions for Character Couples

Romantic Development/Compatibility (ask)

Pinterest Board “Writing: Romance Arcs and Plots”  

Bad Romance:

Removing the Creeps From Romance

+ Why The Surprise Kiss Must Go

Possessiveness 101

10 Signs You May Be in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Edward & Bella Are In An Abusive Relationship 

Red Flags, Verbal Abuse, Stalking
 | Script Shrink

5 Huge Mistakes Ruining the Romantic Relationships in Your Book 

General Tips for Writing Characters Love Interests:

How to Write from a Guy’s POV 

Writing Awesome Male Characters: What You’re Doing Wrong

7 Point-of-View Basics Every Writer Should Know

How Do You Describe a Character?

4 Ways to Make Readers Instantly Loathe Your Character Descriptions

3 Signs Your Story’s Characters Are Too Perfect 

Is a Quirk Just What Your Character Needs?

Six Types of Character Flaws

Is Your Character Optimistic Or Pessimistic?

5 Ways to Keep Characters Consistent

9 Simple and Powerful Ways to Write Body Language

10 Body Language Tricks for Deeper Characterization

Describing People Part Three: Gestures, Expressions, and Mannerisms

33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters 

Conveying Character Emotion 

Distinguishing Characters in Dialogue 

How to Make Readers Love an Unlikable Character

Characters: Likability Is Overrated

Relationships in General:

How to Create Powerful Character Combos

8 Secrets To Writing Strong Character Relationships

Character Relationships: 6 Tips for Crafting Real Connections 

Stereotypes, Archetypes, & Tropes:

Five Signs Your Story Is Sexist: Part 1, Part 2

Five Signs Your Story Is Sexist – Against Men

AlwaysFemale vs Always Male

Born Sexy Yesterday & Manic Pixie Dream Girl

7 (Overused) Female Love Interests

When Friends Fall for Each Other (ask)

Intercultural Romance:

How do I write an interracial couple accurately? (ask)

15 Common Stereotypes About Intercultural Relationships

Cross Cultural Relationships

[Ideas for] Your [Fictional] Cross-Cultural Relationship

Things to Avoid When Writing Interracial Romance

— — —

Ko-Fi // Wattpad // Goodreads // Pinterest

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1 year ago

I was over 40, when I finally understood that my desire to be in some love-kind of partnership with someone (gender not important) was society whispering in my head: "You as a lone person are worth much less than you as part of pair. Woman needs a man to be totally acceptable, lone woman is sad and pathetic. Ok, when you are lesbian, you can be part of the pair with a woman - but it is basically only exeption." I could do with no sex, I could handle my life financially and did not miss more meetings with people - but still I felt terrible, when my very very good (platonic) friend did not want to be my "partner". Even if "being my partner" meant just a word. Nothing would actually change, just a word - but this word was so important to me, that I stopped interacting with him when he refused to use it. Half a year later he wrote me, saying: "I admit, you were my significant other". And I was so happy. We started being very good friends again. I felt accepted and whole. Fuck. And it took a year more to me to undertand, how sick it was. How sick is to think that I am somehow lesser if I don't have "significant other". I don't need one. You don't need one. We are whole as we are.

Unpopular opinion: no one owes you a romantic relationship

I see a lot of videos and posts of women encouraging women on how to vet men, make sure they have secure boundaries and standards, etc, which is all very important and necessary when it comes to trying to date and all that. But I just feel like no one talks about possibly embracing the reality that in the chance that you don't end up paired up with someone (especially for life) that it's okay and doesn't make you less of a person and that being happily, mindfully single is a real thing.

It's not that I think romantic love and romantic relationships are a bad thing, but I do think that they are highly overrated ideals in our society and too many people are going through life believing that someone "owes" it to them to pick them, find them desirable, or find them as a worthy partner.

I look around and folks sometimes and I see them obsessing/stressing about dating, and finding their "Forever Person" and treating singlehood like it's this disease for which the only cure is monogamy/matrimony, and sometimes I want to ask them "If you found out that you were never meant to be paired up with someone for the rest of your life, or if you knew that no one would ever find you romantically/sexually desirable again. . .would you live your life any differently?"

Again, I'm not saying that desiring romantic relationships is wrong, but people have a way of making seem like romantic love is superior to other types of love, and that other meaningful types of relationships or connections are of lesser value. I think that's why there are so many lonely people out here right now, they're so obsessed with having this one form of love that they don't know how to create or maintain non-physical, platonic bonds which can be just as strong, amazing, fulfilling, and life changing.

Unpopular Opinion: No One Owes You A Romantic Relationship

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7 months ago

I keep wanting to text you to join me at my office during lunchbreak, bringing our food and eating at a corner designated as our pantry. Then we'll talk a bit after we've finished eating. I listen to you as you talk, or maybe not as I look at you, my gaze admiring your smiling face as you share a story. Then, maybe unconsciously, graze your cheek with the back of my hand and look into your eyes. And when you stop talking in the middle because you got caught off guard, and your face shows a slight blush, I'd smile and be reminded of how adorable you are. Then it's time for work again, and you'll have to leave so I take your hand and press it to my lips, keeping eye contact, and you blush once more. Ah, really you, I love you. And I appreciate every minute I spend with you.

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1 year ago

really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.

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