Rossiya - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Spring In Chara Valley, Eastern Siberia, Russia.

Spring in Chara Valley, Eastern Siberia, Russia.

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Ruskeala Gap Caves, Karelia / Russia .

“Ruskeala gap caves, Karelia / Russia .”

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2 years ago
Psyche Revived By Cupids Kiss, Hermitage Museum In Saint Petersburg, Russia

Psyche revived by Cupid’s Kiss, Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia

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2 years ago
Ruskeala Gap Caves, Karelia / Russia .

“Ruskeala gap caves, Karelia / Russia .”

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6 years ago

I have recently come across this Chukchi & Inuit group called Ergyron, & after hearing this song, it got me thinking about how distances can bring us closer together. My editor showed me this song, & now am listening to more of their songs (subtitled). Hiyo’oy.

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6 years ago

Here’s a relaxing session with the little flower from the Nanai people. Check out more from the people & especially by Stepan Porto (the person behind this video). After seeing this, it really brings back how much we have in common with native Siberians in the Russian Far East & even those in my bone line. Kekuken is an amazing poem on nature worth listening to in heart & mind, and a part of it is also a source of a popular picture in another video.

PS: There is another website with this video, but I can’t get it working at the moment.

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6 years ago
Buryats on Buryatia | GeoHistory
The Republic of Buryatia is located in South Central Siberia sharing Lake Baikal with Irkutsk Oblast. Roughly 500,000 people identify as Buryat making the Buryats the largest indigenous group in…

I would like to meet some old friends there, especially with how closely related our cultures are to them. With these commonalities & some of the shared forestry in our northern reaches (albeit with generally drier forests), I would definitely look back at the times me & the family went & moved into the areas with our herds. I even remember back to the times in the middle of Selenge aimag. I look forward to a trip to Nucasir if the chance were to come.

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6 years ago

I found this one recently, & it’s beautiful. But, I heard that you actually need special permission to be in there even if you’re a citizen of Rossiya. Even so, I would like to get the entry forms & go, & you should definitely give travel to my northern neighbour a try (especially beyond the big cities of Moscow, St Petersburg, & Vladivostok).

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11 months ago
Explorer Inside Orda Cave, The Biggest Underwater Gypsum Cave In The World, Russia

Explorer inside Orda Cave, the biggest underwater gypsum cave in the world, Russia

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Spring In Chara Valley, Eastern Siberia, Russia.

Spring in Chara Valley, Eastern Siberia, Russia.

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1 year ago

Summer in the Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula / Russia

Summer In The Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula / Russia

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1 year ago
Summer In The Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula / Russia

Summer in the Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula / Russia

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