The Addams Family - Tumblr Posts
The love triangle was so shit. Even Jenna Orgega agrees

Finished watching Wednesday 😀
I think Jenna had a good comprehending of Wednesday tbh, and unlike others I loved the cast.
I don't think Catherine was a "bad" Morticia at all, and i loved the 'emphasis' they did in the Addams being half Latinos.
I really want to see if they'll explore more of her own evolution as a more open person.
Everyone did very great and i enjoyed a lot the serie.

Halloween 2012 is over, parting is such sweet sorry...cara mia, mon cher. Morticia Addams illustration by Christian Cimoroni.
I have like no separate mutuals left to tag (which is one of the main reasons I don't even do tag games) but I'm gonna do this one anyway bc I love it LOL
Kendall Morgan (Power Rangers Dino Charge)
April Ludgate (Parks & Recreation)
Maurice Moss (The IT Crowd)
Victoria 'Tori' Spring (Solitaire/Heartstopper)
Daria Morgendorffer (Daria)
Stocking Anarchy (Panty & Stocking w/ Garterbelt)
Dr. K (Power Rangers RPM)
Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo)
Abed Nadir (Community)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
10 characters, 10 fandoms
rules: list your ten favorite characters from ten separate fandoms, then tag ten people!
I was tagged by @the-tenth-arcanum <3
Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables/Anne with an E
Merlin from BBC's Merlin
Thomas Barrow from Downton Abbey
Donna Noble from Doctor Who
Spock from Star Trek TOS
Elena Alvarez from One Day at a Time
Sherlock Holmes from A. C. Doyle's Holmes series
Sydney Novak from I Am Not Okay With This
Jo March from Little Women
Quinni Gallagher-Jones from Heartbreak High
I'm tagging (no pressure): @vickythestrange @tansyuduri @poisonedfate @dryadalisliv @aroseydream @knight-gwaine @kajaono @themoonovercamelot
Thoughts on Wednesday (with some possible spoilers)
Enid is trans. Definitely.
Monster High vibes anyone?
I like all the shows that do the things. Owl House. Hocus Pocus 2. Monster High. You know. The thing. 😉 (weirdos and vengeful colonists and gay)
Nevermore is basically my dream school. Fencing. Beekeeping. Botany. Archery. Sign me up.
I love Eugene the Entomologist. I am glad he lived and saved the day.
This high school reminded me of my high school experience. Transferring halfway into the semester. Crazy drama and fights. School ending in the middle because of… murder (covid).Â
Basically I love this show and I’m excited for more.Â

Just finished watching episode 7 all I have to say is WENCLAIR STAY WINNING

Addams Family Values has always been one of my favorite movies. I was so sad that Debbie didn't get to join the family for real, but hey, there's always fanfic
Finally watched the Addams Family Values recently! and honestly. my main takeaway is

Debbie slays. And Joan Cusack is a QUEEN
When I was kid I thought Debbie was such a vibe. Still do.

So I killed. So I maimed. So I destroyed one innocent life after another. Aren’t I a human being? Don’t I yearn and ache and shop? Don’t I deserve love and jewelry?Â
Joan Cusack as Debbie Jellinsky in Addams Family Values (1993)
The only relevant fictional couples:
Morticia and Gómez Addams and Mr and Mrs Beaver

I’m so in love with Jenna Ortega y’all have no idea I’ve loved her since Stuck In The Middle🫶
Monster Like Me (Tyler x Addams!reader)

Monster Like Me (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader) Word Count: 3888 Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Warnings: mentions of prison treatment, bad mental health, self-hate, a gun, medical procedures, bloody crime scenes, and (obviously) SPOILERS for Tim Burton's Wednesday tv show on Netflix
Tyler Galpin doesn't regret what he did. Or so he liked everyone to believe, even himself. But a visit from a certain empath Addams girl to his prison has him reconsidering his true feelings five years on. Is he truly alone? Or is she a monster like him?
I was never planning on posting anything I write on this account but the show Wednesday inspired me to write a bit of flash fiction (so don't expect a sequel) that I thought you guys would appreciate. Just a silly idea but fun nonetheless to write.
The overhanging light in the interrogation room flickers, casting shadows of ghosts long gone on the two faces presently staring at one another.Â
The boy sits in his chair rigidly, restricted. Despite his smirk - the kind that oozed charisma, carelessness, and smug satisfaction of being right where he wants to be - he looks uncomfortable. But that’s to be expected when one is bound in a straight jacket and chained to the ground. A catheter tube is strapped into the back of his neck, hooked up to a machine pressed against the back wall.Â
A caged, raging animal. That is what he is. All he has been since the day he was brought in.
The girl still stands by the door, unwilling just yet to join the chained boy at the worn table that separated them.
Curious eyes scan the boy’s figure. His usually dishevelled curls are even more unruly than before he was taken away. Colour is drained from every inch of him - even his chestnut eyes hold no spark of fireplace warmth like they used to. His cheekbones protrude grossly from under his taught, moon-sick skin. The gashes from his fight with the wolf have long since healed, but as their eyes lock, she senses that the mental scars still remain. Still fresh in his young but twisted mind.
‘You look good,’ she says, breaking the suffocating silence.
The boy raises an eyebrow, his smirk growing wider, more lethal. ‘I’m so glad you noticed. It’s this new treatment I’m using called enslavement. Maybe you should try it some time. It might just bring some colour to your dead life.’
Oh yeah. Very fresh, still.
‘You mistake me for my sister,’ she says taking a step towards the table finally. ‘Unlike her, I won’t break out in hives at the mere sight of another colour other than black.’
His eyes darken at that, and the smirk twists into a sneer. A wave of fury hits the girl as they stare at each other again. He no doubt still hates Wednesday for ruining his life. And despite the fact that he is a psychotic, shapeshifting murderer, she can’t help but feel a little sorry for him at the thought.
‘I’m not here to talk about her,' she continues. 'I came here to talk about you.’
‘You mean you were sent here to talk to me. Not by choice.’
She nods. ‘Indeed, I didn’t have much say in the matter, but…’ She pulls the seat out and finally sits down, her eyes meeting his equal level with equal confidence. ‘I am here, nevertheless. And we will talk.’
The boy scoffs and leans back from the table, shaking his head. Her heart twinges slightly at how his curls droop low over his eyes as he does it, bringing flashbacks of the times they would sit like this and chat. Except the flashbacks included sitting opposite sides of a coffee table, and his curls bounced and drooped because he laughed.
Venomous, hateful eyes peer up through his sandy blond curls. ‘What’s there to be said?’
‘You can start by telling me how you’ve been since we all last saw you.’
‘Do I really have to spell that out for you?’
‘I can make an assumption, but I’m not one to assume without concrete evidence. You should know that.’
‘Should I, though? Because you and Wednesday made it pretty hard to get to even know what your favourite colours were.’
‘Now, do I have to spell that out for you?' The girl crosses her arms, attempting a bored posture. 'Wednesday is a black and white person. Literally. She never hides anything except her subjectivity because it is grey… and she hates grey, ironically enough.’
The silence that ensues is only made more ominous by the haunting shadows of the flickering over-head light. They act as masks as they pass over the twos’ faces, hiding, revealing, and changing their true emotions in flashes.Â
‘Do you regret any of it?’ the girl asks softly, hesitantly.
The boy chuckles darkly. ’So we are going to talk about this, then.’
‘Eventually,’ she quips, ‘I just wanted to see if you would deflect or accept the bait.’
‘Did I pass your test, then?’Â
‘That is yet to be determined.’
She pulls up onto the table a briefcase - one of them olden day ones with buckles and latches but made of good quality black leather. Unlatching the main lock, she opens it and reaches in to pull out a manilla folder. With a carefree flick of her wrist, it lands just on the table’s edge in front of the boy.
‘Go on,’ she urges impatiently.
He looks at her incredulously, the snark and the anger from before now replaced by confusion. ‘Really?’
After a moment, she laughs, clinking the side of her head lightly with her palm. ‘Oh my, how silly of me! Forgot that being a psycho means you lose hand privileges,’ she says, her over-enthusiasm cracking a smile on her dark lips.
Before he can have a dig at her, she pulls out a key from her sweater’s sleeve, and he gives her a curious look.
‘How did you get that in here?’ he asks.
‘Wednesday might be the more daring and riskier of us two,’ she says, standing up to walk around to stand behind him, ‘but I have a more subtle way of being rebellious.’
She bends to start unchaining him, then moves to unbuckle the numerous straps holding his arms and legs restricted in his straight jacket. Once she is done, she walks back and sits in her chair, folds her arms, and waits for him to move.
He slowly moves his arms and legs, giving them a stretch he no doubt hasn’t been allowed to have in a long while.Â
‘Better?’ she asks, her tone impatient.
He chuckles, dead eyes watching her wearily. ‘You must have a death wish, or something.’
She rolls her eyes. ‘Oh please. If you were going to kill me, you would’ve ripped out that gene-repressant medicine and changed into the Hyde by now.’ Her patience is wearing thin now as she leans forward, sparking her to push the manilla folder closer to the boy. ‘But you haven’t, which means I have your curiosity. And I intend to keep that. Now - look.’
His smirk returns, sharp as a knife. ‘You have my curiosity, I’ll give you that. But not my respect.’
The girl mutters something irritable under breath as she opens the briefcase to show something else hidden among the documents stashed inside. Something dark and shiny. Metallic. ‘Make one wrong move and I will-’
‘You’ll what?’ His following chuckle is mirthless, humourless, empty even of despair. ‘You’ll blow my brains out? I’ve heard that threat before.’
‘I was going to say I would blow my brains out,’ she corrects, patting the hidden gun lightly before withdrawing her hand. 'If only so you don’t get the satisfaction of ripping me apart yourself. And isn’t part of the fun hearing the screams of your victims... Tyler?’
That brings a small smile to his face, even if it does edge on manic. 'As much as I would love to chat about what fun it was killing all those people… I see what you’re trying to do, Addams.’
Wednesday was a much more memorable name than (y/n). To everyone back then, she was just her less-psychotic older sister that stood to the side quietly and pulled Wednesday out of trouble when needed. Still weird, but not weird enough, she supposed. But despite her seniority, she was never considered cool like Wednesday, who wasn't afraid to be who she was on a large scale. (Y/n) was happy to be herself too, but in the sanctity of the library, her bedroom, behind her camera. It's why she was subjected to being merely Addams. For the only cool and outcast-y thing about her was her lineage.
But Tyler never used that. Not once. It was always (y/n) when they hung as friends. And despite her objections to her nickname, hearing her real name always brought a little light into her dark and twisted life.
We're not friends anymore, though.
‘I’m not trying anything,’ she replies, batting her eyes innocently at him.
‘Oh yeah, then what’s with this folder? Why risk freeing me just so you don’t have to dirty your own hands?’
‘Why don’t you open the folder and find out.’
They’re dancing a dangerous dance, stopping each other at exactly the right moment when one wants to turn away. By the irritated look in his eyes, she knows it bothers him.Â
He contemplates the folder for a moment, and she worries that he will try to escape. But he opens the folder, his boney hands shaking as he does.
Surprise softens his features for the first time since she’s entered the room, and he looks like he did the day her and her sister first met him in the Weathervane coffee shop in Jericho. Actually, his face was screwed up in annoyance the first day they met, having to deal with a broken coffee machine. But when Wednesday fixed it, his features softened, and the girl couldn’t recall a moment where someone had looked so… appreciative of their presence.
He flicks through pictures that were previously enclosed in the folder, slowly, shakily. Like he wants to make sure what he is seeing is true and not just ghosts. After all, for those of them on the outside of the prison, pictured in the photos, the boy was just a ghost to them now, five years on.Â
The pictures are of the town, of the new and old structures that made it up, of the festivals that have come and gone since he last saw it. The pictures are of people, too. She watches him carefully as he holds onto those ones in particular. There is pain as he glides his fingers softly over the aging faces of his friends, she can sense it. His gaunt face tightens even more when he spies a particular pigtailed, dark-lipped girl, the photo capturing her in the middle of showing one of her infamous rare smiles.Â
‘That was our graduation day,’ the girl says, her voice gentle and quiet. Anything louder seemed inappropriate. But she did not lose her edge. ‘Enid thought it would be a great idea to try and jump off the top of the fountain in the quad on our final day. She ended up breaking four bones and howling like a baby wolf. Wednesday found the whole thing… well, you remember how she was. Rest assured, she is pretty much the same.’
The boy traces the photo, his eyes wide with a wonder and tenderness that the girl is surprised to see. A flicker of the past lights up in his chestnut eyes, and a spark of hope ignites in her chest.
But that flicker dies out, his lips drawing up in a sneer as he suddenly rips the photo in half, then again, and again, until the photo is nothing but scraps on the table. ‘What the fuck is the point of all this?’ he asks, his voice of a mixture of both anger and hurt. ‘What does any of this have to do with me?’
‘It has everything to do with you,’ she replies. ‘Considering your reaction, I don’t believe you’ve fully let go of the past. That maybe after all this time… you still care.’
‘What? Are you a psychiatrist or something now?’
She shrugs. 'I’m an Empath, it’s unavoidable for me to not extrapolate and decipher people’s thoughts and emotions. Especially strong ones like yours.’
‘Well, you’re wrong,’ he snaps back, shoving the photos away. ‘I don’t care about the past. I don’t care about the future. I played my part and it pleased my master. That’s all that matters!’
‘I don’t believe that for a second. And neither do you.’
‘What do you know?’
‘A lot more than you think. As usual, you underestimate me.’
‘Well, try this.’ He slams his hands on the table so hard it makes a thunderous clap that is almost deafening. ‘The only thing that I care about is getting out of here and destroying Wednesday Addams. The only regret I have about the past is that I didn’t kill all of you when I had the chance.’
The words sting, undoubtedly, like a thousand bees stabbing her heart. But the girl holds still, willing herself to keep her composure. She’d heard from the Sheriff himself that his visits usually ended here, when the boy threw insults at his own father and drove him away.
Let’s see what happens when I keep pushing.
‘You speak with such hateful words,’ she says calmly, daring to look him straight in the eye. ‘And yet they hold no meaning.’
‘What?’ he hisses, spittle flaying from his furious sneer.Â
'Sorry, do I need to speak in laymen’s terms? You. Don’t. Mean. That.’
A feral snarl erupts from him as his hand reaches over the table to grab at her throat. But her hand is in range of the gun, and she is quick to draw it from the bag, unlock the safety and push it hard against his forehead. He immediately stops, his fury dissipating slightly as he reassessed his new situation.
‘I said I’d blow my head off, but I never said anything about not shooting you first,’ she says, each word clipped with deathly promise.
They are so close she can feel his breath caressing her placid face. Surprisingly, it is fresh, like the gently falling snow starting to build up outside as winter settles in. The warmth it brings contrasts the cold of the room, and she stops herself from leaning closer just to feel the sensation once more.
A war wages in their eyes as they stare each other down, but she presses the gun more forcefully against his forehead, and he seems to take the hint. He takes deep breaths as he slowly backs away, his hands raised in mock surrender as he finally sits down.
‘Wise choice.’ The girl places the gun back in the briefcase, safety back on, and folds her hands on the table once more. As if they were just having a civil conversation.
‘You know, pushing people away isn’t the solution,’ she continues. ‘But it does tell me one thing.’
‘And what’s that, Doc?’ he asks, his smirk no longer as sure or as wide. He looks exhausted, the dark circles under his lifeless eyes indicative of the sleepless nights, the mistreatment to his body, the baggage he still carries but does not wish to anymore.
‘That you don’t want people to see you like this,’ she answers. ‘Especially those who love you, and who you love in return.’
‘They don’t love me,’ he spits, venom in every word. She senses that he truly believes it. ‘If they loved me, they would understand. If they loved me, they wouldn’t question why I did what I did. If they truly loved me, none of this would’ve even happened!’
His eyes redden with salty tears, and it is the enormity of his pain and hurt and sadness that has the girl resisting the urge to cry, too.Â
He wipes at the tears that trail down his face, but still more fall. A beat passes, then another, and another until he calms down once more. His red eyes look over the photos again, brushing aside the picture he tore to inspect the rest. When he is done, he leans back and looks up at the girl.
She raises an eyebrow. ‘Why what?’
‘Why are you not in any of these?’
‘This isn’t about me.’
‘How do you expect me to open up to you Addams after five years of not seeing you, and expect me not to ask you some personal questions?’
The girl shrugs. ‘Fair point.’ She gathers the photos and turns them to face her. She flicks through them herself, a gentle tilt of her lips the only indication of the joy the memories brought.
‘I’m a professional photographer now,’ she says after a moment. ‘I have a blog where I post the pictures and write about the things I photograph. I'm also commissioned for photoshoots, occasionally. Sometimes it’s places I visit, or people I get to meet. Sometimes they’re wonderful, but other times not so much.’ She takes a breath to compose herself, flashes of torn body parts and frozen bodies coming to the forefront of her mind. Crime scenes, no matter how many she visited, were always the worst jobs.
She wills the memories away before she continues.Â
‘This is a collection of photos from my perspective. How beautiful the world is through my eyes.’
‘You don’t think you belong in that kind of world.’Â
It isn’t a question. The girl looks up, expecting the hateful eyes she’s come to know from him. Instead, she is met with curiosity and wonder. He stares at her openly, and she reciprocates.
‘Yes,’ she breathes, nothing lighter than a whisper.Â
She pauses to contemplate her answer. She is meant to be interrogating him, not the other way around. But his words come back to haunt her, and the truth ringing in them spurs her to speak.Â
‘Because… I can’t see myself. It’s like I am ghost in my own body. I am surrounded by people who stand out, who have their own minds and hearts and stories to tell. From a young age I have felt other people’s wants and needs, desires and emotions that I have no business feeling. I feel them so intrinsically that I imagine those emotions and desires were my own. And if I think hard enough, I might just be able to… shut it off.’
‘Shut what off?’ he asks, though the caution on his face tells her he already knows.
‘Their humanity,’ she replies as quick as flicking a light switch on. ‘The very thing that makes them human. I can just turn it off at the snap of my fingers.’
‘I’m sure Wednesday would love that.’
‘It is not something I wish to impart on anyone.’ Her words silence his amusement, turning the room colder with the icy bite they come with. ‘Because once I switch it off, turning back on... has proven to be a challenge. And you may think Wednesday is a soulless, unfeeling creature, but her emotions are just locked away, carefully concealed and only to be revealed when the right person warrants it.’
She gives him a pointed glare, and he has the right mind to look ashamed. If only for a second.Â
‘However slim it is, her humanity remains her sole reason to do what she does. Otherwise, I would’ve been sister-less a long time ago.’
‘That still doesn’t answer my question, Addams,’ he interjects. At this, he leans forward on the table, curls bouncing as he stares directly in her eyes. She remembers those eyes, how they smiled at her sister so many times. How they proclaimed their love for her sister so many times. How they bulged and raged and went insane as he transformed into the Hyde all those years ago. But now - now they seek answers, and something else.
‘Why do you think you’re a monster like me?’
A cynical smile stretches her lips as she leans back and gestures to the photos spread across the table. Of Xavier painting; of Enid and Ajax snuggled up the first time they went camping as a group; of Bianca and some other Fangs dressed up for the final Raven they all attended. All of them smiling, having fun, being human.
‘Because there’s a small part of me that would enjoy crushing their happiness,' she replies, the strength in her delivery reflecting the truth of her words. 'And good people don't think like that.’
The same cynical smile appears on his face, and for a moment it’s just them. Two monsters revealing their darkest desires.
‘I know the feeling,’ he says, and a flicker of guilt flashes in his eyes.
Hope sparks once more inside of her, and she does her best to sound genuine. ‘You’re a good person. Before Laurel got to you, and even now. I can see it. I can sense it.’
He shakes his head, his mirthless laugh echoing throughout the room. ‘Don’t try to brainwash me into thinking I can be saved. Because I can’t, and even if I could, I wouldn’t fall for it. Like I said, I don’t regret what I did. I took pleasure in it.’
‘I’m sure you did, but you’re wrong. I’m not here to brainwash you.’
He cocked a skeptical eyebrow at her, curiosity winning over his resolve. ‘Then what are you here for?’
‘This is the longest conversation you’ve had with someone since you were first sent here,’ she said, packing the pictures up in the folder and placing it in her briefcase. ‘The people who brought me in may want me to help you open up and try to get you on a path of redemption. But I feel as if that is a decision you should make on your own. Obviously, I am biased to their aim, but I believe in freedom of speech, of choice, and of action when it comes to a person’s life.’
She stands from her seat and looks at him, the shadows from the flickering light no longer as scary as she first perceived.Â
‘You’re a good person, Tyler,’ she repeats, her lips pulling up in her first genuine smile in ages. 'But, arguably, so am I. Everyone is capable of being good or evil. It then just comes down to what we want out of life, and how we utilise our flaws to attain that life.’
When the boy says nothing, she turns and walks to the door. She gently knocks on it, and a few seconds later it is opening and guards are flooding in and straight to the boy.
He struggles a little as they strap him back down, but stops when he realises the girl is leaving. ‘Wait! When are you coming back?’
She pauses at the door and turns, a chagrin smile on her dark lips. ‘Aw, are you going to miss me? Don’t worry, I’ll be back.’
‘But when, (y/n)?’
The fear in his eyes paired with the use of her name, her real name, almost causes her to falter, to stay just a bit longer. She senses the impending loneliness that he fears, that he has known these five years of incarceration, and the heaviness it brings causes her heart to ache with longing and hope. She must leave, but...
I can spare him one last goodbye, though.
She walks back over to where the guards hold him, their eyes locked the entire time. Once she’s close enough, she uses her pointer finger to tilt his head up to meet hers.Â
‘Whenever I need to talk to another monster like me.’
With a flick of her finger his head drops and she is walking out of the interrogation room, already anticipating the next time she can see him again. And as she leaves, she catches one last emotion from the boy.
Mutual anticipation.

I automatically thought of Gomez and Morticia Addams.
My favorite romantic relationship in media is actually a healthy couple that adore each other and communicate while bringing out the best in each other. My second favorite is whatever the hell NBC Hannibal has going on.

He’s being pulled in a new direction..haha..
(I decided to draw both of the different colors outfits)
Original Dress/skirt for kicks and giggles..

It’s not super consistent but I made a Rowan playlist for the people like me who are living on crumbs lol